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 in Color Stream: a Free iPhone App For Web Designers  in Color Stream: a Free iPhone App For Web Designers  in Color Stream: a Free iPhone App For Web Designers

Today we are glad to release Color Stream, a free iPhone App, created by Sahil Lavingia (@slavingia on Twitter) and released for Smashing Magazine and its readers. Color stream lets you create and store color palettes that are either created from scratch or generated from a photo, or even generated automatically using a built-in color schemer. The color schemer supports analogous, monochromatic, triadic and further color schemes. As usual, this iPhone app is released for free.

Freebie Release Image in Color Stream: a Free iPhone App For Web Designers

The tool automatically generates a combination of colors from a picture either selected from your device’s photo library or from your device’s camera (if it has one). You can save multiple color palettes, name them and rate them for quick and easy access. You can also save any one of your palettes to your photo library (and have the option to make it your wallpaper), send it via e-mail (with included hexcodes and sample html) as well as browse Flickr for appropriate color-related pictures. So if you want to use it as a color scheme generator, you don’t even need to be online!

Download the iPhone app for free!

Homewithiphone in Color Stream: a Free iPhone App For Web Designers


Home in Color Stream: a Free iPhone App For Web Designers Autogen in Color Stream: a Free iPhone App For Web Designers

Palettedetails in Color Stream: a Free iPhone App For Web Designers Sunset in Color Stream: a Free iPhone App For Web Designers

Palettedetailswithiphone in Color Stream: a Free iPhone App For Web Designers

Paletteeditorwithiphone in Color Stream: a Free iPhone App For Web Designers

Sunsetwithiphone in Color Stream: a Free iPhone App For Web Designers

Motivation behind the design

Here are some insights from the developer:

Color Stream was built to fill a gap in my life; on transit from one place to the next there was no tool to continue my design workflow. This app allowed me to constantly be working on my designs no matter where I was, without excuse. And in the past months, it’s helped thousands of other designers with their own lives and clients.

Being focused at designers, I knew the app had to be extremely polished and well designed. Not just pretty, but functional and fast too. I think I succeeded. The basic movement and flow of the application isn’t too far off of Apple’s default applications, but I have created my own navigational elements where I though they improved on the experience (like the custom stars to rate a palette).

I include many tips on how to customize your own iPhone apps to help new developers like I once was as part of another project I did, One Week App.

— Sahil

Thank you, Sahil. We appreciate your work and your good intentions!

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