Archive for January, 2011

40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

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User interface design grows and evolves on a continual basis. To stay current, you need to keep an eye on trends, new resources, and new techniques being implemented and talked about. And you also need to try things out on your own, and come up with original ideas and implementations.

The tools listed below can help you do all of those things. Feel free to share any more resources you’ve found useful in the comment section below.

Pattern References and Libraries

Looking at the solutions others have already come up with for common UI challenges can not only help you find the right existing solution, but can also serve as the basis for coming up with something new and original.
User Interface Design Patterns
An online catalog of articles and visual solutions to common UI design problems. The use very loose categories, and also let you sort by tag or color:

Uipatterns in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

Pattern Tap
A great resource to find commonly used design pattern inspiration. Pattern Tap breaks down UI elements into collections, and also tags individual entries for additional browsing options:

Patterntap in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

Patternry puts the emphasis on finding solutions to common UI problems, rather than just providing simple inspiration:

Patternry in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

Another great resource to find commonly used design pattern inspiration. You can browse by user or website, or check out collections based on individual design elements:

Mephobox in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

Prototyping, Mockup, and Design Feedback Tools

Any time you’re creating new UI techniques, you’ll want to create a prototype or mockup as a proof-of-concept before committing to a production site. And of course, you’ll need to test these new ideas, too.

Lumzy is a handy little online UI interface mockup and prototyping tool. It lets you create working functional prototypes, rather than just wireframes:

Lumzy in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

Another interface mockup and prototyping tool, this time with online collaboration tools for working with teams:

Mockingbird in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

UI Design Framework for Illustrator
A set of user interface elements and styles for Adobe Illustrator:

Uidesignframework in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

Android Asset Studio
A set of UI elements for developing Android applications:

Androidassets in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

Unique Mobile UI Design Elements
A free set of UI design elements:

Full in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

Android UI Elements Set
A free set of classic Android OS UI elements:

Androidui in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

OSX Leopard GUI Set
GUI Elements for OSX Leopard:

Leopardui in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

ALL In One Web Elements Kit
Everything you need for your web layout in layered PSD files:

Elements in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

iPad GUI Set
Everything you need for your iPad app layout in layered, vector PSD files:

Ipadgui in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

The Pencil Project
A GUI prototyping tool plugin for Firefox:

Stencil in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

Concept Feedback
Post your designs and concepts and get free feedback from the design community:

Concept in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

Landing Page Optimization
Get feedback from real people on your landing page’s 5-second impression:

Fivesecond in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources


Frameworks have become the backbone to virtually any complex UI. Here are a handful of frameworks other than MooTools and jQuery that you might not be familiar with.

A JavaScript UI library and jQuery alternative that provides a number of UI widgets:

Dhtmlx in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

Another JavaScript toolkit with a powerful set of base APIs as well as rich UI widgets:

Dojo in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

Echo 3
A user interface toolkit that not only allows developers to create component-driven and event-driven API, but also client-side Javascript apps as well:

Echo3 in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

A super-lightweight JavaScript framework that packages up many commonly-used UI techniques. Uncompressed, Midori is only 51K, even with indented code:

Midori in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

Scripty 2
Another framework that with it’s newest release supports CSS transitions and transforms for Webkit browsers:

Scripty2 in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

ZK includes over 200 ajax components, all ready to go:

Zk in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

A jQuery plugin for mobile iPhone application development:

Jqtouch in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

Code Snippets and Scripts

Why reinvent the wheel? If there’s an existing snippet out there that does just what you need, you can likely find it on one of the sites below.

jQuery Labs
An enormous library of pre-made jQuery components for your website:

Jquerylabs in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

Snippet Library
A library of user-submitted and reviewed snippets and code tutorials from a variety of programming lanugages:

Snippetlibrary in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

The Javascript Source
A handy guide of commonly used javascript and ajax snippets:

Javascriptsource in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

roScripts (beta)
Scripts, Snippets and Resources that can be voted on by users:

Roscripts in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

A good resource with lots of newer scripts and jQuery techniques:

Snipplr in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

Code Sucks
Javascript snippets with extremely detailed write ups about how they work:

Codesucks in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

HTML Goodies
Another jquery resource with excellent step-by-step documentation:

Htmlgoodies in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

WebResources Depot
Included in their large directory of design resources is a number of very useful scripts and snippets:

Webresources in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

Ajax Rain
Excellent library of snippets in a categorized and tagged format to make it very easy to find what you’re looking for:

Ajaxrain in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

Open Source Scripts
Providing Javascript snippets and code since 2004:

Opensource in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

Mini Ajax
A collection of extremely elegant snippets:

Miniajax in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

Lots of jquery components including a very good collection of image editing snippets:

Webappers in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

Javascript Kit
One of the original javascript snippet libraries on the Internet:

Jskit in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources
A few very useful snippets for your website:

Webcodr in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

HTML Assets
A small collection of basic javascript snippets:

Htmlassets in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

Miscellaneous Resources

Here are a handful of UI resources that didn’t quite fit in any of the categories above, but that we still felt were worth mentioning.

A simple little jQuery plugin that lets you create sliding notifications:

Slidenote in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

Editable Grid
With only a few simple lines of code, turn HTML tables into components that can be manipulated with advanced options:

Editablegrid in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources
A service for easily generating placeholder images for your mockups:

Placehold It in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

A unique alternative to Lorem Ipsum. Generate blocks of real text for your mockup. Select to receive your text from a variety of public domain works:

Fillerati in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

A jQuery upgrade for the qTip tooltip plugin. Easily make stylish tooltips for your site:

Qtip2 in 40+ UI Design Tools and Resources

Twitter Replacement Icon

I wasn't really happy with the app icon of the latest Twitter app for Mac… so I decided to do a quick a replacement icon. It's available in dark gray and blue. Hope you enjoy.

Cleaning Up The Mess: How To Keep Your Coding Workflow Organized

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 in Cleaning Up The Mess: How To Keep Your Coding Workflow Organized  in Cleaning Up The Mess: How To Keep Your Coding Workflow Organized  in Cleaning Up The Mess: How To Keep Your Coding Workflow Organized

Oops, we used the word “organized” in the title. Time to switch off — is probably what many would think. Being organized is a somewhat dull, though important, subject. Perhaps it would help to give it a bit of context.

Let’s keep it classy, and imagine we’re building a website for a trendy restaurant / café called “bEat”, catering to the arts community. It’s an atmospheric place with 1920′s art on its interior brick walls, live jazz, and rich patrons. But they don’t have a great website, so they’ve called you in to save the day. As a talented designer, you’re confident you’ll be able to pull a fantastic design together that they’ll love, but they’ve got a lot of clever ideas about the website’s functionality, and you’re not quite so confident about how to organize all the files that your website will need.

They need to be able to edit content themselves, upload pictures for their weekly blog posts and new content. Pretty normal so far. They also need to hook in with Twitter, so their blog posts are automatically tweeted. They need a mobile app for iPhone and Android, because their customers are using a smartphone, and they want to offer specials & menus direct to their smartphones. Down the track, they’d like to have reviews submitted by their customers, with possible pictures, links, etc. Lots of cool interactive social networky stuff, friends, online user-submitted video.

‘Facebook for restaurants’ they say, by way of making it easier for you to get your head around. Ok, by that stage, you’d probably tell them to go waste someone else’s time. But you get the idea.

Perhaps in the past you’ve tried to build a more complex, cutting-edge website like this, and the project started off with great enthusiasm, but ended up in a nightmarish mess that you couldn’t maintain. Your client lost interest when new features started getting too hard to add, and you started having to work late at night, tracking down bugs that you couldn’t even find the relevant file for.

After a project like that, it’s not hard to see the relevance of a well-organized website project.

General Principles

Structure-main in Cleaning Up The Mess: How To Keep Your Coding Workflow Organized
Structure is the essence to the project. Image by Chris Halderman

Keep everything simple and clear. Don’t over-organize — some websites & frameworks out there seem to have a masochistic need to make everything a theoretically perfect abstraction. In practical terms, that usually means it’s impossible to work with.

If you start creating tens (or hundreds) of tiny files, each containing nothing more than a small class or function, you’re definitely overdoing it. If your files and folders have names that are too abstract or generic, then things are probably starting to get a bit silly. For example, if the code to check the login for a website administrator is stored in a file called WebsiteData/Items/GenericUser/AdminUser/Code/Auth.php then you’ve committed both sins. Why not just a function called check_login() in the file code/users.php?

Don’t mix different aspects of your website. Keep modules of functionality separate, and keep different languages in separate files. I’ve recently helped out on a project where some poor, misguided programmer mixed CSS, ASP VB Script, JavaScript, HTML and SQL in a big jumble, all throughout a single, huge, poorly indented file. I’m not exaggerating. Enough said.

One Size Does Not Fit All

Brainstorm-main in Cleaning Up The Mess: How To Keep Your Coding Workflow Organized
Reflection prior to starting helps. Image by Andy Mangold

The depth of your folder hierarchy and the number of individual files should make sense for the size of the website. Keep it in perspective.

Here’s a quick list of some typical approximate website sizes, and how you might structure things accordingly.

  • 1 page website
    Make a folder for images, a single file for CSS, another for JavaScript, another for content, and another single file for code. It’s definitely not worth separating template and content, unless you have specific requirements.
  • 5 pages website
    A folder for images, one file for CSS, JS, code. Consider putting your content files in a separate folder. Again, not much need for templates here, usually. By this stage, make sure you have a template for the header and footer of your page (and any other common elements on all the pages).
  • 20 pages website
    A folder for images, another folder for uploads and other business-related files (“assets”), another folder for content (or you might be using a database-based CMS by this stage). Your JavaScript, code, and stylesheets are probably getting complex enough by this stage to consider putting them in a separate folder. Name the folders something immediately obvious, e.g. css/, javascript/, code/.

    Make sure that all files go into their relevant folders. You shouldn’t have a stray .js file sitting, say, in the content/ folder, just because it’s convenient. If your templates or code don’t allow you to organize your files the way you need to, then do a quick code refactoring to make it work.

    Avoid putting CSS, templates, layout and design images, or JavaScript into assets/ (or uploads/ or resources/, depending on what you call it). These files are effectively code that your client should never have to think about, and the assets/ folder is for business-related files and media. Make it a golden rule for your workflow and stick to it.

  • 20 pages web application
    Much as above, but by this stage you should definitely be putting all your code in a separate folder. Make sure it’s not inside a folder where Apache might accidentally serve up the plain files when some script-kiddie has a tinker.

  • 100 pages website
    You should be using a good CMS for your content by this stage. It doesn’t matter if it’s a database- or file-based CMS, but if it’s the latter, make sure the content files are well-organized, and make sure you can define metadata for individual page titles, descriptions, etc, or your SEO efforts will be very difficult.

    You’re probably also starting to have a number of different sections on your website by now. You’ll likely need to start factoring out the stylesheets, JavaScript, design images and templates into separate files and folders. Make sure these folders match each other, and match up with the sections of your website — or whatever makes most sense for your particular website. Using a CSS language like Sass or LESS is also a really good idea by this stage.

  • 2,500+ pages website
    You should definitely think about hiring some people dedicated to certain aspects of the website, such as a content editor, designer, programmer and SEO expert. You’ll also want your content to be in a database-based CMS by this stage, if it’s not already. You’ll start being the manager, and having the bulk of the work done by other people. Make sure you have smooth-running systems in place to allow you to review their work, and edit it before it goes live.
  • 100,000,000+ pages website
    You’re Microsoft. You should know what you’re doing by now.

Most small websites very quickly grow to over 20 pages, if they’re being actively maintained — by the time you’ve added a couple FAQ pages, a few little tidbits of content to explain something in more depth, and a product or two, it adds up quickly.

In that light, consider making all your small websites structured like an (approximately) 20-page website, unless you know the project is a quick, one-off website, such as an information site for an upcoming event, or a page for your wife’s birthday. Plan for growth, but don’t plan for a hockey-stick growth curve.

Your Client

Talk-about-it in Cleaning Up The Mess: How To Keep Your Coding Workflow Organized

Communication with the client helps clear things up. Image by Andy Mangold

You should have a folder for each customer, unrelated to the actual project you’re working on for them. Inside this folder, you’ll have a folder for each project. Initially, there’ll just be a folder called website/, but before long, you might have other folders called logo/, reports/, competitive analysis/, etc. It also makes sense to put your design files in this folder, perhaps in design/ or graphics/.

Don’t make this folder accessible by Apache. It will contain sensitive information.

Depending on the framework you use, you might like to put the code in this folder, to keep it outside of your website folder. You could call it code/, or, if you think there’ll be separate code for other projects, website-code/. If most of your other projects are design or business-related, then they probably won’t have any code, other than the odd script which wouldn’t need a separate folder.

In addition to the customer’s work folder, you might like to have a completely separate folder for documents that you don’t want your customer to see. You might find yourself regularly sharing work-related documents with your customer, and it’s quite likely that at some point you’ll want to give them access to their whole folder (and some customers will ask for it: “Can you zip up all my files and send them through? I just want to make sure I have a copy of everything”). Rather than risk accidentally sending them the file “10 things I hate about these guys.doc”, put it in your customer’s private folder.

To recap quickly, here’s an example of structure we’re currently looking at:

      10 things I hate about these guys.doc
            ... this is the bit we'll be discussing ....
            ... and this ...

So, What’s In A Website Like This?

From here on in, we’re talking about the “code/” and “website/” folders listed above.


There are (almost always) two sorts of images: those that are part of the design, and those that are part of the content provided on the website. The latter should go into your assets (or uploads or media) folder, perhaps in a pictures/ subdirectory. For design images, you’ll rarely need to stray from the beaten path: put them all inside images/.

If your design is a little more complex, you might have images for buttons, icons, navigation, page background, etc. In that case, you’ll quickly get above 10 or 20 images in this folder, so consider breaking it up into subfolders. It’s still fine to have general-purpose images in the top-level, but the subfolders will help to keep control of all your zillions of little files. Name the files sensible, easy-to-remember names like form-warning-icon.png.


For most sites, your stylesheets don’t need to get very large. For a small site, or even a larger site, without many different sections (each with a different design), you’ll often get away with only one file for your CSS. If this is the case, just name it main.css, or styles.css.

Even so, a lot of people like to break their stylesheets up into multiple files. There are different ways to do this. A popular option is one stylesheet for layout, another for typography, another for colors. This is a nice idea, but it gets tricky to manage in practice — you end up defining many of your classes 3 (or more) times, and tracking down bugs can be a nightmare.

I believe a better option is to separate out “layout” and “content” styles. “Layout” includes things like navigation, header & footer, sidebars, boxes, sections. “Content” includes things like paragraphs, headings, blockquotes, lists, floating images, links. If you carry this a bit further, it also makes sense to have a file for “forms” styles. However, as content on the web becomes much more interactive, the line between forms and content (no pun intended!) is quickly being blurred.

Again, call a spade a spade, and name these files layout.css, content.css and forms.css. If you give them somewhat vague names like presentation.css, model.css, page.css, you’ll always have to think first before deciding what file to look in.

Sometimes it’s useful to have an individual CSS file for special pages that have their own design requirements. This can be more trouble than it’s worth, depending on the complexity of the page. If you find yourself flicking between tabs in your editor, trying to find the right CSS file for a particular element, then it might be better to simplify your CSS. Also, seriously consider using Sass or LESS to make your CSS much more beautiful and clean.

You probably also will have separate stylesheets for different media, and these absolutely need to go in separate files. As usual, name them something sensible, like print.css.

If you have multiple CSS files, that’s great, but make sure you use an automated tool to merge them all into one file before serving them up, or your website’s download speed will suffer. Don’t merge your beautifully factored CSS by hand. That’s using a Mechanical Turk for a job that computers do easily. You could use Minify (PHP) or Juicer (Ruby) for that.


Javascript-image in Cleaning Up The Mess: How To Keep Your Coding Workflow Organized

Image source: dmitry-baranovskiy on Flickr

There’s a lot in common between organizing the JavaScript and CSS files for many websites. They both serve similar (but different) purposes, they’re both served up to the browser to interpret, they both interact with the DOM (when used appropriately), they often interact with each other. JavaScript is often used to add functionality to exactly the same set of elements that the CSS is used to style.

You’ll usually end up having your JavaScript library file (jquery.js, mootools.js etc.), a couple of widgets (say datepicker.js and dropdown.js), and some site-specific code (eg my-image-slider.js). It definitely makes sense to keep these in separate files, although you’ll often have so little site-specific JavaScript that it makes sense to just have one file for that part of it.

Put all these files into a folder named javascript/. Assuming you use a 3rd-party library like jQuery, you’ll very rarely build a site complex enough to sub-divide this folder any further.


Your templates are just skeletal outlines for your code to flesh out with content, and for your stylesheets to paint with beauty. Image source: dorena-wm on Flickr

Templates are not content, are not code, and are not presentation. Templates can have certain aspects of all those things, but only the barest hint, when used properly. It might help to think of your templates as skeletons. Your server-side code fleshes out these templates with content (content from the database, error messages, form-field values, etc), and the browser applies an aesthetic skin to acheive the end result.

Of course, your templates might have the odd piece of human-readable text, for a button, dropdown, or whatever. That’s fine — that sort of text tends to be closely associated with the function of the page, rather than the content.

Put the templates in a templates/ folder. In spite of what I said above, templates are really server-side code (they’re sensitive), so make sure they’re not publicly accessible.

If your website sends out emails, then have a couple of subfolders in this folder for plain-text and HTML email templates. If your website is more than just a brochure website, you’ll need many templates, for the different pages and screens of your application. If you have a smartphone version of your site, have a subfolder for it. Structure these subfolders appropriately. Here’s a good example:



This is a name I really don’t like, though the alternatives aren’t necessarily much better. This is the folder where you put all the audio, video, documents, pictures, and anything other non-textual (or non-HTML), usually business-specific, content, which you want to be publicly available on your website.

Some alternatives for names are uploads/, resources/, files/, media/. Or you could break it up into separate main folders, called pictures/, audio/ etc — but that gets messy pretty quickly. However, it is often good to have sub-folders for different types of file.

I tend to use resources/, personally, but it’s a bit abstract. Not a very good name, though better than assets/ (what are we, accountants?). However, assets/ is almost an industry standard, and if I were to start fresh, that’s probably what I’d use. So for the sake of this article, lets go with that.

If this is just a small business website without massive content management concerns, then the security of these documents isn’t a concern. If it is, then you should have those sensitive documents in a completely different folder.

If you have a larger-scale website with needs for permissions-based access to different available content, then you should use a document management system of some sort.

In light of that, it’s perfectly safe to make this folder publicly accessible from your website. Your client should be able to upload items to this folder themselves, and link to the items via the CMS.

If you don’t have many non-web documents, then there’s no point in sub-dividing this folder any further. However, if you have a lot of these files, it makes sense to have subfolders with names like photos/, pdfs/, videos/ etc.

The Database

This article isn’t really about database design, so we won’t deal with this much here. But it is important to keep your database well-structured. You’d do well to use an ORM in almost every situation — very few websites have unusual enough data requirements to need anything an ORM can’t acheive. Any good ORM can acheive virtually anything the underlying database can, anyway.

SQLite is a great option for most websites, because it’s easy to deploy, exists as a simple file on your file system (but is a full-featured relational database), and it’s simple to backup (no fancy import/export, unless you want to — just use a standard file backup solution. Of course you already have one, right?)

Name your database the same as you’ve named your project folder. Don’t have a separate database for each aspect of your website, but do have a separate database for each website you develop. As always, keep it simple, use short, full words as names, and don’t clutter things up with all sorts of extra prefixes and suffixes.

The Content Management System

These babies generally take care of organizing themselves. But do use a CMS that’s decently structured and well-coded. If you use a file-based CMS, put all of its content in a subdirectory, say content/.

The Administration Section

Almost everyone puts the administrative files under admin/, when it’s needed. If you have an admin section, do the same. Don’t have duplicate code, images, JavaScript, etc. for the admin. Obviously, for the parts of the admin section that are different, you’ll need to have additional code etc. But it should be part of the same codebase, and factored such that you can use the helper functions from any part of the website.

Food for thought: you may not need an admin section at all. For example, if your client needs to upload and edit photos, why not provide an “edit” link right there next to the photo? Similarly for posts, comments, etc. Of course, be sure that you still have robust authorization and authentication.

The Code

Whew. Where do I start? Software development is a complete field of knowledge in itself, and software is among the hardest things in the known universe to keep organized. I won’t even begin to cover all the ground here.

However, the rules stay the same: don’t hide files deep inside a hierarchy if possible, name your files using short, concrete nouns. Do use subfolders when necessary — but for most websites you shouldn’t have that much code. Stay on top of it. Make sure you use the same names for the same things — if you’ve called the database table users, don’t name the relevant file members.php. Name it users.php.

Good factorization is by far the most important aspect of keeping software organized, and it covers all levels of your code — from the folders right down to the names you choose for your variables. It’s is the single biggest deciding factor that separates competent programmers from the inexperienced ones. Go learn all about it.

Some things to keep in their own separate files and folders:

  • Your data model. If you have a lot of logic attached to each type of object, you’ll probably want to have a separate file for each major class.
  • Your “views” (as Django calls them). These are “controllers” in MVC language. Briefly, a “view” is any code specific to a particular URL.
  • General-purpose classes and functions.
  • Your library code. This should probably not even be inside your project or client’s folder — you should have a system-wide collection of library code you use, so you don’t have to manage multiple copies of the same thing.
  • 3rd-party libary code.

Use a version control system, such as SubVersion. To learn about version control, take the time to read the guide to version control for web designers.

The files here will often have corresponding files in your templates folder, although there won’t always be a one-to-one match. Where there is, though, use the same name for both files.

Keep your code well outside of any publicly-accessible folders. Do you really want everyone finding all the inevitable security holes in your code? Don’t mix HTML, CSS, or Javascript in with your server-side code, or vice-versa.

The Final Folder Layout

Of course, you should consider the given situation to determine what’s best for the project. The example below is by no means complete, and exists solely to give you an idea of what we’ve discussed.

                boxes/ /* often still necessary for IE... */

The same, in a shorter form:


Admittedly, it looks pretty basic, when you reduce it to that. But the fallout from getting it wrong can cost a lot of time and effort. You can download the sample project folder template (.zip), a skeletal PHP website, with a single content page, based upon the H2O template library.

Perhaps you like the following alternative better. It has the advantage of keeping everything for a single project inside a single project, at the cost of putting all the static files one level deeper. If you spend a lot of time working with CSS and JavaScript, that may be not so useful for you, but it’s a question of what’s important for your project and for your business.

            static/         /* name it "public/" if you prefer */

Quick Recap

  • Keep it tidy. Don’t drive everyone insane with your need to have a perfect folder layout, but avoid putting files in convenient but incorrect locations.
  • Use sensible filenames. Concrete words that bring up a (relevant) picture in your mind’s eye are best. Where possible, use single words to name your files, but not at all costs.
  • Often (but by no means always) when you need to use two words to name a file uniquely, it’s a sign that you should make a subfolder. Instead of images/navigation-*.png, you might be better off with images/navigation/*.png.
  • Avoid cluttering your filenames up with all sorts of extra prefixes and suffixes.
  • Managing your own time effectively will help you find time to organize your website files — remember, quadrant 2!

Of course, we’re not perfect, and the suggestions here are definitely not the only (or best) way to do things. How do you organize your own website files? Let us know in the comments!


© Bryan Hoyt for Smashing Magazine, 2011. | Permalink | Post a comment | Add to | Digg this | Stumble on StumbleUpon! | Tweet it! | Submit to Reddit | Forum Smashing Magazine
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