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CSS Validation, How Important Is It?

A really interesting question was asked recently on Answers, discussing the importance and relevance of CSS validation. It would be interesting to discover how much stock developers actually do put in to it, or, is it more important to focus on the actual page being able to function? We would love to hear from you.

You can leave your thoughts, tips and insights in the comment section below, or you can leave your answer on the original question on Answers here: CSS validation, How Important Is It

CSS validation, how important is it
This question was originally asked by Ben G.

Here is the best answer, as voted by our users, so far:

CSS validation, how important is it

So, what do you think, how important is CSS validation?

Thanks to everyone who asked a question, but most importantly thanks to everyone that took the time and effort to offer helpful and useful answers.

Three Fresh CSS Frameworks

CSS Frameworks are those marvelous and innovative tools that will speed up your web development process by taking care of the multitude of repetitive processes you would have to cover for every project, and on top of that, they (mostly) take care of any cross-browser compatibility issues. They have also never been as popular, with new frameworks cropping out from week-to-week. As such, in this design news round-up we have selected our favorites from recent months.

The Square Grid

The Square Grid is a simple CSS framework for designers and developers, based on 35 equal-width columns. The grid is equiped with a 28px baseline-grid for a smooth vertical rhythm with each block (DIV) defined with a margin of 1 square (28px) from the next block.
The Square Grid

FEM CSS Framework

The FEM CSS Framework is a 960px width 12 column grid system. It is based on the 960 Grid System, but with a twist in its philosophy, making it more flexible and faster to play with boxes.
FEM CSS Framework

Formalize CSS

Formalize CSS is a useful framework for giving your forms a cross-browser uniformity.
Formalize CSS

By Paul Andrew (Speckyboyand speckyboy@twitter).

4 New jQuery Plugins

In today’s news round-up we feature four powerful and new jQuery plugins that will add plenty of cool functionalties to your sites or applications.

Phono – jQuery Phone Plugin

Phono - jQuery Phone Plugin

Phono is a simple JQuery plugin and JavaScript library that turns any web browser into a phone; capable of making phone calls and sending instant messages. You can even connect to SIP clients; all with a simple unified API.
Phono – jQuery Phone Plugin

Wijmo – jQuery UI Widgets

Wijmo - jQuery UI Widgets

Wijmo is a complete kit of over 30 jQuery UI Widgets. It is an extremely dangerous mixture of jQuery, CSS3, SVG, and HTML5 that when combined become an unstoppable force on the web.
Wijmo – jQuery UI Widgets

SlideNote – A jQuery Plugin For Sliding Notifications

SlideNote - A jQuery Plugin For Sliding Notifications

SlideNote is a customizable, flexible jQuery plugin that makes it easy to display sliding notifications on your website or in your web application.
SlideNote – A jQuery Plugin For Sliding Notifications

IMGr – jQuery Image Rounder

IMGr - jQuery Image Rounder

IMGr is a jQuery plugin for rounding image corners. The script utilizes CSS3 in modern web browsers, and VML in Internet Explorer 8 and below.
IMGr – jQuery Image Rounder

By Paul Andrew (Speckyboyand speckyboy@twitter).

3 Fresh Icon Sets for Web Designers

As you may have noticed, from time-to-time we like to highlight to our readers some of the best freely available and freshest possible icon-sets. We really do love them, and we are sure you will love the selection we have for you today. You will find a mixed bag of social icons, an almost complete e-commerce set, and, finally, a flag icon-set that consists of a monumentally huge 2400 icons.



The Discons icon set, designed by Dave McNally, consists of 95 icons and all are 24px circles. Each icon has one unified shape – the glyph was combined with the background and knocked out of the shape. This means it’s easier for you to alter colours as there’s only one shape for each icon.

Glossy E-Commerce Icon Set

Glossy E-Commerce Icon Set

Ecommerce Glossy has been created by the folks at Iconshock for Hongkiat readers. It consists of 21 different e-commerce related icons in total and comes in these formats: AI, PSD and PNG.
Glossy E-Commerce Icon Set

2400 Flag Icon Set

2400 Flag Icon Set

Liquidcity has created a flag icon for every major country in the world, plus a few more. They've created them in several sizes so they'll look great no matter where you use them – 16×16, 24×24, 32×32, 48×48, and 64×64. They also come in 2 variants – as flat and standard, and the other with a lovely glossy finish.
2400 Flag Icon Set

By Paul Andrew (Speckyboyand speckyboy@twitter).

Basic job description for a Web Designer

The most difficult task any budding web designer will experience is finding that first break-through job with a web design company or agency. But, how would you describe who you are and what you can do in a professional manner? On the flip-side to that, how would a web design agency describe what they are looking for any new designer?
This is a questions that was recently asked on Answers, and we would like to open it up to our readers for some advice and tips.

You can leave your thoughts and tips in the comment section below, or you can leave your answer on the original question on Answers here: What should a basic job description look like for a Web Designer?

What should a basic job description look like for a Web Designer?
This question was originally asked by Ben G.

Here is the best answer, as voted by our users, so far:

What should a basic job description look like for a Web Designer?

Here is the second best answer, as voted by our users, from Devone:

What should a basic job description look like for a Web Designer?

So, what are your thoughts or tips for a web designers basic job description?

Thanks to everyone who asked a question, but most importantly thanks to everyone that took the time and effort to offer helpful and useful answers.

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