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 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos  in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos  in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos

Two weeks ago we published a showcase of beautiful pinhole photography, and this weekend again we’ve got something unusual and creative to lift up your spirits and challenge your creativity. Illusions can be eye-catching and attractive and when you apply them to computer displays, the results can be quite interesting and deceptive.

Take transparent screen trick photos, for example. The idea is simple: you take a photo of your surroundings and set this photo as your desktop wallpaper. Once the display is positioned precisely, the transparent screen trick is achieved. Simple, but what can you do with this simple idea?

Below we present a short selection of some original transparent screen trick photos. The environments presented in these photos appear to have a completely transparent screen which creates an optical illusion. We also feature step-by-step-tutorials in the end of this post: and here you go — now you have something fun to do over the weekend!

[By the way, did you know we have a free Email Newsletter? Subscribe now and get fresh short tips and tricks in your inbox!]

Transparent Screen Trick Photos

Strobist Lighting

Transparentscreen12 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos

6/365 Clear Screen

Transparent-120 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos


Transparent-123 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos


Transparentscreen42 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos

First Attempt

Transparent-125 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos

I WIN!!!! alternative 10/365

Transparentscreen51 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos

Transparent screen 3

Transparent-102 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos

Transparent screen. [177/365]

Transparent-103 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos


Transparentscreen37 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos

Transparent Screen 6

Transparent-124 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos

Transparent Screen 1

Transparent-105 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos

Transparent Screen Experiment

Transparent-106 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos

Transparent Screen 5

Transparent-107 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos

My Transparent Screen!

Transparent-108 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos

Transparent screen 3

Transparent-109 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos

Transparent Screen

Transparent-110 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos

transparent screen

Transparent-111 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos

Transparent Screen

Transparentscreen11 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos

Transparent Screen – Tristan

Transparent-119 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos

transparent screen

Transparent-112 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos


Transparent-113 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos

Transparent screen

Transparent-115 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos

Transparent iBook

Transparent-116 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos

My transparent screen

Transparent-117 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos

Transparent Laptop Screen

Transparent-118 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos


Transparent-121 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos

Transparent Screen First Try

Transparent-122 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos

Transparent Tablet

Transparentscreen14 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos

See-thru laptops!

Transparentscreen4 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos

Caffè a computer

Transparentscreen9 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos


Transparentscreen3 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos

Transparent Screen

Transparentscreen2 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos

iPod touch

Transparentscreen23 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos

Transparent Screen 2

Transparentscreen7 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos

Added a laptop

Transparentscreen13 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos

Transparent Screen Laptop

Transparentscreen18 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos

Transparent laptop

Transparentscreen19 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos

Standing on Chair

Transparentscreen22 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos


Transparentscreen27 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos

Play Desktop With Me?

Transparentscreen38 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos

My transparent macbook

Transparentscreen48 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos


Transparentscreen50 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos

Transparent Screen Tutorials and Resources

Just for Fun – Transparent Laptop Tutorial
This project involves taking three different pictures. The first two will be taken at the same time, and the last will be taken after some editing. It is very important that you do not move your computer or tripod during the whole process.

Transparentscreen46 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos

Transparent TFT Screen Tutorial
Learn how to create a transparent looking tft screen by combine smart photographing with some easy photoshop tricks. You will need a camera tripod and of course a digital camera to do this.

Transparentscreen47 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos

Transparent Screens Flickr Group
A huge and growing gallery of photos with the transparent screen trick effect.

Transparentscreen49 in Beautiful Examples of Transparent Screen Trick Photos

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