Do not use display:none to visually hide content intended for screen readers

When auditing websites for accessibility I occasionally find elements that are incorrectly hidden with display:none. The most common example is probably skip links intended to help keyboard and screen reader users. The irony is that those well-intended skip links are made useless by display:none.

The pitfalls of using display:none have been widely known among accessibility-conscious web developers for many years (in Web terms). As I mentioned a couple of years ago in Hiding with CSS: Problems and solutions, setting an element’s display CSS property to none makes it completely invisible. It doesn’t generate a box, it doesn’t take up any place, it doesn’t affect the layout. display:none hides the element – and its descendants – visually, and it also hides the element from screen readers (most screen readers most of the time – see JAWS, Window-Eyes and display:none: Return to 2007 for more).

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Copyright © Roger Johansson

Responsive Web Design Techniques, Tools and Design Strategies

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Back in January, we published an article on responsive design, “Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How to Use It.� Responsive design continues to get a lot of attention, but considering how different it is from the “traditional� way of designing websites, it can be a bit overwhelming for those designers who have yet to try it.

To that end, we’ve compiled this round-up of resources for creating responsive website designs. Included are tutorials, techniques, articles, tools and more, all geared toward giving you the specific knowledge you need to create your own responsive designs.

Responsive Design Techniques

CSS Transitions and Media Queries
Elliot Jay Stocks provides insight into the combination of CSS media queries and CSS transitions. The basic premise is this: you use media queries to design responsive websites that adapt in layout according to browser width, and you constantly resize your browser to see how the website performs, but every time a query kicks in, there’s a harsh jump between the first style and the second. Why not use some simple CSS transitions to smooth the jump by animating the resize? A nice case study.

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Responsive Data Tables
Chris Coyier and Scott Jehl are experimenting with responsive design techniques for displaying data tables. By default, data tables can be quite wide, and necessarily so. You could zoom out and see the whole table, but then the text size would be too small to read. You could zoom in to make it readable, but then you’d have to scroll both vertically and horizontally (sad face) to browse the table. One solution is to reformat the table for better readability. Another is to display a pie graph from the data. Yet another is to adapt the table into a mini-graphic for narrow screens (rather than interfering much with the content when the full table is displayed).

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Responsive Navigation Menus: Convert a Menu to a Dropdown for Small Screens
Chris Coyier describes another technique for converting a regular row of links into a dropdown menu when the browser window is narrow. When the user is on a small screen and clicks the dropdown, they’ll get an interface to select an option that is nice and big and easy to choose. Obviously much better than displaying a tiny link.

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CSS Media Queries and Using Available Space
A tutorial from CSS-Tricks that discusses how to make subtle changes with media queries and how to use media queries in a single style sheet. For instance, if you have a fluid-width design in which the sidebar is 35% of the width of the page, depending on the width of the browser window, you could say, “If the browser is really narrow, do this. If it’s wider, do this. If it’s really wide, do this.â€� In the article, you’ll learn how to modify a list of links according to the browser’s viewport.

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Responsive Images, Responsive Videos

Fluid Images
Fluid images are a central aspect of a responsive design. This article by Ethan Marcotte gives a thorough overview on creating them using the classic img { max-width: 100%; } code snippet, as well as details to get you started.

Fluidimages in Responsive Web Design Techniques, Tools and Design Strategies

Responsive Image: Experimenting With Context-Aware Image Sizing
An alternative approach to fluid images by Filament Group. This technique allows designers to create responsive layouts that serve different image sizes at different resolutions. Effectively, it allows designers to create mobile-optimized images for smaller screens, and then serve higher-resolution versions to larger screens. Filament Group has developed this technique that uses .htaccess files and JavaScript to serve up different sized images based on the screen width. An alternative solution is to use tools like TinySrc which allows you to merely prefix all large images in your source code with a TinySrc URL, and the tool does the rest.

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Responsive Images and Context-Aware Image Sizing
Craig Russell has developed a technique that uses a server-side script (in PHP) to serve up images of several different resolutions. The idea is that within the PHP script, a nested array is used that lists image files and their relative percentage scales. In HTML, the image’s src attribute would be set to get the requested image’s id, but with no scale specified. A JavaScript calculates the percentage width of the image relative to the maximum width of the container, and this figure is then appended to the end of the src attribute as the scale parameter. The comments in the article contain some nice ideas and suggestions on how the technique could be improved.

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Responsive Images Right Now
Harry Roberts’ idea is to use the img element for the smaller of the two images, the image that you want mobile users to download. You would also have a containing div to which you apply the large version of the image as a background through CSS. You then hide the img from desktop users, and show them the large CSS background, and hide the background image from mobile users and just serve them the smaller inline image.

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Responsive Images Using CSS3
Nicolas Gallagher’s method relies on the use of @media queries, CSS3-generated content and the CSS3 extension to the attr() function. By combining the content property with the CSS3 extension to attr(), you are able to specify that an attribute’s value should be interpreted as the URL part of a url() expression. In this case, it means you will be able to replace an image’s content with the image found at the destination URL, stored in a custom HTML data-* attribute.

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Responsive Images Using Cookies
Keith Clark suggests using cookies to serve smaller images to mobile users. Whenever a browser requests a file from a server, it automatically forwards any cookie data along with the request. If we use JavaScript to populate a cookie with the current screen’s dimensions, all subsequent requests made by the browser will pass this data to the server. In other words, the server would know the screen size of the device that is asking for the file.

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Responsive Images With ExpressionEngine
John Faulds presents a technique for responsive images that is different from the techniques presented above. It involves querying the device’s user agent string to determine whether it is mobile, and then setting a global variable that can then be used in templates to modify the size of the image output. Basically, only one image gets sent to the browser, but that image is different depending on whether you’re viewing the page on a mobile or desktop device.

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CSS: Elastic Videos
Nick La applies the max-width: 100%; snippet to videos and presents techniques that make HTML5 videos and object- and iFrame-embedded videos responsive. For the latter, the trick is very simple. Just wrap the embedding code in a div container, and specify a 50% to 60% padding-bottom. Then, specify the child elements (iFrame, object embed) and a 100% width and 100% height, with absolute positioning. This will force the embedded elements to expand full width automatically. Initially discovered by Thierry Koblentz.

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Resizeable Images (At Full Resolution!)
A quick tutorial from CSS-Tricks on resizing images while maintaining resolution.

Resizeableimages in Responsive Web Design Techniques, Tools and Design Strategies

Responsive Email Newsletters

Optimizing Your Email for Mobile Devices With the Media Query
Wide emails often require horizontal scrolling, especially when there’s a large image. This case study by Campaign Monitor explains how emails can be optimized for mobile devices using media queries and offers a couple of useful techniques and snippets to be used right away.

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Responsive Design for Email, the Largest Mobile Audience
Another interesting case study that shows how the development team behind Beanstalk applied screen-size-specific media queries to target styles, and what design decisions were made to make the mobile email experience better.

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Media Queries in HTML Emails
This article covers using media queries to target specific mobile email clients.

Emailmediaqueries in Responsive Web Design Techniques, Tools and Design Strategies

Guide to CSS Support in Email
Designing an HTML email that renders consistently across major email clients can be time-consuming. Support for even simple CSS varies considerably between clients, and even different versions of the same client. Campaign Monitor has put together a guide to save you the time and frustration of figuring it out for yourself. With 24 different email clients tested, it covers all of the popular applications across desktop, Web and mobile email.

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Responsive Design Tools

You can build a responsive design from scratch, or you can use some of the tools listed below to speed up and smooth out the process.

Scott Jehl’s fast and lightweight polyfill for min-width and max-width CSS3 media queries (for IE 6 to 8 and more). css3-mediaqueries-js is another script that enables IE 5+, Safari 2 and Firefox 1+ to transparently parse, test and apply CSS3 media queries.

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WebPutty: Scientific Progress CSS Editing
This tool is a Web-based CSS editor with auto-save feature and a real-time preview of your website. WebPutty also has CSS selector highlighting and SCSS support (for Sass and LESS), as well as Compass support. To use the tool, just embed a link tag at the end of your website’s head tag.

Webputty in Responsive Web Design Techniques, Tools and Design Strategies

Debugging CSS Media Queries
In responsive Web design, we’re working with different states, widths and viewport sizes. Johan Brook shares a quick tip for indicating (with pure CSS) which media query has kicked in. The article also provides a mixin for developers using Sass. A demo is available as well.

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Responsive Design Testing
This tool is for everyone who needs a quick and easy way to test their website design in multiple screen widths. Change the defaultURL variable at the top of the responsive.js file to your own site and navigate your website from within the frames.

Matt-Kersley in Responsive Web Design Techniques, Tools and Design Strategies

Responsive Containers: Selector Queries
This JavaScript by Andy Hume allows you to add selector queries and responsive containers to your design. Essentially, you can apply different class values to an HTML element based on its width.

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Resize My Browser
If you need your browser to display content in a certain window size this is what you have been looking for. Just click on the size you need and check out what your size looks like. Does not work in Chrome and Opera due to issues with the “ResizeTo” event.

Resize in Responsive Web Design Techniques, Tools and Design Strategies

Media Query Bookmarklet
A handy tool that shows you exactly what size the viewport has and which media query just fired. Drag it to your bookmarks bar and have it ready when needed.

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Use the information this little gadget provides in your media queries to create responsive designs.

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A tool for rapid prototyping of responsive design. You can prototype CSS on a variety of popular device sizes, orientations and browsers, be they phones (BlackBerry Torch, Google Nexus One, iPhone, Motorola Droid), tablets (BlackBerry Playbook, iPad, Samsung Galaxy Tab, Dell Streak), monitors or televisions (720p, 1080p). You can preview designs right in the browser and use your development tools like Firebug. You might want to check an alternative tool ScreenFly as well.

Protofluid in Responsive Web Design Techniques, Tools and Design Strategies

Fluid Grid Calculator
Harry Roberts has developed a calculator and generator of fluid grids for your responsive designs. Just provide the number of columns, the width of one column and the width of the gutters, and the tool will generate a fluid grid system in CSS for you. Handy!

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Free HTML5/CSS3 WordPress 3.1+ Theme With Responsive Layout: Yoko
Yoko is a modern and flexible WordPress theme. With the responsive layout based on CSS3 media queries, the theme adjusts to different screen sizes. The design is optimized for big desktop screens, tablets and small smartphone screens. To make your blog more individual, you can use the new post formats (like gallery, aside or quote), choose your own logo and header image, customize the background and link color.

Release in Responsive Web Design Techniques, Tools and Design Strategies

Scherzo, a Responsive WordPress Theme
This WordPress theme is a fine example of responsive design, displaying nicely on almost all devices and screens.

Responsive Design Templates

320 and Up
320 and Up works on the “tiny screen first� principle, whereby designs are created for mobile screens first, and then expanded for tablets, desktops, and large screens. It works well as an extension to HTML5 Boilerplate and as a standalone kit.

320andup in Responsive Web Design Techniques, Tools and Design Strategies

Media Queries for Standard Devices
Here is a useful template for media queries for standard devices: empty placeholders for targeting devices and attributes that you might be interested in when making responsive designs.

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Mobile Boilerplate
Here is a customizable template for creating rich, high-performance mobile Web apps. You’ll get cross-browser consistency among A-grade smartphones, and fallback support for legacy BlackBerry, Symbian and IE Mobile. You’ll also get offline caching for free, fast button clicks, a media query polyfill and many common mobile Webkit optimizations.

Boiler in Responsive Web Design Techniques, Tools and Design Strategies

Skeleton: Beautiful Boilerplate for Responsive, Mobile-Friendly Development
Skeleton is a small collection of CSS and JavaScript files that can help you rapidly develop websites that look beautiful at any size, be it a 17-inch laptop or an iPhone. Skeleton is a grid that is responsive right down to mobile. It is well organized and well structured and provides most basic styles as a foundation.

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Responsive Design Frameworks

1140 CSS Grid
1140 CSS Grid is optimized to work on screens ranging from the size of mobiles to 1280 pixels wide. It’s a simple flexible grid system that uses media queries for smaller screens, essentially stacking columns on top of one another.

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This CSS framework is built to provide a solid foundation for designs on smaller screens (such as tablets) and tiny screens (such as phones) straight out of the box with minimal effort. It also has a custom grid system builder for creating fluid grid systems.

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Flurid is a liquid grid layout with up to 16 columns.

Flurid in Responsive Web Design Techniques, Tools and Design Strategies

FluidGrids is a fluid grid framework that creates layouts based on 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 or 16 columns.

Fluidgrids in Responsive Web Design Techniques, Tools and Design Strategies

Less Framework 4
A CSS grid system for creating adaptive layouts. It includes four basic layouts (including tablet, mobile and wide mobile), with three sets of typography presets.

Lessframework4 in Responsive Web Design Techniques, Tools and Design Strategies

Fluid Grid System
This fluid grid framework includes a typographic grid and baseline grid.

Fluidgridsystem in Responsive Web Design Techniques, Tools and Design Strategies

Tiny Fluid Grid
Tiny Fluid Grid helps you generate your own fluid grid with 12, 16 or 24 columns, minimum and maximum widths, and percentage-based gutters.

Tinyfluidgrid in Responsive Web Design Techniques, Tools and Design Strategies

Responsive Design Workflow and Strategies

The Responsive Designer’s Workflow
Luke Wroblewski’s conference notes on Ethan Marcotte’s presentation about applying responsive Web design principles and workflows to the redesign of a major newspaper website. Among other things, Ethan explains how he approaches the responsive design methodology, what the design process looks like and how prototyping is done in the context of responsive design.

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The Goldilocks Approach to Responsive Web Design
The Goldilocks Approach stresses device-independent layouts that look perfect regardless of the device they’re viewed on.

Goldilocks in Responsive Web Design Techniques, Tools and Design Strategies

Content Choreography
Read up on how to properly plan your site to live up to todays standards. Begin to choreograph content proportional to size to serve the best possible experience at any width.

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Structured Content First
In this presentation, Stephen Hay discusses a couple of troubles you might run into when structuring your content and argues that properly structured content is portable to future platforms. Stephen suggests that we think about creating and designing structured content first that caters to the lowest common layout denominator, whether this be a small screen or a text browser. This content should be able to go anywhere.

Stephen-Hay in Responsive Web Design Techniques, Tools and Design Strategies

Design for a Target Experience First
Another interesting perspective on a responsive designer’s workflow; Nathan C. Ford focuses on experience of its users first and then derives user scenarios and media queries from it. “There are goals for sites that reach beyond simple readability, where a lack of features can actually diminish the experience. I am working on such a project now. Our approach has been to peruse the research and tailor an optimal experience for the most likely user scenarios. Working out from there, we judicially edit and hone for each media query.”

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More Responsive Design, Please
This article by Jason Things covers responsive design based on a layout/content/capability/user intent scheme, which sheds interesting new light on the challenges that responsive design can create. It’s a well thought out piece and is certainly worth a read.

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Breaking Development
Luke Wroblewski took notes at the Breaking Development Conference while Stephen Hay talked about the realities of designing for different device experiences.

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Patterns for Multiscreen Strategies
Have a look at this simple but effective slideshow to get an idea of which core factors play a role in multiscreen concepts.

Patterns in Responsive Web Design Techniques, Tools and Design Strategies

Responsive Web Design from the Future
According to Kyle Neath, responsive web design is about a lot more than the size of your screen. This talk is about about how GitHub handles links, the url bar, partial page updates, and explains why Kyle thinks the HTML5 history API is the most important thing to happen to front end development since Firebug. An inspiring presentation.

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Developing a Progressive Mobile Strategy
In this presentation, Dave Olsen presents a progressive mobile strategy that consists of audience strategy, content strategy and platform strategy. Dave argues that to develop a sustainable and scalable mobile strategy, you need to answer the questions, “What value will the targeted audiences get from this content?� and “How do we develop solutions to handle both mobile and native now, as well as the devices of the future?� An interesting presentation.

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How to Use CSS3 Media Queries to Create a Mobile Version of Your Website
In this Smashing Magazine article, Rachel Andrew explains how, with a few CSS rules, you can create an iPhone version of your website using CSS3 — one that will work now. You’ll see a very simple example and learn the process of adding a small device style sheet to a website to show how easily we can add mobile-specific style sheets to existing websites. You may want to consider reading Aaron Gustafson’s article “Adaptive Layouts With Media Queriesâ€� and Emily Lewis’ piece “Respond to Different Devices With CSS3 Media Queries” as well.

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Discussions and Points of View on Responsive Design

While not tutorials per se, the articles here give you valuable insight into why you should use responsive design techniques (and when you maybe shouldn’t use them).

Responsive by Default
Andy Hume explains what in his opinion responsiveness is all about. It’s what a website does when it’s loaded into an unknown browser on an unknown device by an unknown individual. It’s “how you deal with “the most hostile software development environment ever imaginedâ€� (via Douglas Crockford). Like progressive enhancement it’s a strategy that frees you to work with the web rather than fight against it.” An interesting point of view.

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Responsive Web Design or Separate Mobile Site? Eh, It Depends
An interesting article discussing the pros and cons of responsive designs vs. dedicated mobile websites.

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The Case Against Responsive Web Design
It seems only fair to include some dissenting opinions here about when responsive design is and is not appropriate. This article discusses why responsive design doesn’t always make sense from a user experience perspective. Take a look in the comments section, too. Luke Jones has a similar opinion.

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A Responsive Mind
A discussion on Jeremy Keith’s blog about the necessary parts of a responsive design and how to effectively create different layouts based on different screen sizes. Examples are included.

Responsive Enhancement
An excellent introduction to responsive design as a way of thinking rather than as a tool or technique. Jeremy Keith argues that responsive Web design can’t be tacked on to the end of an existing workflow. Instead of pixel perfection, we should be thinking of proportion perfection. An inspiring read.

Mobile-First Responsive Web Design
Mobile First Responsive Web Design is a combination of philosophies and strategies with the aim to achieve a wider application of best practices in the area.

Where are the Mobile First Web Designs?
In this article Jason Grigsby presents the findings from his study on responsive designs, their features and appearance as well as general remarks on the state of art of Responsive Web Design.

Further Resources

Here are some additional resources for creating responsive designs that don’t fit neatly into the categories above.

Media Queries
A growing collection of websites that use media queries.

Mediaqueries in Responsive Web Design Techniques, Tools and Design Strategies

Responsive Web Design, by Ethan Marcotte
This book, written by Ethan Marcotte and published by A Book Apart, is a fantastic resource for learning how to design responsive websites. It covers the basics of the responsive Web, flexible grid systems, flexible images and media queries, and it gives insight into how to create responsive designs.

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The Big Web Show Episode #9: Responsive Web Design
Jeffrey Zeldman and Dan Benjamin sit down with Ethan Marcotte for episode 9 of The Big Web Show to discuss responsive design, among other topics.

Last Click

The Latest in HTML5
This slideshow covers some techniques and lesser-known HTML5 gems that could get implemented in browsers in the near future: among other things, server-side media queries with JavaScript and form-factor detection.

Matchmedia in Responsive Web Design Techniques, Tools and Design Strategies

Would you like to see more round-ups like this one on SM?


© Smashing Editorial for Smashing Magazine, 2011.

Behind The Scenes Of Nike Better World

Advertisement in Behind The Scenes Of Nike Better World
 in Behind The Scenes Of Nike Better World  in Behind The Scenes Of Nike Better World  in Behind The Scenes Of Nike Better World

Perhaps one of the most talked about websites in the last 12 months has been Nike Better World. It’s been featured in countless Web design galleries, and it still stands as an example of what a great idea and some clever design and development techniques can produce.

In this article, we’ll talk to the team behind Nike Better World to find out how the website was made. We’ll look at exactly how it was put together, and then use similar techniques to create our own parallax scrolling website. Finally, we’ll look at other websites that employ this technique to hopefully inspire you to build on these ideas and create your own variation.

Nike Better World

Nike-Better-World in Behind The Scenes Of Nike Better World

Nike Better World is a glimpse into how Nike’s brand and products are helping to promote sports and its benefits around the world. It is a website that has to be viewed in a browser (preferably a latest-generation browser, although it degrades well) rather than as a static image, because it uses JavaScript extensively to create a parallax scrolling effect.

A good deal of HTML5 is used to power this immersive brand experience and, whatever your views on Nike and its products, this website has clearly been a labor of love for the agency behind it. Although parallax scrolling effects are nothing new, few websites have been able to sew together so many different design elements so seamlessly. There is much to learn here.

An “Interactive Storytelling Experience�

In our opinion, technologies are independent of concept. Our primary focus was on creating a great interactive storytelling experience.

– Widen+Kennedy

Nike turned to long-time collaborator Widen+Kennedy (W+K), one of the largest independent advertising agencies in the world, to put together a team of four people who would create Nike Better World: Seth Weisfeld was the interactive creative director, Ryan Bolls produced, while Ian Coyle and Duane King worked on the design and interaction.

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I started by asking the team whether the initial concept for the website pointed to the technologies they would use. As the quote above reveals, they in fact always start by focusing on the concept. This is a great point. Too many of us read about a wonderful new technique and then craft an idea around it. W+K walk in the opposite direction: they create the idea first, and sculpt the available technologies around it.

So, with the concept decided on, did they consciously do the first build as an “HTML5 website,� or did this decision come later?

There were some considerations that led us to HTML5. We knew we wanted to have a mobile- and tablet-friendly version. And we liked the idea of being able to design and build the creative only once to reach all the screens we needed to be on. HTML5 offered a great balance of creativity and technology for us to communicate the Nike Better World brand message in a fresh and compelling way.

– W+K

HTML5 is still not fully supported in all browsers (read “in IE�) without JavaScript polyfills, so just how cross-browser compatible did the website have to be?

The primary technical objectives were for the site to be lightweight, optimized for both Web and devices, as well as to be scalable for future ideas and platforms.

– W+K

To achieve these goals, the website leans on JavaScript for much of the interactivity and scrolling effects. Later, we’ll look at how to create our own parallax scrolling effect with CSS and jQuery. But first, we should start with the template and HTML.

The Starting Boilerplate

It’s worth pointing out the obvious first: Nike Better World is original work and should not be copied. However, we can look at how the website was put together and learn from those techniques. We can also look at other websites that employ parallax scrolling and then create our own page, with our own code and method, and build on these effects.

I asked W+K if it starts with a template.

We started without a framework, with only reset styles. In certain cases, particularly with experimental interfaces, it ensures that complete control of implementation lies in your hands.

– W+K

If you look through some of the code on Nike Better World, you’ll see some fairly advanced JavaScript in a class-like structure. However, for our purposes, let’s keep things fairly simple and rely on HTML5 Boilerplate as our starting point.

Download HTML5 Boilerplate. The “strippedâ€� version will do. You may want to delete some files if you know you won’t be using them (crossdomain.xml, the test folder, etc.).

As you’ll see from the source code (see the final code below), our page is made up of four sections, all of which follow a similar pattern. Let’s look at one individual section:

<section class="story" id="first" data-speed="8" data-type="background">
 <div data-type="sprite" data-offsetY="950" data-Xposition="25%" data-speed="2"></div>
  <h2>Background Only</h2>
   <p>Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.</p>

I’m not sure this is the best, most semantic use of those HTML5 tags, but it’s what we need to make this effect work. Normally, a section has a heading, so, arguably, the section should be a div and the article should be a section. However, as W+K points out, the HTML5 spec is still young and open to interpretation:

HTML5 is still an emerging standard, particularly in implementation. A lot of thought was given to semantics. Some decisions follow the HTML5 spec literally, while others deviate. As with any new technology, the first to use it in real-world projects are the ones who really shape it for the future.

– W+K

This is a refreshing interpretation. Projects like Nike Better World are an opportunity to “reality check� an emerging standard and, for the conscientious among us, to provide feedback on the spec.

In short, is the theory of the spec practical? W-K elaborates:

We use the article tag for pieces of content that can (and should) be individually (or as a group) syndicated. Each “story� is an article. We chose divs to wrap main content. We took the most liberty with the section tag, as we feel its best definition in the spec is as chapters of content, be it globally.

– W+K

As an aside (no pun intended!), HTML5 Doctor has begun a series of mark-up debates called Simplequizes, which are always interesting and illustrate that there is rarely one mark-up solution for any problem. Make sure to check them out.

In style.css, we can add a background to our section with the following code:

section { background: url(../images/slide1a.jpg) 50% 0 no-repeat fixed; }

We should also give our sections a height and width, so that the background images are visible:

.story { height: 1000px; padding: 0; margin: 0; width: 100%; max-width: 1920px; position: relative; margin: 0 auto; }

I’ve set the height of all our sections to 1000 pixels, but you can change this to suit your content. You can also change it on a per-section basis.

We have also made sure that the maximum width of the section is the maximum width of the background (1920 pixels), and we have specified a relative position so that we can absolutely position its children.

Here’s the page before adding JavaScript. It’s worth digging into the source code to see how we’ve duplicated the sections in the HTML and CSS.

Backgroundonly in Behind The Scenes Of Nike Better World

Even with this code alone, we already have a pleasing effect as we scroll down the page. We’re on our way.

The HTML5 Data Attribute

Before looking at parallax scrolling, we need to understand the new data attribute, which is used extensively throughout the HTML above.

Back in the good old days, we would shove any data that we wanted to be associated with an element into the rel attribute. If, for example, we needed to make the language of a story’s content accessible to JavaScript, you might have seen mark-up like this:

<article class='story' id="introduction" rel="en-us"></article>

Sometimes complex DOM manipulation requires more information than a rel can contain, and in the past I’ve stuffed information into the class attribute so that I could access it. Not any more!

The team at W+K had the same issue, and it used the data attribute throughout Nike Better World:

The data attribute is one of the most important attributes of HTML5. It allowed us to separate mark-up, CSS and JavaScript into a much cleaner workflow. Websites such as this, with high levels of interaction, are almost application-like behind the scenes, and the data attribute allows for a cleaner application framework.

– W+K

Sportisanaddress in Behind The Scenes Of Nike Better World

So, what is the data attribute? You can read about it in the official spec, which defines it as follows:

Custom data attributes are intended to store custom data private to the page or application, for which there are no more appropriate attributes or elements.

– W+K

In other words, any attribute prefixed with data- will be treated as storage for private data; it does not affect the mark-up, and the user cannot see it. Our previous example can now be rewritten as:

<article class='story' id="introduction" data-language="en-us"></article>

The other good news is that you can use more than one data attribute per element, which is exactly what we’re doing in our parallax example. You may have spotted the following:

<div data-type="sprite" data-offsetY="100" data-Xposition="50%" data-speed="2"></div>

Here, we are storing four pieces of information: the x and y data offsets and the data speed, and we are also marking this element as a data type. By testing for the existence of data-type in the JavaScript, we can now manipulate these elements as we wish.

Parallax Scrolling

On our page, three things create the parallax scrolling illusion:

  • The background scrolls at the slowest rate,
  • Any sprites scroll slightly faster than the background,
  • Any section content scrolls at the same speed as the window.

With three objects all scrolling at different speeds, we have created a beautiful parallax effect.

AnExplanation in Behind The Scenes Of Nike Better World

It goes without saying that we don’t need to worry about the third because the browser will take care of that for us! So, let’s start with the background scroll and some initial jQuery.

 // Cache the Window object
 $window = $(window);
// Cache the Y offset and the speed
$('[data-type]').each(function() {
  $(this).data('offsetY', parseInt($(this).attr('data-offsetY')));
  $(this).data('speed', $(this).attr('data-speed'));
// For each element that has a data-type attribute
  // Store some variables based on where we are
  $(this).data('speed', parseInt($(this).attr('data-speed')));
   var $self = $(this),
   offsetCoords = $self.offset(),
   topOffset = offsetCoords.top;
    // The magic will happen in here!
   }); // window scroll
 });	// each data-type
}); // document ready

First, we have our trusty jQuery document ready function, to ensure that the DOM is ready for processing. Next, we cache the browser window object, which we will refer to quite often, and call it $window. (I like to prefix jQuery objects with $ so that I can easily see what is an object and what is a variable.)

We also use the jQuery .data method to attach the Y offset (explained later) and the scrolling speed of the background to each element. Again, this is a form of caching that will speed things up and make the code more readable.

We then iterate through each section that has a data attribute of data-type="background" with the following:


Already we can see how useful data attributes are for storing multiple pieces of data about an object that we wish to use in JavaScript.

Inside the .each function, we can start to build up a picture of what needs to be done. For each element, we need to grab some variables:

// Store some variables based on where we are
var $self = $(this),
    offsetCoords = $self.offset(),
    topOffset = offsetCoords.top;

We cache the element as $self (again, using the $ notation because it’s a jQuery object). Next, we store the offset() of the element in offsetCoords and then grab the top offset using the .top property of offset().

Finally, we set up the window scroll event, which fires whenever the user moves the scroll bar or hits an arrow key (or moves the trackpad or swipes their finger, etc.).

We need to do two more things: check that the element is in view and, if it is, scroll it. We test whether it’s in view using the following code:

// If this section is in view
if ( ($.Window.scrollTop() + $.Window.height()) > ($offsetCoords.top) &&
( ($offsetCoords.top + $self.height()) > $.Window.scrollTop() ) ) {

The first condition checks whether the very top of the element has scrolled into view at the very bottom of the browser window.

The second condition checks whether the very bottom of the element has scrolled past the very top of the browser window.

You could use this method to check whether any element is in view. It’s sometimes useful (and quicker) to process elements only when the user can see them, rather than when they’re off screen.

So, we now know that some part of the section element with a data-type attribute is in view. We can now scroll the background. The trick here is to scroll the background slower or faster than the browser window is scrolling. This is what creates the parallax effect.

Here’s the code:

// Scroll the background at var speed
// the yPos is a negative value because we're scrolling it UP!
var yPos = -($window.scrollTop() / $self.data('speed'));

// If this element has a Y offset then add it on
if ($self.data('offsetY')) {
  yPos += $self.data('offsetY');

// Put together our final background position
var coords = '50% '+ yPos + 'px';

// Move the background
$self.css({ backgroundPosition: coords });

The y position is calculated by dividing the distance that the user has scrolled from the top of the window by the speed. The higher the speed, the slower the scroll.

Next, we check whether there is a y offset to apply to the background. Because the amount that the background scrolls is a function of how far the window has scrolled, the further down the page we are, the more the background has moved. This can lead to a situation in which the background starts to disappear up the page, leaving a white (or whatever color your background is) gap at the bottom of each section.

The way to combat this is to give those backgrounds an offset that pushes them down the page an extra few hundred pixels. The only way to find out this magic offset number is by experimenting in the browser. I wish it was more scientific than this, but this offset really does depend on the height of the browser window, the distance scrolled, the height of your sections and the height of your background images. You could perhaps write some JavaScript to calculate this, but to me this seems like overkill. Two minutes experimenting in Firebug yields the same result.

The next line defines a variable coords to store the coordinates of the background. The x position is always the same: 50%. This was the value we set in the CSS, and we won’t change it because we don’t want the element to scroll sideways. Of course, you’re welcome to change it if you want the background to scroll sideways as the user scrolls up, perhaps to reveal something.

(Making the speed a negative number for slower scrolling might make more sense, but then you’d have to divide by -$speed. Two negatives seems a little too abstract for this simple demonstration.)

Finally, we use the .css method to apply this new background position. Et voila: parallax scrolling!

Here’s the code in full:

// Cache the Window object
$window = $(window);

// Cache the Y offset and the speed of each sprite
$('[data-type]').each(function() {
  $(this).data('offsetY', parseInt($(this).attr('data-offsetY')));
  $(this).data('speed', $(this).attr('data-speed'));

// For each element that has a data-type attribute

// Store some variables based on where we are
var $self = $(this),
    offsetCoords = $self.offset(),
    topOffset = offsetCoords.top;


// If this section is in view
if ( ($window.scrollTop() + $window.height()) > (topOffset) &&
( (topOffset + $self.height()) > $window.scrollTop() ) ) {

  // Scroll the background at var speed
  // the yPos is a negative value because we're scrolling it UP!
  var yPos = -($window.scrollTop() / $self.data('speed'));

  // If this element has a Y offset then add it on
  if ($self.data('offsetY')) {
    yPos += $self.data('offsetY');

  // Put together our final background position
  var coords = '50% '+ yPos + 'px';

  // Move the background
  $self.css({ backgroundPosition: coords });

  }; // in view

}); // window scroll

});	// each data-type

Of course, what we’ve done so far is quite a bit simpler than what’s on Nike Better World. W+K admits that the parallax scrolling threw it some challenges:

The parallax scrolling presented a few small challenges in cross-browser compatibility. It took a little experimenting to ensure the best scrolling experience. In the end, it was less about the actual parallax effect and more about synchronized masking of layers during transitions.

– W+K

W+K also reveals how it maintained a fast loading and paint speed by choosing its tools wisely:

The key to maintaining faster speeds is to use native CSS where possible, because DOM manipulation slows down rendering, particularly on older browsers and processors.

– W+K

For example, the “Moreâ€� button below spins on hover, an effect achieved with CSS3. In browsers that don’t support CSS3 transforms, the purpose of the graphic is still obvious.

CSSuse in Behind The Scenes Of Nike Better World

Adding More Elements

Of course, one of the other common features of parallax scrolling is that multiple items on the page scroll. So far, we have two elements that move independently of each other: the first is the page itself, which scrolls when the user moves the scroll bar, and the second is the background, which now scrolls at at slower rate thanks to the jQuery above and the background-position CSS attribute.

For many pages, this would be enough. It would be a lovely effect for the background of, say, a blog. However, Nike and others push it further by adding elements that move at a different speed than that of the page and background. To make things easy — well, easier — I’m going to call these new elements sprites.

Here’s the HTML:

<div id="smashinglogo" data-type="sprite" data-offsetY="1200" data-Xposition="25%" data-speed="2"></div>

Put this just before the closing </article> tag, so that it appears behind the contents of <article>. First, we give the div an id so that we can refer to it specifically in the CSS. Then we use our HTML5 data attribute to store a few values:

  • The status of a sprite,
  • A y (vertical) offset of 1200 pixels,
  • An x (horizontal) position as a percentage,
  • A scrolling speed.

We give the x position of the sprite a percentage value because it is relative to the size of the viewport. If we gave it an absolute value, which you’re welcome to try, there’s a chance it could slide out of view on either the left or right side.

Now about that y offset…


This is the bit that’s going to mess with your noodle and is perhaps the hardest part of the process to grasp.

Thanks to the logic in the JavaScript, the sprite won’t move until the parent section is in view. When it does move, it will move at (in this case) half the speed. You need the vertical position, then, to account for this slower movement; elements need to be placed higher up if they will be scrolling more slowly and, therefore, moving less on the y axis.

We don’t know how far the user has to scroll before the section appears at the bottom of the page. We could use JavaScript to read the viewport size and then do some calculations based on how far down the page the section is positioned. But that is already sounding too complicated. There is an easier way.

What we do know is how far the user has scrolled before the current section is flush with the top of the viewport: they have scrolled the y offset of that particular section. (Put another way, they have scrolled the height of all of the elements above the current one.)

So, if there are four sections, each 1000 pixels high, and the third section is at the top of the viewport, then the user must have scrolled 2000 pixels, because this is the total height of the preceding sections.

If we want our sprite to appear 200 pixels from the top of its parent section, you’d figure that the total vertical offset we give it should be 2200 pixels. But it’s not, because this sprite has speed, and this speed (in our example) is a function of how far the page has been scrolled.

Let’s assume that the speed is set as 2, which is half the speed at which the page is scrolling. When the section is fully in view, then the window has scrolled 2000 pixels. But we divide this by the speed (2) to get 1000 pixels. If we want the sprite to appear 200 pixels from the top, then we need to add 200 to 1000, giving us 200 pixels. Therefore, the offset is 1200. In the JavaScript, this number is inverted to -1200 because we are pushing the background-position down off the bottom of the page.

Here’s a sketch to show this in action.

Parallax-sketch in Behind The Scenes Of Nike Better World

This is one of those concepts that is easier to understand when you view the page and source code and scroll around with the console open in Firebug or Developer Tools.

The JavaScript looks like this:

// Check for other sprites in this section
$('[data-type="sprite"]', $self).each(function() {

  // Cache the sprite
  $sprite = $(this);

  // Use the same calculation to work out how far to scroll the sprite
  var yPos = -($.Window.scrollTop() / $sprite.data('speed'));
  var coords = $sprite.data('Xposition') + ' ' + (yPos + $sprite.data('offsetY')) + 'px';
  $sprite.css({ backgroundPosition: coords });
}); // sprites

HTML5 Video

One criticism levelled at Nike Better World is that it didn’t use HTML5 video. HTML5 is still not fully supported across browsers (I’m looking at you, Internet Explorer), but for the purposes of this article, we’ll embrace HTML5 video, thanks to the lovely folks at Vimeo and Yum Yum London.

But we can’t set a video as a background element, so we have a new challenge: how to position and scroll this new sprite?

Well, there are three ways:

  1. We could change its margin-top property within its parent section;
  2. We could make it a position: absolute element and change its top property when its parent section comes into view;
  3. We could define it as position: fixed and set its top property relative to the viewport.

Because we already have code for the third, let’s grab the low-hanging fruit and adapt it to our purposes.

Here’s the HTML we’ll use, which I’ve placed after the closing </article> tag:

<video controls width="480" width="320" data-type="video" data-offsetY="2500" data-speed="1.5">
  <source src="video/parallelparking.theora.ogv" type="video/ogg" />
  <source src="video/parallelparking.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
  <source src="video/parallelparking.webm" type="video/webm" />

First, we’ve opened our HTML5 video element and defined its width and height. We then set a new data-type state, video, and defined our y offset and the speed at which the element scrolls. It’s worth nothing that some experimentation is needed here to make sure the video is positioned correctly. Because it’s a position: fixed element, it will scroll on top of all other elements on the page. You can’t cater to every viewport at every screen resolution, but you can play around to get the best compromise for all browser sizes (See “Bespoke to Brokeâ€� below).

The CSS for the video element looks like this:

video { position: fixed; left: 50%; z-index: 1;}

I’ve positioned the video 50% from the left so that it moves when the browser’s size is changed. I’ve also given it a z-index: 1. This z-index prevents the video element from causing rendering problems with neighbouring sections.

And now for the JavaScript! This code should be familiar to you:

// Check for any Videos that need scrolling
$('[data-type="video"]', $self).each(function() {

  // Cache the sprite
  $video = $(this);

  // Use the same calculation to work out how far to scroll the sprite
  var yPos = -($window.scrollTop() / $video.data('speed'));
  var coords = (yPos + $video.data('offsetY')) + 'px';

  $video.css({ top: coords });

}); // video

And there you have it! A parallax scrolling HTML5 video.

Bespoke or Broke

Of course, every design is different, which means that your code for your design will be unique. The JavaScript above will plug and play, but you will need to experiment with values for the y offset to get the effect you want. Different viewport sizes means that users will scroll different amounts to get to each section, and this in turn affects how far your elements scroll. I can’t control it any more than you can, so you have to pick a happy medium. Even Nike Better World suffers when the viewport’s vertical axis stretches beyond the height of the background images.

I asked W+K how it decides which effects to power with JavaScript and which are better suited to modern CSS techniques:

Key points that required complex interaction relied on JavaScript, while visual-only interactivity relied on CSS3. Additionally, fewer browsers support native CSS3 techniques, so items that were more important to cross-browser compatibility were controlled via JavaScript as well.

– W+K

This is a wonderful example of “real-world design.� So often we are bamboozled with amazing new CSS effects, and we make websites that sneer at older browsers. The truth is, for most commercial websites and indeed for websites like Nike Better World that target the biggest audience possible, stepping back and considering how best to serve your visitors is important.

W+K explains further:

We started by creating the best possible version, but always kept the needs of all browsers in mind. Interactive storytelling must balance design and technology to be successful. A great website usable in one or two browsers ultimately fails if you want to engage a wide audience.

– W+K

And Internet Explorer?!

IE was launched in tandem with the primary site. Only IE6 experienced challenges, and as a deprecated browser, it gracefully degrades.

– W+K

The Final Code

The code snippets in this piece hopefully go some way to explaining the techniques required for a parallax scrolling effect. You can extend them further to scroll multiple elements in a section at different speeds, or even scroll elements sideways!

Feel free to grab the full source code from GitHub, and adapt it as you see fit. Don’t forget to let us know what you’ve done, so that others can learn from your work.

Of course, remember that manipulating huge images and multiple sprites with JavaScript can have huge performance drawbacks. As Keith Clark recently tweeted:

KeithClark1 in Behind The Scenes Of Nike Better World

Test, test and test again. Optimize your images, and be aware that you may have to compromise to support all browsers and operating systems.

Tell A Story

Above and beyond the technical wizardry of parallax websites — some of the best of which are listed below — the common thread that each seems to embody is story. That’s what makes them great.

I asked W+K what it learned from the project:

That a strong voice, simplicity and beauty are integral to a great interactive storytelling experience. We often hear things like “content is king, and technology is just a tool to deliver it,â€� but when you’re able to successfully combine a powerful message with a compelling execution, it creates an experience that people really respond to and want to spend time with.

– W+K

We really have just scratched the surface of the work that goes into a website like Nike Better World. The devil is in the details, and it doesn’t take long to see how much detail goes into both the design and development.

However, if you have a compelling story to tell and you’re not afraid of a little JavaScript and some mind-bending offset calculations, then a parallax website might just be the way to communicate your message to the world.

More Examples

Nike wasn’t the first and won’t be the last. Here are some other great examples of parallax scrolling:

Manufacture d’essai

Manufacture-dEssai in Behind The Scenes Of Nike Better World

Yebo Creative

Yebocreative in Behind The Scenes Of Nike Better World

TEDx Portland

TEDxPortland1 in Behind The Scenes Of Nike Better World

Ben the Bodyguard

BenTheBodyguard in Behind The Scenes Of Nike Better World

Campaign Monitor Is Hiring

CampaignMonitor1 in Behind The Scenes Of Nike Better World

Nizo App

Nizo1 in Behind The Scenes Of Nike Better World

7 Best Things of 2010

7BestThings in Behind The Scenes Of Nike Better World

If you’ve seen or built a great parallax website, please let us know about it in the comments.

… If you need any more encouragement to create a website as compelling as these, here’s what the team at W+K used to put together Nike Better World: MacBook Air 13″, Canon 5D Mark II, Coda, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.


Putting together this article took the cooperation of a number of people. I’d like to thank Seth, Ryan, Ian and Duane for answering my questions; Katie Abrahamson at W+K for her patience and for helping coordinate the interview; and Nike for allowing us to dissect its website so that others could learn.


© Richard Shepherd for Smashing Magazine, 2011.

50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

Advertisement in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers
 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers  in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers  in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

CSS tools are essential for web developers because they act like a sort of magic lamp that can simplify the job at hand. Most development tools are time savers that are there to help developers create stylish, functional and optimized websites with a few shortcuts.

CSS tools and generators are available in such large numbers that a developer can choose from a range of them to make their projects go smoother. Here is the collection of around 50 useful and handy CSS tools and generators that every developer should know about. Enjoy!

CSS Colors Tools

Color Scheme Designer
This tool provides colors in the form of a color wheel that offers mono, complement, traid, tetrad, analogic and accented analogic color variations in the percentage ratio; and it also highlights the same with the suitable scheme chosen.

Cssgenerators36 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

Ultimate CSS Gradient Generator
It is a CSS gradient editor and generator that lets you create CSS gradients having cross-browser support.

Cssgenerators15 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

CSS Color Codes
This tool offers two options for furnishing the hexadecimal and RGB color codes. You can pick the color from the color picker and then copy its hexadecimal value from the bottom field.

Cssgenerators35 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

Colors Pallete Generator
This is a powerful tool that generates a color palette derived from the primary colors of the image that you upload. It is a useful tool for rapidly grabbing a particular color within an image for inspiration. With this, you can also generate Photoshop swatches and CSS styles.

Cssgenerators27 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

CSS Colors
This color chart offers more than 16 million colors with both RGB and hexadecimal color modes.

Cssgenerators39 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

Gradient Image Maker
This tool allows you to easily generate a gradient image of 3 types with on the spot previewing. With this tool you can create gradient images that you can use everywhere in your web page design.

Cssgenerators51 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

CSS Layouts Tools

It is a template generator that lets you create beautiful templates for your blog and web design without requiring any HTML and CSS knowledge.

Cssgenerators8 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

Free CSS Template Code Generator
It is a free HTML – CSS template generator that generates a three column layout without using any Tables. This template generator produces a custom-made template that can be used to control the look and feel of an entire website.

Cssgenerators9 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

Firdamatic: the Design Tool for the Uninspired Webloggers
This tableless layout generator lets you easily create and customize layouts by simply completing a form.

Cssgenerators10 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

CSS Layout Generator – CSS Portal
Another layout generator with which you can create a fluid or fixed width column layout, with up to 3 columns, header, footer and menu.

Cssgenerators16 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

CSS Layout Generator
Another CSS Layout Generator that allows you to create your own template by using HTML and CSS. You can create a template with up to 3 columns and a header and footer.

Cssgenerators22 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

Layout Generator
This tool generates multi-column and grid layouts with CSS 2.0 techniques by using pixels, percentage or em.

Cssgenerators24 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

CSS Layout Generator
With this tool, you can modify the header, footer, sidebars and layout width and can set the document type as XHTML or HTML strict or transitional to see the preview in the same page.

Cssgenerators30 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

YAML Builder
This tool is designed for visual development of YAML based CSS layouts.

Cssgenerators54 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

CSS Grids Tools

The 1KB CSS Grid
It is a lightweight tool with which you can streamline page templates for content management systems.

Cssgenerators1 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

Variable Grid System
It is a quick way to generate an underlying CSS grid that is based on the 960 Grid System.

Cssgenerators2 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

This tool allows you to generate grids for the 960.gs, Golden Grid, or 1KB Grid. You can even generate a basic generic grid.

Cssgenerators4 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

Blueprint Grid CSS Generator
With this tool, you can generate more flexible versions of Blueprint’s grid.cs and compressed.css and grid.png files.

Cssgenerators6 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

CSS Grid Calculator
This calculator allows you to envision page layouts and draw grids in a variety of ways. You can have an accurate visual feedback on how text blocks and page divisions will appear within a browser window. You can also return style declarations for divisions and text to copy and paste into style sheets.

Cssgenerators7 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

Grid Designer
This tool allows you create design grids by giving you options to customize Columns, Pixels, Gutters and Margins.

Cssgenerators25 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

Em Calculator
Em Calculator is a JavaScript tool that lets you design scalable and accessible CSS design. This tool converts pixels to their relative em units based on a text size.

Cssgenerators26 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

CSS Menus and Buttons

CSS Menu Maker
This tool allows you create custom, cross browser compatible website menus.

Cssgenerators17 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

CSS Menu Generator
This menu generator lets you generate CSS and HTML codes which you need to create an appealing set of text based navigation buttons.

Cssgenerators28 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

My CSS Menu
This tool provides an easy way to create cross browser compatible CSS menus. With this tool, you can create Horizontal, Vertical, Drop-down web navigation.

Cssgenerators34 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

Tabs Generator
Another CSS navigation Tab Menu generator that allows you tweak size, colors, corners and more to generate unique designs that can be downloaded for your use.

Cssgenerators37 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

With this tool, you can choose the content, layout and presentation of your list-based navigation menus.

Cssgenerators42 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

Button Maker Online
This tool creates XHTML valid micro buttons (80×15). You can also create larger 88×31 buttons.

Cssgenerators45 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

CSS Button & Text Field Generator
This tool is a CSS button and text field generator that lets you easily create with just a click of the mouse.

Cssgenerators50 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

Fonts and Text CSS Tools

This is an amazing tool that lets you edit loads of CSS properties including inline height, font weight, font style and variant, text indent and transform, and word and letter spacing.

Cssgenerators32 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

CSS font style
You can use this tool to set the style of the font to italic or oblique.

Cssgenerators33 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

This application provides a comparison of the fonts for the screen. Since the new fonts are packed into operating systems, the list of the common fonts will be updated.

Cssgenerators43 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

CSS Font and Text Style Wizard
You can use this wizard if you want to experiment with the fonts and text styles in order to generate sample CSS style source code. Dynamic HTML is used in this wizard that changes the style of the table in-situ, without loading another page.

Cssgenerators46 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

CSS Type Set
This is a typography tool that allows designers and developers to test and learn the ways to style their web content.

Cssgenerators21 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

CSS Generator & Optimizer

CSS Generator
This tool lets you choose a style for your web page. You can select different Cascading Style Sheet properties with live preview. You can choose color, HTML tag, click the field you would like to insert color into and color them.

Cssgenerators47 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

CSS Generator
This tool gives you a live preview of the color that you select from the palette. You can directly specify colors and other design attributes. This tool helps you select a face color for your new web project straight away!

Cssgenerators48 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

Cascading Style Sheet CSS Generator
This is a free tool that lets you create cascading style sheets for your web page. You can add as many style sheets as you want.

Cssgenerators49 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

quickCSS – Online-CSS-Generator
With this tool, you can generate CSS with just one click.

Cssgenerators53 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

Spiffy Corners – Purely CSS Rounded Corners
It is a simple tool to generate the CSS and HTML required to generate anti-aliased corners without using images or javascript.

Cssgenerators12 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

Clean CSS
This is a CSS optimizer and formatter that takes your CSS code and makes it cleaner and more concise.

Cssgenerators18 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

Simple CSS
This tool lets you create unique Cascading Style Sheets from scratch. You can also modify your existing CSS.

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Regex Patterns for Single Line CSS
While formatting your CSS Style sheet single-line, you may find Dan Rubin’s Textmate macro useful if you group your ruler and add white spaces that makes scanning through the web page easier. You can also use a regular expression if you don’t want to use Textmate.

Cssgenerators45 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

CSS Sprite Tools

CSS – Sprit.es
With this tool, you can easily generate CSS and HTML code by uploading the file you want to use in your CSS sprite and then click the button that join all your images into a single file. With this tool, you can also achieve any rollover effects.

Cssgenerators55 in 50+ Useful CSS Tools And Generators for Developers

Spritegen CSS Sprites
This tool allows you create your sprite by letting your upload your image and then add more images. You can also set the output of your images as in PNG, JPEG or GIF.

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CSS Sprites
With this tool, upload any number of images and click Generate button to create your CSS sprites with ease.

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Website Performance (CSS Sprite Generator)
It is a tool that allows you to upload your source file in order to create the sprite image and CSS. This tool works by ignoring duplicates, resizing the source images, setting the sprite and other CSS options like horizontal and vertical offset, background color, class prefix, CSS suffix etc.

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It is a WYSIWYG tool that is helpful for the web designers who want to quickly create CSS classes and IDs from a single sprite image. This tool works on the principle of using the background-position property to line up areas of a sprite image into block elements of a web page.

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Other CSS Tools

SlickMap CSS
This tool displays your site maps directly from HTML unordered list navigation. This is appropriate for the websites that want to accommodate up to three levels of page navigation and extra utility links that can be easily modified to meet personal requirements, branding, or style preferences.

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CSS3 Please!
This tool displays the output of your code instantaneously. It is a simple yet powerful tool for the web designers and developers.

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CSS Sorter
CSS Sorter is a tool that sorts CSS files and rules alphabetically so that you can easily manage your CSS files.

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Sky CSS Tool
Sky CSS lets you create CSS classes without requiring any manuscript code. In order to work properly, it needs a JavaScript compatible browser.

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CSS Table Wizard
This wizard helps you generate style source code and allows you to do experiments with table border styles.

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Csstxt is a powerful tool that illustrates numerous ways to add a style to a text with ‘a’, ‘p’ or div tag.

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It is a small AIR application that packs together multiple CSS and JavaScript files into one and runs on your desktop.

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Password Generator
This tool generates all the compulsory codes required to password protect a directory, or selects files within it on your site by means of .htaccess. This tool works by encrypting your desired password and then put the outputs inside your .htaccess and .htpasswd files.

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XHTML/CSS Markup Generator
This is a simple tool that lets you quickly generate XHTML Markup and a CSS frame; shorten syntax so that you can directly jump to the elements styling. This tool significantly speeds up your work.

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Consider our previous posts:


The Book of CSS3 (Book review)

It’s been quite a while since I read a new book on CSS. It seemed like most books on the subject had already been written. But then browsers started implementing CSS3, and developers started using it.

And that’s where this book comes in. The Book of CSS3, written by Peter Gasston, is all about CSS3 just as the title says. And it’s a book you more than likely should have, even if you think you already have a pretty good handle on everything CSS.

Read full post

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