For todays news we have four fresh-out-of-the-oven web apps and resources that we think will simply blow your socks off. There are a couple of HTML5 tools which have taken the design community by storm this past week, there is also a new jQery framework for smartphones and tablets and, last but not least, the coolest web-based digital drawing app you would have seen in a long time.

HTML5 Boilerplate

HTML5 Boilerplate

HTML5 Boilerplate is a professional base HTML/CSS/JS template for fast, robust and future-proof web design. It has taken more than two years to develop and build all of its awesome features: Cross-browser normalization, performance optimizations, even optional features like cross-domain ajax and flash and much, much more.
HTML5 Boilerplate

HTML5 Reset

HTML5 Reset

Like a lot of developers, you probably start every HTML project with the same old set of HTML and CSS templates. You've been using these files for a long time and you've progressively added bits and pieces to them as your own personal best practices have evolved. Now that modern browsers are starting to support some of the really useful parts of HTML5 and CSS3, it's time for an update.
HTML5 Reset

jQuery Mobile

jQuery Mobile

jQuery Mobile is a unified user interface system across all popular mobile device platforms, built on the rock-solid jQuery and jQuery UI foundation. Its lightweight code has been built with progressive enhancement, and has a flexible, easily themeable design.
jQuery Mobile

deviantART Muro

deviantART Muro

From start to finish, deviantART Muro allows users to create complete works of art in ways never before realized by web-based digital drawing programs. It already boasts standard and interactive brushes, full-blown layer capabilities, and the ability to upload directly to your deviantART account, but they’ve also left room for expansion. You can expect to see many more features and functions added in the coming weeks.
deviantART Muro

By Paul Andrew (Speckyboyand speckyboy@twitter).