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What Is The Worst Design or Programming Mistake You’ve Ever Made?

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 in What Is The Worst Design or Programming Mistake Youve Ever Made?  in What Is The Worst Design or Programming Mistake Youve Ever Made?  in What Is The Worst Design or Programming Mistake Youve Ever Made?

Mistakes are made every day in the design and development world. It’s nothing to be ashamed of; it happens. In fact, mistakes are one of the most powerful learning tools at our disposal. Our mistakes impart important lessons that we carry with us as we continue to hone our skill set. Own your mistakes. Never shy away from them; they are the milestones in our development.

So often we view mistakes negatively and let them get us down. We believe they indicate failure and that our otherwise perfect record will be forever marred. No one is perfect; we all make mistakes. They indicate failure only if we fail to learn from them.

Workatnight in What Is The Worst Design or Programming Mistake Youve Ever Made?
How often have you stayed late, trying to get something done and did some embarrassing mistake instead? We can learn from our mistakes and mistakes of our colleagues. Image credit

The online design and development community is a wonderful resource in this respect. Not only are members open about their mistakes, they share their experiences as learning opportunities for others — this is helpful for those of us who have not yet suffered through the same bumps in the road.

With this in mind, we turned again to our Twitter followers and Facebook fans to find out about the worst design or programming mistakes they have ever made. Now we share them with you, our readers, so that we can all learn from them and avoid making the same mistakes.

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[Offtopic: by the way, did you already get your copy of the Smashing Book?]

Bait And Switch

The first common mistake we should learn from — and which several of our followers have had to face — is the old bait and switch. It occurs across the spectrum, for the newb and the accomplished professional, because it’s an easy mistake to make as the working hours add up. What is the bait and switch? It happens when you’re working on one version of a website or project and, at some point during the tinkering, you accidentally switch it for the active website or project before it’s ready.

When we’re in a constant back-and-forth workflow, getting mixed up is easy, at which point the bait and switch can happen. And it causes all kinds of chaos and headaches. Awareness and caution are needed to prevent this error from being part of your personal experience. Before you finalize changes or processes, be sure you’re working with the right file and uploading to the correct location. This isn’t a sure-fire prevention plan, but it will certainly improve your chances.

What Our Followers Said

  • “I accidentally put a half-finished (with massive broken bits) update of a website over top of the current live one without a back-up.â€�
  • “I sent $10,000 worth of product to a customer while testing an ordering portal.â€�
  • “I deleted an actual repository instead of a working copy. #svnâ€�
  • “Worst programming mistake: editing off a live server and then uploading an old version of the website. All files lost!â€�
  • “Sat on the development FTP for half an hour, being mad that the live website wouldn’t update!â€�
  • “Moved the entire directory of websites on a live server into a different folder, then lost it or deleted the in-house CMSâ€�
  • “Programming mistake: writing data to the wrong database.â€�
  • “Uploading to the dev website FTP and wondering why the live website wasn’t changing, which sent me around the bend in the process!â€�

Falling Behind On Back-Ups

Given that back-up-related mistakes usually come to light once you realize you’ve just pulled a bait and switch, we’ll tackle these next. Problems with back-up files are common in the design and development community, and they are openly lamented. For some reason, though, many of us still find ourselves panicked when we realize we have no current back-ups of the project we’re working on. And it usually hits us just after we lose the active version of the project and need it replaced.

We can take steps to save elements of our work and prevent episodes like this from becoming remorseful blog posts. You can be either low-tech or high-tech when you address this potential problem, but you need to do something. It could be as simple as making a list of details to check daily, and backing up data could be the final step. Alternatively, you could pay for an automated back-up service that guarantees completion of the task. There are several options, each with pros and cons, so find one that works for you and implement it post-haste.

What Our Followers Said

  • “I moved a dynamic, CMS-contained website across to a new server. Forgot to back up, then deleted templates in the process. D’oh!â€�
  • “Mistake: not backing up a compiled Flash slideshow, replacing it, then realizing the new version was completely broken.â€�

Measure Once, Cut Twice

The next mistake we’ll cover happens fairly often. For any number of reasons, we end up measuring once and cutting twice, so to speak. The measurements we work with vary greatly from project to project and from Web to print, so we need to be alert to what we are sizing and aiming for. Sometimes it isn’t so much the measurements as it is the content that requires a re-cut.

Measure3 in What Is The Worst Design or Programming Mistake Youve Ever Made?
Often calculations, measurements and the concept phase need more time than expected. Turning off the computer and getting back to the sketch board or a notebook is often very useful to avoid mistakes. Image credit

Chalk it up to being overzealous or getting sloppy in our work as we push toward deadlines. If these are the reasons for our re-cuts, prevention is easy: just avoid those things… which is easier said than done. Still, if we mind our p’s and q’s and double-check everything before submitting it, our chances of embarrassment decrease. Follow the carpenter’s old rule of thumb, “Measure twice, cut onceâ€� — it benefits us designers and developers, too.

What Our Followers Said

  • “Mistake: having 20,000 cards printed that didn’t fit into a lanyard card holderâ€�
  • “Got my colleague’s phone number wrong on her business card… We ordered 2,000.â€�
  • “This isn’t really a programming mistake, but the most embarrassing mistake I’ve made in Web design was buying a domain name that had the client’s name in it — but part of the name was wrong. Good thing domains are cheap!â€�
  • “I managed to drop an ‘m’ off ‘millimeters’ in InDesign. Ended up with an 88-meter-wide business card. Schoolboy!â€�
  • “I think most of us have experienced the horror of hitting ‘Send’ on an e-blast, only to quickly realize it’s wrong.â€�
  • “Mistake: when I post something and then two weeks later or more, I find out something’s wrong with it.â€�
  • “A couple of years back, I made a beginner’s design mistake with print: envelopes and paper didn’t match.â€�
  • “Sent PDF to the printing house for 1000 leaflets. Received them and realized that the phone number was wrong. Then, sent corrected PDF, received leaflets and realized that the wrong PDF was sent. We had 1000 useless leaflets with the right number but with the ‘iStockphoto’ watermark on every (lo-res) picture. Third time it was OK.â€�
  • “I dropped an ‘L’ from the word ‘public’ in a school prospectus (and website). Honest mistake!â€�

Miscommunicate Expectations

Another problem encountered by designers and developers that you can learn from before encountering it is a breakdown of communication with a client or boss. Many of us let things become unclear or slip by, which makes us unsure whether everyone involved in a project is on the same page. Usually this is caused by a lack of confidence in ourselves or fear that asking for clarification would reflect poorly on us. Whatever the reason, we decide not to revisit the issue and instead proceed with a shaky understanding of what we’re supposed to do.

Every time we communicate with our boss or client, we open ourselves up to the possibility that one or two ideas might get lost in translation. We should be as clear and concise as possible in our discussions so that work stays on track… at least on our end — we can’t control others. If we’re dealing with someone who is unfamiliar with the design and development field, understanding what they’re asking for can be tricky. Take notes, and go over them with clients at the end of meetings so that everyone understands where things stand. Good notes prevent communication blunders.

What Our Followers Said

  • “I underestimated the amount of content that two different clients wanted. Not a clear picture from the start.â€�
  • “For my part, I must say, not reading a ticket well enough and spending two days coding something that wasn’t asked for. Over-enthusiastic FTW!â€�
  • Emily B.: “My mistake was telling my current employer than I have some experience in Web design (meaning HTML and some CSS); now it’s part of my job to learn how to code ASP and maintain and redesign our entire e-commerce website. Ugh. I’m a print designer!â€�
  • “I’m in the same situation as Emily. Job description and interview included ‘some Web,’ and now I’m trying to learn PHP and run a full searchable retailer list for my company! Thank God for online tutorials!â€�

Careless Coding

When it comes to coding, we can easily drop the ball. Coding is an in-depth process, in which many different layers are stacked on top of each other, and one can get lost in it. This is one reason why developers comment in their code: so that they leave trails of breadcrumbs throughout their projects. This is a good habit to form, but sometimes it leads to an embarrassing faux pas or frustrating hours of rebuilding, as revealed by our followers.

With just one misfired keystroke, a project can go from a coder’s dream to a virtual nightmare, with no perceptible way out. As if that’s not enough, our coding comments can bite us in the back end, especially if we’ve thrown some nonsensical, fun or unprofessional bits into the code and forgot to remove them. We need to be mindful as we code and avoid distractions as much as possible to avoid burying mistakes so deep that they reveal themselves only after hours of careful combing. Also, take one last look through your comments to be sure you’re not leaving something that you’d rather others not see.

What Our Followers Said

  • “I left some profanity in a client’s HTML once while testing text-indent (off-screen position). Very, very embarrassing.â€�
  • “Accidentally leaving things like ‘Mooooo’ and ‘Baaaaa’ in code that has gone live!â€�
  • “I used to write haiku in my code to mark my place, and I think I forgot a few out there somewhere… not anymore!â€�
  • “I once did (as root) `rm -rf tmp /` instead of `rm -rf tmp/` on a Friday afternoon. Painful weekend.â€�
  • “A typical one: Using = instead of == in an if statement. Always takes quite some time to figure out.â€�
  • “Typed rm -rf .* on the server. @wsttn wasn’t happy when I deleted everything.â€�
  • “Using a body * { text-align: center; } on a log-in form, but accidentally placing it in the default style sheet instead of the specific log-in style sheet. Our largest customer didn’t like it when it went live.â€�
  • “I removed the ID from the ‘Submit payment’ button, and the website failed to take bookings for six hours. Lost £20,000.â€�
  • “Forgot the where clause when testing SQL to a user table. No fun, I tell ya!â€�

Forgetting The Filler

Sometimes we forget to redact our coding comments and leave in an embarrassing tidbit or two. There are also times when we accidentally leave in filler content. That’s not necessarily a problem unless the client does not recognize it as filler, because then they might not remove it either. Remember that clients, especially the less technically savvy ones, are probably extremely paranoid about deleting anything, so any filler you forget to pull will inevitably be published to the masses.

Again, it comes down to vigilance. We can’t stress enough — on top of all the other stresses in the design and development field — the importance of double- and triple-checking all of these elements before labeling anything as complete. Certainly do this before turning anything over to the client. Making a generic checklist for every project you take on will help you avoid these mistakes. Remind yourself somehow to watch for elements that tend to slip through the cracks.

What Our Followers Said

  • “Forgetting to remove nonsense words (used for testing) in an assignment and losing marks. Otherwise, perfect code.â€�
  • “Two words: dummy data. Strictly ‘Lorem Ipsum’ ever since.â€�
  • “One time I left an unkind phrase about a client in the comments, and they found it later on.â€�

Wrong Tool For The Job

The last mistake we’ll discuss in depth usually occurs early on in our experience in the design and development field: using the wrong tool for the job. It does happen, and more often than we’d like. When you’re unfamiliar with a field, you’ll sometimes use the wrong platform yet believe you’re on solid ground. At some point, you find out that the program, a supposed godsend, is not compatible with your client’s program or the program of others involved in the project.

Setup in What Is The Worst Design or Programming Mistake Youve Ever Made?
Wrong tools doesn’t necessarily mean your coding or designing applications, it also can mean a wrong environment or computer setup. On the photo above, the setup looks solid and well-organized. Image credit.

Communication can assist in this area, though not as much as research. Find out from your client exactly where the project is going, and contact them yourself to ensure that files will be delivered in the proper format. You can leave this to the client, but you are responsible for ensuring compatibility, so it’s best not to leave it to someone else. Also, as you transition to new areas, research the tools of the trade to avoid making this mistake.

What Our Followers Said

  • “I tried to deliver my very first program for Notts County FC to the printers in MS Publisher. I cringe even now.â€�
  • “The first Photoshop website I ever did was a sliced PSD with all of the content in images… That was back in 1999/2000.â€�
  • “Using Drupal to do ‘quick ’n’ dirty’ websites. They were dirty, but they sure weren’t quick.â€�
  • “Designing a database app: rather than de-normalizing data, adding/removing table columns on the fly. Long time ago!â€�
  • “Hard-coding a navigation across 10 pages instead of using an include. Was new to Web dev at the time.â€�
  • “Depending on an external source for data and, because that crashed, our website crashed. Almost cost me my job.â€�

More Mistakes To Learn From

Below are several more community-contributed pearls of wisdom that we can learn from. We’d like to thank our dedicated followers who revealed their biggest mistakes so that we could benefit from their toil and trouble.

  • “Mistake: severely undercharging for a massive job. My very first freelancing job. Was not worth the time and effort!â€�
  • “There was a time in the ’90s when I thought Papyrus was beautiful. *Hangs head in shame*â€�
  • “I once created an iteration of a logo using Comic Sans, and it was chosen! I’m not proud, but I was young and naive at the time.â€�
  • “Used Comic Sans for something serious.â€�
  • “How about 90,000 alert emails sent to four people over one weekend (myself, a colleague and website owners) = 360,000 emails.â€�
  • “Deleted the shopping cart table from a live website instead of deleting one of the records in the table.â€�
  • “The worst programming mistake I made was to develop an admin area with cookies only (without other security systems).â€�

Further Reading

Here are a few relevant articles you might want to check out. Definitely worth reading if and when you get the chance.

What about you?

What is the worst design or programming mistake you’ve ever made? And if you’d like to participate in other discussions and contribute to articles like this one, follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook. We are looking forward to your insights!


© Robert Bowen for Smashing Magazine, 2010. | Permalink | Post a comment | Add to | Digg this | Stumble on StumbleUpon! | Tweet it! | Submit to Reddit | Forum Smashing Magazine
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The Web Design Community Offers Advice To Beginners

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 in The Web Design Community Offers Advice To Beginners  in The Web Design Community Offers Advice To Beginners  in The Web Design Community Offers Advice To Beginners

At one time or another, we are all newbies. That’s right: you can deny it all you want, but not one of us got into this game with a full deck stacked in our favor. We entered as newbies, born fresh after the start screen loaded. However, unlike in a game, we are not immediately launched into a tutorial level to learn the ropes in this new world — what to avoid, how to progress, etc. And if we feel overwhelmed by our newbie status, we may not be able to find our way to the tutorials and guides that the community has put together to help us sort all of this out. So, feeling very alone in all this is easy.

Train in The Web Design Community Offers Advice To Beginners
Jumping in a new passion can be difficult and time-consuming at first. The support of the community can be extremely helpful in overcoming the learning curve and helping to find the right route for your career and your professional skills. Image credit.

But this is the great thing about being part of the online development community — that you are never truly alone. Your experience may be unique in its details, but it’s not generally, which is great because the community is very open to sharing its experiences and offering guidance to help newbies navigate the twists and turns we are sure to face as we continue down the developer’s path. In most cases, all you have to do to get some helpful advice is to venture into the social media neighborhoods and ask the community at large. At times, the answers just pour in.

That is what we found when we went out on Twitter and on Facebook recently to poll our followers and fans. We asked “What is the single best tip from your experience that you would give to newbie developers?� This article is the result of all of the amazing responses we have received. Before we go any further, we would like to thank those who took the time to answer our query and who offered so much great advice to all the newbies out there in the development arena. As usual, the advice also serves as a nice refresher to all those seasoned veterans who have been in the game for a while.

[Offtopic: by the way, did you already get your copy of the Smashing Book?]

Never Stop Learning

This answer, which we received repeatedly, is by far one of the best pieces of advice for newbies in the development field: never stop learning. This truly is one to keep in mind as you tread through this new world, because working in a field as dynamic and fluid as development, you can quickly fall behind if you do not actively strive to stay ahead of the curve. Without somewhat of a dedicated effort on your part, your progress could stall, and your skills and work could stagnate.

Learning in The Web Design Community Offers Advice To Beginners

Once again, the online community and so many others have your back in this respect. So many wonderful books, blogs and other accessible resources are teeming with knowledge, just waiting to be absorbed and passed on. So, read. Implement and practice what you have learned. As noted in the replies below, trial and error is a fantastic method of self-teaching. You might even go so far as to schedule some kind of weekly assignment for yourself, to always keep your skill set growing.

  • Start with examples and muddle around with them. Change every line of code to see what it does. Then learn why those things work.
  • Be a sponge. Don’t let pride get in the way of learning from others.
  • Never stop learning.
  • Read. Oh god, read so many books on the subject that force you to practice things over and over again.
  • Learn how to learn for yourself.
  • Never think you’ve learned it all.
  • Don’t pretend you know all. Blogs and forums are your best teacher.
  • Read the docs. Don’t reinvent the wheel. Test. Learn.
  • Don’t copy and paste. Learn.
  • Always have a project on the go. It makes sure you keep learning.
  • Learn by putting as much as possible into practice.
  • Always learn more. You should never be 100% content, and always strive to constantly improve your skills.
  • Never stop developing their skills.

Take Criticism Constructively

… No matter how it is given. This is another important piece of advice that is both vital to learn and extremely difficult for some to do — especially because the anonymity of the Internet seems to give so many license to forget one half of the constructive criticism coin; they instead berate and belittle through their comments and their assessments of the developer’s talent. But no matter how harshly they come at you, find a way to distill the essence of their statements to see if you can gain anything from them. If they have no merit, let them go.

Criticism in The Web Design Community Offers Advice To Beginners

One thing to always remember, as pointed out in the advice below: never take criticism of your work personally — especially given that in this field we are never supposed to stop learning. We should always welcome feedback from others in the community that helps us improve. It is simply a means of keeping our skills sharp. Inviting open criticism allows others to help open our eyes to new approaches and even problems we are entrenched in. Also, thinking of it as feedback and not as “criticismâ€� might soften the blow for you. After all, who doesn’t love feedback.

  • Be open to feedback as everything changes.
  • Learn to love criticism.
  • Test in every browser/OS config you can. And don’t take criticism of your work personally.

Be Patient

Here is another major tip to hold onto: be patient. If you can master this one, then you will have saved yourself many sleepless nights and hair-pulling-induced headaches along your journey to greatness as a developer. Remember that these skills do not develop overnight, no matter how much we wish they would. This journey is just that, a journey — not a direct flight to the final destination. Getting to where you want to be will take time.

Patience in The Web Design Community Offers Advice To Beginners

Take your time. Don’t rush through the learning process too quickly, or you will likely burn out and get frustrated. Take the slow route, making sure you completely grasp one area before moving on to the next. If you hurry, chances are something important will slip past you. And as you work with others in the community, be patient with those both behind and ahead of you on the learning curve.

  • Have patience… a lot of patience. And if you have to get IE6 to work, start a pot of tea or something to calm yourself. :P
  • Have patience: with yourself, others and especially the code. :)
  • Take all the time you need to learn the basics. They are fundamental.
  • Prepare for frustration.
  • No matter how stupid what your client just said was, think before you reply.

Comment Your Code

Another pearl we found in the plethora of replies is a wonderful coder’s mantra (or at least it should be): comment your code. Comments are a powerful aid to new developers for many reasons, the main one being that learning through repetition is a fantastic way to make information stick. If you constantly comment on why you used a particular bit of code or how another bit works, then each time you return to it, you will be further cementing it in your brain.

Commentcode in The Web Design Community Offers Advice To Beginners

Also, comments can provide just as much benefit to others who will be interacting with your code. Remember, it is not always about you. Comments are a way for others to learn from your work, just as you have learned from the code of those who came before you (if in fact they did think to leave comments). If you work with other developers on a project, this is an easy way to keep each other informed on why someone coded their part the way they did. It demonstrates professionalism, too, so keep up the comments.

  • Thoroughly comment your code! It will help infinitely in the long run.
  • Always use detailed comments. At some point, someone else will look at your code. Do them a favor and comment like mad.
  • When commenting: describe why not just how.

Be A Helpful Member Of The Community

This next bit of advice ranks quite high for many developers, not just because of its obvious benefits but because of the reward one feels from doing it: be a helpful member of the development community. It could prove to be an invaluable asset in your arsenal, not only because the lines of communication that you open will create great learning opportunities, but because you are building lasting relationships that you can call upon later when you find yourself in need of assistance.

Communityhelper in The Web Design Community Offers Advice To Beginners

Those of us who have gradually moved through the ranks have especially relied on these resourceful posts and helpful guidance to make the most of our skills and code. We should really stay active in the community and give back when and where we can. Paying it forward for all of those who have paved the way for us is not only an obligation; we really should want to help this community of ours thrive and grow. Reaching out through social media outlets, blogs, forums and more can really improve one’s skill set and viability.

  • Get involved in the design and Web community as quickly as possible.
  • Peer code reviews!
  • Set aside time to help other developers. It could be in online forums. It really helps you reflect on what you know and don’t know.

Learn The Business

Learn all aspects of the business side of the industry, especially if you are freelancing. We got a few responses about this. And it makes sense. If you want any kind of sustainability in your career, then having a solid grasp of the business side of things is important.

Thebusiness in The Web Design Community Offers Advice To Beginners

Knowing how the business operates and what clients generally expect will prepare you well for a freelance career… and will also keep you from being taken advantage of. If you learn the general pay scale and expectations of players in the field (including those of clients and other developers), then you’ll be well prepared to set your own rates and expectations. It also teaches you how to handle paperwork, which can be cumbersome and potentially overwhelming if you are unfamiliar with this side of the business.

  • You can only make so much money coding. Learn the business.
  • Quadruple your hourly estimate.
  • Make a careful and detailed estimate. Now triple it. You’re probably close to the truth.
  • Your estimates will suck for a long time, so be as conservative as you can, and offer discounts on overage.
  • IE6 is a bitch!
  • Choose your clients wisely. Bad clients end up costing you time and money.

If You Don’t Love It, Leave It

Some other words of wisdom that were passed along can be summed up like this: if you don’t love it, then this is not the right work for you. Developing is more than a job; it is a career — beyond that, even a way of life. Coding changes the way you see and interact with the world around you. It challenges you every day with something new to conquer or sort out. The hours seem to keep piling up, and your brain becomes harder and harder to switch off, continuing to solve problems long after you have bidden it to rest.

Love in The Web Design Community Offers Advice To Beginners

This holds especially true for freelancer developers. As a freelancer, you are so much more than the person behind the code: you are the person behind it all. This is where your love of code comes into play ten-fold. Passion goes a long way in development. True passion for what you do comes only from loving it. You can’t fake it, either. A lack of passion not only will reflect in your work but will impede your progress.

  • If it is just a job for you and you do not look forward to breaking nights, find another job.
  • Love what you do, and remember those who taught you.

Make Time For Yourself

Another bit of advice to keep you sane as you grow is to make time for yourself. The best way to do this is to keep some sort of side project going. There are many reasons to do this, your sanity being the main one. Staring at code for hours on end takes its toll, especially if your code is failing and a solution escapes you. One way to fight off this madness is to have something to work on that lets you unplug.

Taketime in The Web Design Community Offers Advice To Beginners

A side project gives you an outlet to recharge and sustain your interest in the field you have devoted yourself to. Make no mistake: this is a time-consuming career path, and without a side project to keep you engaged, you will quickly burn out. The work that once enthralled you will lose its appeal, and the passion that got you to where you are will fade. A side project also ensures that you constantly learn. You can choose projects that challenge you in ways that you don’t find in work for clients.

  • Keep sane with a side project of your own.
  • Work on a real project every day, even just a personal one.

Believe In And Be Yourself

Another powerful bit of advice offered by the collective that we polled was to always believe in and be yourself. Given people’s tendency to aim for the throat when “critiquing,� these words of wisdom are especially potent. Allowing negative words and disparaging character assessments to lower your opinion of yourself and your abilities will deflate your momentum.

Believe in The Web Design Community Offers Advice To Beginners

Always be true to your personal voice. Don’t compromise it while finding your way. You want to carve out a truly individual path, and that includes your voice, too. So, don’t try to imitate others who have found success. As noted below, never try to be someone else, because that never works the way you hope. Being inspired by others is fine, but don’t lose your identity and voice in the process.

  • Believe in your qualities. Never try to be somebody else. Life is too short for that.
  • Don’t quit! Hang on! Everything will work out fine.

A Few More Words Of Wisdom

Below are other responses that we couldn’t just leave hanging in the Twitterverse:

  • Try everything yourself before asking someone else (trial and error to the max).
  • Find your niche and focus on it until you are an expert.
  • You could probably code it well, but there is a fair chance that there is a time-saving jQuery solution.
  • Think of the visitor who is trying to find out something. They need to understand what’s going on, not just be impressed.
  • Some bridges just have to be burned.
  • Web developer? Practice sleeping less.
  • Don’t scoff at new ways of doing things because you don’t initially get them, nor should you embrace them without honest evaluation.
  • Stay informed about the direction of the Web. There’s a lot to learn, and along the way you’ll pick up skills.
  • Google before you ask.
  • RTFM!
  • Use source control. After that, comment your code.
  • Never write anything but standards-compliant code: faster, more reliable, and you won’t have to fix it when new browsers come out.
  • Regression test.
  • Do not fall in love with the code you write.
  • Put functionality first. Beauty comes in second place.
  • Don’t be cocky.
  • Focus on one subject at a time. Start with CSS.
  • “Stay hungry, stay foolish.â€�
  • Learn to write and format your own code cleanly and in as few characters as possible.
  • Run away from clients with red flags.
  • Take the most pride in your team’s code, not your own. Don’t complain when people edit your code. Enjoy how it improves.
  • All the stuff you say about all the old code you read, someone will say about your code in 10 years. So, knock it off. :)
  • Stay organized. It’s the key to success.
  • It’s never a hardware problem.
  • Logical, step-by-step thinking will solve any problem you encounter. No doubt about it.
  • Find a good IDE (like Aptana).
  • Appreciate the design in front of you, and design in general.
  • You don’t fully understand something until you can explain it succinctly to someone else. So, learn → do → teach.

Other Resources and Related Posts

Below are a few more articles and resources to help the newb start off on the right foot, armed and ready. If you have some time, we recommend checking them out.


© Robert Bowen for Smashing Magazine, 2010. | Permalink | Post a comment | Add to | Digg this | Stumble on StumbleUpon! | Tweet it! | Submit to Reddit | Forum Smashing Magazine
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What Is The Last Thing You Do Before You Launch A Website?

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One thing that can be said about human beings is that we are, by and large, creatures of habit. We establish routines, consciously and subconsciously, that help us accomplish tasks or move us more quickly or comfortably through our day. Habits are formed in the design and development community just as they are in nearly every other professional and personal environment, and they serve any number of purposes. In design and development circles, one established habit is seen with the launch of a website or project.

Naturally, each of us has developed a process that we engage in as we wrap up a project, but a few procedures tend to be used over and over again by the masses. We know this because we ran a poll on this very topic on Twitter. We got many great responses, but the community tends towards a few common practices. We could see as we looked through the list of entries that certain wrap procedures seem to have mass appeal (judging by the number of times they were given as answers), so we began to examine the benefits they offered and what they say about those who fall back on them.

Designers and developers obviously adopt routines for a reason — perhaps because they suit their personalities or even their other routines — so it is possible to gain a little insight into those who follow them. There certainly was quite a range of responses, and we really appreciate everyone who took the time to get back to us with an answer.

Consider our previous posts:

Now, let’s examine the final steps that handfuls of people in the design and development community take when the clock says that it is officially “go time.”

[Offtopic: by the way, did you know that Smashing Magazine has one of the most influential and popular Twitter accounts? Join our discussions and get updates about useful tools and resources — follow us on Twitter!]

Freak Out!

One of the responses that seemed to resonate among so many was, basically, to freak out as the launch date draws nearer. Who needs a calm and collected approach when you can run screaming back and forth in front of the computer and pull your hair out as the final hour draws near? The time-honored (even if impractical) tradition of panicking, which flies in the face of the hitchhiker’s motto, is not without its merits. However, for sanity’s sake and the sake of those who share your space, another approach near launch time might prove a bit better.

Freakout in What Is The Last Thing You Do Before You Launch A Website?
Image source, by Maks Karochkin.

What our friends on Twitter said:

  • “Panic!”
  • “Cry.”
  • “Simple answer: pray!”


  • There is a great release of pent-up energy when you freak out, which can have numerous benefits — one of which is no longer holding nervous energy inside.
  • A last-minute chaotic whirlwind of panic can also benefit the project because it ensures that you are alert and ready should any fault be found.

What This Says About You

Perhaps panic mode teaches us that those who fall back on such an approach lack organizational skills. The tendency to freak out more than likely stems from a lack of confidence that everything is in place. It could also indicate a slightly pessimistic outlook (à la Murphy’s Law): no matter how prepared you feel for launch, you have a nagging feeling that something will go wrong — not because you neglected something, but just because it can. A comprehensive check list could help to curb this tendency in some cases.


A somewhat different approach — in fact the exact opposite of the previous tactic — taken by many is to just kick back and relax. Though it may seem reasonable, relaxing just as a project will be introduced to the online world might not be an easy approach. In fact, achieving your desired level of calmness could take a lot of effort. If you can find your center and bask in relaxation during the pre-launch phase, then this approach might refresh you before you throw yourself into the next project.

Bench2 in What Is The Last Thing You Do Before You Launch A Website?
Image source, by VinothChandar.

What our friends on Twitter said:

  • “Get a good night’s sleep. Launch when you’re fresh, not tired.”
  • “Relax. Have a smoke, read some jokes online.”


  • Peace of mind is naturally a welcome benefit of this approach, especially given how hectic things can get upon launch.
  • Mental decompression often helps because, as your mind is switches gears, your subconscious is free to review the project and scan for any missed elements.

What This Says About You

Being calm in the face of a wrap-up is not always easy. If this is your approach, it says one of two things about you: either you are extremely confident in your abilities, and therefore at ease because you know the job is as complete as you could have made it; or you simply don’t care — you’ve done your part, things are out of your hands, and you’re free to move on or just kick back. Confidence is not a bad thing; it could mean that you are prepared and thorough. Not caring, though, may not necessarily be a good thing — but you don’t care, so why harp?

Await Final Payment

Some of those who responded to our query take another route altogether: their final moves are all about the financial aspects of the project. They try to get paid. These people have run all their normal checks, and now they’ve turned for the final check from the client. Most professionals in the design and development community hold off on launching until the client has made their final payment. Whether that would be the final installment or full payment, the last thing on the check list for many is to collect everything owed for their work — and to stay in a holding pattern until that is done.

What our friends on Twitter said:

  • “Wait for final payment confirmation.”
  • “Send an invoice.”
  • “Get the cash!”


  • One benefit of this approach is that you get to move on until payment is received, being freed up for other things.
  • It also puts the responsibility for ultimately launching the website on the client.
  • Finally, by not launching until you get paid, you ensure that final payment does actually come.

What This Says About You

One thing this tells us about the person who uses this approach is that they are trusting… to a point. They are willing to meet the client halfway and do most of the remaining work for them on good faith. But it also shows that good faith will carry the project only so far; this professional is not willing to give up their only leverage to the client. It also shows a certain level of professionalism, seeing as some sort of contract was agreed on before the project began.

Run Diagnostics

Some members of the community opt to run a final set of comprehensive diagnostics. They go through a full range of tests to determine whether any areas are still exposed to the elements as it were (speed tests, script checks, link trials, spell checks and so on). The list of oft-overlooked yet ever important details can be quite long and intimidating to tackle. But tackle we must, and some save this daunting diagnostic imperative until they are on the verge of launching. Several members of the community even create a helpful check list to aid in this phase.

What our friends on Twitter said:

  • “Test, test, test!”
  • “I go through my check list and see that I just forgot something. I check or preview the project before launch. I do simple and wide checks.”
  • “Test whether everything works properly and look for spelling mistakes. Tick off the project check list.”


  • Of course, a full project diagnostic test will be beneficial, but doubly so if you’ve saved it for last, because no little changes you’ve made will fall through the cracks.
  • A thorough examination also brings peace of mind, especially when you use a comprehensive check list to ensure that everything is covered.

What This Says About You

Running diagnostics on your projects simply says that you are professional, sensible and efficient. While that may seem an impressive peek into your personality, those are not surprising qualities in the design and development field. But the depth of your diagnostics process gives a little more insight into who you are. If you take the time to conduct a meticulous check on a project, then you are more than efficient: you are anal, and your personality reflects that perfectionism. If you take a more lackadaisical approach and cover only a few key areas, then you may be efficient but have some traits of a slacker.

Final Cross-Browser Compatibility Check

One obvious and important check to perform at some point during any Web-based project is cross-browser compatibility, and according to the responses we received, some members of the community repeat this frustrating step before the project goes live. In fact, it is usually a safe bet that at least one browser will give you some sort of headache before all is said and done. Some resources can make these checks quicker and easier (we’ll link to them later).

Browser in What Is The Last Thing You Do Before You Launch A Website?

What our friends on Twitter said:

  • “Do a quick cross-browser check…”
  • “Make sure it doesn’t totally explode in IE6.”
  • “Run through a quick check — analytics, etc. — and a last x-browser check.”


  • The benefit of this kind of testing is self-evident. Saving it for last, though, generally gives you a sound starting point for the testing. However, it is always a good idea to test early, and test often. The earlier you test your working protoypes, the more likely you are to avoid compatibility issues in the long run.

What This Says About You

Checking for cross-browser compatibility is unavoidable. Leaving it for last simply speaks to your knowledge and ability to handle the full range of browser checks. What you check tells us even more. If you do a comprehensive test, it shows that you are responsible enough to see your tasks to completion. If you do everything but ignore IE6 (leaving its glitches in place), it shows you are responsible but have limited patience for idiocy.

Get An Outside Opinion

Another oft-mentioned approach is to turn to outside sources for opinions and feedback (always important whenever you do it). There is a reason why the saying about having a second set of eyes around has become so entrenched. Getting someone else in your field, whose opinion you value and insight you trust, to look at a project when you feel it’s ready is always useful. Given the size of the online design and development community and the willingness of its members to offer feedback, all you have to do is ask.

What our friends on Twitter said:

  • “Have someone test the website out, check for bugs and give you a quick review.”
  • “Pass the website over to a network of Web dev friends for them to pull apart and find anything you’ve missed.”
  • “Delete and start over (kidding). Send out a password-protected URL to a select group of Web buddies for a last look.”


  • Getting feedback from someone who is not close to the project, someone who would see things you have overlooked, is always helpful.
  • A second look can reveal elements that don’t work as well as you would like or believe.
  • Feedback from people who are actually in your field is invaluable. Most other feedback tends to be vague and superficial.

What This Says About You

Anyone who makes this their wrap-up routine plays well with others. Those who seek input from others also possess confidence and understanding and rarely rely solely on their own judgment. They are secure enough in their abilities and know enough about their field to be able to handle professional criticism of their work. These qualities are also needed to implement the recommendations that they get. Also, you are at least somewhat likeable, having a network of trusted friends in the community.

Back Up

The final approach we’ll feature here is an extremely important step that is often forgotten: backing up all relevant data and materials before launching. Backing up all the parts of your project before handing over the files not only is sound and sensible, but in the event of an unforeseen catastrophe, it saves you from losing the entire project and having to start at square one. Backing up is an easy way to play it safe and cover your bases. You cannot know what will happen once the project is in the hands of your client.

Backup in What Is The Last Thing You Do Before You Launch A Website?

What our friends on Twitter said:

  • “Make a snapshot of it (including data) and put it somewhere in case you need to restore at a moment’s notice.”
  • “I take an SQL dump of the database and store it somewhere safe.”
  • “Back up and archive! Twice!”


  • Backing up is beneficial in and of itself, but it also saves you the headache of repetition if your diagnostics uncover an issue.
  • Backing up too early could inadvertently cause you to save an inferior version of the project. Then, if you need to restore the website, you won’t have the launch-ready version ready.

What This Says About You

Relatively few people tend to back up last. Doing so indicates a thoughtful nature and a completist approach to work. It also shows that you prepare for the worst-case scenario, either because you are a bit paranoid and pessimistic or because you like to play it safe (or a combination of both).

A Final Word

Thanks again to everyone who contributed to this post and made it possible, including all of you who have taken the time to read it. We have a few related resources for you to check out. After that, feel free to share your thoughts and your final steps before launching below.

Further Resources

As always, here are a few more posts and tools that might assist you in your final hours. Enjoy these helpful check lists:


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