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Planning And Implementing Website Navigation

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The thing that makes navigation difficult to work with in Web design is that it can be so versatile. Navigation can be simple or complex: a few main pages or a multi-level architecture; one set of content for logged-in users and another for logged-out users; and so on. Because navigation can vary so much between websites, there are no set guidelines or how-to’s for organizing navigation.

Designing navigation is an art in itself, and designers become better at it with experience. It’s all about using good information architecture: “the art of expressing a model or concept of information used in activities that require explicit details of complex systems.�

Organizing Navigation Structure

Perhaps the most difficult part about navigation on the Web is organizing and designing it. After all, coding it can be relatively easy. In this first section, we’ll go over some methods and best practices for organizing navigation, which can lead to a more intuitive user experience and higher conversion rates.

Primary vs. Secondary

Most websites, especially those with a lot of content or functionality, need navigation menus. But as a website grows in complexity, guiding users to that content and functionality shouldn’t be the job of any one menu. All of that content just doesn’t always fit in one large menu, no matter how organized it may be. While many websites need more than two, all websites have at least two main menus: primary and secondary.

Primarysecondary in Planning And Implementing Website Navigation

You might assume that the primary and secondary navigations are marked in a wrong way on the image above, but I believe that this is not the case.

Primary navigation stands for the content that most users are interested in. But importance is relative; the type of content linked from the primary navigation on one website may be the same kind linked from the secondary navigation on another (for example, general information about the company or person).

Secondary navigation is for content that is of secondary interest to the user. Any content that does not serve the primary goal of the website but that users might still want would go here. For many blogs, this would include links for “About us,� “Contribute,� “Advertise� and so on. For other websites, the links might be for the client area, FAQ or help page.

If you’d like to learn more about primary and secondary navigation, “Understanding Site Navigation: Key Termsâ€� is a great article with detailed explanations of different navigation terms, including for primary and secondary menus.

The first job in organizing navigation is to organize the content. Only after the content has been organized can you determine what is primary and what is secondary, and then you can determine the location and navigational structure of any remaining content. Content that fits neither the primary nor secondary navigation can go in other menus, whether a sub-menu, footer menu, sidebar widget or somewhere else. Not to suggest that primary navigation cannot go in these areas of the page; there are many instances where primary navigation is best suited to the sidebar or in drop-downs.

Also ask whether navigation is even needed beyond the primary menu? If a secondary menu is needed, then why and what’s the best way to implement it? No matter how organized the content is, if there’s a lot of it and thus a need for a more complex navigational structure, then distinguishing between primary and secondary content can be daunting. Fortunately, there’s a great method that designers can try: card sorting.

Information Architecture: Card Sorting

What’s the best way to organize content? How should the navigation be labelled and grouped and positioned? How will people use the navigation?

Card sorting is commonly used in information architecture and can help Web designers answer all of these questions even before the design phase begins. Card sorting basically helps designers organize navigation, especially complex navigation, in the most efficient way possible.

One complaint I hear regularly about websites… is that they’re designed around how the organization is structured. Given that the information architecture is usually completed by internal teams, this makes sense. One way to get input on structuring a site to reflect a a visitor’s way of thinking is by collecting input from card sorts.

Card sorts are a way to have website visitors organize and label content. It’s useful to have a visitor show you how she’d approach your website, and grouping and labeling are key elements for determining the best navigation for a website. Of course, you’re likely to get a variety of different groupings from users, so you’ll be looking for overlaps and commonalities while also considering how to help those who used varying  groups and labels.

Amy Hissrich

Card sorting can be used to determine menus and sub-menus, the wording on them and even their design and structure. We’ll go over the basics here, but be sure to check out the resources below for more information, guides and examples.

Cardsorting in Planning And Implementing Website Navigation
(Image: Dunk the Funk)

There are two types:

  • Open card sorting is when participants are given cards with content topics and are asked to organize them into groups. They are given no information or context beforehand. Then they name the groups. Depending on the project, participants could be asked to create two groups, unlimited groups, sub-groups and so on. They could also be asked to organize the groups and content into the hierarchy they think best.
  • Closed card sorting is when participants are given cards with content topics as well as the categories to put them into (and even sometimes sub-categories). Participants are not responsible for naming the cards. This option is great for exiting websites with established categories, menus, etc.

Below are some resources and further information on card sorting:

There are also many applications for card sorting, some desktop and others online. Online card sorting can be easier to run, but it’s not always the right choice. A great article on UX for the Masses that covers the pros and cons of each approach: “Online Card Sorting: Even Better Than the Real Thing?� For easy card-sorting tools, check out OptimalSort, WebSort and UserZoom.

Grouped Content: Classification Schemes

When a lot of content is grouped in one category, another issue arises: what order to put it all in? Card sorting and similar methods may help to create groups and a hierarchy and to differentiate between top-level and sub-levels of navigation, but how should content within those groups be ordered? Alphabetically? By most used or most popular? Most recent to oldest?

Below is a list of the most common content classification methods, along with suggestions for what each is best for:

  • Most recent to oldest
    Suitable for time-sensitive content.
  • Alphabetical
    Great for when the user needs to find something fast. This includes definitions, indexes and other content that users know about before they find it.
  • Most popular or most used
    Great for interest-based browsing, rather than content that users need.
  • Geographical
    Is certain content irrelevant to certain regions or sub-regions?
  • In the order of the process
    If the content in some way represents a process (for example, “How to file your taxes�), then it could be organized according to the order of actions the user has to take. FeverBee has a great example of this: “How to Build an Online Community: The Ultimate List of Resources.� While the website is a blog, the content isn’t necessarily time-sensitive, so the author has created a great navigational structure that puts much of the content into a step-by-step process.

For more on classification schemes, check out UX Booth’s “Classification Schemes (and When to Use Them).�

Navigation And User Levels

For websites where navigation changes based on whether a user is logged in or out, other organizational challenges arise. Some websites may have a simple client area, while others have full-fledged communities. When this kind of interaction is involved, user roles and available content may vary, and owners may want to highlight some content or design it differently.

Below are a few tips for organizing navigation across membership levels:

  • What user levels are there?
    Many website owners plan this out ahead of time, and it depends greatly on their business model. As the designer or developer, make sure you know what navigation levels are needed, and keep the content in them straight.
  • Design and plan for each level separately.
    Don’t wait until the membership area is set up before considering the navigation structure of the levels. How should content be organized for logged-out users? How should it be structured for logged-in users? Administrators vs. basic members? Free accounts vs. paid accounts?
  • What content should each type of user be able to access?
    A logged-out visitor will want to know more about the community or service. A logged-in member will already be convinced, and so the primary navigation for them should reflect what is available with their membership. Is there special content for paid members, and should it be highlighted to be more visible? Should special links or content be shown to logged-out administrators, or will that all be taken care of once they log in?

Planning for different user levels can be done with the same methods outlined for primary and secondary navigation. Card sorting can be helpful for each level. Think about what the primary navigation should be, what the secondary navigation should be, where everything should go (i.e. hierarchy), and how menu items should be labelled.

What do members need to do? What does they want to accomplish? These are great questions to ask when organizing beyond membership levels or beyond logged-in and -out states.

Take Facebook. Content is everywhere, and it’s user-generated. How does one organize the navigation around this? Facebook is structured by context; it’s defined and organized by how the user functions on the website. Feeds, messages, events and friends are part of the primary navigation, while the other navigation is based on specific applications, requests, friends’ friends, etc. The remainder of the navigation is based on how the user has used Facebook in the past.

Below is a selection of websites that have memberships, client areas and the like. It shows how varied websites can be in how they handle navigation and structure based on user levels and logged-in and -out states.


On MailChimp, the location of the primary navigation for logged-in and logged-out users is the same, but the content of the menus is different. For logged-out users (and new visitors), MailChimp’s navigation guides them to sign in and gets them interested in signing up, with items such as features and pricing. For logged-in users, the navigation becomes the control panel for the service.

Should navigation always change this much? Not at all, although in this case it was the most user-friendly solution. There are many other scenarios in which the primary navigation should remain the same, but supplemented with additional navigation for logged-in users.

Mailchimp Loggedout in Planning And Implementing Website Navigation

Mailchimp Loggedin in Planning And Implementing Website Navigation

Freelance Mingle

On Freelance Mingle, the secondary navigation is the only main menu that changes for logged-in and logged-out users. The mini menu up top handles the core needs of members, and the primary menu below and the footer navigation remain the same. Many areas of the website are accessible to both logged-in and logged-out members, which keeps the navigation fairly simple; but only members may post content.

Also, making the sections visible to new visitors, while limiting their functionality, serves as a live tour of the website. If you sign up, this is what you get!

Fm Loggedout in Planning And Implementing Website Navigation

Fm Loggedin in Planning And Implementing Website Navigation
Freelance Mingle


Some websites go in an entirely different direction. While the two examples above have a style and navigation scheme that is similar for logged-in and logged-out users, FreshBooks and many other websites have an entirely different layout and structure for members.

FreshBooks sells its service and promotes sign-ups to logged-out users. On clicking the “Login� link in the top-right area, the user is redirected to a log-in page. Once logged in, they are redirected to the client area, whose content is tailored to their preferences and which contains none of the content offered to logged-out users.

Freshbooks Loggedout in Planning And Implementing Website Navigation

Freshbooks Loggedin in Planning And Implementing Website Navigation

Business Catalyst

Business Catalyst does something similar but keeps more of its own branding, allowing for little customization in the client area. The home page for logged-out users is much the same as that of other websites; the content and navigation focus on getting new users to sign up. After logging in, the user is redirected to the client area, rather than a logged-in version of the home page. The layout, navigation structure and menu change completely for logged-in users, very tangibly separating the two areas of the website.

The client area exhibits an especially good organization of otherwise complex navigation. The first tab is for basic account information, and the other tabs are for other pages or sections. The main features for members are clearly separated in these tabs and in the mini-menu up top. The separate “Recent items� drop-down menu on the right is also great, making it easy for users to navigate to their recent and most used documents. Tools like this make it easier to use a large website with complex navigation.

Businesscatalyst Loggedout in Planning And Implementing Website Navigation

Businesscatalyst Loggedin in Planning And Implementing Website Navigation
Business Catalyst

Common Considerations

Navigation design is all about findability and usability. No matter how simple or complicated, navigation must work well for its users. Now we’ll look at some trends in navigation and how these designs might benefit or hinder websites.

Horizontal vs. Vertical

The decision of whether to make the navigation horizontal or vertical tends to be determined by the nature and focus of the website. Often, it’s a mix of both, but with primary navigation we see certain tendencies. Small websites often lean towards horizontal navigation at the top of the site, while large corporate websites often use both horizontal and vertical navigation (usually with drop-down menus). Blogs vary greatly; primary navigation (such as for categories or pages) is sometimes horizontal, while most of the other menus are vertical. On news website, the navigation is mixed, with no clear tendency either way.

A number of factors will influence the decision for horizontal or vertical navigation, including design, usability and density of content. Sometimes designers add icons to the navigation or add visual elements around it to make it better stand out. Rich typography is another common consideration: since the navigation is the most popular area of the website, it could be given a special typographic treatment to make the user experience a bit more distinctive and unique.

Amazon in Planning And Implementing Website Navigation

Amazon’s list of departments is much too long to go in a horizontal menu without looking crowded. Instead, across the top we find a search bar, which is a kind of navigation in itself. Many Amazon customers know exactly what they are looking for and so go to the search bar first; perhaps far more often than on other websites. Amazon puts its menu of departments along the left. Because the list is so long and varied, its purpose is chiefly for browsing; and vertical menus are good for browsing. The sub-menus, also vertical, help the user refine their browsing among departments and products.

Another thing to consider is the website’s primary language and whether the content will need to be translated into several languages. English words are relatively short compared to German and French words, so horizontal real estate is a consideration with horizontal menus. Will translated items require two lines instead of one or an overflow in the horizontal menu? Is more space required, and if so, is a vertical menu viable? One must always think about how the website will be read and used and about practical issues such as language.

While it is generally good practice to make simple primary menus horizontal, it’s not essential. Below are a few designs that use vertical menus for primary navigation, and pull it off. However, all of these websites have simple menus and fairly minimal design and content; websites with a lot of content could easily overpower vertical menus. Good/Corps (the first site below) is a nice example of how a quite large amount of information is presented in a very compact, even minimalistic way. Subsection are indented, providing users with a clear sense of hierarchy on the site.

Good-corps in Planning And Implementing Website Navigation

Stura TU-Chemnitz
Clouds-navi-screenshot-small1 in Planning And Implementing Website Navigation

Baltic International Bank
Bib in Planning And Implementing Website Navigation

Analogue Digital
Analogue in Planning And Implementing Website Navigation

Cambrian House
Cambrianhouse in Planning And Implementing Website Navigation

Divensis in Planning And Implementing Website Navigation

Mellasat in Planning And Implementing Website Navigation

Debbie Millman
Debbiemillman in Planning And Implementing Website Navigation

Of course, horizontal menus can work really well, too, and menus that follow best practices don’t have to be boring. In fact, combining horizontal and vertical menus is even a possibility.

Below is a small showcase of horizontal menus in action, at either the primary or secondary level.

Moody International
Moody in Planning And Implementing Website Navigation

The Big Feastival
Big-festival-screenshot-small1 in Planning And Implementing Website Navigation

Web Standards Sherpa
Sherpa in Planning And Implementing Website Navigation

Tijuana Flats
Tijuanaflats-screenshot500 in Planning And Implementing Website Navigation
Unlocking-screenshot-small in Planning And Implementing Website Navigation

Cultural Solutions
Culturalsolutions in Planning And Implementing Website Navigation

Tinkering Monkey
Tinkering in Planning And Implementing Website Navigation

Justburns in Planning And Implementing Website Navigation

Drop-Downs And Mega Drop-Downs

While horizontal menus are best for top-level navigation, larger websites often need more in-depth navigation. Drop-down menus can fit a lot of items in one space, thus saving valuable real estate and keeping the navigation organized. The hierarchy can be refined with sub-levels and even sub-levels of sub-levels, helping users filter the information to get to the page or section they want.

Even more useful are mega drop-downs, which can accommodate an even wider variety of content and layouts, but more importantly provider larger click areas for users. They can be used to better organize navigation, as well as contain more content while saving space. They are also a great place for additional features and otherwise non-essential content. In both cases it is important to clearly indicate that the drop-down menu is available, either by using arrows or icons or something else.

Below is a small showcase:

Glasses-store-screenshot-small in Planning And Implementing Website Navigation

Shoe-store-screenshot-small in Planning And Implementing Website Navigation

Aviary in Planning And Implementing Website Navigation

Estee Lauder
Esteelauder in Planning And Implementing Website Navigation

Portero Luxury
Porteroluxury in Planning And Implementing Website Navigation

Sunglass Hut
Sunglasseshut in Planning And Implementing Website Navigation

See how some of these menus are creative in their organization of content and navigation. Below are a few points to note:

  • Much of the navigation the small showcase above is organized into categories and sub-categories, which can be determined with the card-sorting method above.
  • Many of the websites have a different layout and style for each drop-down menu under each top-level link. This creates more variety and creates the appearance of sub-pages under the main page of a design.
  • Some of the websites have icons, images and regular text for link items; these elements could be used for promotion, navigation usability or simply organization.

These are just a few of the features in the drop-down designs above, but of course many more interesting solutions could be found. The point is that navigation is sometimes so extensive that sub-menus (whether via drop-downs or mega drop-downs) are necessary.

With smart CSS and semantic mark-up, implementing mega drop-downs shouldn’t be much harder than building traditional drop-down menus. However, one could run into issues. For example, in Safari, mega drop-downs tend not to display over Flash content. There are several workarounds to this, but the most popular seems to be to wrap the Flash in a div or other layer and then hide it when the drop-down is expanded.

Below are a few tutorials on drop-down and mega drop-down menus:


Navigation that is complex, whether because of content volume or membership considerations or something else, can add a lot of work to the design and development process. But with solid pre-planning and good organization, the work can be fairly easy. Organizing, designing and coding navigation can take many shapes, but there are definite trends to follow and resources to turn to for help at every stage.

Feel free to share other tips, examples and best practices related to complex navigation. There are probably many approaches to each stage of navigation development, and hearing about the practices and experiences of other designers and developers would be great.

Further Resources


© Kayla Knight for Smashing Magazine, 2011. | Permalink | Post a comment | Smashing Shop | Smashing Network | About Us
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Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

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 in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It  in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It  in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

Almost every new client these days wants a mobile version of their website. It’s practically essential after all: one design for the BlackBerry, another for the iPhone, the iPad, netbook, Kindle — and all screen resolutions must be compatible, too. In the next five years, we’ll likely need to design for a number of additional inventions. When will the madness stop? It won’t, of course.

In the field of Web design and development, we’re quickly getting to the point of being unable to keep up with the endless new resolutions and devices. For many websites, creating a website version for each resolution and new device would be impossible, or at least impractical. Should we just suffer the consequences of losing visitors from one device, for the benefit of gaining visitors from another? Or is there another option?

Responsive Web design is the approach that suggests that design and development should respond to the user’s behavior and environment based on screen size, platform and orientation. The practice consists of a mix of flexible grids and layouts, images and an intelligent use of CSS media queries. As the user switches from their laptop to iPad, the website should automatically switch to accommodate for resolution, image size and scripting abilities. In other words, the website should have the technology to automatically respond to the user’s preferences. This would eliminate the need for a different design and development phase for each new gadget on the market.

The Concept Of Responsive Web Design

Ethan Marcotte wrote an introductory article about the approach, “Responsive Web Design,� for A List Apart. It stems from the notion of responsive architectural design, whereby a room or space automatically adjusts to the number and flow of people within it:

“Recently, an emergent discipline called “responsive architectureâ€� has begun asking how physical spaces can respond to the presence of people passing through them. Through a combination of embedded robotics and tensile materials, architects are experimenting with art installations and wall structures that bend, flex, and expand as crowds approach them. Motion sensors can be paired with climate control systems to adjust a room’s temperature and ambient lighting as it fills with people. Companies have already produced “smart glass technologyâ€� that can automatically become opaque when a room’s occupants reach a certain density threshold, giving them an additional layer of privacy.”

Transplant this discipline onto Web design, and we have a similar yet whole new idea. Why should we create a custom Web design for each group of users; after all, architects don’t design a building for each group size and type that passes through it? Like responsive architecture, Web design should automatically adjust. It shouldn’t require countless custom-made solutions for each new category of users.

Obviously, we can’t use motion sensors and robotics to accomplish this the way a building would. Responsive Web design requires a more abstract way of thinking. However, some ideas are already being practiced: fluid layouts, media queries and scripts that can reformat Web pages and mark-up effortlessly (or automatically).

But responsive Web design is not only about adjustable screen resolutions and automatically resizable images, but rather about a whole new way of thinking about design. Let’s talk about all of these features, plus additional ideas in the making.

Adjusting Screen Resolution

With more devices come varying screen resolutions, definitions and orientations. New devices with new screen sizes are being developed every day, and each of these devices may be able to handle variations in size, functionality and even color. Some are in landscape, others in portrait, still others even completely square. As we know from the rising popularity of the iPhone, iPad and advanced smartphones, many new devices are able to switch from portrait to landscape at the user’s whim. How is one to design for these situations?

Portrait-landscape in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

In addition to designing for both landscape and portrait (and enabling those orientations to possibly switch in an instant upon page load), we must consider the hundreds of different screen sizes. Yes, it is possible to group them into major categories, design for each of them, and make each design as flexible as necessary. But that can be overwhelming, and who knows what the usage figures will be in five years? Besides, many users do not maximize their browsers, which itself leaves far too much room for variety among screen sizes.

Morten Hjerde and a few of his colleagues identified statistics on about 400 devices sold between 2005 and 2008. Below are some of the most common:

Sizes in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

Since then even more devices have come out. It’s obvious that we can’t keep creating custom solutions for each one. So, how do we deal with the situation?

Part of the Solution: Flexible Everything

A few years ago, when flexible layouts were almost a “luxury� for websites, the only things that were flexible in a design were the layout columns (structural elements) and the text. Images could easily break layouts, and even flexible structural elements broke a layout’s form when pushed enough. Flexible designs weren’t really that flexible; they could give or take a few hundred pixels, but they often couldn’t adjust from a large computer screen to a netbook.

Now we can make things more flexible. Images can be automatically adjusted, and we have workarounds so that layouts never break (although they may become squished and illegible in the process). While it’s not a complete fix, the solution gives us far more options. It’s perfect for devices that switch from portrait orientation to landscape in an instant or for when users switch from a large computer screen to an iPad.

In Ethan Marcotte’s article, he created a sample Web design that features this better flexible layout:

Moreflexible in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

The entire design is a lovely mix of fluid grids, fluid images and smart mark-up where needed. Creating fluid grids is fairly common practice, and there are a number of techniques for creating fluid images:

For more information on creating fluid websites, be sure to look at the book “Flexible Web Design: Creating Liquid and Elastic Layouts with CSS” by Zoe Mickley Gillenwater, and download the sample chapter “Creating Flexible Images.â€� In addition, Zoe provides the following extensive list of tutorials, resources, inspiration and best practices on creating flexible grids and layouts: “Essential Resources for Creating Liquid and Elastic Layouts.â€�

While from a technical perspective this is all easily possible, it’s not just about plugging these features in and being done. Look at the logo in this design, for example:

Croppinglogo in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

If resized too small, the image would appear to be of low quality, but keeping the name of the website visible and not cropping it off was important. So, the image is divided into two: one (of the illustration) set as a background, to be cropped and to maintain its size, and the other (of the name) resized proportionally.

<h1 id="logo"><a href="#"><img src="site/logo.png" alt="The Baker Street Inquirer" /></a></h1>

Above, the h1 element holds the illustration as a background, and the image is aligned according to the container’s background (the heading).

This is just one example of the kind of thinking that makes responsive Web design truly effective. But even with smart fixes like this, a layout can become too narrow or short to look right. In the logo example above (although it works), the ideal situation would be to not crop half of the illustration or to keep the logo from being so small that it becomes illegible and “floats� up.

Flexible Images

One major problem that needs to be solved with responsive Web design is working with images. There are a number of techniques to resize images proportionately, and many are easily done. The most popular option, noted in Ethan Marcotte’s article on fluid images but first experimented with by Richard Rutter, is to use CSS’s max-width for an easy fix.

img { max-width: 100%; }

As long as no other width-based image styles override this rule, every image will load in its original size, unless the viewing area becomes narrower than the image’s original width. The maximum width of the image is set to 100% of the screen or browser width, so when that 100% becomes narrower, so does the image. Essentially, as Jason Grigsby noted, “The idea behind fluid images is that you deliver images at the maximum size they will be used at. You don’t declare the height and width in your code, but instead let the browser resize the images as needed while using CSS to guide their relative size”. It’s a great and simple technique to resize images beautifully.

Note that max-width is not supported in IE, but a good use of width: 100% would solve the problem neatly in an IE-specific style sheet. One more issue is that when an image is resized too small in some older browsers in Windows, the rendering isn’t as clear as it ought to be. There is a JavaScript to fix this issue, though, found in Ethan Marcotte’s article.

While the above is a great quick fix and good start to responsive images, image resolution and download times should be the primary considerations. While resizing an image for mobile devices can be very simple, if the original image size is meant for large devices, it could significantly slow download times and take up space unnecessarily.

Filament Group’s Responsive Images

This technique, presented by the Filament Group, takes this issue into consideration and not only resizes images proportionately, but shrinks image resolution on smaller devices, so very large images don’t waste space unnecessarily on small screens. Check out the demo page here.

Filamentgroup in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

This technique requires a few files, all of which are available on Github. First, a JavaScript file (rwd-images.js), the .htaccess file and an image file (rwd.gif). Then, we can use just a bit of HTML to reference both the larger and smaller resolution images: first, the small image, with an .r prefix to clarify that it should be responsive, and then a reference to the bigger image using data-fullsrc.

<img src="smallRes.jpg" data-fullsrc="largeRes.jpg">

The data-fullsrc is a custom HTML5 attribute, defined in the files linked to above. For any screen that is wider than 480 pixels, the larger-resolution image (largeRes.jpg) will load; smaller screens wouldn’t need to load the bigger image, and so the smaller image (smallRes.jpg) will load.

The JavaScript file inserts a base element that allows the page to separate responsive images from others and redirects them as necessary. When the page loads, all files are rewritten to their original forms, and only the large or small images are loaded as necessary. With other techniques, all higher-resolution images would have had to be downloaded, even if the larger versions would never be used. Particularly for websites with a lot of images, this technique can be a great saver of bandwidth and loading time.

This technique is fully supported in modern browsers, such as IE8+, Safari, Chrome and Opera, as well as mobile devices that use these same browsers (iPad, iPhone, etc.). Older browsers and Firefox degrade nicely and still resize as one would expect of a responsive image, except that both resolutions are downloaded together, so the end benefit of saving space with this technique is void.

Stop iPhone Simulator Image Resizing

One nice thing about the iPhone and iPod Touch is that Web designs automatically rescale to fit the tiny screen. A full-sized design, unless specified otherwise, would just shrink proportionally for the tiny browser, with no need for scrolling or a mobile version. Then, the user could easily zoom in and out as necessary.

There was, however, one issue this simulator created. When responsive Web design took off, many noticed that images were still changing proportionally with the page even if they were specifically made for (or could otherwise fit) the tiny screen. This in turn scaled down text and other elements.

Iphonescale in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It
(Image: Think Vitamin | Website referenced: 8 Faces)

Because this works only with Apple’s simulator, we can use an Apple-specific meta tag to fix the problem, placing it below the website’s <head> section. Thanks to Think Vitamin’s article on image resizing, we have the meta tag below:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width; initial-scale=1.0">

Setting the initial-scale to 1 overrides the default to resize images proportionally, while leaving them as is if their width is the same as the device’s width (in either portrait or lanscape mode). Apple’s documentation has a lot more information on the viewport meta tag.

Custom Layout Structure

For extreme size changes, we may want to change the layout altogether, either through a separate style sheet or, more efficiently, through a CSS media query. This does not have to be troublesome; most of the styles can remain the same, while specific style sheets can inherit these styles and move elements around with floats, widths, heights and so on.

For example, we could have one main style sheet (which would also be the default) that would define all of the main structural elements, such as #wrapper, #content, #sidebar, #nav, along with colors, backgrounds and typography. Default flexible widths and floats could also be defined.

If a style sheet made the layout too narrow, short, wide or tall, we could then detect that and switch to a new style sheet. This new child style sheet would adopt everything from the default style sheet and then just redefine the layout’s structure.

Here is the style.css (default) content:

/* Default styles that will carry to the child style sheet */


p, blockquote, pre, code, ol, ul{}

/* Structural elements */
	width: 80%;
	margin: 0 auto;

	background: #fff;
	padding: 20px;

	width: 54%;
	float: left;
	margin-right: 3%;

	width: 20%;
	float: left;
	margin-right: 3%;

	width: 20%;
	float: left;

Here is the mobile.css (child) content:

	width: 90%;

	width: 100%;

	width: 100%;
	clear: both;

	/* Additional styling for our new layout */
	border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
	margin-top: 20px;

	width: 100%;
	clear: both;

	/* Additional styling for our new layout */
	border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
	margin-top: 20px;

Movingcontent in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

Media Queries

CSS3 supports all of the same media types as CSS 2.1, such as screen, print and handheld, but has added dozens of new media features, including max-width, device-width, orientation and color. New devices made after the release of CSS3 (such as the iPad and Android devices) will definitely support media features. So, calling a media query using CSS3 features to target these devices would work just fine, and it will be ignored if accessed by an older computer browser that does not support CSS3.

In Ethan Marcotte’s article, we see an example of a media query in action:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
	media="screen and (max-device-width: 480px)"
	href="shetland.css" />

This media query is fairly self-explanatory: if the browser displays this page on a screen (rather than print, etc.), and if the width of the screen (not necessarily the viewport) is 480 pixels or less, then load shetland.css.

New CSS3 features also include orientation (portrait vs. landscape), device-width, min-device-width and more. Look at “The Orientation Media Query� for more information on setting and restricting widths based on these media query features.

One can create multiple style sheets, as well as basic layout alterations defined to fit ranges of widths — even for landscape vs. portrait orientations. Be sure to look at the section of Ethan Marcotte’s article entitled “Meet the media queryâ€� for more examples and a more thorough explanation.

Multiple media queries can also be dropped right into a single style sheet, which is the most efficient option when used:

/* Smartphones (portrait and landscape) ----------- */
@media only screen
and (min-device-width : 320px)
and (max-device-width : 480px) {
/* Styles */

/* Smartphones (landscape) ----------- */
@media only screen
and (min-width : 321px) {
/* Styles */

/* Smartphones (portrait) ----------- */
@media only screen
and (max-width : 320px) {
/* Styles */

The code above is from a free template for multiple media queries between popular devices by Andy Clark. See the differences between this approach and including different style sheet files in the mark-up as shown in the post “Hardboiled CSS3 Media Queries.�

CSS3 Media Queries

Above are a few examples of how media queries, both from CSS 2.1 and CSS3 could work. Let’s now look at some specific how-to’s for using CSS3 media queries to create responsive Web designs. Many of these uses are relevant today, and all will definitely be usable in the near future.

The min-width and max-width properties do exactly what they suggest. The min-width property sets a minimum browser or screen width that a certain set of styles (or separate style sheet) would apply to. If anything is below this limit, the style sheet link or styles will be ignored. The max-width property does just the opposite. Anything above the maximum browser or screen width specified would not apply to the respective media query.

Note in the examples below that we’re using the syntax for media queries that could be used all in one style sheet. As mentioned above, the most efficient way to use media queries is to place them all in one CSS style sheet, with the rest of the styles for the website. This way, multiple requests don’t have to be made for multiple style sheets.

@media screen and (min-width: 600px) {
     .hereIsMyClass {
          width: 30%;
          float: right;

The class specified in the media query above (hereIsMyClass) will work only if the browser or screen width is above 600 pixels. In other words, this media query will run only if the minimum width is 600 pixels (therefore, 600 pixels or wider).

@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
     .aClassforSmallScreens {
          clear: both;
		  font-size: 1.3em;

Now, with the use of max-width, this media query will apply only to browser or screen widths with a maximum width of 600 pixels or narrower.

While the above min-width and max-width can apply to either screen size or browser width, sometimes we’d like a media query that is relevant to device width specifically. This means that even if a browser or other viewing area is minimized to something smaller, the media query would still apply to the size of the actual device. The min-device-width and max-device-width media query properties are great for targeting certain devices with set dimensions, without applying the same styles to other screen sizes in a browser that mimics the device’s size.

@media screen and (max-device-width: 480px) {
     .classForiPhoneDisplay {
          font-size: 1.2em;
@media screen and (min-device-width: 768px) {
     .minimumiPadWidth {
          clear: both;
		  margin-bottom: 2px solid #ccc;

There are also other tricks with media queries to target specific devices. Thomas Maier has written two short snippets and explanations for targeting the iPhone and iPad only:

For the iPad specifically, there is also a media query property called orientation. The value can be either landscape (horizontal orientation) or portrait (vertical orientation).

@media screen and (orientation: landscape) {
     .iPadLandscape {
          width: 30%;
		  float: right;
@media screen and (orientation: portrait) {
     .iPadPortrait {
          clear: both;

Unfortunately, this property works only on the iPad. When determining the orientation for the iPhone and other devices, the use of max-device-width and min-device-width should do the trick.

There are also many media queries that make sense when combined. For example, the min-width and max-width media queries are combined all the time to set a style specific to a certain range.

@media screen and (min-width: 800px) and (max-width: 1200px) {
     .classForaMediumScreen {
          background: #cc0000;
          width: 30%;
          float: right;

The above code in this media query applies only to screen and browser widths between 800 and 1200 pixels. A good use of this technique is to show certain content or entire sidebars in a layout depending on how much horizontal space is available.

Some designers would also prefer to link to a separate style sheet for certain media queries, which is perfectly fine if the organizational benefits outweigh the efficiency lost. For devices that do not switch orientation or for screens whose browser width cannot be changed manually, using a separate style sheet should be fine.

You might want, for example, to place media queries all in one style sheet (as above) for devices like the iPad. Because such a device can switch from portrait to landscape in an instant, if these two media queries were placed in separate style sheets, the website would have to call each style sheet file every time the user switched orientations. Placing a media query for both the horizontal and vertical orientations of the iPad in the same style sheet file would be far more efficient.

Another example is a flexible design meant for a standard computer screen with a resizable browser. If the browser can be manually resized, placing all variable media queries in one style sheet would be best.

Nevertheless, organization can be key, and a designer may wish to define media queries in a standard HTML link tag:

<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen and (max-width: 600px)" href="small.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen and (min-width: 600px)" href="large.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" media="print" href="print.css" />


Another method that can be used is JavaScript, especially as a back-up to devices that don’t support all of the CSS3 media query options. Fortunately, there is already a pre-made JavaScript library that makes older browsers (IE 5+, Firefox 1+, Safari 2) support CSS3 media queries. If you’re already using these queries, just grab a copy of the library, and include it in the mark-up: css3-mediaqueries.js.

In addition, below is a sample jQuery snippet that detects browser width and changes the style sheet accordingly — if one prefers a more hands-on approach:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
		$(window).bind("resize", resizeWindow);
		function resizeWindow(e){
			var newWindowWidth = $(window).width();

			// If width width is below 600px, switch to the mobile stylesheet
			if(newWindowWidth < 600){ 				$("link[rel=stylesheet]").attr({href : "mobile.css"});	 			} 			// Else if width is above 600px, switch to the large stylesheet 			else if(newWindowWidth > 600){
				$("link[rel=stylesheet]").attr({href : "style.css"});

There are many solutions for pairing up JavaScript with CSS media queries. Remember that media queries are not an absolute answer, but rather are fantastic options for responsive Web design when it comes to pure CSS-based solutions. With the addition of JavaScript, we can accomodate far more variations. For detailed information on using JavaScript to mimic or work with media queries, look at “Combining Media Queries and JavaScript.�

Showing or Hiding Content

It is possible to shrink things proportionally and rearrange elements as necessary to make everything fit (reasonably well) as a screen gets smaller. It’s great that that’s possible, but making every piece of content from a large screen available on a smaller screen or mobile device isn’t always the best answer. We have best practices for mobile environments: simpler navigation, more focused content, lists or rows instead of multiple columns.

Diggmobile in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

Responsive Web design shouldn’t be just about how to create a flexible layout on a wide range of platforms and screen sizes. It should also be about the user being able to pick and choose content. Fortunately, CSS has been allowing us to show and hide content with ease for years!

display: none;

Either declare display: none for the HTML block element that needs to be hidden in a specific style sheet or detect the browser width and do it through JavaScript. In addition to hiding content on smaller screens, we can also hide content in our default style sheet (for bigger screens) that should be available only in mobile versions or on smaller devices. For example, as we hide major pieces of content, we could replace them with navigation to that content, or with a different navigation structure altogether.

Note that we haven’t used visibility: hidden here; this just hides the content (although it is still there), whereas the display property gets rid of it altogether. For smaller devices, there is no need to keep the mark-up on the page — it just takes up resources and might even cause unnecessary scrolling or break the layout.

Showinghidingcontent in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

Here is our mark-up:

<p class="sidebar-nav"><a href="#">Left Sidebar Content</a> | <a href="#">Right Sidebar Content</a></p>

<div id="content">
	<h2>Main Content</h2>

<div id="sidebar-left">
	<h2>A Left Sidebar</h2>


<div id="sidebar-right">
	<h2>A Right Sidebar</h2>

In our default style sheet below, we have hidden the links to the sidebar content. Because our screen is large enough, we can display this content on page load.

Here is the style.css (default) content:

	width: 54%;
	float: left;
	margin-right: 3%;

	width: 20%;
	float: left;
	margin-right: 3%;

	width: 20%;
	float: left;
.sidebar-nav{display: none;}

Now, we hide the two sidebars (below) and show the links to these pieces of content. As an alternative, the links could call to JavaScript to just cancel out the display: none when clicked, and the sidebars could be realigned in the CSS to float below the content (or in another reasonable way).

Here is the mobile.css (simpler) content:

	width: 100%;

	display: none;

	display: none;
.sidebar-nav{display: inline;}

With the ability to easily show and hide content, rearrange layout elements and automatically resize images, form elements and more, a design can be transformed to fit a huge variety of screen sizes and device types. As the screen gets smaller, rearrange elements to fit mobile guidelines; for example, use a script or alternate style sheet to increase white space or to replace image navigation sources on mobile devices for better usability (icons would be more beneficial on smaller screens).

Below are a couple of relevant resources:

Touchscreens vs. Cursors

Touchscreens are becoming increasingly popular. Assuming that smaller devices are more likely to be given touchscreen functionality is easy, but don’t be so quick. Right now touchscreens are mainly on smaller devices, but many laptops and desktops on the market also have touchscreen capability. For example, the HP Touchsmart tm2t is a basic touchscreen laptop with traditional keyboard and mouse that can transform into a tablet.

Touchscreen in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

Touchscreens obviously come with different design guidelines than purely cursor-based interaction, and the two have different capabilities as well. Fortunately, making a design work for both doesn’t take a lot of effort. Touchscreens have no capability to display CSS hovers because there is no cursor; once the user touches the screen, they click. So, don’t rely on CSS hovers for link definition; they should be considered an additional feature only for cursor-based devices.

Look at the article “Designing for Touchscreen� for more ideas. Many of the design suggestions in it are best for touchscreens, but they would not necessarily impair cursor-based usability either. For example, sub-navigation on the right side of the page would be more user-friendly for touchscreen users, because most people are right-handed; they would therefore not bump or brush the navigation accidentally when holding the device in their left hand. This would make no difference to cursor users, so we might as well follow the touchscreen design guideline in this instance. Many more guidelines of this kind can be drawn from touchscreen-based usability.

A Showcase Of Responsive Web Design

Below we have a few examples of responsive Web design in practice today. For many of these websites, there is more variation in structure and style than is shown in the pairs of screenshots provided. Many have several solutions for a variety of browsers, and some even adjust elements dynamically in size without the need for specific browser dimensions. Visit each of these, and adjust your browser size or change devices to see them in action.

Art Equals Work
Art Equals Work is a simple yet great example of responsive Web design. The first screenshot below is the view from a standard computer screen dimension. The website is flexible with browser widths by traditional standars, but once the browser gets too narrow or is otherwise switched to a device with a smaller screen, then the layout switches to a more readable and user-friendly format. The sidebar disappears, navigation goes to the top, and text is enlarged for easy and simple vertical reading.

Artequalswork1 in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

Artequalswork2 in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

Think Vitamin
With Think Vitamin, we see a similar approach. When on a smaller screen or browser, the sidebar and top bar are removed, the navigation simplifies and moves directly above the content, as does the logo. The logo keeps its general look yet is modified for a more vertical orientation, with the tagline below the main icon. The white space around the content on larger screens is also more spacious and interesting, whereas it is simplified for practical purposes on smaller screens.

Thinkvitamin1 in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

Thinkvitamin2 in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

8 Faces
8 Faces’ website design is flexible, right down to a standard netbook or tablet device, and expands in content quantity and layout width when viewed on wider screens or expanded browsers. When viewed on narrower screens, the featured issue on the right is cut out, and the content below is shortened and rearranged in layout, leaving only the essential information.

8faces1 in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

8faces2 in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

The Hicksdesign website has three columns when viewed on a conventional computer screen with a maximized browser. When minimized in width, the design takes on a new layout: the third column to the right is rearranged above the second, and the logo moves next to the introductory text. Thus, no content needs to be removed for the smaller size. For even narrower screens and browser widths, the side content is removed completely and a simplified version is moved up top. Finally, the font size changes with the screen and browser width; as the browser gets narrower, the font size throughout gets smaller and remains proportional.

Hicksdesign1 in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

Hicksdesign2 in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

Information Architects
Here is a great example of a flexible image. The image in this design automatically resizes after certain “break� points, but in between those width changes, only the side margins and excess white space are altered. On smaller screens and minimized browsers, the navigation simplifies and the columns of navigation at the top fall off. At the design’s smallest version, the navigation simplifies to just a drop-down menu, perfect for saving space without sacrificing critical navigation links.

Informationarchitects1 in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

Informationarchitects2 in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

Garret Keizer
The website for Garret Keizer is fully flexible in wider browsers and on larger screens: the photo, logo and other images resize proportionally, as do the headings and block areas for text. At a few points, some pieces of text change in font size and get smaller as the screen or browser gets narrower. After a certain break point, the layout transforms into what we see in the second screenshot below, with a simple logo, introductory text and a simple vertical structure for the remaining content.

Garretkeizer1 in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

Garretkeizer2 in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

Simon Collison
With four relatively content-heavy columns, it’s easy to see how the content here could easily be squished when viewed on smaller devices. Because of the easy organized columns, though, we can also collapse them quite simply when needed, and we can stack them vertically when the space doesn’t allow for a reasonable horizontal span. When the browser is minimized or the user is on a smaller device, the columns first collapse into two and then into one. Likewise, the horizontal lines for break points also change in width, without changing the size or style of each line’s title text.

Colly1 in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

Colly2 in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

CSS Tricks
On the CSS Tricks website, like many other collapsible Web designs, the sidebars with excess content are the first to fall off when the screen or browser gets too narrow. On this particular website, the middle column or first sidebar to the left was the first to disappear; and the sidebar with the ads and website extras did the same when the browser got even narrower. Eventually, the design leaves the posts, uses less white space around the navigation and logo and moves the search bar to below the navigation. The remaining layout and design is as flexible as can be because of its simplicity.

Csstricks1 in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

Csstricks2 in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

Tee Gallery
As one can see, the main navigation here is the simple layout of t-shirt designs, spanning both vertically and horizontally across the screen. As the browser or screen gets smaller, the columns collapse and move below. This happens at each break point when the layout is stressed, but in between the break points, the images just change proportionally in size. This maintains balance in the design, while ensuring that any images (which are essential to the website) don’t get so small that they become unusable.

Teegallery1 in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

Teegallery2 in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

City Crawlers: Berlin
When varied between larger screen sizes and browser widths, this design remains flexible. It also remains flexible after a few layout pieces collapse into a more vertical orientation for small screens and narrow browsers. At first, the introductory image, logo and navigation image links resize proportionally to accommodate variations in screen and browser widths, as do the blocks of content below. The bottom columns of content eventually collapse and rearrange above or below other pieces, until (at the narrowest point) they are all stacked vertically. In the layout for the smallest screen and narrowest browser, the slideshow is left out altogether, the navigation is moved below the logo and other images are also removed.

Berlin1 in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

Berlin2 in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

Ten by Twenty
Ten by Twenty is another design that does not resort to changing layout structure at all after certain break points, but rather simplifies responsive Web design by making everything fully flexible and automatically resizing, no matter what the screen or browser width. After a while, the design does stress a bit and could benefit from some rearrangement of content. But overall, the image resizing and flexible content spaces allow for a fairly simple solution that accommodates a wide range of screen sizes.

Tenbytwenty1 in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

Tenbytwenty2 in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

Hardboiled Web Design
On wide screens and browsers, all of the content on this simply designed website is well organized into columns, sidebar and simple navigation up top. It’s a fairly standard and efficient layout. On smaller screens, the sidebar is the first to drop off, and its content is moved below the book previews and essential information. Being limited in space, this design preserves its important hierarchy. Whereas on a wider screen we’d look left to right, on a narrower screen we’d tend to look from top to bottom. Content on the right is moved below content that would appear on the left on a wider screen. Eventually, when the horizontal space is fully limited, the navigation is simplified and stacked vertically, and some repeated or inessential elements are removed.

Hardboiled1 in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

Hardboiled2 in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

This design features a complex layout that looks inspired by a print style. When viewed on a standard wide computer screen, more portfolio pieces are featured and spanned horizontally across the page. As one moves down the page, more graphics and imagery span the space. On a smaller screen, the portfolio piece is cut down to one, and then eventually left out altogether for very small screens and narrow browsers. The visualizations below collapse into fewer columns and more rows, and again, some drop off entirely for very small screens. This design shows a creative and intelligent way to make a not-so-common layout work responsively.

Teixido1 in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

Teixido2 in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

Stephen Caver
This design has three main stages at which the design and layout collapse into a more user-friendly form, depending on how wide the screen or browser is. The main image (featuring type) is scaled proportionally via a flexible image method. Each “layout structure� is fully flexible until it reaches a breaking point, at which point the layout switches to something more usable with less horizontal space. The bottom four columns eventually collapse into two, the logo moves above the navigation, and the columns of navigation below are moved on top or below each other. At the design’s narrowest stage, the navigation is super-simplified, and some inessential content is cut out altogether.

Stephancaver1 in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

Stephancaver2 in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

Unstoppable Robot Ninja
This layout does not change at all; no content is dropped or rearranged; and the text size does not change either. Instead, this design keeps its original form, no matter what the change in horizontal and vertical space. Instead, it automatically resizes the header image and the images for the navigation. The white space, margins and padding are also flexible, giving more room as the design expands and shrinks.

Unstoppablerobotninja1 in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

Unstoppablerobotninja2 in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

This is perhaps the simplest example of a responsive Web design in this showcase, but also one of the most versatile. The only piece in the layout that changes with the browser width is the blog post’s date, which moves above the post’s title or to the side, depending on how much horizontal space is available. Beyond this, the only thing that changes is the width of the content area and the margin space on the left and right. Everything is centered, so a sense of balance is maintained whatever the screen or browser width. Because of this design’s simplicity, switching between browser and screen widths is quick and easy.

Bureu1 in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

Bureu2 in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

CSS Wizardry
Harry Roberts shows that responsive design can also have quite humble uses. If the user has a large viewport, the website displays three columns with a navigation menu floating on the left. For users with a viewport between 481px and 800px, a narrow version is displayed: the navigation jumps to the top of the site leaving the area for the content column and the sidebar. Finally, the iPhone view displays the sidebar under the content area. Harry also wrote a detailed article about the CSS styles he added to the stylesheet in his article “Media queries, handier than you think“. A nice example of how a couple of simple CSS adjustments can improve the website’s appearance across various devices.

Css-wizardry in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

Css-wizardry2 in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

Bryan James
This last design by Bryan James shows that responsive Web design need not apply only to static HTML and CSS websites. Done in Flash, this one features a full-sized background image and is flexible up to a certain width and height. As a result of the design style, on screens that are too small, the background image gets mostly hidden and the content can become illegible and squished. Instead of just letting it be, though, a message pops up informing the user that the screen is too small to adequately view the website. It then prompts the user to switch to a bigger screen. One can discuss if the design solution is good or bad in terms of usability, but the example shows that Flash websites can respond to user’s viewport, too.

Bryanjames1 in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It

Bryanjames2 in Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It


We are indeed entering a new age of Web design and development. Far too many options are available now, and there will be far too many in the future to continue adjusting and creating custom solutions for each screen size, device and advancement in technology. We should rather start a new era today: creating websites that are future-ready right now. Understanding how to make a design responsive to the user doesn’t require too much learning, and it can definitely be a lot less stressful and more productive than learning how to design and code properly for every single device available.

Responsive Web design and the techniques discussed above are not the final answer to the ever-changing mobile world. Responsive Web design is a mere concept that when implemented correctly can improve the user experience, but not completely solve it for every user, device and platform. We will need to constantly work with new devices, resolutions and technologies to continually improve the user experience as technology evolves in the coming years.

Besides saving us from frustration, responsive Web design is also best for the user. Every custom solution makes for a better user experience. With responsive Web design, we can create custom solutions for a wider range of users, on a wider range of devices. A website can be tailored as well for someone on an old laptop or device as it can for the vast majority of people on the trendiest gadgets around, and likewise as much for the few users who own the most advanced gadgets now and in the years to come. Responsive Web design creates a great custom experience for everyone. As Web designers, we all strive for that every day on every project anyway, right?

Further Resources

(al) (vf)

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Five Useful Design Techniques and Coding Solutions For Web Designers

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 in Five Useful Design Techniques and Coding Solutions For Web Designers  in Five Useful Design Techniques and Coding Solutions For Web Designers  in Five Useful Design Techniques and Coding Solutions For Web Designers

As designers, we have to create an intuitive user experience, solve design problems and provide a beautiful and functional user interfaces. Unlike print design, we don’t have the luxury of designing in a static area; rather, our canvas is ever-changing in its content, browser width, page length and more. We do need to be able to code to some extent and be able to build a design around a structure of code. Yet, with these complications comes an opportunity for unique functionality, interactive effects and better user experience.

In this article, we’ll look at five useful coding solutions that we’ve stumble upon recently. All of these solutions enhance a website’s design, not just the code. These solutions affect the user interface and the user’s interaction with the design, and they can make for a more usable and interactive website.

[Offtopic: by the way, did you already get your copy of the Smashing Book?]

1. Bar Graph Effect For Multiple Items

This effect (pictured below) can be a great way to add some oomph to a Web page, and make it more user-friendly. Its functionality goes beyond just being a cool trick, though. By organizing any set of items on a page — such as tags, categories, comments, product count — a designer can enhance user interaction, provide useful content clues and improve usability. By seeing a count of items such as tags and product types, the visitor can quickly get an idea of what the website mostly consists of. This is a great way to make quick connections with targeted visitors.

For comment counts, visitors can quickly see where the discussions are at. Highlights on highly commented posts can reinforce user-to-user interaction.

Pictured below are two examples of this design. The left organizes tags, and the second ranks the most commented posts on a blog. Be sure to visit both websites to see the full functionality and CSS effects.

Bargrapheffect in Five Useful Design Techniques and Coding Solutions For Web Designers
Left, Dribbble (number of tags). Right, Engadget, (most commented posts).

How Is It Done?

Recreating this solution is really quite easy. We have to do three things:

  1. Lay out the full list of features,
  2. Create the effect in plain (X)HTML and CSS,
  3. Pull in the counts dynamically and put them into our static version.

Breaking the feature down into simple, specific steps give us the beginnings of a solution. We now have a direction to follow.

List the Bar Graph’s Features

To get started with the first step, let’s lay out exactly what this design does. By laying out the steps in writing, we can sort it out into coding terms.

  1. Dynamically pull in a number count (tags, comments, category count, etc.);
  2. Determine the items with the highest count (perhaps the 10 most commented categories, as opposed to all of them);
  3. Create a horizontal bar corresponding to the count (or a vertical bar for a different look);
  4. Organize the bars in order of quantity.

Recreating the Design (Static)

Now, let’s create the design, only without any dynamic data or automation. We’ll leave out pulling in the number count from a database or other source and make up our own numbers for now. We also won’t create a way to determine the highest results or organize them in descending order; instead, we’ll make up our own numbers, manually organize them and use only 10 for now. After that, we’ll redo this in plain (X)HTML and CSS and do all that dynamic stuff.

The (X)HTML:

<div class="block">
	<a href="#" style="width: 100%">Web Interface Design (27)</a>
	<a href="#" style="width: 92.59%">Photoshop Tutorials (25)</a>
	<a href="#" style="width: 74.07%">CSS Tricks (20)</a>
	<a href="#" style="width: 66.66%">Showcases & Inspiration (18)</a>
	<a href="#" style="width: 51.85%">WordPress (14)</a>
	<a href="#" style="width: 48.15%">JavaScript (13)</a>
	<a href="#" style="width: 37.04%">Free Resources (10)</a>
	<a href="#" style="width: 29.63%">Reviews (8)</a>
	<a href="#" style="width: 29.63%">Interviews (8)</a>
	<a href="#" style="width: 25.93%">Typography (7)</a>

The CSS:

html, body {
	background: #eee;
	font: normal 13px/1.5em Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
* {
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;
.block {
	width: 400px;
	margin: 100px auto;
a {
	display: block;
	padding: 5px;
	margin-bottom: 2px;
	background-color: #666;
	color: #fff;
	text-decoration: none;
a:hover {
	background: #9764a0;

The above code will create this static mock-up:

Bargraphdemo in Five Useful Design Techniques and Coding Solutions For Web Designers

Note that we’ve added some basic styling, just to experiment with how hovers could work. For the most part, though, this version is very basic so that you can customize it as you want.

The (X)HTML and CSS should be self-explanatory, but let’s go over how we created the bars. In our style sheet, we created the basic styles and turned each link into a bar using the display: block property. In this simple example, these are the only links on the page, but to be of practical use, some of these bar links would have to be given a class, to distinguish them from the other links on the page. Alternatively, one could use the :nth-child() selector of CSS3 without defining new classes.

We then went into the (X)HTML and set each bar’s width individually with the style attribute. In the (X)HTML code above, we have specified each width as a percentage. We first assume that the highest value, “Web Interface Design (27)â€�, is 100%. From there, we calculate the percentages of the others relative to that.

Example: “Photoshop Tutorials (25)�
25 × 100 = 2500
2500 ÷ 27 (our 100%) = 92.59%
<a href="#" style="width: 92.59%">Photoshop Tutorials (25)</a>

Recreating the Design (Dynamically)

We have now figured out the math and the static code, and we just have to put it all together, pulling the code from a database and automatically organizing and creating the bars.

In this example, we’re working with the number of posts in each of our WordPress categories, but the same logic applies to other uses and other programming languages. The code below might seem long, but don’t worry: it’s mostly comments, which explains how to dynamically calculate the percentages and pull the content into the static (X)HTML/CSS.

<!-- In our example, we get a count of categories in WordPress.
Let's first find the category with the most posts.

	$highest = 0; // Initialize our “highest count� variable
	foreach((get_the_category()) as $category) { // for each category
		$cat_count = $category->category_count;

		// If this category’s count is higher than what we have so far
		// for the highest number…
		if($cat_count > $highest){
			// then re-declare our highest value according to this
			// category’s count
			$highest = $cat_count;

<!-- Below we go through an array of the categories, and for each one
get its name and then its count. We've saved this data in
the $cat_name and $cat_count variables, respectively.

(Because we will get a new category each time the loop runs,
we'll have to process all of our other (X)HTML/CSS code within the loop
for each turn.)
<div class="block">

<?foreach((get_categories(‘orderby=count&order=desc’)) as $category) {
	$cat_name = $category->cat_name;
	$cat_count = $category->category_count;

	// Let's calculate this category’s width
	// (our “100%� is our highest category count number, $highest)
	$width = ($cat_count * 100) / $highest;

	// Finally, echo out our link HTML, including our variables
	// to dynamically bring in the content for the width,
	// category name and count.
	echo '<a href="#" style="width: .'$width'.%">
		.'$cat_name'. (.'$cat_count'.)</a>';

Demo and Download Files

You can see the demo and download the files from our servers.

2. Animation On Article Hover

Now, this is a very nice aesthetic effect, and it is original, too. Visit CSS Tricks or check out the image below. The articles have a simple clean look, with only an asterisk separating them. When one hovers over a post, we see its meta data: comments, a “Read on� link and date stamp.

What makes this effect especially dynamic is that it features a hover effect for content, not just images. It’s a cool trick and it has some practical uses, too. By hiding content until it’s needed, the designer puts more emphasis on the content and important features. A website can have the appeal of minimalism but still offer rich functionality.

This design solution also makes important content stand out. As on CSS Tricks, when users hover over a post, an action occurs, drawing the user’s eyes to links that will help them interact with the blog.

Hoveronpost in Five Useful Design Techniques and Coding Solutions For Web Designers
When you hover over a home-page post on, meta content is revealed.

How Is It Done?

This effect might look more complicated than a simple image roll-over, but the same principle applies. With some CSS and a bit of basic JavaScript, we can do the same thing.

Let’s first look more closely at what this effect does. Then we’ll be able to more easily come up with the solution.

  • When any part of a post is hovered over, the effect is triggered.
  • Two pieces of content are revealed, to the left and right of the original image: the date and comments section, and the “Read onâ€� section.
  • On moving the mouse, the post returns to normal.

Seeing how this is similar to image roll-overs is now easier. For image roll-overs, we use JavaScript to change code for onMouseOver and onMouseOut. We’ll do a similar thing here, but use divs instead of images. Also with image roll-overs, we’ll usually replace one image with another. Our action here instead will be just to show and hide content.


We need to wrap a div element around the entire post, and we can manage that as a single step. We can then apply the JavaScript events to it: MouseOver and MouseOut. For each, we simply set the content’s display property (defined by a CSS id) to none or inline. Instead of using inline-attributes, it’s better to separate JavaScript and CSS, e.g. using jQuery.

<div class="post">

<h2>A Blog Post Title</h2>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque dignissim est ultrices neque fermentum convallis. Nulla libero lacus, accumsan sed porta quis, pulvinar in lectus. Sed id justo lorem, eu ullamcorper sapien. Nullam tincidunt lorem nec nisl egestas gravida vel et massa. Donec arcu nisl, venenatis ac suscipit dignissim, egestas auctor lectus. Quisque vulputate fermentum felis sed tristique. Ut enim felis, faucibus ac fermentum rutrum, posuere id nulla. Duis lectus dolor, eleifend in tincidunt eu, sagittis sed sapien. Duis id purus id magna facilisis luctus. Mauris sodales arcu ut arcu laoreet id pulvinar ligula hendrerit.</p>

<!-- This is what appears when not hovering -->
<p id="postimg" class="center">
<img src="triangle.png" alt="Triangle" />

<!-- This is what appears on hover; hidden otherwise. -->
<p id="hiddencontent" class="center">
Posted on 9/15/10 | <a href="#">23 Comments</a>
<img src="triangle.png" alt="Triangle" />
<a href="#">Continue Reading…</a>


<script type="text/javascript">
$('.post').mouseover(function() {
	$('#hiddencontent').css('display', 'inline');
	$('#postimg').css('display', 'none');

$('.post').mouseout(function() {
	$('#postimg').css('display', 'block');


Here, we’ve just done some basic styling: centered our div, styled the h2 tag, played with fonts, etc. The thing to note here is the #hiddencontent div. Because we need to hide our content on page load, we must set it in the CSS to display: none.

html, body {
	background: #eee;
	font: normal 14px/1.6em Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

#hiddencontent {
	display: none;

h2 {
	margin-bottom: .5em;

.center {
	width: 500px;
	text-align: center;

Below is our mock-up of the design (top is before the hover, and bottom is after). It’s just some basic CSS and JavaScript, and the code is easy enough to work around when implementing in WordPress or elsewhere.

Posthoverdemo in Five Useful Design Techniques and Coding Solutions For Web Designers

Demo and Download Files

You can see the demo and download the files from our servers.

3. A Color For Each Category

This technique gives each category on a website a different color (see Emprnt for a full implementation). This is a great way to color-code a design to give it better organization and easier navigation. For now, let’s figure out how to repeat this effect with WordPress and categories, as on Emprnt.

The same solution could be applied to other items: roles (authors have one color, editors another); authors (assign colors based on posts, tags, etc.); highlighting popular posts (highlight posts that have 150 to 200 page views with one color, and then 75 to 150 with another, and so on). The experience will vary according to your application. For example, by color-coding categories, you aid navigation and usability. By color-coding popular posts, you help users see which posts are getting the most attention.

Categorycolors in Five Useful Design Techniques and Coding Solutions For Web Designers
Emprnt uses CSS and a bit of code to create a different color for each category as a post is published.

How Is It Done?

To pull this off, we need to pick a color for each category, identify each category’s id and then match each id with a CSS class that specifies the color and any other basic styling. First, let’s take care of the static (X)HTML and CSS:

Recreating the Effect (Static)

The (X)HTML:

<div class="block">
	<div class="post cat_1">
		<h2>A Blog Post Title</h2>
		<small>Category 1</small>
		<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
		Pellentesque dignissim est ultrices neque fermentum convallis.
		Nulla libero lacus, accumsan sed porta quis, pulvinar in lectus.
		Sed id justo lorem, eu ullamcorper sapien. Nullam tincidunt
		lorem nec nisl egestas gravida vel et massa. Donec arcu nisl,
		venenatis ac suscipit dignissim, egestas auctor lectus.</p>

	<div class="post cat_2">
		<h2>A Blog Post Title</h2>
		<small>Category 2</small>
		<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
		Pellentesque dignissim est ultrices neque fermentum convallis.
		Nulla libero lacus, accumsan sed porta quis, pulvinar in lectus.
		Sed id justo lorem, eu ullamcorper sapien. Nullam tincidunt
		lorem nec nisl egestas gravida vel et massa. Donec arcu nisl,
		venenatis ac suscipit dignissim, egestas auctor lectus.</p>

	<div class="post cat_2">
		<h2>A Blog Post Title</h2>
		<small>Category 2</small>
		<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
		Pellentesque dignissim est ultrices neque fermentum convallis.
		Nulla libero lacus, accumsan sed porta quis, pulvinar in lectus.
		Sed id justo lorem, eu ullamcorper sapien. Nullam tincidunt
		lorem nec nisl egestas gravida vel et massa. Donec arcu nisl,
		venenatis ac suscipit dignissim, egestas auctor lectus.</p>

	<div class="post cat_3">
		<h2>A Blog Post Title</h2>
		<small>Category 3</small>
		<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
		Pellentesque dignissim est ultrices neque fermentum convallis.
		Nulla libero lacus, accumsan sed porta quis, pulvinar in lectus.
		Sed id justo lorem, eu ullamcorper sapien. Nullam tincidunt
		lorem nec nisl egestas gravida vel et massa. Donec arcu nisl,
		venenatis ac suscipit dignissim, egestas auctor lectus.</p>

	<div class="post cat_1">
		<h2>A Blog Post Title</h2>
		<small>Category 1</small>
		<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
		Pellentesque dignissim est ultrices neque fermentum convallis.
		Nulla libero lacus, accumsan sed porta quis, pulvinar in lectus.
		Sed id justo lorem, eu ullamcorper sapien. Nullam tincidunt
		lorem nec nisl egestas gravida vel et massa. Donec arcu nisl,
		venenatis ac suscipit dignissim, egestas auctor lectus.</p>

As you can see, we’ve given each post two classes: post and cat_#. This example has only three categories, with their classes named cat_1, cat_2 and cat_3, but keep in mind that these numbers will change according to our category ids later.

The CSS:

html, body {
	background: #eee;
	font: normal 13px/1.5em Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

* {
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;

h2 {
	margin-bottom: .5em;

small {
	font-size: 9px;
	line-height: 1.4em;
	font-weight: bold;
	text-transform: uppercase;

.block {
	width: 500px;
	margin: 50px auto;

.post {
	padding: 15px 0 15px 15px;
	margin-bottom: 2px;

.cat_1 { border-left: 10px solid #cb005b; }
.cat_1 small { color: #cb005b; }
.cat_2 { border-left: 10px solid #0064cb; }
.cat_2 small{ color: #0064cb; }
.cat_3 { border-left: 10px solid #cb7700; }
.cat_3 small{ color: #cb7700; }

At the top we have basic styling, and toward the bottom we have our category-specific styling. We have given each category’s unique class a colored border and name. With our static (X)HTML and CSS, we should get the following mock-up:

Categorycolorsdemo in Five Useful Design Techniques and Coding Solutions For Web Designers

Recreating the Effect (Dynamically)

Doing this dynamically in WordPress is not difficult at all:

<div class="block">

<?php if (have_posts()) : ?>
<?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>

	<div class="post cat_<?php foreach((get_the_category()) as $category)
			{echo $category->cat_ID . ' ';}
		<h2><?php the_title(); ?></h2>

		<small><?php the_category(', ') ?></small>
		<?php the_content(__('Continue reading', 'example')); ?>

<?php endwhile;?>
<?php else : ?>
	<h2 class="center">Not Found

	<p class="center">Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn't here.

	<?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . "/searchform.php"); ?>
<?php endif; ?>


For our essential piece of code, we just need to dynamically place the category id number inside <div class="post cat_#">. Note that the ids will likely not be 1, 2 and 3 (as in our static example), so we’ll have to adjust. Find your category ids, and adjust the CSS class names accordingly. For example, if a featured category has an id of 24, then the corresponding CSS class to create that category should be cat_24.

Note: with this solution, if a post has multiple categories, the post will default to the color of the first listed category.

Demo and Download Files

You can see the demo and download the files from our servers.

4. Interesting Image Captions

This last solution is simple but often overlooked. Image styling and positioning are important in any type of Web design, and attractive captions are also a must. There is really no set HTML standard for image captions, so creating seemingly simple effects requires a bit of creativity.

Imagecaptions in Five Useful Design Techniques and Coding Solutions For Web Designers
Left, Boagworld. Right, UXbooth


To group caption text and images, we need to place them in a div. Then, we’ll style the div and its components.

<div class="image-caption">
<img src="images/testimage.jpg" alt="Test Image" />
<p>Here is the image caption text, and a link.</p>

Remember, the div must be identified by a class, because we’ll be displaying images and captions multiple times throughout the website. The above code is a great starting point and could yield a number of different solutions. Below are a few CSS options and examples.

CSS Examples

Imagecaption1 in Five Useful Design Techniques and Coding Solutions For Web Designers

.image-caption {
	width: 240px;
	background: #fff;
	padding: 3px;
	border: 1px dotted #aaa; }
.image-caption img {
	border: 1px solid #aaa; }
.image-caption p {
	clear: both;
	font: normal 9px/1.45em Verdana, Tahoma, sans-serif;
	color: #444; }
.image-caption a {
	color: #444;
	text-decoration: underline; }
.image-caption a:hover {
	font-style: italic; }

Above is a very simple image caption style: clean, organized and minimal. The “Polaroid” look, if you will.

Imagecaption2 in Five Useful Design Techniques and Coding Solutions For Web Designers

.image-caption {
	width: 240px;
	position: relative; }

.image-caption img {
	border: 1px solid #333; }

.image-caption p {
	position: absolute;
	bottom: 5px;
	width: 232px;
	-khtml-opacity: 0.7;
	opacity: 0.7;
	background: #000;
	padding: 5px;
	color: #fff;
	clear: both; }

.image-caption a {
	color: #fff;
	text-decoration: underline; }

.image-caption a:hover {
	font-style: italic;

Above is a simple overlay technique for captions. The most important properties here are position: relative under .image-caption, and position: absolute, bottom: 5px and width: 32px under .image-caption img. The bottom would usually be set to 0, but in our case we adjusted it to 5px because of the added padding. Same goes for the width: we adjusted it to accommodate the added padding and image border.

Imagecaption3 in Five Useful Design Techniques and Coding Solutions For Web Designers

.image-caption {
	width: 240px;
	background: #fff; }
.image-caption img {
	border: 1px solid #aaa; }
.image-caption h1 {
	padding: 0 5px;
	font: bold 10px/1.4em Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
	color: #cc0000; }
.image-caption p {
	clear: both;
	padding: 0 5px 10px;
	font: normal 9px/1.45em Verdana, Tahoma, sans-serif;
	color: #444; }
.image-caption a {
	color: #444;
	text-decoration: underline; }
.image-caption a:hover {
	font-style: italic; }

To add other styles (such as the image title here), just add them to the CSS under the .image-caption class, and then remember to add <h1>Image title</h1> where desired in the mark-up.

It takes minimal yet creative CSS to create some pretty cool effects. Experiment with a few other things, such as CSS3 rounded corners, different positioning, border styles and more. Below are more resources and techniques to get interesting image captions, some with plain (X)HTML and CSS and others requiring JavaScript and WordPress.

Demo and Download Files

You can see the demo and download the files from our servers.

Other Neat Solutions

5. Print Layouts For The Web

Print-inspired layouts can be a refreshing change from standard Web layouts. While not suitable to all website types, this technique is definitely catchy for those that pull it off. Of course, with Web design, we must use code to create the look we’re going for. How can we create Web designs that resemble print layouts efficiently — with unconventional layouts and interesting typography — and code them in a way that still adheres to web design best practices?

Printdesign in Five Useful Design Techniques and Coding Solutions For Web Designers
This Web page has a layout and design that look more like a print piece than a traditional website.

Because print-inspired designs can vary so much, there are many various coding solutions available. But there are best practices. Below are just a few of the things to consider.

Web Design Must Be Fluid, While Print Does Not

One reason print design can look so creative is that the content doesn’t have to adapt to varying widths and lengths. On the Web, though, text, images and other content change all the time, sometimes straining the layout. There are a couple solutions to this. First, as in the example above, if the content is set and won’t change (such as blog posts), then feel free in designing around the text. Line height, letter spacing and other elements can be adjusted precisely to play around the images and background and then be left alone.

For non-static content, some thinking may be required:

  • Fixed-width designs are probably best if possible. Then, the designer will only have to expect the content to change vertically. (For a different approach, you could set a fixed height and then worry only about varying widths.)
  • With well-organized and properly nested code, content that expands or contracts should not be a problem; it might just take some brainstorming to consider design solutions that would look good in a couple of different scenarios.
  • Learn how to use (X)HTML and CSS together, avoid div-itus as much as possible, and always look for ways to make code shorter and smarter.

Coding and positioning a print-inspired design can be difficult, but never impossible. However the content varies, for the most part it will stay within a certain range in each section, which is helpful. For example, an “About us” blurb will not suddenly jump from 200 to 1000 words, but it might increase in height by a few lines of text.

Organized and Reusable CSS

Make CSS classes and ids as reusable as possible by making them as general as possible. Then, apply area-specific styles directly on the page where they need to be applied. Always be thinking of ways to better organize and reuse CSS in the mark-up. Without consistency in the layout, this can be difficult and therefore requires more attention.

Get Inspired

Devising one unique coding solution for a print-inspired Web design is difficult indeed, and so the only real solution is to learn best coding practices and use them to create the most efficient solution for that particular design. For some print-design inspiration on the Web and some live coded examples, check out a few of the showcases below.

Heartdirected in Five Useful Design Techniques and Coding Solutions For Web Designers
Heart Directed is a showcase of print-inspired blog posts and other website designs.

Coldheat in Five Useful Design Techniques and Coding Solutions For Web Designers
Coldheat has a general Web design showcase and a a special section for unique layout designs.

Blogpostdesigns in Five Useful Design Techniques and Coding Solutions For Web Designers
This post on WebdesignerDepot showcases several blog posts with a unique print look.

Further Resources

Below are a few more related articles, some from right here on Smashing Magazine and others from around the Web. All share some great ideas and techniques you can experiment with.


Without calling ourselves “developers,” we, designers, can add some nice effects and added functionality with a bit of extra coding knowledge. None of these effects are difficult to figure out, but each can really add to a website. Some create an attractive visual experience, while others provide visitors with more information or functionality. Whatever the purpose, each has its proper use.

We’d love to cover more coding solutions that are unique, useful or just interesting. Please feel free to suggest more examples of advanced techniques in the comments below. Hopefully, we’ll be able to include them in a future article.


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