There is a plethora of ways to increase conversion rates, but a couple of ways are often disregarded as important, when they truly are. In order to show the importance of accessibility and usability, here we’re going to take a look at a variety of tips that’ll help increase conversion rates through them.



Accessibility is all about flexibility in design. The design should be able to stretch and cope to resolution sizes. The reason this is important in accessibility is that if the design does not cope for many different resolutions, it becomes unbearable for users to use or browse about, making it inaccessible indirectly.

Cross Platform

A website is all about being cross platform compatible. The website should be able to easily work on mobile devices ranging in size as well as large displays and other mainstream devices. In addition to making your website cross platform compatible, you should also bring your service to different platforms so your users can take your service wherever they go.

Take Netflix’s online service as an example. It started as an online service for instant streaming, and then it was brought down to mobile devices via native applications, and so on and so forth. This allowed them to increase conversion rates from their online service as it became accessible and native to many devices they utilize.

Touch Safe

Mobile devices are migrating from stationary qwerty keyboards and keypads to touch screen interfaces. This also means your website needs to be touch screen safe and compatible as a part of accessibility. Small links and navigations make it impossible for touch screen mobile platform users to easily navigate about. With that said, assure your website is scalable and adjusted for different platforms as a part of accessibility.

Weight Adjustable

Weight adjustability refers to the weight of the available content on your website. As different users access your website from different devices and platforms, the weight of your content should adjust to the real estate or screen space available, getting rid of unimportant content, and leaving that of which makes your website important, such as the shopping of goods as well as the purchases of goods, and getting rid of latest news and other unnecessary items and or content.


Many disagree about the fact that accessibility includes making pages printer friendly. However, accessibility refers to the availability of content, which includes making certain pages printer friendly. If users need to print out their invoice or receipt, the page needs to be customized specifically for printing for best results. Therefore, printability categorizes under accessibility.


Usability is all about making your website and or service easy to work with, use, and navigational. Imagine having an instructional booklet on putting together a personal computer. If the instructional booklet is not clear on its instructions, you are bound to make mistakes as a first timer to personal computer building.

Similarly, if a website is not clear and easy to browse about, users will most likely leave the site, which loses potential customers or clientele, which decreases conversion rates. To show the importance of usability, we cover several tips that are sure to get you started on making your website and or service more usable or user friendly.

Clean Layout

A clean layout is always the first step to usability. Getting rid of unneeded clutter, organizing elements and objects across the design grid, helps make the website easier to navigate about and reduces eyestrain for the users who cannot handle too much information and very tiny content.

Feature Filled yet Simple

Users love features, but they also love simplicity. What this means is, when implementing features to your service or website, usability should be top and key on your list when adding new features to improve your service or website.

Generally speaking, features should be very easy to use and not require instructions to get them working or to get your users to use them about. Therefore, focus on the complexity of the feature in the back-end, but for the user or front end, make sure it appears as simple as possible, yet satisfying feature wise.

Easy To Understand

Your website’s layout should be speaking for itself. What this means is, you can display as much content as necessary on many different pages, but the layout of how the content is displayed should be clear and precise in terms of understanding.

A user does not want to spend time searching through clutter to get to a piece or feature they were looking for, and they also do not want to go through many navigational links to get there. Therefore, make everything easy to understand as if they have put the layout together themselves, knowing every corner, and where everything is in an instant.


If your website or service is designed for users to access or use it on Earth and on Mars, make it versatile and adaptable so it works well on Earth and on Mars.’

What I mean is, your website or service should be able to adapt between many different situations and platforms, and be very useable as it would be, being viewed on the intended platform and resolution.


Your audience could anyone, folks who are losing their eyesight, others who are dyslexic or color blind to certain colors. What this means is, your website should offer features that allows them to expand on your website. For example, many users do not tend to stick to the text size you initially designed your website around and use their browser’s tools to expand it.

This not only destroys the layout, it is also very tacky and more difficult. Instead, make your layout or design expandable to such changes, and offer a feature that allows your users to increase or decrease the font size. The same principle applies for font colors, or background colors.

Add a nice color palette of which users can choose from to change the background or foreground colors, it gives them the flexibility and adaptability they need without having to leave your website or use a third party service to do so, increasing conversion rates, and returning customers or visitors.