
10 Best Practices for Creating Exceptional Website Pop up Design to Increase Conversions

How do you catch visitor attention when even the most creative ads are, by definition, an interruption and the majority are viewed almost universally as a nuisance? 

It’s a formidable challenge that marketers face in a world of shrinking attention spans. 

What if we told you that you could do it with good old-fashioned pop ups provided you follow a few guiding principles that underlie some best practices?

If the name alone can cause conniptions, we know their reputation for irritation goes before them. 

Yet despite this, most folks aren’t terminally averse to pop ups per se. Look no further than how long they’ve stuck around and their current use. 

Play by the rules of permission marketing and combine that with exceptional design, and you can reach customers with your message. 

And here’s the thing: we don’t see them going away anytime soon. 

Pop ups can help you expand your subscriber list and give your conversion rate a jolt.

One of the fastest routes to increasing conversions is having an understanding of your customer’s buying habits. That means having a firm grasp of important metrics, such as knowing AOV meaning and conversion rate. Track them together to calculate your gross revenue. To optimize their average order value, businesses can add cart reminder pop ups to encourage visitors to purchase product bundles or avail of volume discounts.

People, it seems, are happy to engage with good designs and offers that add value.

With that in mind, we’ve created this guide.

Read on as we explore 10 best practices for putting together exceptional website pop up design that converts. 

1. Consider different types

The most familiar default pop up design is the square window that appears in the middle of the screen. In an e-commerce context, these are probably the most aggressive kind and interrupt browsing. This front-and-center approach can be used to signify something important. 

For example, consider a healthcare contact center setting where there’s a need to maintain critical service levels. Alerts automatically pop up for supervisors when levels dip below a specific threshold. 

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In business, this type of pop up is best when you’re confident your message is click-worthy or used as a bold exit-intent trigger. Examples include offers for immediate purchases or journalism paywalls.  

The slide-in pop up is popular because it allows visitors to choose whether they want to engage. Subtle and unobtrusive, this type can go a long way toward getting users to opt in for teaser content such as an email newsletter that actually gets read.

Animation is another worthy design consideration. Higher-effort approaches can feel less like an ad and more like a creative, aesthetically-pleasing feature of the website pop up design that elevates the user experience.

2. Match pop up design with site branding

Why align the design of your pop up with the branding of your site? The reason goes back to the genesis of the pop up and its fallen status ever since as a pesky intrusion. 

Website pop up design tactics used to be so breathless, salesy, and heavy-handed in their use of colors that the original creator felt the need to apologize. 

Add in the fact that scammers use pop ups to deceive users into downloading malware. In this context, today’s brands use designs that complement the rest of their content to grab attention in a way that earns trust. 

It’s a more subdued approach. But using visual hierarchy and enticing images can produce a cleaner design and ensure your pop up appears like a genuinely good offer, which off-brand, gimmicky tactics can undermine. 

It’s also a safe bet for increasing conversion rates, generating leads, and decreasing your cost per purchase.

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3. Communicate effectively with color and shape

There’s nothing too surprising about this one. Visual elements, such as color and shape, are essential to a good design that avoids bounce rates. For example, pastel colors can emanate calmness, while white can evoke a sense of mental clarity. 

Loud and proud colors will make your message stand out, and a stark contrast of light versus dark can be a stylish plan. 

Likewise, your choice of shape also speaks to visitors. Rounded shapes communicate much-needed approachability in contrast to the sharp edges of traditional square windows. 

4. Nail CTAs

Visitor attention spans aren’t getting any longer. And when it comes to pop ups, the instinct to close them immediately is near Pavlovian. Given such a short window of opportunity, keep their content clear and to the point.

Here’s where your call-to-action (CTA) comes in. Make a point to use hard-hitting copy to get users to act quickly. Craft powerful headlines that crystalize the benefits of your offer if they take the action you want. Use contrasting colors to make great CTA buttons that can’t miss. 

5. Use fewer fields to increase conversion rates

You’ve heard of unified field theory, right? No, we’re not talking particle physics. We mean the simple fact that asking users to fill out fewer input fields makes signing up that much quicker. But because the more information you can get about your prospects is usually the better, this is easy to overlook.

Note that you can get in touch and follow up with those who sign up with their email address later. If it’s an important prospect, you can always improve your business communications with an HD call once you’ve started the ball rolling.

As well as saving precious seconds that can entice new subscribers, many folks are uneasy about parting with too much personal information. The data is in – fewer fields mean less effort for customers and more conversions. 

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6. Design separately for mobile

Mobile is taking over e-commerce, and companies are now reaping the benefits of providing better customer service by having their own business app. While Google can penalize site owners whose lackluster website pop up design hampers the mobile experience, you needn’t refrain from using them entirely. 

But you do have to know how to design them for different devices. Mobile pop ups can still be a confusing nightmare to navigate.

Following best practices for mobile pop ups means scaling down your desktop designs and reducing the number of elements that can fit into less screen space. Mobile designs need to be optimized for a portrait orientation. Plus, there’s the fact that fields are harder to fill in using one hand and a thumb. Minimalist design with defined buttons will keep them tap-friendly. 

Conversely, mobile design uses unique kinds of input that intelligent website pop up design can exploit. The solution? Follow the suit of designers who use a mobile-first approach and start by designing a separate mobile version. 

7. Personalized offers and conversational copy establishes credibility

We’ve come a long way from the days of ubiquitous, in-your-face pop ups. Consumers are pretty much over those thoughtless designs.

How can you regain the trust of jaded site visitors? Regain trust by being sophisticated in how you frame messages. Remember, you’re adding value and providing helpful tips. Offers that ask users for their input and preferences also work well.

Pop ups with personalized offers have better vibes than those that feel like traditional ads and nudge consumers to share personal information. That’s because they encourage interaction with your brand and cultivate the connection essential to trust. For similar reasons, ditch stuffy business-speak. Instead, be sure to communicate with your potential customers in a friendly and conversational tone. 

8. Pay attention to fonts and spacing

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Another important element is fonts. As a rule, sticking with your standard website font for your pop up copy will increase readability. And you can combine different fun fonts for headlines – up to a maximum of three. Experimenting with different fonts can accentuate your message. 

One thing you can’t experiment with, though, is spacing. Consistency is key to professional-looking pop ups. As your invisible content, it’s an easy thing to neglect. When your pop ups are askew, it’ll soon show up in your conversion rate. 

9. Iterative design

While these are tried-and-true best practices, every business is unique. You probably have your own ideas about what looks good to you. And, of course, theories, tips, and tricks can point you in the right direction. But what really matters is performance. Does your design drive conversions? The only way to find out is to test and evaluate it. 

Once you have your findings – from A/B tests, for example – you can make changes and continue to refine your design until its performance meets your goals. Tracking design metrics is just as important as all other essential metrics businesses monitor to stay afloat (depending on company size, these usually fall under the remit of revenue operations and sales operations).

At the end of the day, consumer opinion gauges whether or not your design works. 

If all this talk of instant testing and changing speaks to a need for remote agile team collaboration, don’t worry, we’ve got best practices for that too!

10. Don’t sleep on the close button

Okay. We’ve already covered the importance of compelling CTAs for optimizing conversions. How showcasing tangible benefits makes offers feel more valuable. Alas, while your design aims to get users to convert, most will look to close your pop up. The kind of good user experience that pays dividends in the long run hinges on their ability to perform this action.

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The most common option is having an X in the top right corner. However, some websites favor a slightly less prominent sweet spot or use negative language to highlight value missed. 

Crucially, this ignores the visitors who don’t click through yet still become customers. And that exasperation at your sarcastic pop up can so easily spill over and hurt your brand. 

Wrapping up

If you’re a skeptic and think pop ups are impossibly old school, we get it.

And yet, it’s not for nothing that millions of eCommerce sites still depend on them. 

Modern, sophisticated website pop up design can thread the needle of catching visitor attention and getting a hearing for your offer. 

We hope these best practices can cause you to rethink their potential. Ready to opt in NOW?

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Agile working vs Flexible working: What’s the difference?

Agile working and Flexible working is not something new but surely they are more prominent than ever after the pandemic. A lot of times, we use these terms interchangeably but there is a difference between them. 

Agile working and Flexible working are focused on changing the way we work. To apply these principles, we have to understand the difference between the two. 

People are no longer interested in a 40-hour workweek by sitting in front of the desktop or laptop for hours. According to a report by Statista, the number of people working from home rose to 44% during the pandemic as compared to the 17% before. 

The employees do not tend to go back to the same routine again and continue the work like before. They have lived with their families and enjoyed that luxury to work from home and now they are not ready to go back to their offices. 

People are demanding work from home policies upfront as they do not intend to go back to the same routine. Companies are facing difficulties in retaining their employees as they are now preferring companies with flexible or agile work policies. But a lot of industries can’t do that as their work requires fieldwork and a need to be there like farming, pizza stores, retail outlets, and businesses like these. But, those who can do it, for eg. IT companies are doing every bit of it to attract talent and retain their existing workforce.

People require work satisfaction more than anything now as they have discovered ways to work from home more efficiently. There are many productivity tools available such as Asana, SmartTask, ClickUp, etc. to name a few that allow employees to handle multiple projects, track the working time, communicate with colleagues, do video meetings, share files, collaborate on activities, share remote desktops, maintain relationships with clients by providing remote support, take notes, and much more. 

How can companies make an employee stay when the technology is on the side of employees? By making them feel worthy and letting them decide the way they want to work. What will be the outcome of this activity? The employees will stay focused and will make sharp decisions as they are motivated to do productive work. Here we will discuss Agile Working and Flexible Working and the differences between them.

What is Flexible Working?

Flexible Working is an employee-centric approach. Also known as Flexitime, it gives an employee the choice of working from wherever they want, whenever they want. It refers to a request made by an employee for an alternative working pattern from the ordinary 9-5 job. This option is inclusively given to employees according to their needs, such as parenting, study, and caring responsibilities. 

Flexible Working includes: 

  • Part-time work, where someone works fewer hours compared to the full-time hours set by their company 
  • Compressed hours, where full-time hours are worked over a short period of time, for eg. working for 4 days full time instead of 5 days per week, resulting in a day off per week. A lot of people are now looking at this option (4 days working week) for increasing work productivity and reducing stress. People are ready to work 12 hours for 4 days just to reduce the workload and get an extra day off apart from the weekend.
  • Job Sharing – This is an interesting aspect of Flexible Working. Here 2 persons share their job and workload for the same position. For example, two persons will be hired for the same position where they will be paid half of the amount for half of the time that they dedicate to the job. This particular policy is helping a lot of people to start their careers again.
  • Remote Working – This is the most revolutionized thing that has happened to the corporate culture. You don’t have to come to the office for work. You can work from home or any other location apart from the office.
  • Flexitime – This option allows the employees to choose their own working hours instead of working 9-5. They just have to be present for some important hours of the day and the remaining they can adjust by themselves. 

Benefits Of Flexible Working

There are a lot of benefits of Flexible Working for both employees and employers. The employees feel more valued and less stressed whereas the employers get benefitted from the increased productivity of the workforce. Some of the benefits are stated below: 

  • Improves Retention – Flexible working makes the employee feel valued and listened to. This helps employers to retain their top talent and reduce the attrition rate.
  • Attracts Top talent – The persons at the top in any company require flexible working as they are bound to commitments with their family and people around them. This flexibility of working is what attracts them towards any new company as they are already having great packages. 
  • Improves Diversity– The flexible approach improves diversity as employers can hire from a vast pool of employees across the world.
  • Cost-Efficient – If the employees aren’t coming to the office, then a lot of expense is being saved.
  • Eco Friendly – Fewer employees in the office means less usage of resources like electricity, vehicles, and everything. Hence, less wastage of resources. This is an eco-friendly option.
  • Increased Employee Engagement – When employees are at their home, they are more relaxed and hence they engage more compared to the office where they have to sit in front of the screen, willingly or unwillingly.
  • Increased Productivity – Working on your own terms gives a different sense of freedom and this thing is responsible for the increased productivity in employees.

What is Agile Working?

Agile Working is organization-centric. It mainly focuses on the whole organization rather than a single employee. Agile Working creates the flexible environment of working from anywhere and deciding your working day for the whole workforce. It gives autonomy to the organization and all of its employees to get the work done as per their way. It is mostly about bringing people, process, time, technology, and everybody together to get the work done within the guidelines but without any boundaries.

Agile Working makes the employees flexible but it demands the impact as a whole. The main aim behind this approach is to create friendly, efficient, and effective organizations that provide work satisfaction to their employees. 

Benefits Of Agile Working

Agile working focuses on getting the job done rather than working flexibly. It is a change in mindset as a whole to increase productivity, and work effectiveness. This approach will create more interactive and productive employees who own their work and mistakes rather than denying them. It can also increase the freedom and sense of entitlement for the workforce. 

Differences Between Agile Working and Flexible Working

Agile working requires a lot of commitment from the management and staff whereas in flexible working an individual is responsible and hence it is easier to implement.

Flexible working is more employee-centric whereas Agile Working is organization-centric where the mission is to make the workplace more efficient and effective.

Agile working is designed to benefit both employers and employees as it is performance-based whereas in flexible working, only the employee will be benefitted.

Flexible Working is a habit change for an individual but Agile Working is a mindset change for the whole organization to derive a similar goal. The ownership factor comes into agile working whereas it isn’t like that in the Flexible approach.

Agile working encourages face-to-face meetings whereas this isn’t the case with Flexible working.

To conclude, both approaches have their own challenges but they share the same goal, i.e to make work easier and more productive. It needs a cultural shift in flexible approach whereas it needs trust and flexible infrastructure to make the agile approach work. Both approaches have their own pros and cons. It’s up to you which approach you choose based on your organization.

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7 Writing Tools to Increase Your Productivity as a Blogger

Writing content is mostly a rewarding activity for writers. It allows writers to educate themselves while educating others. In particular, several people are actively trying to make a living through writing. The occupation of choice is mostly blogging. As a result, many writers spend most of their time creating blog posts for their blogs and others.

If you are a blog writer, you may require a lot of strength to create new articles. Nonetheless, writing blog content can be demotivating. You can significantly boost productivity by using a handful of writing tools. In this article, you will learn about 7 writing tools to increase your productivity as a blogger.


When writing content, spelling and grammatical errors will surely occur. This problem can become a significant issue for a blog writer. In particular, it gets challenging to keep up with mistakes when you have a lot of content to write. A few errors can sometimes be impossible to spot. With the help of Grammarly, you can easily and quickly spot these mistakes.

Grammarly is a robust writing tool that lets you correct grammar, spelling errors, and content structure. Also, you get to run plagiarism checks on the content. This tool enables you to restructure writings using different modes. However, you can only access most of these features by buying a premium subscription. Nonetheless, you can edit written content while using the free version. You may want to hire someone to write your essay for your writing needs with a service like GrabMyEssay. You are sure of getting quality content from this platform.

Hemingway App

Like Grammarly, Hemingway is another spelling and grammar error detection and correction application. It allows bloggers to handle mistakes of different forms. In addition, you have the option of swapping one form of a word for another to prevent monotony. Named after the famous American novelist Ernest Hemingway, Hemingway is a significant competitor and alternative to Grammarly.

Hemingway App gives you two modes (write and edit mode). There is also a sidebar that allows you to identify overuse of:

  • Adverbs;
  • Passive voice;
  • Complex sentences;
  • Hard to read sentences.

However, the free version only offers you access through the browser. You will need to pay a fixed amount to access the desktop or Mac option.


Asana is a tool that helps you to manage projects and tasks. It gives you the ability to manage and track the work you do. In addition, you get to schedule projects and tasks with timelines and deadlines. These options and features let you stay on top of the articles you need to create. You can also use the different modes to see your daily workload. Similarly, you can see exactly how each project is moving.

If you have other writers contributing to your blog(s), you can also assign milestones to them. You also get to track their progress along the way. Asana gives you access to limited features unless you subscribe to premium or business plans.


Zapier is another productivity tool. However, it is completely different from Asana. It lets you connect two or more processes. Once connected, you are able to automate each method, which eases workflow. As an example, you or your team can schedule and publish blog posts directly from Zapier. The good part of this platform is that it is compatible with several popular applications. Like most productivity applications, you require a subscription to get the most out of this software. Also, there are various types of subscriptions to choose from, depending on your needs.


Writing is one task that requires a lot of concentration. Therefore, you may not write quality content without a conducive environment. In the event you do, you are likely to create poor-quality articles. Pocket is an application that helps you focus. It also helps increase your creativity. Therefore, you have the option of writing and saving content as a draft with Pocket. After some reflection, you can review each draft and make improvements. Pocket gives you the chance to organize all your content by adding categories and tags.


Draft is a writing application. It is available on iOS and Android. Unlike most writing tools, this app gives you excellent features for free. However, you need to pay a subscription to access the pro version of the application. Draft allows users to track the number of words they write within any given day. So, bloggers that struggle with productivity can organize their work with this tool. As a writer, some options allow you to set the goals you want to achieve. You instantaneously receive an email once you reach your intended daily goal.


Keywords are the backbone of blog writing. Your blog needs keywords to rank on search engines. With the help of keywords, search engines’ crawlers grade and place content accordingly when people conduct searches. Therefore, you need to create unique content all the time. You can only write content based on keywords through keyword research.

With Feedly, you get to access an extensive database of blogs and websites in different niches. Therefore, this tool allows you to access the latest trends in any topic or industry without needing to search through the internet. Writing content based on trending topics can get your blog a lot of exposure.

Apart from keyword research, you are able to access the strategies of your competitors. Like most productivity applications, you will need to subscribe to the pro version to access the best features.


Productivity is an essential aspect of writing. It gives you the chance to create excellent content with ease. In addition, these tools help you stay motivated and in the mindset to write articles and blog posts. Some of the 7 writing tools to increase your productivity as a blogger are:

  • Grammarly
  • Hemingway App
  • Asana
  • Zapier
  • Pocket
  • Draft
  • Feedly

You get to become more productive when using any of these applications.

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