There really is no limit to what can be achieved with jQuery. And when it is in the right hands those limits are challenged all the time, constantly pushing back its seemingly endless boundaries by developing fresh and creative techniques. In this design news round-up we have collected our favorite recent jQuery tutorials.

Super Ajax Polling/Voting System using JQuery, Ajax, PHP and MySQL

Super Ajax Polling/Voting System using JQuery, Ajax, PHP and MySQL

Super Ajax Polling/Voting System using JQuery, Ajax, PHP and MySQL →

jQuery Quickie: Slot Machine Style Navigation

jQuery Quickie: Slot Machine Style Navigation

jQuery Quickie: Slot Machine Style Navigation →

How To Create A Great Contact Form

How To Create A Great Contact Form

How To Create A Great Contact Form →

Music Portfolio Template with HTML5 and jQuery

Music Portfolio Template with HTML5 and jQuery

Music Portfolio Template with HTML5 and jQuery →

A Simple Movie Search App w/ jQuery UI

A Simple Movie Search App w/ jQuery UI

A Simple Movie Search App w/ jQuery UI →

By Paul Andrew (Speckyboyand speckyboy@twitter).