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Fresh jQuery and CSS3 Tutorials

Today’s news is a refreshing look at some of the most recent jQuery tutorials and techniques. Accompanied with the recent popularity of CSS3, some of these new techniques are groundbreaking and others simply take a fresh look at older design techniques.

CSS3 Rounded Image With jQuery

jQuery Tutorials

In this tutorial you will use the CSS3 border-radius and box-shadow feature to make the image element look like the screenshot above.
CSS3 Rounded Image With jQuery

Image Highlighting and Preview with jQuery

jQuery Tutorials

In this tutorial you will be shown how to highlight and preview images that are integrated in an article or spread over a page. This is a nice way to allow your users to view a bigger version of an image that is relevant to some context.
Image Highlighting and Preview with jQuery

Simple AJAX Commenting System

jQuery Tutorials

In this tut,, you are going to build a Simple AJAX Commenting System. It will feature a gravatar integration and demonstrate how to achieve effective communication between jQuery and PHP/MySQL with the help of JSON.
Simple AJAX Commenting System

Interactive Photo Desk with jQuery and CSS3

jQuery Tutorials

The idea of this tutorial is to have some photos on a surface that can be dragged and dropped, stacked and deleted, each action resembling the real world act.
Interactive Photo Desk with jQuery and CSS3

By Paul Andrew (Speckyboyand speckyboy@twitter).

Coding by Hand or Use a WYSIWYG Editor?

An interesting question was asked this week on Answers, and we would like to open this discussion further with our readers, and hear your thoughts. So, do you prefer to code your site by hand or use a WYSIWYG editor?

We look forward to hearing how you prefer to code your site, you can leave your thoughts and comments below or you can leave your answer/opinion on the original question here: Do You Prefer to Code Your Site by Hand or Use a WYSIWYG Editor?.

Do You Prefer to Code Your Site by Hand or Use a WYSIWYG Editor?

Do You Prefer to Code Your Site by Hand or Use a WYSIWYG Editor?
This question was originally asked by Csgs, and you will find the favorite answers below:

Best Answer from Scunliffe:

Do You Prefer to Code Your Site by Hand or Use a WYSIWYG Editor?

Second Answer from Vinay Vidyasagar:

Do You Prefer to Code Your Site by Hand or Use a WYSIWYG Editor?

Unanswered Answers

Can you help with this weeks unanswered questions?

  1. Are There Any Cons to Having a Return Statement In all Functions?
  2. How Can I Make a Browser Window to Stay on Top and In Focus at All Times?
  3. Are You Inclined More Towards the Use of Fluid Layouts? (Why or Why Not)
  4. What Would Be the Preferable Time Zone to Set for a MySQL Website?
  5. Is There Some Way to Parse PHP Locally Without the Use of an FTP/Local Host Server?
  6. How Can I Organize My AJAX Handlers in a Secure, Logical, and Structured Manner?

Thanks again, firstly to everyone who asked a question, but most importantly thanks to everyone that took the time and effort to offer helpful and useful answers.

A Collection of Fresh Illustrator Tutorials

We do focus a lot on Photoshop resources here at Design Reviver, and as such, in today’s news round-up, we would like to highlight tutorials from its much prettier and flexible sister, namely Illustrator. Below you will find a small collection of our favorite Illustrator tutorials from recent weeks.

Cubism Inspired Logo using Illustrator and Photoshop

Cubism Inspired Logo using Illustrator and Photoshop

Due to its accessibility, Cubism, an art movement founded by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque, is making its way to our artworks, allowing us to create stylish logos that have a specific visual pleasure in no time. This is a simple, pen-drawing, Illustrator tutorial with just a touch of Photoshop.
Cubism Inspired Logo using Illustrator and Photoshop

Create a Laptop Icon with Illustrator

Create a Laptop Icon with Illustrator

In this tutorial you can learn how to create a super sleek laptop icon. Once you’ve created the basic shapes, it’s very easy to continue with the other components.
Create a Laptop Icon with Illustrator

Illustrate a Colorful Hippie Peace Van

Illustrate a Colorful Hippie Peace Van

This tutorial is for all you groovy, peace-loving people, and a tribute for those good old times. Quickly learn how to create a stylized hippie van using some simple illustration techniques and Illustrator’s new drawing modes.
Illustrate a Colorful Hippie Peace Van

How to Create a Medieval Paper Scroll

How to Create a Medieval Paper Scroll

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a medieval paper scroll with the 3D Extrude & Revolve tool. Using texture, you will also learn how to make an object look old and how to map artwork to a 3D Vector object.
How to Create a Medieval Paper Scroll

How to Draw a 20s Chick Using Adobe Illustrator

How to Draw a 20s Chick Using Adobe Illustrator

In this tutorial you will be guided through the process of drawing in Adobe Illustrator CS4 a vintage girl from the 20s, mainly using the Pen Tool (P) and Direct Selection Tool (A) and bold colors.
How to Draw a 20s Chick Using Adobe Illustrator

How to Illustrate a Marvelous Violin Icon

How to Illustrate a Marvelous Violin Icon

This tutorial covers how basic shapes and a solid understanding of perspective and volume work together to quickly build a successful icon.
How to Illustrate a Marvelous Violin Icon

By Paul Andrew (Speckyboyand speckyboy@twitter).

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