Archive for July, 2010

Supersize that Background, Please!

Background images that fill the screen thrill marketers but waste bandwidth in devices with small viewports, and suffer from cropping and alignment problems in high-res and widescreen monitors. Instead of using a single fixed background size, a better solution would be to scale the image to make it fit different window sizes. And with CSS3 backgrounds and CSS3 media queries, we can do just that. Bobby van der Sluis shows how.

Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Smashing-magazine-advertisement in Showcase Of Web Design In PolandSpacer in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland
 in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland  in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland  in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Vodka, pickled cucumbers and Pope John Paul II might spring to mind when someone mentions Poland. Obviously there’s more to Poland than that. On the world map of design, Poland is marked by creative agencies that produce high-level design and employ some of the best programmers in the world. There’s also a crowd of freelancers and visionaries who have received worldwide recognition.

For the people I interviewed, Web design is life. The art directors and freelancers highlighted here work in all sorts of environments, and they answer questions related to our field. You’ll have the opportunity to see Polish Web design from a number of perspectives — and to form your own opinion while browsing selected productions.

[Offtopic: by the way, did you know that Smashing Magazine has one of the most influential and popular Twitter accounts? Join our discussions and get updates about useful tools and resources — follow us on Twitter!]

The State Of Things

Question: Can you name some of the milestones in Polish Web design? What are the biggest and most important productions in recent years?

Jacek Opaluch of K2 Internet: If milestones are things that have changed the perception of Web design, we have to mention Internet locations, events and designs. In my opinion, the locations would inlude, a forum that no longer functions and is probably only remembered by people over 30. It was a place where people could share their initial experiences and which, if I remember correctly, had the first carefully selected catalogue of Polish Web designers’ websites.

Then there was the everlasting, steadily breaking records as the website with “the layout that never changed.” There were always several people around — some significant, like Bartek Gołębiowski, Jędrek Kostecki, Bartek Rozbicki, Wojtek Krosnowski, Wojtek Piotrowski, Piotr Łupiński and Łukasz Twardowski — whose attitude toward the Internet undoubtedly had great influence on thinking and design. There were many more people whose names I don’t remember, unfortunately, for which I apologize.

Chopin in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Certain designs are stuck in my mind. These were well known, not just in Poland, and sometimes they were great examples to follow. Some have been replaced by newer versions, so giving the URLs here might be pointless, but they definitely include: Max Weber’s, a Flash portal with much character (probably the first in Poland); Nokia (created by K2 Internet); and its subsequent versions;; Sullivan’s Productions;; Ars Thanea;; and recently, StudioKxx and These are all first-class websites. Unfortunately it’s impossible for me to name every excellent website.

In my opinion there were two other crucial events that gave shape to things: agencies went public (a sort of goodbye to the formative years of Web design) and eBay debuted in Poland. These events showed the quality of our service and proved that the Polish internaut had been highly underestimated abroad.

Question: Are there any significant differences between Web designing in Poland and in the rest of Europe when it comes to artistic development?

Jacek Opaluch: There are differences in budget, in the attitudes of clients and in understanding the Internet’s potential. Statistically, I don’t see any difference in the quality of the things we do: we win awards, we are jurors and we build among the best of the websites that present outstanding design — just like the rest of the world.

Zakochaj-sie-w-kolorze in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland
Zakochaj się w kolorze.

Kamil Kaniuk of Merix Studio: Polish programmers and coders are generally well regarded, which results from our observations and experience — often in cooperation with foreign firms. Numerous highly skilled Web developers are in Poland whose code is of world-class quality. Here at Merix Studio, we are searching for such people. The skills of our coders have been appreciated by the British company Independent News and Media, which prepared a series of test tasks for us before they decided to commission us to work on their leading brands (The Independent and Herald, for example).

We are less inspired by Flash achievements and augmented reality (so popular right now) than are other interactive agencies in Poland. We are more interested in the productions of smaller flexible firms such as 37signals, nclud, Reactive and Clearleft. We invest in flexible and cost-optimal open-source software (Drupal, WordPress, Magento), because it can easily substitute for expensive commercial solutions.

Open-source software is regarded slightly differently in Poland than it is in Western countries; the opinion that any self-respecting interactive agency should have its own original content management system (CMS) still prevails here, but this is not so. Just look at the US government: is based on Drupal.

In the current period of economic slowdown, Western companies are looking for ways to reduce costs while maintaining good quality. Many companies outsource to such countries as Poland, and these companies often have funds at their disposal that allow them to be more open to creative ideas. This is encouraging for Polish Web designers.

Warszawska-jesien in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland
Warszawska Jesień 2008

Question: When was the starting point of innovative Web design in Poland? When did new media settle in Poland for good?

Łukasz Twardowski of The first thing I remember from the Internet was an interactive advertising campaign for Frugo juice. The campaign was created by an agency, and it was the first Polish viral ad. It probably significantly increased interest in the Internet as a medium for advertising, and it collided with the so-called “Internet bubble,” which burst before any innovative design came into being.

Still, this was the time when most designers I admire became active. Some independent websites on Web design were created, like Mocny Web or Webesteem. They attracted people who already thought of themselves as designers for new media. Looking back, I see that what pushed us forward was energy and optimism rather than skills and knowledge.

I think we became aware of both (i.e. skills and the role of Web design) about three or four years ago, but the awareness wasn’t strong yet. The major problem with Web design in Poland is that the best interactive agencies give priority to advertising, and design is a secondary issue. Small clients such as photographers and architects, who might desire and deserve the best designs, often don’t have enough money to employ professionals. It’s great to see, though, that cultural institutions have more money to spend on the Internet, and they spend it wisely.

Question: Is it possible to identify specific patterns in Polish Web design? Is every significant website really different from all the rest?

Łukasz Twardowski: I wish Polish Web design had German discipline, Scandinavian simplicity and our knightly imagination. Polish designs are often much more daring than those of our neighbours. Still, if we want to develop our philosophy of design and be visible to the world, then we have to make more effort.

The economy in Poland has been improving, and the only thing we need now is more energy and optimism. Mocny Web died naturally, and Webesteem is on its last legs. What we lack is a central forum where young designers (in a sense, all of us are “young”) can see the spectacular Web designs and discuss them.

Flirt-camp in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland
Flirt Camp

Kamil Kaniuk: We think that in Poland there are still no styles in Web design that would distinguish our country from others — that is, that any styles are unequalled. Although one could fairly easily enumerate some common features of designs created elsewhere (the meticulous detail and profound illustrations of Russia, for example, or the graphic-rich interfaces of the United States), no specific style dominates in Poland. However, the “transfer of ideas” (say from West to East) is much faster now than it was a few years ago.

Too often a design is a compromise between the vision of the designer and the requirements of the customer. Such designs tend to undergo amendments by the customer, which can change their original form. In our opinion, the openness of customers to modern solutions (e.g. non-standard interfaces based on JavaScript, like Xpiritmental) is less common in Poland than elsewhere. Foreign customers seem to be more open to our ideas and give us greater freedom, and they are ready to make use of technologies like JavaScript and AJAX.

That opens the gate to creativity and gives the freedom to implement interesting solutions. In many Polish agencies — including those that work with big brands and budgets — some cheap and mediocre designs are created out of necessity.

Kula in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Question: What is it like to work as a freelancer in Poland? Is it drudgery or a stress-free job? Is it about keeping loyal clients or constantly searching for new ones?

Jan Stańko: We shouldn’t generalize; every freelancer is different. Starting off is definitely difficult. Without a strong position in the market, you have to look for clients on your own, and you have to convince people that you are trustworthy and deserve opportunities. There are plenty of freelancers, but unfortunately the majority of them are young and immature and have no idea about the business. They finish school and immediately call themselves professionals. It can end badly: very often the honest designers who treat the profession seriously and think of it as their future have to suffer the consequences.

In time, the serious freelancer gets clients and agencies start knocking on their door. Then you can choose the tasks you like the most, and that brings more money. Work gets difficult when you want to earn more money; it can mean sleepless nights, gallons of coffee and in my case, unfortunately, plenty of cigarettes.

There are moments of anxiety as well, usually brought on by people who pretend to know everything about the Internet but actually know very little. I guess the best solution is to cooperate with agencies on a regular basis. Agencies can take the burden of work overload and stress off your back. Also, their complex services give you the opportunity to meet more interesting clients. As for the future, time will tell. I’m not even halfway through my career. Trophies are still a long way ahead!

Bubole in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Rafał Nastały: Earning one’s living as a freelancer in Poland without a recognized name can be incredibly tough. Independent clients often don’t want to sign contracts or pre-pay. They also think that preparing a layout is a piece of cake, so when they hear the price, they often back out. It’s very frustrating. It’s much more pleasant to cooperate with several agencies that can give you a fairly constant number of orders.

Piotr Biernawski: I have five or six regular clients. Sometimes a client withdraws, and it’s usually because of money. It’s never a disagreement about the terms of the contract but about actually sticking to these terms (payment can be long delayed, etc.). But when some go, others come. I’ve been working with longstanding clients for five years now.

Drudgery or a piece of cake? Definitely not a piece of cake. If it wasn’t for my strong connection to the mountains, which I love and where I do my hobbies, I would probably move to a bigger city and look for a full-time job. I also have a wife and child who are not very keen to move. However, I don’t think freelancing is drudgery; I can’t afford the latest model of BMW, but I work only about two hours a day. Even though you need to be psychologically strong to work like this, the lifestyle is great.

Łukasz Bronisz: I think it depends on the individual. Everyone arranges their time and work environment differently. Some people prefer working at night and waking up at dusk in order to meet a deadline. Most of us, however, try to work during regular hours. It allows you to be in touch with agencies, allows you to make light changes and corrections and lets you have a private life too.

I imagine that freelancing in Poland is similar to freelancing in other countries. It can be hard sometimes because of tight schedules or having a number of projects going at the same time. On the other hand, you always have the opportunity to relax or even take a break for a couple of days. No one arranges your time or dictates your schedule.

Also, though, no one checks on you. If you choose to freelance, for which your income depends on how much you work, it’s reasonable to cooperate with several agencies. Doing this usually gives you enough orders that you don’t have to worry about the next month and can concentrate on your work. Of course, it’s always good to look for new projects so that you develop and diversify your designs.

Matibu in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland
Łukasz Bronisz

Konrad Wysokiński: It’s still quite difficult to get by as a freelancer in Poland, although there are probably some people who don’t have to worry about work or can be picky about contracts. I often get the impression that people still don’t know what good design is or know that it costs money. For many people, the Internet is still a must: “People are talking about it, so let’s make a website — but make it as cheap as possible.” Some company owners have this attitude. As a result they ask someone, anyone, who knows a little bit about Photoshop (a brother-in-law’s daughter) to create the cheapest website possible. Thankfully, this has been changing steadily, like our society in general, and I hope that our sensitivity to the profession of Web design will increase with time.

Mateusz Jakobsze: The Web design market in Poland has been gradually expanding. A lot of people freelance to get rid of the constraints of working for agencies. They want creative freedom and to earn more money. Undoubtedly, an advantage to freelancing in Poland is the opportunity to work for clients abroad who pay in Euro or American dollars. The ability to choose which clients and agencies to cooperate with is a big advantage as well. I always try to look abroad for new clients and to network. I have some regular clients as well as a couple of interactive agencies that I often collaborate with. We socialize not only at work but also at parties and unofficial get-togethers. It’s good to maintain informal relationships with your clients.

Jakobsze in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland
Mateusz Jakobsze

Question: How does the Web design and development market look in Poland? Is it possible to earn one’s living from freelancing alone?

Jan Stańko: It is possible, definitely. Many people are self-subsisting freelancers, including me. There are quite a lot of agencies and enough clients, and whether we get by depends on our hard work, consistency and responsibility. When it comes to cooperation with agencies, it usually goes smoothly; it’s the clients who are the weak link. But even that has been changing. The Internet is still a brand new thing for many people. Non-professionals find it difficult to catch up with the news that keeps popping up in the field, and sometimes this can result in misunderstanding.

Rafał Nastały: Freelancing is not for everyone. You need to be self-disciplined and consistent to work as a freelancer. When you collaborate with agencies that know how to communicate with clients and that pay generously, you can have a relatively high standard of living.

One negative aspect is the lack of credibility at the bank (getting a big loan is difficult), so if you’re not a high-profile Web designer, the best option is to have a full-time job and take additional work from other sources now and then. This creates financial stability. A bonus like that — a well-paid creative task — is actually very nice. There are of course some freelancers for whom one layout is worth more than the monthly earning of others.

Warszawska-jesien-091 in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland
Warszawska Jesień 2009

Piotr Biernawski: It is certainly possible to earn a living from freelancing. I know some people who earn more than ten thousand a month. I’m not talking about famous names here, but about people from small towns, “unheard of” names in our line of business. Considering the time I devote to work, I am not an example of this, but I can afford everyday living: mortgage, alcohol and cigarettes!

Łukasz Bronisz: I think that the Polish market is pretty good. It’s a young market. Actually the whole business is young. Polish clients have become more aware of the Internet in recent years. Plenty of talented people are in the trade in Poland. If you know how to organize your time effectively, talk to people and sometimes work more than the standard eight hours, then freelancing is enough to earn a living. The important thing is to be consistent and up to date.

Konrad Wysokiński: I’ll quote part of a conversation I had with a colleague, a designer. I asked him once, “Can you earn a living from freelancing?” He said, “It depends on your standard of living.” You can get by, of course, but you probably won’t make a fortune. I often get the impression that in Poland this type of work is considered a craft and is not treated with respect like other “professional” work. We are very far from the image of the Web designer you see in Hollywood movies, who has a five million dollar house with a swimming pool, has his own agent and who is the top Web designer for the most famous brands.

Wysokinski in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland
Konrad Wysokiński

Mateusz Jakobsze: It’s not much different from what you see in other countries. We have many arenas where graphic designers can display their work, like themed blogs and Internet forums. The majority of creative agencies and independent clients look for employees that way.

Freelance Web designing has been developing in Poland: about a quarter of agencies outsource on a regular basis, and more than a third use freelancers for selected projects. So, there are opportunities to work on different brands for different companies, which is good for both present and future freelancers.

Special workplaces and offices have gradually emerged where there is no boss and all the workers are freelancers. We have such a place in Poznań. It’s a great idea to have freelancers from different professions gathered in one place. I hope for more initiatives like that.

Question: What inspires you? Do you approach every design differently and enthusiastically, or is it sometimes like mass production?

Jan Stańko: Mass production kills creativity, so I avoid it as much as I can. I prefer to do less work better. Then you can show a portfolio that you are really proud of. It’s the only way I work.

Honestly, my inspiration comes from the work of other designers, both from Poland and abroad. is a really amazing source, vast and rich. I don’t have a specific example, but this ocean of artistic ideas fuels creativity and prepares you to bring your own ideas to life. Then it just flows.

Rafał Nastały: When I have the freedom of choice and some time on my hands, I try to make something original that appeals to both me and the client. But it sometimes happens that there are several tasks and the deadline is “yesterday.” In this situation, I bear down and work like a robot while trying to maintain a high quality of work. I get inspiration from the Internet. I regularly visit websites devoted strictly to Web design like FWA, DesignFollow and obviously Smashing Magazine. I also visit DesignYouTrust, FormFiftyFive and FFFFound. You can find plenty of great art and designs from many fields.

Piotr Biernawski: Sometimes a free mind, a break from work and lack of inspiration are the best sources of inspiration! I work most effectively after a two-week break in which I do absolutely nothing — but such breaks happen only once in a while. This is why a freelancer needs to be psychologically strong, otherwise getting depressed is easy.

As for inspiration, I have bookmarked several links. They are mostly Polish productions, and I visit them now and then. Given how much I work, this may sound strange, but one’s attitude to design makes a difference. Unfortunately for me, the majority of my recent projects were due “yesterday.” A client pays for fast work, and standards have to be met. There isn’t always a sense of achievement when you work quickly, but as long as the client is satisfied, I’m happy as well. Some interesting projects require more involvement. Usually these are not assigned by agencies but by independent clients who come directly to me. Maybe this tells us something?

Reserved1 in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Łukasz Bronisz: I treat every design individually and use new ideas and techniques. When I start a project, I try to get a sense of what the client likes, but I also aim to be satisfied with my own work. It’s nice when everything goes smoothly and both the client and agency like your idea. Working with individuals can be tough; sometimes they just don’t appreciate your effort, which can compromise the result. This is typical both in Poland and abroad — at least, that has been my experience.

Konrad Wysokiński: I get inspiration from all around. I sometimes do corporate identity design, which can inspire me. Naturally, I watch the best people at work and keep up with the trends. I’m a fan of grunge design, but very rarely can I use it. Every project is a new challenge for me, so I give my heart and soul to each and every design. I’m never convinced by lines like, “Do it quicker and simpler for a lower price.” I believe it’s impossible to make something look professional without taking a professional approach.

Strzyg in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Mateusz Jakobsze: Like every creative job, graphic design requires participation. To keep up to date with all the news in both Web and graphic design, I regularly visit the important portals and blogs devoted to this line of work, be they Polish or international. The crucial ones include Behance, Smashing Magazine, DeviantArt, the FWA and New Web Pic. Additionally, I find reading and browsing books on advertising, typography, designing for the Web (including for portfolios, Flash websites and e-commerce shops) and graphic design useful. It can also be a good way to relax and get away from the digital world to some degree.

The last (but most important) sources of inspiration for me are sleep and having a life outside of work (away from my computer). Socializing with friends and going to parties, cinema, opera and other cultural events renew my energy for creative work.

When it comes to designs, I treat every project differently, but I always try to have a plan, an idea of how to do the project, from beginning to end. I make some sketches, and when know exactly what I want, I get down to work. Every design is a new challenge. I set higher standards for myself every day, and I strive to be the best at what I do.

Showcase Of Beautiful Web Design From Poland

Lech in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Teatr Wybrzeże

Teatr-wybrzeze in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Sony Walkman

Sony-walkman-komiks in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Modna Nokia

Modna-nokia in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

McDonald’s Happy Meal

Mcdonalds-happy-meal in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland


Bigstar-barcelona in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Allegro za kulisami

Allegro-zakulisami in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland


Thetoke in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Mały Głód

Malyglod1 in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland


Eureko in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Grey Wolf

Grey-wolf in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Carlsberg Liverpool

Carlsberg-liverpool in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Skoda Yeti

Skoda-yeti in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Fiat 500 Diesel

Fiat-diesel in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Happiness Factory

Happiness-factory in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Best Photo

Best-photo in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland


Rokkaboy in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Festiwal Feta

Feta in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland


Zubr in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland


Okocim in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Zając Mroku

Zajac-mroku in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Amica Scandium

Amica-scandium in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Kakao Puchatek

Puchatek in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Kalinowe Pola

Kalinowe-pola in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland


Profi-partners in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

KFC Longer Mix

Kfc in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Justyna Kowalczyk

Justyna-kowalczyk in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Biblioteka Narodowa

Bn in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Nowy Teatr

Nowy-teatr in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Mediations Biennale

Mediations in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland


Masterm in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Common Wealth

Commonwealth in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Pawel Lenar

Pawel-lenar in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland


Fotokody in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland


Greenline in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland


Gellwe in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland


Horalky in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Fajne Chłopaki

Fajne-chlopaki in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Showcase Of Interactive And Creative Agencies In Poland


Click5 in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland


Cookie in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland


Os3 in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Ars Thanea

Ars-thanea in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland


Artegence in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland


Adv in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland


Huncwot in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland


Opcom in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland


Blue-berry-pixel in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

180 Heartbeats

180-heartbeats in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Change Connections

Change-connections in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Hipopotam Studio

Hipopotam-studio in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Golden Submarine

Golden-submarine in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

So Interactive

Sointeractive in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland


Honki in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland


Pro-creation in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland


Hypermedia in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Art Flash

Art-flash in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Chigo Design

Chigo in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Eura 7

Eura-7 in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Infinity Group

Infinity-group in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland


Insignia in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland


Netizens in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Studio Synergia

Studio-synergia in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Xoe Studio

Xoe-studio in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

Media Ambassador

Media-ambassador in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland


Hot-mind in Showcase Of Web Design In Poland

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How to Communicate With Your Clients

Effectively communicating with your client is not only an integral part of your relationship but one that’s vital. It will also aim to help you understand tasks, projects, and the needs at hand. Without proper communication between you and your client chaos will likely have its way and several unfinished projects would be the norm. As humans we thrive on communication, it’s a necessarily and an important part of our everyday lives. Now imagine how things would be if there was wasn’t any viable flow of communication with your clients? Nothing pretty.

Within this article we’ll touch base on 5 tips that will help you improve your communication for a much higher level of interaction when it comes to you and your clients. You must also remember that every client is different and will require different levels of communication. Try to find a balance and work with your clients.

Employ Active Interest

As any seasoned designer would tell you it’s in your best interest to show a little interest in what your client has to tell you. If a client feels like you don’t care about what they say then unappreciated feelings begin to surface and will ultimately lead to a strained relationship.

As unimportant as you think the things your client has to tell you are, take the time to listen and interact with the client. There’s a time to listen and then there’s a time to speak. Make sure you have a balance of the two and make your client feel as if they were the only gem in the sea. Well maybe not that far, but you get the point.

Ask Questions That Will Shed Light

You might of heard this a billion times, but we can’t stress enough the importance of asking questions. Listening to your client is extremely important, and as you ask questions you open up more opportunities to listen, gain clarity, and interact.

If you don’t ask any questions your client will either think you’re a Zen (web) Master or you don’t really care/want to deal with the project at hand. Odds are they’ll think the later. Questions are also a fundamental building block to the inception of your clients project. The best way to get the jump on a project is to ask questions on the things your mind is possibly breaking a sweat to comprehend.

No matter how “stupid” or irrelevant you believe your question to be, as long as it pertains to the project it’s best to clarify then assume. It could be the difference between going back and fixing a few lines of code or having to re-code a site. However that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t aim to ask the most important questions first. It can depend on your client and the amount of communication they may want. Some of you may remember our previously written article that outlines 14 Questions To Ask Your Clients Before and After a Project.

Free Consultations Anyone?

You may not want to hear this but if a doctor can give free consultations on a minor health issue (they do exist) then so can you. We’re not saying that you have to be 100% disposable at your clients every whim, however, don’t turn them away if they have questions or need something thoroughly explained.

You should also voice your educated opinions when needed. In example, if you truthfully believe the color your client wants their links will interfere with the accessibility of the user interface then make this known in a respectful manner. At the end of the day even though this is your clients project, it is your work and it will be more than likely displayed in your portfolio.

Many of the clients you come across will not overlook your advice, but they will respect them instead. They will also appreciate the fact that you have their best interest at mind. With all the above being said, never turn away a client if they have any concerns. If you don’t have the required amount of time needed to deal with a concern, then respectfully tell them you’ll get back to it at a more convenient time. They’ll understand.

Enhancing Professionalism and Being Respectful

You may ask what this has to do with communication, and we’ll tell you it has everything to do with it. You must assure you clients that you’re a professional beyond your web presence, and most of all, you’re respectful in every possible way.

Because in most cases you’re probably not going to be face to face with your clients, you have to asses the way you approach them. You have to remember that when you write an email and even if it’s over the phone, your client cannot see your facial expressions, however, they can definitely sense what you’re feeling in your words or tone of voice.

Respect goes hand in hand with professionalism, and the two will ensure that you conduct yourself accordingly even if the client decides to break a contract (for example). You never know what client will be a bi-product of a past client relationship.

Provide Examples and Reasoning

There are two parts for providing examples, the first one is to ensure that you give your clients proper examples when it comes to the communication on how you will implement certain technologies and techniques within their project. This will allow them to visualize how these adaptions will work and the effect they will have on their project whether positive or not.

The second is to have supporting examples on anything your client needs clarified. There may come a time where your client may question your methods or the way you manage their project. Be sure to have an ample amount of examples that will support and justify your actions.

Also, strive to be reasonable when it comes to the decisions you make and the ones your clients may want you to take. After all, it’s their project and hopefully if you’ve taken it under your wings they’re paying you accordingly for it. Behind reason there’s rationale. As long as you practice being reasonable, then you’re well on your way to fruitful and communicative relationship.

Add Music To Your Workflow To Improve Results

Smashing-magazine-advertisement in Add Music To Your Workflow To Improve ResultsSpacer in Add Music To Your Workflow To Improve Results
 in Add Music To Your Workflow To Improve Results  in Add Music To Your Workflow To Improve Results  in Add Music To Your Workflow To Improve Results

Almost all of us listen to music. We listen at home, while working, on the subway, while driving, while running. Yet many of us don’t think of music as much more than entertainment. Did you know that you can use music as a tool? With the right music, you can increase effectiveness, create better stuff more easily, get into your creative zone quickly and kick-start a productive day. Add music to your workflow for better results.

This isn’t a recent development inspired by the iPod generation. People have been using music as a tool for thousands of years — ever since humans started hitting sticks against rocks. Indigenous peoples used music in rituals and ceremonies, drummers prepared warriors for battles, and significant life events (like weddings and funerals) are still marked with special music.

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(Image by renneville)

So, how do you actually use music to increase creativity, productivity and effectiveness? Let’s consider a couple of ways of adding music to your workflow.

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Get Into The Zone

Music has a strong influence on mood. Just try listening to some fast-paced energetic music while relaxing, or try getting pumped up with chill ambient soundscapes. It just doesn’t work. So, when you need to create something, play appropriate music to quickly get in the zone.

Different kinds of music complement different creative tasks:

  • Listen to airy and melodic music to design something that needs to feel light and warm.
  • Dark and industrial graphics? Put on some heavier music.
  • Futuristic and exciting visuals? Play some energizing, progressive electronic music.

It’s like role-playing. The background music is your theme song, and you’re acting out the role. Each task to accomplish, each project you work on, becomes the mission of your “character.”

Get Energized and Get Focused

The human body naturally moves to rhythm. Whenever you hear a beat, you react to it subconsciously. Notice how people tap their feet or snap their fingers to whatever music is playing around them? You don’t need a sports drink or motivational coach to get going: upbeat music will energize you.

Of course, what counts as “energetic music” differs from person to person. Fast-paced rhythms and uplifting melodies work for many, and laid-back beats and airy vibes do it for others. For some, it’s heavy and dark tunes. Whatever makes you feel like doing things, that’s your energetic music.

So, to start with a bang, get motivated for a task or simply go for an invigorating run, listen to music that energizes you. Listen to whatever gets you excited in a “grab life by the throat and get big things done” way.

When it’s too quiet, your mind can wander. You start paying attention to every little sound and get sidetracked thinking about random things. Playing music of a consistent style in the background helps you stay focused and reigns in your wandering mind.

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(Image by williambrawley)

Even if you’re not paying attention to the music, a steady rhythm induces a meditative state of mind: you focus on the task at hand because you’re subconsciously being carried along by the music. There are no inconsistent noises to distract you or hinder your progress. Think of it like white noise (like rustling trees or rolling waves). Consistent, even ambient sound helps you working consistently. Style- and vibe-specific DJ mixes, as well as “smart” playlists, can be great for this. An example of this are online radio stations Pandora, Grooveshark and Last.FM.

Background music doesn’t help everyone focus. For some, it can be a distraction; some work better in silence. And if that works well for you, there’s no need to stop. But if you find yourself getting distracted from time to time, give it a shot.

Next time you lose focus, put on some music and see how the next hour turns out. There’s a good chance you’ll be more focused and productive.

When To Turn Off The Music

As the saying goes, one can have too much of a good thing. As much as music helps you to work, is there a time to turn it off?

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(Image by odreiuqzide)

1. Ear Fatigue

This is common sense: turn off the music if you start feeling ear fatigue. An aching head or throbbing ears will obviously distract you from work. Before you roll your eyes, consider that this is actually a common problem, especially for those who use headphones. After a few hours, non-stop music will tire your ears. Just as you should take frequent breaks to stretch, move and look around, so should you give your ears a break.

2. Distraction

Music should be turned off when it starts distracting you. This probably won’t happen for a while, especially if you’re busy creating. But again, too much of a good thing is bad.

When you start paying more attention to the music than to what you’re doing, turn it off for a while. The change of pace will help you refocus, after which you can always put it back on.

What About Shared Space?

Sure, playing music whenever you like is fine if you’re a freelancer who works from home or a location-independent person or someone who has their own office. But what if you work in a shared space? Is it a good idea to put music on in the background for everyone? Or is it better to keep the space quiet?

There do not seem to be any strict social conventions, so if a group is working on the same project and they don’t require complete silence, play some mood-appropriate music. It might get the creative juices flowing and get everyone into a steady rhythm. After all, the point is to produce coherent, creative results. Working to a soundtrack can help a group gel.

Returning to the analogy of role-playing, a shared musical experience while working can be like group role-playing. Think of your work as a “World of Warcraft” raid, with the right background theme to keep you all on task. A more probable analogy is office decor, which creates a distinct atmosphere of its own. Like furniture and decoration, music can augment a working atmosphere.

Neutral music (i.e. nothing too experimental) won’t distract. Of course, the group should decide together; if everyone can agree on a certain niche genre, then so be it.

What Else Does Music Do?

1. Increase Relaxation

Whether you play music while working, you can still use it to enrich your breaks. Music is especially helpful if you’re feeling stressed out and need a moment to relax. Relaxing instantaneously is nearly impossible, probably because shifting focus so quickly is hard. If you’ve been thinking about one thing, transitioning to something else can take a while.

Music, whether upbeat or tranquil, can facilitate the transition. It’s like auditory yoga, except you’re not forcing yourself to do anything uncomfortable; the music does the work for you.

2. Improve Presentations

Just as appropriate music lends itself to different creative atmospheres, it can also influence viewers of your presentations. Choose the right music and they’ll be interested, excited, even ready to buy.

A good presentation might use music at key moments. Even a tacky ’80s hit could work: it could trigger nostalgia, thus winning over your client. The right musical “moment” could lead to viewers purchasing or investing in your product, following your guidelines or just paying closer attention.

If you want prospective clients to take interest in your service, elicit their enthusiasm by playing music with an exciting build-up. To drive home a point or highlight a feature or benefit, sync a track so that the musical climax occurs at that point in the presentation.

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(Image by tobiastoft)

Basically, decide what you want to achieve with your presentation. What is the viewers’ call to action? What do you want them to do afterward? Add music that suits the content of your presentation and that complements the emotional journey you want viewers to take. Music in a presentation elicits emotional investment, and you’ll probably get better results.

Music Creates Mood

Clearly, music isn’t just entertainment. The right kind of music is a tool that improves your day — and not just your mood: it can increase and sustain your creativity, productivity and effectiveness.

Remember these three reasons to add music to your workflow: to get into your creative zone faster, to stay energized and motivated and to get more important stuff done in less time.


© Oleg Mokhov for Smashing Magazine, 2010. | Permalink | Post a comment | Add to | Digg this | Stumble on StumbleUpon! | Tweet it! | Submit to Reddit | Forum Smashing Magazine
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Current status at the office today, the Friday before a long…

Current status at the office today, the Friday before a long holiday weekend. And admittedly a test of a Tumblr video upload.

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