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How to Navigate Group Scheduling Hassles?

The only thing worse than attending long meetings is scheduling one. And it becomes even more chaotic when a group gets involved.

Scanning everyone’s calendar, confirming their availability, and then calling them a hundred times only to reschedule and cancel the call. This constant back and forth in organizing a meeting takes over 15% of an employee’s time. 

Surely, what seems like a never-ending hassle can be turned into a smooth ride with some mindful changes. 

Here are 6 practical tips for scheduling group meetings that can save not just your time but money too.

Why Is Effective Calendar Management Necessary?

Scheduling group meetings effectively is a skill in today’s digital transformation. And below are some solid reasons why you need to invest in it.

To Make Collaboration Easy

The secret to mastering remote working is adequate communication and efficient collaboration among team members.

Since meetings are a primary mode of interaction, one must strive to make it least resistant. It will empower your team to reach out without hesitation and get work done efficiently. It also builds camaraderie as communicating with each other won’t feel like a chore.

To Achieve Goals

Endless texts and emails can’t do what a single call can. It allows all parties to discuss the concerns and conclude right there and then, saving everyone’s precious time. 

But to win the day with such calls, you first need to schedule it. And if even the thought of this gives you a headache, there is a problem you must solve.

Ineffective group collaboration can delay the most critical of tasks, with its effects trickling down to customer relationships too. 

To Bring in Order & Structure 

Order and structure separate a regular business from a growing one since growth isn’t sustainable without thoughtful organization. 

And meetings are a good place to start bringing in that order. 

If scheduling group meetings is uncomplicated, it will automatically improve and expedite the rest of the process.

To Boost Efficiency

Companies are paying a huge cost because of inefficient meetings, annually $37 billion in the US alone.

It’s a grave problem that can drown your balance and waste your minutes.

An efficient team should spend their time attending meetings and working on solutions instead of worrying about getting the team together.

And once you crack the code to schedule group meetings, you will never have to worry about your team’s efficiency.

6 Tips to Schedule Group Meetings Effortlessly

Set Your Priorities Right

Just because you can isn’t a good enough reason for scheduling meetings. It will only increase the workload and act as a distraction to deep work.

That’s why it’s crucial to understand that not everything has to be a meeting.

  • Instead, think about whether the matter really demands a call or can be handled over alternates like email or chat.
  • If it’s necessary, add only the essential stakeholders to the invite. You can even mark some attendees as optional to allow them a choice of declining the invite.
  • Introduce an index matrix that details some basic scenarios and how to deal with them, whether over textual channels or a call.
  • For example- if approval is required for a request, drop an email instead of scheduling a call right away.

Too many meetings can overwhelm you and your team. So, educating them on meeting etiquette is important to avoid employee burnout in the long run.

Update Your Availability in the Calendar

People calling you to check your accessibility sounds a little ironic, doesn’t it?

It also means you haven’t put your calendar to the correct use. Here is how you can avoid those needless calls.

  • Use your calendar actively. Mark your calls there to keep track of your availability during the day.
  • Keep your calendar public so others can choose a suitable time for their meeting. You can hide the details of your meeting to maintain confidentiality. 
  • Don’t let your whole day turn into back-to-back meetings. Block at least 3 hours of your day for uninterrupted work.
  • Mark your vacations in the calendar, so people know when you are out of the office and plan their meetings accordingly.

A calendar overflowing with meetings isn’t cool, contrary to what hustle culture has taught us. If you spend your whole day in meetings, when are you planning to finish the actual work?

Avoid Sending a Dry Invite

An invite without the agenda is like offering someone a job without telling what they will actually be doing.

  • Always accompany your group meeting invite with an agenda that details the points to be discussed.
  • Also, mention if you want your attendees to come prepared with some data or information.
  • Mention the channel you will be using for the meeting.
  • Check your invite link before sending it to the group.

Be Mindful of Global Time Zones

In remote culture, your team might be spread across the world. Though virtual work has opened the doors to global talent, it has also challenged our collaboration methods.

Now, while planning a group meeting, you can’t shuffle various time zones to come up with a suitable time. So, what’s the solution?

  • Be aware of your team’s time zones. Collect that information if you don’t have that already.
  • You can even use calendars to make this information public.
  • Ensure to only schedule the most critical agenda as the group meeting.

Document Each Meeting

How would you feel spending an hour on a call and receiving an invite two weeks later because someone wants to refresh their memory?

Presumably, not much excitement.

  • Share these with the rest of the attendees after the call for better record keeping.
  • You can also record the group meeting with permission from each attendee. 

Power Up With the Right Tools

While all of the above tips are promising, they still require at least some manual intervention.

However, the right group scheduling tool will take away that pain too. Implement a tool that can

  • Integrate with your existing calendar to sync the meetings without fancy technicalities.
  • Manage global time zones to schedule a group meeting with ease of joining to everyone.
  • Sync your contacts to send quick invites.
  • Send automated meeting follow-ups and reminders.

Get Ready to Excel Group Scheduling

There’s no end to the meetings. You will have to connect with your peers, customers, and managers. 


So, it’s clear you can’t escape it. But there’s always a way to make meetings less boring– scheduling or attending. 

And introducing the right tools to your setup is a reliable shortcut you must take.

Start with the one that lets you set up a free trial for you to explore all the features. Connect your calendars and sync your contacts so that it can schedule group meetings automatically based on attendees’ availability. Also, ensure that the tool can do its job irrespective of whether others are using it or not. 

Investing in a tool that lets you manage single and group scheduling will boost your productivity and revenue.

The post How to Navigate Group Scheduling Hassles? appeared first on noupe.

Inbound SaaS Marketing: Everything You Should Know About It

It is critical to select the best digital marketing plan if you run a firm in the SaaS industry. That’s why an increasing number of businesses in the industry rely heavily on inbound strategies for customer acquisition and maintenance.

Instead of using traditional outbound marketing methods that force your firm upon consumers, inbound marketing is a better fit for a SaaS company because it is centered on drawing in and keeping the attention of customers.

Following the steps in this tutorial will get you up to speed on all you need to know to generate marketing-qualified leads and fill your inbound funnel.

What Is Inbound Marketing?

The goal of inbound marketing is to attract qualified leads and customers by creating and distributing information that is interesting, useful, or entertaining to them. Blog postings, search engine optimization (SEO), social media, and other strategies are utilized to reach a wide range of potential customers and convert them into leads.

What Is The Difference Between Inbound Marketing and Outbound Marketing?


All forms of “intrusive” advertising that are not integrated into the customer’s journey are considered outbound marketing. Ads are positioned tactically in places where target audiences are likely to be present. Advertisements are a typical example of this, and they pop up during most of the videos you watch on Youtube.

There is more “empathy” in inbound marketing. It entails giving your customers a lot of value while encouraging them to interact with your business in a way that seems natural and not intrusive. The goal is to entice viewers. Blog entries, newsletters, and other similar formats are common examples.

Over time, we gained access to resources that allowed us to prevent unwanted commercial communications from reaching us (adblock, etc.). Because of this, the “annoying” advertising strategies have been phased out, and the outbound marketing conversion rate has plummeted. The influx of inbound traffic is gradually displacing the outbound.

Why Is Inbound SaaS Marketing Important?

In the SaaS marketing funnel, inbound marketing helps build credibility for the software company’s brand and produce leads at a cheap cost with high perceived value for the buyer.

Inbound marketing is less expensive than typical outbound tactics since it focuses on identifying and alleviating the problems your ideal customers are having. 

Aligning your digital presence with what your target audience cares about can make your company a go-to resource on its path to “better,” generating buzz and generating leads that will increase your return on investment.

A superpower in today’s world is the ability to get people to click on stuff online. The ability to do this naturally (at no cost) is very valuable for a startup.

For this reason, inbound marketing methods are crucial for the modern marketer. Inbound is all about giving your customers more agency rather than the interruption-based marketing that gives enterprises all the power.

How Do You Put Inbound Marketing For SaaS Into Action?

In three steps, you set up SaaS inbound marketing.

  • Content Creation
  • Content promotion
  • Content optimization.

At each of these stages, you can learn more about what you must do to make absolutely sure your inbound marketing works well. So, let’s get to the good stuff in this SaaS sandwich.

Content Creation

The first step in your growth-focused inbound SaaS content marketing strategy is to create the content that is so important. But it’s important not to make content based on what “feels” right and instead make content based on what is right.

You can do this by doing a lot of research to make sure you’re making content that people need and are looking for. This will give your content the best chance of getting in front of the right eyes.

User Research

Create user personas based on their responsibilities, jobs, needs, pain points, missions, values, and past experiences.

Once you know your user, you may tailor your material to them. Topics, types, language, media, distribution route, length, etc.

Search Keywords

Next, keywords. This helps your material be found, ranked, and clicked on, especially if you’re blogging or constructing landing pages.

Competitor Research

Use a SWOT analysis to conduct competitive research. Examine what your competitors are doing well with their content, what they’re not, the potential to beat them, and threats if you do.

Trend analysis

We’re almost done with the research. This is crucial to your niche. What channels may your material go viral? Your competitive analysis and user research will show you which channels to focus on, but developing channels may also offer opportunities.

Medium Research

What content fits your potential users? This relies on their demographics, which you’ll have researched before. This will direct your content creation and change your marketing team structure.

Content Development 

After your research, you can finally now start creating content.

Promotion of Content

If you’ve done your research well, you should already know where your content will get the most attention. Instead of talking about what these promotion channels can do for you, we’ll show you how to get the most out of them. If you use these tips to promote your content, you’ll reach more people than ever before.

“Content is a 50:50 split between creation and distribution.”

—Kirsty quote. 


SEO tops our content promotion list, naturally. We’re biased, though. It is said that if Content is Kind then SEO is Queen and there is no way you can promote your content without some proper search engine optimization techniques. 


Social Networking

Social Media can help distribute B2B content. Make sure your social copy and posts speak to each channel’s demographics.

Email Marketing

Hyper-segmentation is email’s distribution secret. It’s pointless to send the same content to 1000+ people on a generic email list. Humans have likes, dislikes, and experiences that form their mailbox needs. That’s why getting your hands on some high-performing email marketing strategies is a need of the hour. 


Who are your strongest advocates? Users!

They’ll gush about your business and product. Don’t abandon them. Create distinctive, shareable content. Consider email templates or Whatsapp snippets.


Influence-related. Influencers are up next. Every specialty has influencers. No matter how niche your product is, there is a social media audience for it. Find out more about them. You can accomplish this by searching for individuals underneath keywords or hashtags, however, if you’re handling social well, there’s a strong chance you already recognize who all these folks are.

Content Optimization

Even though your content is great, it could always be better. Optimization is the last thing you need to think about for your inbound marketing playbook. Always look for ways to improve your content, like the ones we’ve talked about so far. This will bring in more leads and lower the number of people who drop out of the sales process.

What does an SEO strategy for content look like? WE are glad you asked. Here is what it consists of:


KPIs show you’re on track to meet monthly, quarterly, and yearly goals. Benchmark those KPIs against past data sets to ensure you’re setting realistic targets for your content strategy.

Inbound marketing KPIs include:

MQLs or product activationsQualified Lead generation or signups
New MRR / Pipeline generatedCTR
Newsletter Signups 
Social Media Growth 
Brand searches
Time on page 
Exit rate 
New visits
Visits by source 
Blog subscribers & views 
Inbound links 
Email opens and click-throughs 
Keyword rankings 

Red Flags 

Content optimization isn’t always measured. Instead, watch for red flags.

Set up tools and processes to inform you when content fails.


Ask your audience how they view your brand and content.NPS surveys evaluate how your brand is viewed and whether you’re improving.

5+ Inbound Marketing Tips for SaaS

Free Trials Boost Sales

For a SaaS company, free trials are often crucial to attracting new clients. Free trials can create new leads and convert shoppers quickly, like free returns.

For free trials, many SaaS marketing initiatives demand a credit card. After the trial, your company can instantly sell the product.

Your free trial can show potential clients your whole software. Your organization may lock certain features to attract customers.

Slow Isn’t Always Best

In a SaaS marketing effort, it’s more crucial to create leads quickly than to wait for results.

Inbound marketing offers reliable and consistent outcomes for SaaS companies. Outbound marketing delivers inconsistent and unpredictable results, reducing ROI (ROI).

Why does inbound work?

It offers customized targeted content. A subscriber to your email newsletter may receive communications about the software they investigated on your site.

SEO is vital

When selling software, your marketing methods should attract new consumers and persuade them why buying your products is a good investment.

You can’t demonstrate to prospective clients the value of your product if they don’t know your brand. That’s where SEO strategies come in. SEO helps your business get recognized on search engines.

Become an Industry leader

Selling software isn’t simple, especially with severe competition. Inbound marketing methods should highlight your competitive edge and USPs.

Increase Sales Through Social Media

Inbound marketing must include social media. LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter help you reach new clients and promote your brand and services. It is crucial for SaaS companies to know how to create efficient Social Media Funnels to expand beyond social media to reach their target market.

Make Your SaaS Sellable

Producing top-tier software that sells itself is the first and foremost thing you should focus on when developing SaaS inbound marketing strategies.

Your company’s departments must work together to thrive with inbound marketing. Try to prioritize fixing an irritating bug in your program with your development team.

Bottom Line 

Making wise decisions is the general rule. When it comes to your SaaS marketing approach, don’t let anything cloud your judgment.

Your endeavors should lead to profitability and revenue-centricity. However, keep in mind that everything you do must be focused on your users.

SaaS marketing varies by the firm; what works for one may not work for another, and it’s all about trial and error.

The post Inbound SaaS Marketing: Everything You Should Know About It appeared first on noupe.

5 Examples of Viral Email Marketing To Grow Your Audience

Viral email marketing is just a small but most compelling part of viral marketing. Since viral content is anything people may want to share across their networks, the term is frequently used in social media contexts. 

It generally means the crowd spreads the news for you. As a result, viral marketing is advertising that expands by “word of mouth” or personal endorsement. Viral email marketing initiatives try to increase exposure and engagement by encouraging readers to forward the email/message or take some other comparable action.

In this post, we will talk about what is viral email marketing & show you 5 examples of successful viral email marketing so you get ideas for your own campaigns. 

What is Viral Email Marketing?

Viral email marketing is a type of email marketing that aims to get emails forwarded widely and swiftly — it can be via forwarding, sharing screenshots on social media, or asking friends to sign up for newsletters.

You can execute a viral email campaign by simply sharing an incredibly lucrative offer to your subscribers & incentivizing them to spread the word about it. It could be a sneak peek at a new service/product launch. Whatever it may be, viral marketing has the potential to be a very effective technique to grow awareness and revenue. 

Examples of Viral Email Marketing

Viral Email Marketing Campaign 1: Buzzfeed

According to studies, the hilarious content is more likely to go viral.

Of course, humor isn’t the only feeling that makes people want to share. The popularity of “false news” nowadays is primarily due to anger-fueled spreading.

We enjoy sharing our feelings with others who share our feelings. As a result, content that elicits an emotive response has social value. It reflects highly on you if you were the one who posted the meme that everyone is talking about.

Buzzfeed has taken what makes its web material so attractive and shareable and dispersed it via email in this example. By delivering their favored content straight to their subscriber’s inboxes, it became successful in keeping them engaged and laughing.

Viral Email Marketing Campaign 2: Mejuri

The majority of us enjoy a good deal and the one more thing we enjoy more than a good deal is the sense of being a part of an exclusive club!

Because it provides practical significance, the aforementioned email from jewelry designer Mejuri became viral. Getting a sneak peek at the sale items can allow you to purchase what you want at a lower price before everyone else.

The second reason why it became viral is that it has a social value or social currency. The concept of “social currency” makes people desire to be someone who benefits others. You value early access to sale items, and some of your friends will undoubtedly value it as well.

Furthermore, the email below provides an incentive to act quickly before the special rate is revealed to the general public.

Viral Email Marketing Campaign 3: Poncho

Since there is a lot of information online going head to head for our attention, you’ll have to always be creative to get past the “scroll on” instinct and into the domain of conscious thought.

Advertisers spend more time brainstorming concepts that they hope will pique the public’s curiosity and are encouraged to share them.

Poncho’s fully customized weather forecast is a terrific example of clever content that actually works in the mail setting. It’s amusing and individualized (as evidenced by the graph above…), and it forces you to give heed.

But why not simply post it on Facebook or other social media sites? Why should you use email?

It’s a matter of faith. Most of our Facebook friends, followers on Twitter, and other social media interactions are loose links. Many people have various perspectives about their email messages. We assume that if a friend or acquaintance takes the time to forward a specific email to us, it must be significant to them and useful to us.

As a result, whereas social shares boost exposure, email has a significant role in increasing conversion; as we all know, trust motivates people to take action.

Viral Email Marketing Campaign 4: Think With Google

If you really want your email subscribers to forward your emails, ask them to do so and simplify the procedure by including social sharing buttons in each email.

A post can easily become viral on the internet as well as in inboxes. Making the facts public is one fantastic approach to accomplish this. For example, you can talk about how many people have bought from you or what kind of results they’ve achieved by buying from you. People are more inclined to copy what everyone else is doing!

Have a look at the template below from Think with Google. It can be shared in a variety of ways:

A strong call to action to learn more about the company’s services. The newsletter can be shared online across various social media sites thanks to prominent social media links.

A link that is specifically designed to change your recipients into subscribers or best customers.

Viral Email Marketing Campaign 5: Wix 50% discount 

The email form Wix includes a timer that indicates for how long the discount will be accessible & it is created for a specific niche.

Viral email marketing tactics require personalization. The more niche-specific a message is, there are great chances that it will be forwarded to others with similar interests. The time ticking clock will let the readers know that this offer will soon be out of their hands.

Even if the readers are not  the one interested they will share it with someone in their circle who they think might find this offer helpful. To make it more attractive, they even list the perks buyers will be getting like free custom domain for a year. 

Bottom Line 

To sum up, viral email marketing enables businesses to effectively sell or tell people about their products by reaching out to customers who would otherwise ignore traditional email marketing campaigns. 

Viral email marketing allows companies to access new markets and perhaps extend their existing customers, all thanks to its expanded reach and ways of attracting the audience. So, all you need is a lucrative offer, a targeted audience, the right time, and a good email template to make your email marketing campaign go viral.

The post 5 Examples of Viral Email Marketing To Grow Your Audience appeared first on noupe.

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