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How To Set Up A Print Style Sheet



In a time when everyone seems to have a tablet, which makes it possible to consume everything digitally, and the only real paper we use is bathroom tissue, it might seem odd to write about the long-forgotten habit of printing a Web page. Nevertheless, as odd as it might seem to visionaries and tablet manufacturers, we’re still far from the reality of a paperless world.

In fact, tons of paper float out of printers worldwide every day, because not everyone has a tablet yet and a computer isn’t always in reach. Moreover, many of us feel that written text is just better consumed offline. Because I love to cook, sometimes I print recipes at home, or emails and screenshots at work, even though I do so as rarely as possible out of consideration for the environment.

Print style sheets are useful and sometimes even necessary. Some readers might want to store your information locally as a well-formatted PDF to refer to the information later on, when they don’t have an Internet connection. However, print styles are often forgotten in the age of responsive Web design. The good news is that a print style sheet is actually very easy to craft: you can follow a couple of simple CSS techniques to create a good experience for readers and show them that you’ve gone the extra mile to deliver just a slightly better user experience. So, how do we start?

Getting Started

Let’s look at the process of setting up a print style sheet. The best method is to start from scratch and rely on the default style sheet of the browser, which takes care of the printed output pretty well by default. In this case, insert all declarations for printing at the end of your main style sheet, and enclose them with this distinct rule:

@media print {

For this to work, we have to prepare two things:

  1. Include all screen styles in the separate @media screen {…} rule;
  2. Omit the media type for the condensed style sheet: <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css"/>

In rare cases, using screen styles for printing is the way to approach the design of the print style sheet. Although making the two outputs similar in appearance would be easier this way, the solution is not optimal because screen and print are different kettles of fish. Many elements will need to be reset or styled differently so that they look normal on a sheet of paper. But the biggest constraints are the limited page width and the need for an uncluttered, clear output. Building print styles separately from screen styles is better. This is what we will do throughout this article.

Of course, you could separate the declarations for screen and print into two CSS files. Just set the media type for the screen output to media="screen" and the media type for printing to media="print", omitting it for the first one if you want to build on the screen style sheet.

To illustrate, I have set up a simple website of the fictional Smashing Winery.

Our example website.

Everything needed for a proper screen display is in place. But as soon as the environment changes from virtual pixels to real paper, the only thing that matters is the actual content.

The two pages of the unaltered print preview. The header is not yet optimal, and both the main navigation and footer are superfluous.

Therefore, as a first task, we will hide all the clutter: namely, the main navigation and footer.

header nav, footer {
display: none;

Depending on the type of website, you could also consider hiding images by default. If the images are big, this would be wise, to save your users some printing costs. But if the images mainly support the content, and removing them would compromise the meaning, just leave them in. Whatever you decide, limit the images to a certain width, so that they don’t bleed off the paper. I’ve found that 500 pixels is a good compromise.

img {
max-width: 500px;

Alternatively you could also rely on the tried and trusted max-width: 100%, which displays images at their maximum size but not bigger than the page width.

You might want to use a simple trick to get high-quality images when printing. Just provide a higher-resolution version of every image needed and resize it to the original size with CSS. Read more about this technique in the article “High-Resolution Image Printing� on A List Apart.

Of course, we should hide video and other interactive elements, because they are useless on paper. These include <video>, <audio>, <object> and <embed> elements. You might want to consider replacing each video element with an image in the print style sheet, too.

With the main navigation, footer and images gone, the actual text is getting ever closer to center stage. But work remains to be done, especially with the header.

Adjusting To The Right Size

To define page margins, you can use @page rule to simply apply a margin all the way around the page. E.g.:

@page {
margin: 0.5cm;

will set the page margin on all sides to 0.5cm. You can also adjust the margins for every other page. The following code sets the left page (1, 3, 5, etc.) and right page (2, 4, 6, etc.) margins independently.

@page :left {
margin: 0.5cm;

@page :right {
margin: 0.8cm;

You can also use the :first page pseudo-class that describes the styling of the first page when printing a document:

@page :first {
  margin: 1cm 2cm;

Unfortunately, @page is not supported in Firefox, but supported in Chrome 2.0+, IE 8.0+, Opera 6.0+ and Safari 5.0+. @page :first is supported only in IE8+ and Opera 9.2+. (thanks for the tip, Designshack)

Now let’s tweak some general settings for the fonts. Most browsers set the default to Times New Roman, because serif fonts are considered to be easier on the eyes when read on paper. We can use Georgia at 12-point font size and a slightly higher line height for better legibility.

body {
font: 12pt Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
line-height: 1.3;

However, to retain some control, we should explicitly set the font sizes below. The chart on ReedDesign gives us a feel for this; but with all of the screen sizes and resolutions out there, these are only rough estimates.

h1 {
font-size: 24pt;

h2 {
font-size: 14pt;
margin-top: 25px;

aside h2 {
font-size: 18pt;

Apart from special cases (like the <h2> heading, which would otherwise be too close to the preceding paragraph), we don’t need to touch the margins or appearance of any elements, because they are handled quite nicely by the default settings. If you don’t like that certain elements are indented, such as <blockquote>, <ul> and <figure>, you could always reset their margins:

blockquote, ul {
margin: 0;

Or you could override the default bullet style in unordered lists…

ul {list-style: none}

…and replace it with a custom one; for example, a double arrow (and a blank space to give it some room):

li {
content: "» ";

You could also make <blockquote> stand out a bit by enlarging it and italicizing the text.

The Header

Currently, the remaining things to be dealt with in the header are the <h1> title and the logo. The first is there just for accessibility purposes and is hidden for screen display using CSS. While we could use it as a sort of header in the print-out to indicate the source of the content, let’s try something more attractive. Wouldn’t it be nice to display the actual logo, instead of the boring text?

Unfortunately, the “Winery� part of the logo is white and therefore not ideal for printing on light-colored paper. That’s why two versions of the logo are in the source code, one for screen display, one for printing. The latter image has no alt text, otherwise screen readers would repeat reading out “Smashing Winery.�

<a href="/" title="Home" class="logo">
   <img src="img/logo.png" alt="Smashing Winery" class="screen"/>
   <img src="img/logo_print.png" alt="" class="print"/>

First, we need to hide the screen logo and the <h1> heading. Depending on the relevance of the images, we might have already decided to hide them along with other unneeded elements:

header h1, header nav, footer, img {
display: none;

In this case, we have to bring back the print logo. Of course, you could use the adjacent sibling selector for the job (header img + img) to save the class name and live with it not working in Internet Explorer 6.

header .print {
display: block;

Otherwise, you could just use header .screen (or header :first-child) to hide the main logo. And then the second logo would remain. Keep in mind that in print layouts, only images embedded via the <img> tag are displayed. Background images are not.

Voilà! Now we have a nice header for our print-out that clearly shows the source of everything. Alternatively, you could still remove the second logo from the source code and use the header’s <h1> heading that we switched off earlier (in other words, remove it from the display: none line). Perhaps you’ll need to hide the remaining logo as we did before. Additionally, the font size could be enlarged so that it is clearly recognized as the title of the website.

header h1 {
font-size: 30pt;

As a little extra, the header in the print-out could show the URL of the website. This is done by applying the :after pseudo-element to the <header> tag, which unfortunately won’t work in IE prior to version 8; but because this is just a little bonus, we can live with IE’s shortcoming.

header:after {
content: "";

To see what else these pseudo-elements can do, read the description on the Mozilla Developer Network, or consult Chris Coyer’s excellent article on CSS-Tricks.

Another thing about IE 6 to 8 is that HTML5 tags can’t be printed. Because we’re using these tags on the example website, we’ll have to apply Remy Sharp’s HTML5shiv in the header. The shiv allows you not only to style HTML5 tags but to print them as well. If you’re already using Modernizr, that’s perfect, because the shiv is included in it.

<script src="js/html5.js"></script>

Unfortunately, the behavior of the IEs is still a bit buggy even when this shiv is applied. HTML5 tags that were styled for the screen layout need to be reset, or else the styling will be adopted for the print-out.

Some developers add a short message as a supplement (or an alternative) to the displayed URL, reminding users where they were when they printed the page and to check back for fresh content. We can do this with the :before pseudo-element, so that it appears before the logo. Again, this won’t work in IE 6 or 7.

header:before {
display: block;
content: "Thank you for printing our content at Please check back soon for new offers on delicious wine from our winery.";
margin-bottom: 10px;
border: 1px solid #bbb;
padding: 3px 5px;
font-style: italic;

To distinguish it from the actual content, we’ve given it a gray border, a bit of padding and italics. Lastly, I’ve made it a block element, so that the border goes all around it, and given the logo a margin.

To make it more discreet, we could move this message to the bottom of the page and append it to main container of the page, which has the .content class. If so, we would use the :after element and a top margin to keep it distinct from the sidebar’s content. As far as I’m concerned, the URL is indication enough, so I would rely on that and omit the message.

Finally, we need to remove the border of the logo to prevent it from showing in legacy browsers, and move the <header> away from the content:

img {
border: 0;

header {
margin-bottom: 40px;

The header shown two different ways, one with a logo and simple URL, and the other with a message and the title in plain text.

The Missing Link

Obviously, on paper, links aren’t clickable and so are pretty useless. You could try to build a workaround, replacing links with QR codes on the fly, but the solution may not be feasible. To put the links to use, you could display the URL after each string of anchor text. But text littered with URLs can be distracting and can impair the reading experience; and sparing the reader excessive information where possible is advisable.

The best solution is the :after pseudo-element. It displays the URL after each anchor text, surrounded by brackets. And the font size is reduced to make it less intrusive.

p a:after {
content: " (" attr(href) ")";
font-size: 80%;

We’ve limited this technique to links within <p> elements as a precaution. To go a step further, we could choose to show only the URLs of external links. An attribute selector is perfect for this:

p a[href^="http://"]:after {
content: " (" attr(href) ")";
font-size: 90%;

The possibilities for links in printed documents seem to be almost endless, so let’s try some more. To distinguish all internal links, let’s precede them with the website’s domain (omitting all the other properties, to keep things concise and clear):

p a:after {
content: " (" attr(href) ")";

Then, we can hide internal links (#), because there is not much to display:

p a[href^="#"]:after {
display: none;

Also, external links will be appended as is, like above. Let’s consider SSL-secured websites, too (i.e. ones that begin with https://):

p a[href^="http://"]:after, a[href^="https://"]:after {
content: " (" attr(href) ")";

But there is one thing to remember, especially with external links. Some are very long, such as the ones in the Safari Developer Library. Such links can easily break a layout, like at the screen output. Luckily, a special property takes care of this:

p a {
word-wrap: break-word;

This breaks long URLs when they reach a certain limit or, as in our case, when they exceed the page’s width. Just add this property to the first of the above declarations. Although this property is basically supported in a wide range of browsers — even IE 6 — it works only in Chrome when printing. While Firefox automatically breaks long URLs, Internet Explorer has no capability for this.

Finally, we set the link color to black to improve the experience for readers.

a {
color: #000;

URLs, whether internal or external, now show up beside links with special treatment.

Aaron Gustafson went one step further and built the little script Footnote Links. According to the description:

This script builds a list of URIs from any tags within a specified container and appends the list as footnotes to the document in a specified location. Any referenced elements are given a dynamically-assigned number which corresponds to the link in the footnote list.

Aaron’s article on A List Apart “Improving Link Display for Print� gives more insight into the idea behind this script.

While we’re at it, letting readers know where quotes come from, such as those wrapped in <blockquote> and <q> tags, would be thoughtful. Just append the cite attribute (which will be the URL) after quotation marks, like so:

q:after {
content: " (Source: " attr(cite) ")";

Side By Side

We haven’t yet dealt with the sidebar content. Even though it appears after the main content by default, let’s give it some special treatment. To keep it distinct, we’ll give the sidebar a gray top border and a safe buffer of 30 pixels. The last property, display: block, ensures that the border shows up properly.

aside {
border-top: 1px solid #bbb;
margin-top: 30px;
display: block;

To separate it even more, we could set a special print property:

page-break-before: always;

This will move the contents of the sidebar to a new page when printed. If we do this, we can omit all of the other properties.

The sidebar on screen (left) and printed out (right). I’ve grayed out everything else to make it more obvious here.

We could do the same for comments. Comments don’t appear in the example, but they’re still worth touching on. Because they sometimes run long, omitting them in the print-out might be reasonable (just set display: none for the whole container). If you do want to show the comments, at least set page-break-before. You can also use page-break-after: always if there is content to print on a new page. The page-break-before and page-break-after properties are supported in all major browsers.

We can also use widows and orphans properties. The terms derive from traditional printing, and they take numbers as values. The widows property sets the minimum number of lines in a paragraph to leave at the top of a page before moving them entirely to a new page. The orphans property sets the number of lines for the bottom of the page. The orphans and widows properties are supported in IE 8+ and Opera 9.2+, but unfortunately not in Firefox, Safari or Chrome.

Now that we have taken care of the sidebar, the print style sheet is ready! You can download it here. The file is fully documented and so can serve as a helpful reference or starting point.

The completed print style sheet.

Just For Fun

You might be asking, “Why can’t we just put the sidebar next to the main content, like on the website itself?� Well, the screen and print outputs are a bit different. Unlike the former, print-outs aren’t very wide and thus don’t have much space to fill. But depending on the font size, the line length could exceed the maximum of 75 characters and so be more difficult to read.

In this case, we could, of course, limit the width of the main content (preferably not too much — we shouldn’t set the line length to fall below about 55 characters) and then absolutely position the sidebar just below it, just like in the screen display. But describing this method falls beyond the scope of this article, so please consult the screen style sheet of the example website (line numbers 112 and 141 and down).

In my humble opinion, avoid such experiments. While in principle, print layouts have endless possibilities, focusing on the content and removing everything else is better. The better way to ensure an optimal line length is just to shrink the page’s width or enlarge the font size.

Preview Made Easy

Print Preview by Tim Connell is a handy little jQuery plugin that replicates the built-in print-preview function, but with one difference. Instead of opening a separate page, it shows a sleek overlay, with “Close� and “Print� buttons at the top. It also has the convenient “P� shortcut. You might want to check out the demo page, too.

A Missed Opportunity

Imagine that you were able to visit any page, hit “Print� and get an optimized version of the page to enjoy on paper. Unfortunately, we don’t live in this perfect world. Some websites still rely on JavaScript to generate print versions, and many other designers simply don’t care. But this is a missed opportunity. A carefully composed print style sheet could be used not only for printing but to optimize legibility for screen reading.

As the website owner, you can determine the images to display (if any), the optimal font and size, and the presentation of other elements. You could make the content more appealing than the versions produced by Instapaper and Readability by giving the print version the extra attention it deserves.

The Future

While using CSS3 for screen layouts is pretty common nowadays, it hasn’t quite established itself in the print environment yet. The W3C has an extensive description of “Paged Media,� but unfortunately support is very limited at the moment, Opera and Chrome being the only browsers that enable a few of its related properties. With decent support, it would be possible to use the @page rule to set the dimensions of the page, switch to a landscape view, alter the margins, and do much more. Even media queries are were conceived to respond to different page sizes.

Websites Designed Well For Print

Let’s take a look at some examples of websites optimized for print.

A List Apart
The slick multi-column design is simplified into a single column, full width, which intuitively mirrors the website’s sensible hierarchy. Article titles and authors are no longer active links. And beautiful clean typography is kept intact, thanks to the compatible fonts and simple colors; no font change is necessary, although the font-size value increases slightly. Advertising and affiliate styles are hidden, and the result is a simple, clean printed page that easily conforms well to any printer or page set-up in the document. A List Apart is exemplary, save for one important point: the logo does not appear anywhere in the print-out.

A List Apart

A List Apart

Lost World’s Fairs
The smooth printed page helps to carry the visuals of the website for Lost World’s Fairs. The main title and its colorful background are swapped for a simplified version in the print-preview style. However, some images could be removed to save some expensive printer ink. (Updated).

Lost World's Fairs

Lost World's Fairs

The Morning News
One would expect most news websites to employ the print-preview function, yet that isn’t the case. The Morning News has prepared its content for print without much concern, happily excluding background images and color, while still getting its message across.

The Morning News

The Morning News

James Li
James Li has designed his personal website exceptionally well for this purpose, carefully preserving all spacing and key elements. The logo is a part of the printed product, whereas the navigation links are not: very clever, because navigation has no value on a printed page unless it is informative in and of itself. Non-Web fonts are converted to simple printable ones (see “Other Stuff…�). Brilliantly executed for print.



TechCrunch’s recent redesign tweaked not only the visual design of the site, but also the small details that have to be considered when the site is viewed on mobile or printed out. The print layout is very clean and minimalistic, without unnecessary details, yet also without links to the actual page that was printed out. The TechCrunch logo is omitted as well.



Although the logo isn’t present in the printed version of this website, attention is paid to the spacing of the content within. While the Web version has simple lines and a clean space, the printed page tightens up elements in order to best use the space. A strong grid and effective typography add to the effect. In this example, some images could be removed as well.



Studio Mister
An excellent job of the print-preview function. The page has been meticulously designed to a grid and requires little in order to prepare it for print; some attention to the background color of text and not much else. Unfortunately, though, the logo is a background image and thus excluded.

Studio Mister

Studio Mister

Bottlerocket Creative
Although this logo isn’t represented in the print-out either, the folks at Bottlerocket Creative have done very well to adapt their typographic style for offline viewing. Assuming the design was created mainly with images would be easy, but meticulous attention to type is evident upon closer inspection.

Bottle Rocket

Bottle Rocket

OmniTI has optimized its content for print not by shrinking the main column, but by increasing the size of the text and not crowding the images together. The playful look adheres to good spacing. The only drawback? Many of the line breaks have been eliminated, causing some words and sentences to run into each other.

Omni TI

Omni TI

In Conclusion

There’s a lot to consider when preparing your website to be printed out by readers. The process forces you to scrutinize every element of your content like never before, all because someone will want a hard copy of your work. Yet most of all, it’s important to recognize the difference between printing and actually reading. Perhaps these techniques hold merit in helping you visualize content for mobile devices. What better way to kill two birds with one stone than to work out your layout for the mobile while considering printing view at the same time to make sure that your content prints flawlessly for offline archival? The time you invest could double in value.

For more information on preparing content for print, including by modifying CSS, check out the following articles:

(al) (vf) (il)

© Christian Krammer for Smashing Magazine, 2011.

The Future Of CSS: Experimental CSS Properties

Advertisement in The Future Of CSS: Experimental CSS Properties
 in The Future Of CSS: Experimental CSS Properties  in The Future Of CSS: Experimental CSS Properties  in The Future Of CSS: Experimental CSS Properties

Despite contemporary browsers supporting a wealth of CSS3 properties, most designers and developers seem to focus on the quite harmless properties such as border-radius, box-shadow or transform. These are well documented, well tested and frequently used, and so it’s almost impossible to not stumble on them these days if you are designing websites.

But hidden deep within the treasure chests of browsers are advanced, heavily underrated properties that don’t get that much attention. Perhaps some of them rightly so, but others deserve more recognition. The greatest wealth lies under the hood of WebKit browsers, and in the age of iPhone, iPad and Android apps, getting acquainted with them can be quite useful. Even the Gecko engine, used by Firefox and the like, provides some distinct properties. In this article, we wisll look at some of the less known CSS 2.1 and CSS3 properties and their support in modern browsers.

Title1 in The Future Of CSS: Experimental CSS Properties

Some explanation: For each property, I state the support: “WebKit” means that it is available only in browsers that use the WebKit engine (Safari, Chrome, iPhone, iPad, Android), and “Gecko” indicates the availability in Firefox and the like. Finally, certain properties are part of the official CSS 2.1. specification, which means that a broad range of browsers, even older ones, support them. Finally, a label of CSS3 indicates adherence to this specification, supported by the latest browser versions, such as Firefox 4, Chrome 10, Safari 5, Opera 11.10 and Internet Explorer 9.

WebKit-Only Properties


This property is quite extensive, so a detailed description is beyond the scope of this article and is certainly worth a more detailed examination, especially because it could turn out to be a time-saver in practical applications.

-webkit-mask makes it possible to apply a mask to an element, thereby enabling you to create a cut-out of any shape. The mask can either be a CSS3 gradient or a semi-transparent PNG image. An alpha value of 0 would cover the underlying element, and 1 would fully reveal the content behind. Related properties like -webkit-mask-clip, -webkit-mask-position and -webkit-mask-repeat rely heavily on the syntax of the ones from background. For more info, see the Surfin’ Safari blog and the link below.

Webkitmask2 in The Future Of CSS: Experimental CSS Properties


Image mask:

.element {
	background: url(img/image.jpg) repeat;
	-webkit-mask: url(img/mask.png);


Gradient mask:

.element2 {
	background: url(img/image.jpg) repeat;
	-webkit-mask: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(rgba(0,0,0,1)), to(rgba(0,0,0,0)));

Further reading: Safari Developer Library


One of the shortcomings of CSS borders is that only rectangular ones are possible. A ray of hope is -webkit-text-stroke, which gives text a border. Setting not only the width but the color of the border is possible. And in combination with color: transparent, you can create outlined text.


Assigns a blue border with a 2-pixel width to all <h1> headings:

h1 {-webkit-text-stroke: 2px blue}

Another feature is the ability to smooth text by setting a transparent border of 1 pixel:

h2 {-webkit-text-stroke: 1px transparent}

Creates text with a red outline:

h3 {
	color: transparent;
	-webkit-text-stroke: 4px red;

Webkittextstroke in The Future Of CSS: Experimental CSS Properties

Further reading: Safari Developer Library


Wrapping can be pretty tricky. Sometimes you want text to break (and not wrap) at certain points, and other times you don’t want this to happen. One property to control this is -webkit-nbsp-mode. It lets you change the behavior of the &nbsp; character, forcing text to break even where it is used. This behavior is enabled by the value space.

Further reading: Safari Developer Library


This one is just for iOS (iPhone and iPad). When you tap on a link or a JavaScript clickable element, it is highlighted by a semi-transparent gray background. To override this behavior, you can set -webkit-tap-highlight-color to any color. To disable this highlighting, a color with an alpha value of 0 must be used.


Sets the highlight color to red, with a 50% opacity:

-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(255,0,0,0.5);

Supported by: iOS only (iPhone and iPad).

Further reading: Safari Developer Library

zoom: reset

Normally, zoom is an Internet Explorer-only property. But in combination with the value reset, WebKit comes into play (which, funny enough, IE doesn’t support). It enables you to override the standard behavior of zooming on websites. If set with a CSS declaration, everything except the given element is enlarged when the user zooms on the page.

Further reading: Safari Developer Library


Here is a property with a quite limited practical use, but it is still worth mentioning. By default, the margins of two adjacent elements collapse, which means that the bottom distance of the first element and the top distance of the second element merge into a single gap.

The best example is two <p>s that share their margins when placed one after another. To control this behavior, we can use -webkit-margin-collapse, -webkit-margin-top-collapse or -webkit-margin-bottom-collapse. The standard value is collapse. The separate value stops the sharing of margins, which means that both the bottom margin of the first element and the top margin of the second are included.

Webkitmargincollapse in The Future Of CSS: Experimental CSS Properties

Further reading: Safari Developer Library


Do you remember the days when almost every website featured a reflection of either its logo or some text in the header? Thankfully, those days are gone, but if you’d like to make a subtle use of this technique for your buttons, navigation or other UI elements with CSS, then -webkit-box-reflect is the property for you.

It accepts the keywords above, below, left and right, which set where the reflection is drawn, as well as a numeric value that sets the distance between the element and its reflection. Beyond that, mask images are supported as well (see -webkit-mask for an explanation of masks). The reflection is created automatically and has no effect on the layout. Following elements are created using only CSS, and the second button is reflected using the -webkit-box-reflect-property.

Webkitboxreflect in The Future Of CSS: Experimental CSS Properties


This reflection would be shown under its parent element and have a spacing of 5 pixels:

-webkit-box-reflect: below 5px;

This reflection would be cast on the right side of the element, with no distance (0); additionally, a mask would be applied (url(mask.png)):

-webkit-box-reflect: right 0 url(mask.png);

Further reading: Safari Developer Library


Here is another property that recalls the good ol’ days when marquees were quite common. Interesting that this widely dismissed property turns out to be be useful today, when we shift content on tiny mobile screens that would otherwise not be fully visible without wrapping.

The weather application by ozPDA makes great use of it. (If you don’t see shifting text, just select another city at the bottom of the app. WebKit browser required.)


.marquee {
	white-space: nowrap;
	width: 70px;
	-webkit-marquee-direction: forwards;
	-webkit-marquee-speed: slow;
	-webkit-marquee-style: alternate;

There are some prerequisites for the marquee to work. First, white-space must be set to nowrap if you want the text to be on one line. Also, overflow must be set to -webkit-marquee, and width set to something narrower than the full length of the text.

The remaining properties ensure that the text scrolls from left to right (-webkit-marquee-direction), shifts back and forth (-webkit-marquee-style) and moves at a slow rate (-webkit-marquee-speed). Additional properties are -webkit-marquee-repetition, which sets how many iterations the marquee should pass through, and -webkit-marquee-increment, which defines the degree of speed in each increment.

Further reading: Safari Developer Library

Gecko-Only Properties


Unfortunately, this useful CSS3 property is supported only by Firefox at the moment. We can use it to specify that the font size for a given element should relate to the height of lowercase letters (x-height) rather than the height of uppercase letters (cap height). For example, Verdana is much more legible at the same size than Times, which has a much shorter x-height. To compensate for this behavior, we can adjust the latter with font-size-adjust.

This property is particularly useful in CSS font stacks whose fonts have different x-heights. Even if you’re careful to use only similar fonts, font-size-adjust can provide a solution when problems arise.


If Verdana is not installed on the user’s machine for some reason, then Arial is adjusted so that it has the same aspect ratio as Verdana, which is 0.58 (at a font size of 12px, differs on other sizes).

p {
	font-family:Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
	font-size: 12px;
	font-size-adjust: 0.58;

Fontsizeadjust in The Future Of CSS: Experimental CSS Properties

Supported by: Gecko.

Further reading: Mozilla Developer Network


A few years ago, images that were not displayed at their original size and were scaled by designers, could appear unattractive or just plain wrong in the browser, depending on the size and context. Nowadays, browsers have a much better algorithm for displaying resized images, however, it’s great to have a full control over the ways your images will be displayed when scaled, especially with responsive images becoming a de facto standard in responsive Web designs.

This Gecko-specific property is particularly useful if you have an image with sharp lines and want to maintain them after resizing. The relevant value would be -moz-crisp-edges. The same algorithm is used at optimizeSpeed, whereas auto and optimizeQuality indicate the standard behavior (which is to resize elements with the best possible quality). The image-rendering property can also be applied to <video> and <canvas> elements, as well as background images. It is a CSS3 property, but is currently supported only by Firefox.

Imagerendering in The Future Of CSS: Experimental CSS Properties

It’s also worth mentioning -ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic, although it is a proprietary Internet Explorer property. Nevertheless, it enables Internet Explorer 7 to render images at a much higher quality after resizing which is useful because by default this browser handles such tasks pretty poorly.

Supported by: Gecko.

Further reading: Mozilla Developer Network


This property could be filed under ‘eye-candy’. It allows you to assign different colors to borders that are wider than 1 pixel. Also available are -moz-border-bottom-colors, -moz-border-left-colors and -moz-border-right-colors.

Unfortunately, there is no condensed version like -moz-border-colors for this property, so the border property must be set in order for it to work, whereas border-width should be the same as the number of the given color values. If it is not, then the last color value is taken for the rest of the border.


Below, the element’s border would have a standard color of orange applied to the left and right side (because -moz-border-left-colors and -moz-border-right-colors are not set). The top and bottom borders have a kind of gradient, with the colors red, yellow and blue.

div {
	border: 3px solid orange;
	-moz-border-top-colors: red yellow blue;
	-moz-border-bottom-colors: red yellow blue;

Mozbordercolors in The Future Of CSS: Experimental CSS Properties

Supported by: Gecko.

Further reading: Mozilla Developer Network

Mixed Properties

-webkit-user-select and -moz-user-select

There might be times when you don’t want users to be able to select text, whether to protect it from copying or for another reason. One solution is to set -webkit-user-select and -moz-user-select to none. Please use this property with caution: since most users are looking for information that they can copy and store for future reference, this property is neither helpful nor effective. In the end, the user could always look up the source code and take the content even if you have forbidden the traditional copy-and-paste. We do not know why this property exists in both WebKit and Gecko browsers.

Supported by: WebKit, Gecko.

Further reading: Safari Developer Library, Mozilla Developer Network

-webkit-appearance and -moz-appearance

Ever wanted to easily camouflage an image to look like a radio button? Or an input field to look like a checkbox? Then appearance will come in handy. Even if you wouldn’t always want to mask a link so that it looks like a button (see example below), it’s nice to know that you can do it if you want.


a {
	-webkit-appearance: button;
	-moz-appearance: button;

Supported by: WebKit, Gecko.

Further reading: Safari Developer Library, Mozilla Developer Network

text-align: -webkit-center/-moz-center

This is one property (or value, to be exact) whose existence is quite surprising. To center a block-level element, one would usually set margin to 0 auto. But you could also set the text-align property of the element’s container to -moz-center and -webkit-center. You can align left and right with -moz-left and -webkit-left and then -moz-right and -webkit-right, respectively.

Supported by: WebKit, Gecko.

Further reading: Safari Developer Library, Mozilla Developer Network

CSS 2.1. Properties


How often have you wished you could automatically number an ordered list or all of the headings in an article? Unfortunately, there is still no CSS3 property for that. But let’s look back to CSS 2.1, in which counter-increment provides a solution. That means it’s been around for several years, and even supported in Internet Explorer 8. Did you know that? Me neither.

In conjunction with the :before pseudo-element and the content property, counter-increment can add automatic numbering to any HTML tag. Even nested counters are possible.


For numbered headings, first reset the counter to start at 1:

body {counter-reset: thecounter}

Every <h1> would get the prefix “Section,” including a counter that automatically increments by 1 (which is default and can be omitted), where thecounter is the name of the counter:

.counter h1:before {
	counter-increment: thecounter 1;


For a nested numbered list, the counter is reset and the automatic numbering of <ol> is switched off because it features no nesting:

ol {
    counter-reset: section;
    list-style-type: none;

Then, every <li> is given automatic incrementation, and the separator is set to be a point (.), followed by a blank.

li:before {
    counter-increment: section;
    content: counters(section,".")"";
	<li>item</li>			<!-- 1 -->
	<li>item				  <!-- 2 -->
			<li>item</li>	<!-- 1.1 -->
			<li>item</li>	<!-- 1.2 -->
	<li>item</li>			<!-- 3 -->

Supported by: CSS 2.1., all modern browsers, IE 7+.

Further reading: W3C


Are you tired of using wrong quotes just because your CMS doesn’t know how to properly convert them to the right ones? Then start using the quotes property to set them how you want. This way, you can use any character. You would then assign the quotes to the desired element using the :before and :after pseudo-elements. Unfortunately, the otherwise progressive WebKit browsers don’t support this property, which means no quotes are shown at all.


The first two characters determine the quotes for the first level of a quotation, the last two for the second level, and so on:

q {
	quotes: '«' '»' "‹" "›";

These two lines assign the quotes to the selected element:

q:before {content: open-quote}
q:after  {content: close-quote}

So, <p><q>This is a very <q>nice</q> quote.</q></p> would give us:
«This is a very ‹nice› quote.»

Supported by: CSS 2.1., all browsers except WebKit, even IE 7+.

Further reading: W3C

Question: To add the character directly, does the CSS document have to have a UTF-8 character set? That’s a tough one. Unfortunately, I can’t give a definitive answer. My experimentation has shown that no character set has to be set for the quotes property to work properly. However the utf-8 character set doesn’t work because it shows “brokenâ€� characters (for example, “»â€�). With the iso-8859-1 character set, everything works fine.

This is how the W3C describes it: “While the quotation marks specified by ‘quotes’ in the previous examples are conveniently located on computer keyboards, high-quality typesetting would require different ISO 10646 characters.�

CSS3 Properties You May Have Heard About But Can’t Remember

To round out things, let’s go over some CSS3 properties that are not well known and maybe not as appealing as the classic ones border-radius and box-shadow.


Perhaps you’re familiar with this problem: a certain area is too small for the text that it contains, and you have to use JavaScript to cut the string and append “…â€� so that it doesn’t blow out the box.

Forget that! With CSS3 and text-overflow: ellipsis, you can force text to automatically end with “…� if it is longer than the width of the container. The only requirement is to set overflow to hidden. Unfortunately, this is not supported by Firefox but will hopefully be implemented in a coming release.


div {
	width: 100px;
	text-overflow: ellipsis;

Textoverflow in The Future Of CSS: Experimental CSS Properties

Supported by: CSS 3, all browsers except Firefox, even IE6+.

Further reading: W3C


With text in a narrow column, sometimes portions of it are too long to wrap correctly. Link URLs especially cause trouble. If you don’t want to hide the overflowing text with overflow: hidden, then you can set word-wrap to break-word, which causes it to break when it reaches the limit of the container.


div {
	width: 50px;
	word-wrap: break-word;

Wordwrap in The Future Of CSS: Experimental CSS Properties

Supported by: CSS 3, all browsers, even IE6+.

Further reading: W3C


If you use Firefox or Chrome, then you must have noticed that text areas by default have a little handle in the bottom-right corner that lets you resize them. This standard behavior is achieved by the CSS3 property resize: both.

But it’s not limited to text areas. It can be used on any HTML element. The horizontal and vertical values limit the resizing to the horizontal and vertical axes, respectively. The only requirement is that overflow be set to anything other than visible.

Resize in The Future Of CSS: Experimental CSS Properties

Supported by: CSS3, all the latest browsers except Opera and Internet Explorer.

Further reading: Safari Developer Library


When you assign a background image to an element that is set to overflow: auto, it is fixed to the background and doesn’t scroll. To disable this behavior and enable the image to scroll with the content, set background-attachment to local.

Backgroundattachment in The Future Of CSS: Experimental CSS Properties

Supported by: CSS 3, all the latest browsers except Firefox.

Further reading: Safari Developer Library


With more and more websites rendering fonts via the @font-face attribute, legibility becomes a concern. Problems can occur particularly at small font sizes. While there is still no CSS property to control the subtle details of displaying fonts online, you can enable kerning and ligatures via text-rendering.

Gecko and WebKit browsers handle this property quite differently. The former enables these features by default, while you have to set it to optimizeLegibility in the latter.

Textrendering in The Future Of CSS: Experimental CSS Properties

Supported by: CSS3, all WebKit browsers and Firefox.

Further reading: Mozilla Developer Network

transform: rotateX/transform: rotateY

If you’ve already dived into CSS3 and transformations a bit, then you’re probably familiar with transform: rotate(), which rotates an element around its z-axis.

But did you know that it is also possible to spin it “into the deep� (i.e. around its x-axis and y-axis)? These transformations are particularly useful in combination with -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden, if you want to rotate an element and reveal another one at its back. This technique is described by Andy Clarke in his latest book, Hardboiled Web Design, and it can be seen in action on a demo page.


If you hover over the element, it will turn by 180°, revealing its back:

div:hover {
	transform: rotateY(180deg);

Rotate in The Future Of CSS: Experimental CSS Properties

Quick tip: To just mirror an element, you can either set transform to rotateX(180deg) (and respectively rotateY) or set transform to scaleX(-1) (and respectively scaleY).

Supported by: CSS3, only WebKit browsers, in combination with -webkit-backface-visibility only Safari and iOS (iPhone and iPad).

Further reading: Safari Developer Library (transform: rotate, -webkit-backface-visibility)

Some Last Words

As you hopefully have seen, there are many unknown properties that range from being nice to hav to being very useful. Many of them are still at an experimental stage and may never leave it or even be discarded in future browser releases. Others will hopefully be adopted by all browser manufacturers in coming versions.

While it is hard to justify using some of them, the WebKit-specific ones are gaining more and more importance with the success of the iOS devices and Android. And of course some CSS3 properties are more or less ready to be used now.

And if you don’t like vendor-specific properties, you can see them as experiments that still could be implemented in the code to improve the user experience for users browsing with the modern browsers. By the way, CSS validator from the W3C now also supports vendor-specific properties, which result in warnings rather than errors.

Happy experimenting!


© Christian Krammer for Smashing Magazine, 2011. | Permalink | Post a comment | Smashing Shop | Smashing Network | About Us
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