Everybody uses instant messaging in some form or other. Whether it be via a web-based app like Facebook, Twitter or Gtalk, or with a standalone application like Trillian, Skype or Miranda IM – Everybody has a favorite. A question was recently posted on Answers asking what is there favorite IM client… so what is your favorite and why?

You can leave your answer in the comment section below, or you can leave your answer on the original question on Answers here: What is your instant messaging client of choice?

What is your instant messaging client of choice?
This question was originally asked by David Baker.

Here are the best answers so far:
From Csgs:

What is your instant messaging client of choice?

From Neil Monroe:

What is your instant messaging client of choice?

So, what is is your instant messaging client of choice?

Thanks to everyone who asked a question, but most importantly thanks to everyone that took the time and effort to offer helpful and useful answers.