Icons are one of the most sought after design elements within web design, and the great thing is there is no shortage of new and creative icon sets that are freely released for general consumption and satisfy our design appetite. In today’s news round-up we have collected five fresh icon-sets specifically designed for web designers, developers and bloggers.

gCons – All-Purpose Icons for Designers and Developers

gCons - All-Purpose Icons for Designers and Developers

gCons are a set of free all-purpose 32×32px icons for designers and web developers consisting of 100 icons. The icons come in 12 different colors and are available in PSD, PNG, JPG and GIF formats.
gCons – All-Purpose Icons for Designers and Developers



This set contains 44 beautifully crafted icons designed specifically for software and web developers.

ComFi Telecom Icons

ComFi Telecom Icons

ComFi Telecom Icons

Sketchy Social Media Icons

Sketchy Social Media Icons

Every icon in this set are in .PNG format (making them easy to edit) and include four sizes for each icon: 16×16, 32×32, 48×48, 57×57.
Sketchy Social Media Icons

Rubber Stamp Style Social Media Icons

Rubber Stamp Style Social Media Icons

The Rubber Stamp Style Social Media Icons set contains 12 creative icons in .png format and sized at 256×256px.
Rubber Stamp Style Social Media Icons

By Paul Andrew (Speckyboyand speckyboy@twitter).