A fact to understand! — As society evolves, the need to update medical services increases too. But for this, everything comes into consideration — the shift in healthcare workers, fluctuations in drug producers, and the evolving needs of patients.
A senior healthcare professional said, “20 years from now, fatal diabetes and cancer could join the defeatable polio group! This is what every leading healthcare app development company has to work on.”
In my imagination, this could look like… the upcoming technological advancements will make us switch from smart wearable devices to invisibly embedded sensors. If you feel that the devices on your wrists or the apps on your smartphone are a wonder, you have no idea what the future holds for the healthcare field! Every leading healthcare app development company is doing its best to create devices that make operations seamless. These healthcare trackers, wearables, and sensors are present, and there is still a lot that the coming generations will witness ahead of this.
Today, approximately 133 million Americans are coping with chronic health conditions – ongoing and generally not curable diseases.
As our society is evolving, our healthcare requirements will naturally demand better. Well, if you too have been wondering what the future holds for this industry, this article is definitely for you.
Evolving Tech Trends in the Medical Industry
The medical industry has embraced most technology updates with open arms. And to be honest, these are not just buzzwords in the market but reasonable solutions to the current health-based problems.
There have been simultaneous transformations with the emergence of Cloud Computing In healthcare space. Peeping into a few of the many tech trends that will affect the healthcare industry in the time to come:
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Artificial Intelligence is playing its role in just about every domain. And obviously, it has made its mark in the healthcare industry too. By the end of the next decade, AI will access human data to reveal disease patterns, care, and treatment.
Psychologists believe that the hospitalization experience plays an essential role in the speed of patients getting better. Adding more to this, the staff experiences impact them in providing better care to the patients at their facility.
Virtual Reality (VR)
Virtual Reality surgeries were only a sight to watch in fiction cinema films. However, virtual reality is all about great experiences.
As a matter of fact, the market growth of VR in hospitals is projected to go upto USD 6.20 million by 2029.
VR has helped plan, treat, and diagnose serious illnesses like addiction, autism, phobias, anxiety, and depression.
We trust calculators more than the human mind. Similarly, expert surgeons have shifted to using medical apps and robotic arms and machines for performing precise moves in surgeries. It makes the patients secure and boosts the doctor’s confidence.
Skilled and experienced doctors are adapting to the Virtual Reality game today, and the students are being trained to use such gadgets in educational institutions.
Augmented Reality (AR)
The AR is all about the improved sense of disease understanding. This implies that the diagnosis will be detailed and accurate if the disease is understood in-depth. An apt treatment process will follow this.
At the intersection of healthcare and technology, health-tech innovators have a unique place in the Future of Health, but they face some challenges.
Medical Tricorder
The palm-sized gadget is the Almighty of the medical field. Scientists are still doing further R&D to improve the performance and reliability of this device.
It is an all-inclusive device to calculate the ECG, heart rate, oxygen saturation, temperature, blood pressure, and many other levels.
3D Printing in Clinics
Have you ever heard of 3D print arts? Well, now health professionals can scan and take 3D prints of human bio tissues, artificial limbs, pills, and blood vessels. Interesting, isn’t it?
This will help them better diagnose and discuss, take expert opinions, and prepare your future reference directory.
The New Nanotechnology
This phase of the 21st century is the dawn of the nanomedicine age. The nanoparticles and nanodevices will soon aid in successful drug delivery systems, as cancer treatment tools or as tiny surgeons.
These devices can be controlled and managed via smartphone commands. According to the knowledge, they automatically relay and display diagnostic information.
Evergreen Robotics
Without a doubt, robotics is one of the fastest-growing fields today. These come with touch sensors, cameras, and microphones. Not only have these robots become assisting companions to doctors during surgeries, but also, these pharma robotics are capable of undergoing surgeries alone.
Ever since 2019, exoskeleton surgeries have taken the heat in the market. These structures look just like a human body, withheld the patient and performed the surgery.
Genome Sequencing
Genome sequencing means finding, tracing, and analyzing the DNA sequence of an organism. These tests help in finding a lot of results. The testee can derive the following results from the tests:
- Drug sensitivity
- Multifactorial
- Monogenic medical conditions (single-gene)
- Family history
Nutrigenomics, nutrition cross-field, dietetics, and genomics are already greatly benefiting from genome sequencing technology. Very soon, this will become affordable for individuals to try out.
Silico Drug Trials
Until now, current technology and biological understanding combined didn’t give favorable outcomes. However, it has been a while since these helped generate individualized computer simulations used in developing or regulatory evaluation of a medical product.
Also, this trend has completely transformed drug development procedures. Silico drug trials are ruling the pharmaceutical landscape. Most facilities have set their foot in adopting this trend.
The old and a few present-day systems also are not very efficient in giving the results. Consistency is everything. Moreover, the healthcare industry is not something that can afford A&B Testing. The device has to provide sureshot results or perform precisely as the command assigned because human lives are not revivable.
There is a high amount of emphasis being paid to human health today. The focus of these advancing technologies is to minimize the health issues in hospitals. After achieving this, their focus will be on reducing the health issues in the patient’s homes.
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