This is an attempt to recreate our solar system using CSS3 features such as border-radius, transforms and animations. The result is surprising and quite interesting.

These past few months I’ve been exploring CSS3, trying to learn some of it’s new features and getting a feel for which browsers support it. A few weeks back I put out my first experiment exploring @font-face and transforms. This time, I set out to experiment with border-radius, and what I thought was going to be a boring little project turned out to be quite interesting.

Our Solar System in Modern Browsers

Our Solar System

Take a look for yourself, using only CSS and HTML I managed to create a small simulation of our solar system.

For a better experience please view it on Safari, under chrome the animations lag for some reason.

The Details

Orbits and planets are all created using border-radius, while the animation is done via –webkit animation properties and transform. Below are examples of the code used.


ul.solarsystem li.sun {
    width: 40px;
    height: 40px;
    -webkit-border-radius: 20px;
    -moz-border-radius: 20px;
    border-radius: 20px;

Animations & Transforms

ul.solarsystem li {
ul.solarsystem span {
ul.solarsystem li.mercury {-webkit-animation-duration:5s;}
ul.solarsystem li.venus {-webkit-animation-duration:8s;}
ul.solarsystem {-webkit-animation-duration:12s;}
ul.solarsystem span {-webkit-animation-duration:2s;}
ul.solarsystem li.mars {-webkit-animation-duration:20s;}
ul.solarsystem li.asteroids_meteorids {-webkit-animation-duration:50s;}
ul.solarsystem li.jupiter {-webkit-animation-duration:30s;}
ul.solarsystem li.saturn {-webkit-animation-duration:60s;}
ul.solarsystem li.uranus {-webkit-animation-duration:70s;}
ul.solarsystem li.neptune {-webkit-animation-duration:100s;}
ul.solarsystem li.pluto {-webkit-animation-duration:120s;}

@-webkit-keyframes orbit { 
from { -webkit-transform:rotate(0deg) } 
to { -webkit-transform:rotate(360deg) } }

Animations and transitions will only work on –webkit browsers, other modern browsers will display a static version of the solar system rendered using border-radius, with the exception of IE of course.

Internet Explorer’s Parallel Flat Universe:

Our Solar System in IE

Yep, in the eyes of Internet Explorer our universe is flat and boring.

So there you have it, I think it’s pretty impressive what we can accomplish with a few lines of CSS these days.

Oh, and yes… I kept Pluto ;-)