Like many others before me, I’ve moved the weblog portion of SimpleBits over here to Tumblr. I did this for many reasons. I like that there’s one f!@#$ing template. That’s it. I don’t miss comments. I don’t mind that archives aren’t styled the same way as the main theme. I’m actually excited about the subtle social aspects of Tumblr.

I don’t have time to customize another CMS. I used to love having the time to customize a CMS only to find a better one and customize that. I’m aiming for efficiency now. I enjoyed designing this theme. I don’t like that is a redirect to

I have 10 years of archives. I had fun adding responsiveness to this design. I need to reskin the shop. I need to add static pages for speaking and about sections. I need to figure out what I’m going to do with the portfolio. If I waited till everything was perfect I would’ve never launched this thing. I’m now ok with doing things in stages. I think the most important thing in all of this is that I’ll be able to post quickly, easily, with less effort.

I’m looking forward to telling you more once I finish the book I’ve been writing for the past few months.