Archive for July, 2009

Update Multiple Tables with one Statement

In real time applications there might be situation where you need update details of one table using details of another or update two or tables using one statement. Below is Example of how you can do that in SQL Server

Update t1 Set t1.col1 = t2.col1 from Table t1 inner join Table t2 on t1.col = t2.col where Condtn

Below is MYSql Example

Update Table t1 inner join Table t2 on t1.col = t2.col Set t1.col1 = t2.col1 where Condtn

DateFirst in SQL Server

Select @@DateFirst

returns the current value, for a session, of SET DATE FIRST, i.e it returns first day of week, TinyInt Value from 1 through 7 representing Monday to Sunday as shown Below.

1 for Monday
2 for Tuesday
3 for Wednesday
4 for Thursday
5 for Friday
6 for Saturday
7 for Sunday

For Example, If the first day of week is Sunday (US) , Then @@DateFirst would return 7.

If the first day of week is Monday (Europe), Then @@DateFirst Would return 1.

SET DateFirst = 3

The above statement would set Wednesday as first day of the week for the current Session.

‘July 1st 2009 is a wednesday

SET DateFirst = 1 -- or SET LANGUAGE Italian;
Select DATEPART(dw, '20090701')

would return 3 (since Wednesday is 3rd day from Monday)

SET DateFirst = 7 -- or SET LANGUAGE us_english;
Select DATEPART(dw, '20090701')

would return 4 (since Wednesday is 4th day from Sunday)

DATEPART return the weekday according @@DateFirst.

Calculate businessdays between two dates

This Example shows how to calculate the calculate the workdays between two given dates.

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.GetBusinessDays
DECLARE @dateDiff INT;

SET @dateDiff = DATEDIFF(DAY, @startDate, @endDate)+1;

SELECT @dateDiff/ 7 * 5 + CASE
WHEN (@dateDiff % 7) = 0 THEN 0


When (DATEPART(WEEKDAY, @endDate ) + @@DateFirst -1)%7 = 0 and
(@dateDiff % 7) =1 Then (@dateDiff % 7)-1 –If it is sunday

When (DATEPART(WEEKDAY, @endDate ) + @@DateFirst -1)%7 = 0 and (@dateDiff % 7) <>1 Then (@dateDiff % 7)-2 –If it is sunday

When (DATEPART(WEEKDAY, @endDate ) + @@DateFirst -1)%7 =6 Then (@dateDiff % 7) – 1   –If it is Saturday

ELSE (@dateDiff % 7)
END — Inner Case



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