Archive for April, 2011

A Crash Course in Typography: Pulling It All Together

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In the first three parts of this series, we covered a lot of information about the anatomy of a typeface, and what kinds of things to look for when actually combining two fonts. Here, we’ll tie it all together.

Below are guidelines for combining fonts for paragraphs and headlines, as well as for other common type elements, like pull quotes and by-lines.

Headlines and Paragraphs

The headline and paragraph are two of the most basic building blocks of the typography of a design. In some cases, a heading and paragraph may be the only kinds of typographic information present in a design. Because of this, they’re often given great precedence in the design process.

So let’s start with these two elements, and we’ll expand from there. Here are some examples of effective typeface combinations, starting with the least difficult.

4-sametype in A Crash Course in Typography: Pulling It All Together

The absolute simplest way to create a headline/paragraph combination is to use the same typeface for both, but with different weights and sizes. Here, we’ve combined Adobe Caslon: Regular for the paragraph copy and Bold for the headline. It’s simple and formal, but can be a bit boring.

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The next easiest is to select fonts from the same family. Here we have Fontin Bold for the headline and Fontin Sans for the paragraph copy. Again, change around the weight and size to get better contrast. There are a lot of typeface families that include both serif and sans serif typefaces, including Droid Sans and Droid Serif, and Museo and Museo Sans.

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Probably the most common method of combining typefaces is to pair a serif with a sans-serif. In print design, serifs are generally used for the body copy, while sans-serifs are used as headlines. The opposite is more generally true online, though both can work in either setting. Here, we’ve combined Lucida Sans for the headline with Crimson Text for the paragraph copy.

4-similarshape in A Crash Course in Typography: Pulling It All Together

Here we’ve combined Rockwell Bold for the headline and Gill Sans for the paragraph type. Both of these typefaces have a basis in geometric shapes, and therefore they work well together. If you look at the letter “o” especially, you’ll see that in both typefaces, it’s almost a perfect circle (the same is true for the bowls of the letters in both).

4-similarmood in A Crash Course in Typography: Pulling It All Together

Both the typefaces here are clean and modern. The headline is SF New Republic SC and the paragraph is Hero Light.

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Here’s another set with a similar mood and style, this time old-fashioned or antique. The headline is Tagettes and the paragraph copy is Goudy Bookletter 1911.

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Mixing a strong typeface with a more neutral one can also be a great technique, especially on the web. Here, we have Dancing Script for the headline and Georgia for the paragraph copy.

4-extremecontrast in A Crash Course in Typography: Pulling It All Together

The trickiest typeface combination technique is probably creating a combination from two radically different typefaces. It’s tricky because it’s so easy to go wrong. Just because two typefaces are radically different doesn’t mean they’ll automatically work together. And when one of those typefaces also needs to be legible as paragraph text, it makes things that much more difficult.

The example above combines Tallys for the paragraph copy with DayPosterBlack for the headline. Tallys is a decidedly traditional-looking typeface, with a fairly light stroke weight. DayPosterBlack, by contrast, is a strong, modern, almost sci-fi-looking typeface.

This is one of those techniques that’s best achieved through simple trial-and-error. Try out a bunch of different combinations and see which ones look good together. You may have to try out a dozen or more combinations before you find one that works well because of it’s contrast.

Beyond Headlines and Paragraphs

Headlines and paragraphs, while important, are only one small part of a lot of designs, especially blogs and news sites. Below are a few more types of typographic elements you may find yourself using.


With pull quotes, there are a couple of different options. First, you can simply use the body copy typeface for your pull quotes, but in a larger size, and possibly a different weight:

4-samepullquote in A Crash Course in Typography: Pulling It All Together

It doesn’t look bad, but it’s also kind of boring having both the paragraph and pull quote in Times.

4-headlinepullquote in A Crash Course in Typography: Pulling It All Together

Another option is to use the headline typeface, in this case Dancing Script, for your pull quote. This is more interesting, and definitely draws more attention to the pull quote, but it’s not going to work in every situation. As a general rule, the more decorative your headline font, the worse it will work for pull quotes. You can get away with a script, but anything more decorative than that isn’t going to look right.

4-differentpullquote in A Crash Course in Typography: Pulling It All Together

The other options with pull quotes is to use a typeface completely different from your headline and paragraph choices. In this case, we’ve used Anivers for the pull quote, Times for the paragraph, and Dancing Script for the headline. Consider the guidelines for combining paragraph and headline typefaces, and use the same general guidelines. In this case, since the paragraph text is a serif and the headline is a script, it made sense to use a sans-serif for the pull quote. Using a weight for the pull quote that’s roughly the same as the weight for the headline helps tie everything together.

Meta Information

Meta information is going to be found on virtually every blog or news site out there. This includes things like the category or tag information, the time the article was posted, and other similar information. Sometimes, it also includes the by-line of the author. Again, there are a couple of different ways to approach the typography for this kind of information.

The first thing you need to remember, though, is that meta information is usually displayed quite small, and sometimes in a lighter color. This rules out a large number of potential typeface choices, as you need something that’s legible at an 8 or 10 point size.

4-samemeta in A Crash Course in Typography: Pulling It All Together

The first option is to use the same typeface you’ve used for your body copy, but in a slightly smaller size and/or a lighter color. Here, both the body copy and the meta information are Crimson.

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Another option is to use a very neutral typeface, like Helvetica, for your meta copy. This choice is especially good if your body text isn’t highly legible at small sizes.


Photo captions should be treated much like meta information. Generally, the type used to caption images is small and sometimes in a lighter color than the body text. In a lot of cases, it’s included within the image border.

Again, you basically have two options for photo captions: you can use the same typeface as your body copy, or you can use a different face. If your captions are going to be very small, legibility may make the decision for you.

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For example, look at the captions on the images above. Both are in 11pt, regular weight fonts. The top caption is in Tallys, a common typeface for body copy, which isn’t particularly legible in this instance unless you squint. The bottom caption, by contrast, is in Helvetica, and is significantly more legible.


Whether you’re combining two typefaces or eight, the same principles apply. You need to find typefaces with some kind of shared characteristics (except when using radical contrast) so that they work well together. Here are some examples of websites that have done just that.

Elysium Burns

Elysium Burns uses a combination of serif and sans serif typefaces, as well as a variety of styles (including all caps).

Elysiumburns in A Crash Course in Typography: Pulling It All Together

Good Magazine

Good Magazine also uses a combination of serif and sans serif typefaces, including Georgia for the body text and Arial for navigation and meta information.

Goodmagazine in A Crash Course in Typography: Pulling It All Together

Viget Inspire

The Viget Inspire blog uses a combination of sans serif and serif typefaces. Constantina (with Georgia as the primary alternate) is used for headings, while Georgia and Verdana are used for meta information. Body copy on the blog is Verdana.

Vigetinspire in A Crash Course in Typography: Pulling It All Together

The Morning News

The Morning News uses Georgia for their headlines and Arial for body copy. They use a variety of weights and styles (including italics and all caps) to set apart different kinds of copy.

Themorningnews in A Crash Course in Typography: Pulling It All Together

The New Yorker

The New Yorker uses their own typeface for article headlines, and Times New Roman for body copy. Meta information and some navigation is set in Arial.

Thenewyorker in A Crash Course in Typography: Pulling It All Together

A List Apart

A List Apart uses Georgia for their headlines and navigation, and Verdana for body copy. For by-lines and meta information, they use a combination of Verdana and Times.

Alistapart in A Crash Course in Typography: Pulling It All Together

Design Wise

Design Wise uses various weights of a slab serif typeface for all of their typography.

Designwise in A Crash Course in Typography: Pulling It All Together


Quipsologies uses a variety of custom fonts for their headlines (p22-underground-pc-1 and coquette-1 most prominently). They also use custom fonts for body text (mostly p22-underground-1 and skolar-1). It’s a bold choice, made possible by web fonts.

Quipsologies in A Crash Course in Typography: Pulling It All Together


sr28 uses Georgia for headlines and Arial for body text.

Sr28 in A Crash Course in Typography: Pulling It All Together

I Love Typography

I Love Typography uses web fonts from the same family for their typography, including ff-scala-sans-web-1 for their headlines and meta information, and ff-scala-web-1 for their body copy.

Ilovetypography in A Crash Course in Typography: Pulling It All Together


Laura Burciaga’s blog uses a combination of three primary typefaces: Dancing Script (for headlines), Droid Serif (for meta information), and Georgia (for most of the body copy). Combining two serifs is tricky, but it’s done really well here.

Burciaga in A Crash Course in Typography: Pulling It All Together

Black Harbor

Black Harbor uses Georgia for body copy and KnockoutHTF48-Featherweight for the headlines and navigation.

Blackharbor in A Crash Course in Typography: Pulling It All Together

The Dollar Dreadful

The Dollar Dreadful uses a huge number of retro-styled typefaces for their headlines. Their body font is Georgia.

Dollardreadful in A Crash Course in Typography: Pulling It All Together

Matt Bango

Matt Bango uses a mix of Georgia and Helvetica, as well as another serif typeface (with Flash replacement).

Mattbango in A Crash Course in Typography: Pulling It All Together

Kari Jobe

Kari Jobe’s site uses a variety of typefaces, including Courier New for the body copy. Most of the typography on the site is done with images rather than web fonts.

Karijobe in A Crash Course in Typography: Pulling It All Together

Design Intellection

Design Intellection uses a variety of weights and styles of Proxima Nova, as well as a bit of Georgia (for block quotes).

Designintellection in A Crash Course in Typography: Pulling It All Together

The Old State

The bulk of the typography on The Old State is Georgia, though there’s a thin slab serif also used for the navigation and logo.

Theoldstate in A Crash Course in Typography: Pulling It All Together

Poems Out Loud

Poems Out Loud uses Baskerville as their primary typeface for both headings and body copy (with Times as the secondary font). There’s also limited use of Helvetica Neue for navigation.

Poemsoutloud in A Crash Course in Typography: Pulling It All Together

A Word on Web vs. Print

There’s a lot of conflict surrounding the best practices for typography on the Web when compared to print. In print, longstanding wisdom has pointed toward using serif typefaces for body copy and sans-serifs for headlines. On the web, the opposite is often touted as gospel: sans-serif body copy and serif headlines.

The truth of the matter is that both serif and sans serif typefaces can be perfectly readable both onscreen and in print. It’s all dependant on proper contrast and sizing. Some typefaces are designed to work well at small sizes (mostly by “hinting”), while others are not.

One general rule of thumb for optimal readability, though, is that slightly larger type works better onscreen. This is partly to do with resolution: printed materials are generally printed at 300 dots per inch and up. Screen resolution, though, is generally around 96 points per inch. Because fewer pixels/dots are used to make up the letterforms, they’re slightly less crisp onscreen than they are when printed. By making a type slightly larger, you’re using more pixels to represent the same forms, making the form sharper. The more detailed the letterforms (such as with serif typefaces), the more stark this difference becomes. This is why sans-serif typefaces are often preferred online, as their simpler shapes are better reproduced at smaller sizes.


Much of good typographic design has to do with being unafraid of trying new things and experimenting. Sometimes unlikely combinations work beautifully together, while at other times two typefaces that should look great together just don’t quite look right. The only way to learn what works and what doesn’t is to try new things.

Here are some very general guidelines for using typefaces for various parts of a typical design. Remember, these are just guidelines, and there will be exceptions to all of them.

  • Small fonts are more readable if they’re less detailed to begin with. This is compounded when they’re being used online.
  • Captions and meta information are generally a few points smaller than body copy, and should either be in the same typeface or a neutral alternative like Helvetica.
  • Your typography should match the feel of your content. Formal documents should use formal type. Informal documents should use informal type. (In other words, don’t use something like Comic Sans for a corporate report, and likewise don’t use Times New Roman for a child’s birthday party invitation.)
  • When in doubt, use Caslon.

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Improve Your Illustrator Skills

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There are countless tutorials available on the net to learn the basic skills of Adobe Illustrator. Some of them are of very basic, while some help you with learning the more advanced skills. Adobe Illustrator is an amazing design tool with such depth that exploring its many possibilities can take ages. But if you are interested in learning some new tricks and AI skills then you have come to the right place! Let the exploration begin.

The Adobe Illustrator Tutorials that we have listed below will be helpful in building up your AI skills and will hopefully teach you some new ins and outs of the software. And even some ways to take your illustrations farther with a little help from AI’s friends.

The Tutorials

How to Enhance a Vector Image with Photoshop
In this tutorial you will learn how to enhance a vector image once you have finished with it in Illustrator, taking it into Photoshop for some touch ups and effects.

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Make a Cut Out Gift Tag with Adobe Illustrator & InDesign
In this tutorial you will be pairing up your programs to complete the piece and will learn to create a candycane shaped cut out gift tag with both Adobe Illustrator and Indesign.

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Make a Headphones Icon Using Adobe Illustrator
In this tutorial your AI skills will be put to the test creating an icon of a pair of classic stereo headphones.

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Create a Color Picker Icon In Illustrator
In this tutorial you will learn how to create a color picker icon illustration from some blends, gradients, and simple shapes.

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Illustrator Tutorial: new year digits
In this tutorial you will learn how to create vector 3d new year digits for 2011. After this tutorial you should be able to create any kind of 3d numbers or text. You will also learn how to create correct reflection for your 3d elements.

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Creating a Maneater Vector Girl through Collaboration
In this tutorial you will learn how to create a maneater vector girl through a collaboration between two designers. Not only can it help with your illustrator skills, but can also assist in effective collaboration with others.

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How to Make a Colorful, Environmental Slice
In this tutorial you will learn how to create an earth slice that looks like a piece of cake.

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How to Create a Stylish Wireless Phone
In this tutorial you will learn how to make a great looking wireless phone which can come in handy for any number of other projects.

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Creating 3D Dice from Scratch in Adobe Illustrator
In this tutorial you’ll learn how to make a set of 3D dice in Illustrator without any base to begin with.

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How to Create a Fantasy Banana Ship in Photoshop
In this tutorial we will create a fantasy flying ship from a photo of a banana in Illustrator and Photoshop. Let’s get started!

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Create a Vector Penknife Illustration
In the following tutorial you will be guided through the process of illustrating a Swiss Army style penknife.

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Create a Vector, CD/MP3 Car Stereo
How to create your own subwoofer and a CD/MP3 player for a car through a combination of the ellipse, rectangle, and pen tools and gradients.

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Vector 3D Christmas Bells
How to draw 5 different styles of vector Christmas bells using the 3D revolve effect.

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Create an Illustration of a Fountain Pen
This tutorial teaches you the specifics of creating a fountain pen illustration.

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Illustrator tutorial: Create a 6-egg box
Time to put all of your eggs in one basket, or at least that is what this tutorial teaches.

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Illustrator Tutorial: Realistic Vector Orange
In this Illustrator tutorial you will learn how to make a photo realistic vector orange using Adobe Illustrator CS3.

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Create a Tasty Burger Icon in Illustrator
In this tutorial you will learn how to create a three-dimensional, scrumptious looking little burger using AI.

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Creating an Illustrative Monogram
If you want to use Illustrator to add that personal touch to your vector works, then this tutorial for creating monograms is just what the doctor ordered.

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How to Draw a Fall Leaf Using Adobe Illustrator
In this tutorial you will learn how to create a vector of an autumn leaf, which also teaches you how to apply the necessary texture. You will learn to use the following techniques in practice: live trace, art brush, mesh and many others.

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How to Create a Fancy Gift Bow using Adobe Illustrator
In this tutorial you will learn how to create a realistic looking image of a gift bow using the mesh tool.

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Illustrator Tutorial: Vector Drums Kit
In this illustrator tutorial you will learn how to draw a professional drum kit from scratch. By the end, you will know how to make a tripod stand, drums, different types of cymbals and also how to create the texture for the drums.

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Illustrator Tutorial: Vector Plasma Television
In this tutorial you will learn how to make a realistic plasma television in Illustrator. Also how to draw basic shapes and apply gradients to add realism to the image.

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How to Illustrate Deliciously Realistic Grapes using Simple Techniques
In this tutorial you will find out how to illustrate a bunch of grapes using basic Adobe Illustrator tools.

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How to Create a Lustrous Electric Guitar
In this tutorial you will learn how to create a realistic looking electric guitar, with techniques that will allow for a wide array of applications.

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Illustrator Tutorial: Wooden Smoking Pipe
This tutorial is on how to draw a stylish smoking tobacco pipe in Adobe Illustrator. You will learn how to create the wood texture illustrator effect on the pipe which will come in handy in other projects.

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How to Create a Vector Baseball Bat and Ball
In this tutorial you will learn how to create a baseball bat and a baseball using Illustrator’s 3D tool and blends.

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How to Create a Tube of Paint and a Brush, Using Adobe Illustrator
In this tutorial you will learn how to create objects with shadows and penumbras using the blend tool. These techniques will help you bring any flat two-dimensional object to life by using lighting and shading effects to create the illusion of volume and perspective.

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How to Create a Caramel Ripple Effect
In this tutorial we will create a hot chocolate caramel effect using some distort tools and the 3D revolve tool. This is a simple and effective technique to obtain a quality vector ripple effect quickly.

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How To Create a Beautiful Vector Portrait in Illustrator
In this tutorial you will learn how to create a stylish contoured and posterized vector portrait with Illustrator.

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How to Design a Shiny Zipper
In this tutorial you will learn how to create an illustration of a zipper with meshes, blending modes and simple shapes.

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Get started with type art
This tutorial will get you started learning how to take your typographical elements to the next level with Illustrator.

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Draw realistic liquids in vector art
In this tutorial you will learn the often difficult task of giving any vectors that represent liquids that added touch of realism.

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Master dynamic gradient techniques
In this tutorial you will learn how to build up many elements to create a vector image with real depth and richness through mastering the use of gradients.

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Create Super Glossy 3D Typography in Illustrator and Photoshop
In this tutorial you will be teaming up your programs once again to create extra glossy 3D typographical elements with the dynamic Adobe duo AI and PS.

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Cafe Style Coffee Art in Adobe Illustrator
In this AI tutorial you will explore creating stylish art that will be right at home in any coffee cafe around.

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Creating a Toaster-Popping Illustration
In this tutorial you will learn how to apply some effects not often used in Illustrator. For example, the chrome effect, which is used to create a metallic look focusing on the realism.

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How to Create a Spectacular Vector Film Strip in Illustrator
In this tutorial you will learn how to create a vector film strip from scratch, using only our keen sense of perspective, imagination and taste for colors.

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Create an Illustration of a Pearl-Filled Clam on an Ocean Bed
In this tutorial you will be taken through creating a shell with pearls in a unique ocean scene.

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Keyboard accessibility (again)

I feel like a broken record (you know, the really old ones made of vinyl) repeating myself over and over about keyboard accessibility, but unfortunately things don’t really seem like they’re getting better. There are so many places on the Web that are annoying, difficult or plain impossible to use without a mouse. And it really shouldn’t be that way.

So please, when you build websites or web apps, or when you showcase a CSS, HTML or JavaScript technique (especially when you showcase a CSS, HTML or JavaScript technique), keep the following in mind:

  • Tabbing order
  • Visual feedback
  • No keyboard traps
  • Keyboard operability

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Pixel Perfection When Rotating, Pasting And Nudging In Photoshop

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When creating Web and app interfaces, most designers slave over every single pixel, making sure it’s got exactly the right color, texture and position. If you’re not careful, though, some common functions like moving, rotating and pasting can undo your hard work, resulting in a blurry mess. But with some small changes to your workflow, you should be able to maintain the highest-quality artwork from the start to the end of the project.

Pixel-Perfect Rotation

If you’re not careful, rotating layers in Photoshop can damage them in a very noticeable, pixel-mashing way.

When rotating layers with Free Transform (and some other tools) to exactly 90 or 270°, the quality of the outcome is determined by the layer’s size. If the layer is of an even width and even height, then you’ll be fine. If it’s of an odd width and odd height, you’ll also be okay. But if they’re of an odd width by even height or even width by odd height, then you’ll see something like the result below:

Mastering1 in Pixel Perfection When Rotating, Pasting And Nudging In Photoshop

In this case, the artwork is 20 × 9 pixels: even-by-odd dimensions. The results for bitmap layers and vector layers are different, but they both produce unusable results because the origin of rotation doesn’t fall on an exact pixel boundary.

A Fix

Because even-by-odd or odd-by-even dimensions are the problem, we need a way to ensure that the contents of the layer are odd-by-odd or even-by-even. Probably any method you can think of will solve this problem, be it adding a square bitmap mask to a layer or adding more content to the layer that you’re rotating. You could also draw a square on another layer and rotate both at once.

As long as the dimensions for the layer or layers are even-by-even or odd-by-odd, it’ll be fine.

Mastering2 in Pixel Perfection When Rotating, Pasting And Nudging In Photoshop

An Easier Fix

Rotation-origin in Pixel Perfection When Rotating, Pasting And Nudging In Photoshop

Changing the origin of rotation to the top left (or any other corner) will ensure it is on a pixel boundary, guaranteeing perfect results every time. To do this, click on a corner origin after selecting the Free Transform tool, but before rotating. This works brilliantly and is the simplest solution yet.

Bitmap and vector masks are affected by this issue as well, so please take care. But the issue affects only rotated layers, either via “Free Transformâ€� or “Transformâ€� under the Edit menu. Rotating the entire canvas via Image → Image Rotation has no problem.

To make things even easier, I’ve created some Photoshop Actions and Workflows that take care of everything for you.

Pixel-Perfect Vector Pasting

If you’ve drawn pixel-snapped artwork in Illustrator and pasted it into Photoshop as a shape layer, you may have noticed that the result is not quite what you expect (i.e. a perfectly sharp image), but rather a blurry mess. Here’s how to fix that.

Below is some artwork as it appears in Illustrator: perfectly formed, snapped to the pixel grid, and at the size we intend to use it in Photoshop.

Mastering3 in Pixel Perfection When Rotating, Pasting And Nudging In Photoshop

Below are the same paths pasted into Photoshop a few times. Notice how only the top-left version is sharp, while the others are half a pixel out on the x axis, y axis or both.

Paste in Pixel Perfection When Rotating, Pasting And Nudging In Photoshop

What Went Wrong?

Photoshop’s pasting behavior works in one of two ways. If you’ve made a selection, then the clipboard’s contents are pasted so that the center of the clipboard is aligned with the center of the selection. If a selection hasn’t been made, then the contents are pasted so that the center of the clipboard aligns with the center of your current view. The level you’re zoomed into and the portion of the document you’re viewing determines the result.

A Fix

Our test artwork is 32 pixels wide by 12 pixels high. Drawing a 32 × 12 marquee selection in Photoshop forces the artwork to land exactly where we want it and to be pixel-aligned. This works every single time.

An Easier Fix

The marquee doesn’t have to be the exact size of your artwork, though. In our case, a 2 × 2-pixel selection would work just as well, because the center of an even-width-and-height marquee selection and the center of even-width-and-height clipboard contents would fall exactly on a pixel boundary, which is what we want. If the artwork was an odd width and height, then a 1 × 1 selection would have been required.

Mastering5 in Pixel Perfection When Rotating, Pasting And Nudging In Photoshop

If you couldn’t be bothered noting your artwork’s dimensions, then by drawing an appropriately sized marquee, you can draw a 2 × 2-pixel selection and paste. If the image is blurry on the x axis only, make the selection 1 × 2 and paste again. If the image is blurry on the y axis only, make the selection 2 × 1 and paste again. If the image is blurry on both axes, make the selection 1 × 1 and paste again.

It may sound complex, but in practice it’s very quick; you’ll only ever have to paste twice to get sharp vector paths from Illustrator.

Smart Objects

Pasting elements as smart objects doesn’t come with the same issue (at least not in Photoshop CS5 anyway). I like to use Shape layers, though: they allow more control and editability and have better anti-aliasing.

Pixel-Perfect Vector Nudging

When nudging vector points, Photoshop exhibits some strange behavior, related to how far you’re zoomed in. At 100%, nudging with the arrow keys will move your vector point exactly 1 pixel. At 200%, nudging moves the point by half a pixel. At 300%, it moves by a third of a pixel.

The behavior seems intentional, but it’s not usually what I’m after. Most of the time, I want to nudge in whole pixel increments. Here’s how you can do that, without zooming out to 100%.

Open your document, and then create a second window by going to Window → Arrange → New Window. You can then resize the new window and place it out of the way.

Mastering6 in Pixel Perfection When Rotating, Pasting And Nudging In Photoshop
Large view

Edit in the other window as normal, zooming in as far as you’d like. You’ll now be able to press Command + ` to switch back to the window that’s zoomed to 100%, nudge using the arrow keys, and then press Command + ` to switch back again. Because the other window is zoomed to 100%, nudging will move the selected vector points exactly 1 pixel.

Mastering7 in Pixel Perfection When Rotating, Pasting And Nudging In Photoshop
Large view

Please note that holding Shift while using the arrow keys to nudge always moves by 10 pixels, no matter how far in you’re zoomed. Also, dragging points with the mouse will snap to pixels in most situations — most, but not all.

While not perfect, this technique does remove some of the frustration with editing detailed vector paths in Photoshop. Or maybe it’s just another reason why complex shapes should be drawn in Illustrator first, and then pasted as shape layers?

Take Charge Of Your Pixels

Using the correct techniques, it should be easy to place pixels exactly where you want. Remember, you’re the one in charge. Demand that they fall in line. Accept nothing less than pixel perfection.

Would you like to know more about a particular technique or Photoshop feature? Please let us know in the comments.


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50+ Beautifully Designed Free Themes and Widgets to Enhance your Tumblr Experience

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 in 50+ Beautifully Designed Free Themes and Widgets to Enhance your Tumblr Experience  in 50+ Beautifully Designed Free Themes and Widgets to Enhance your Tumblr Experience  in 50+ Beautifully Designed Free Themes and Widgets to Enhance your Tumblr Experience

Tumblr is getting popular day after day because of its flexibility, power and simplicity. Tumblr is a blogging platform through which you can share your content, images and videos with the world even when you are on the go. This is because it empowers bloggers to post and customize their content from a web browser, email or phone.

This post contains some beautiful free themes that will let you enhance your Tumblr experience. This post features not only themes but also some over-the-top Tumblr widgets and Apps to manage your Tumblr account with ease.

Free Tumblr Themes

Adaptation ( Demo | Download )
An attention grabbing theme with a blood red background that makes it hard to divert your eyes from:

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Be Original ( Demo | Download )
A neat and simple Tumblr theme that embodies originality of your ideas:

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The Fisherman’s Friend ( Demo | Download )
Innovative and out of the ordinary. I adore the imaginative show and color palette used in this theme:

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Clean Read ( Demo | Download )
A minimalism based theme mainly focuses on typographic elements:

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(More) Important Things ( Demo | Download )
This is probably the liveliest and most sparkling theme in the collection:

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Paper Walls ( Demo | Download )
This theme is made of recyclable materials from top to bottom. Simple and effective:

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Plaid ( Demo | Download )
An interesting pattern of mosaic with black and purple color is enough to attract visitors and get them to stick to your blog:

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Field Notes ( Demo | Download )
A dark colored theme with plain background and simple layout to attract your readers towards your blog posts:

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Redux ( Demo | Download )
A nicely colored, simple and attractive theme that can set your Tumblr blog apart from others:

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Fluid ( Demo | Download )
This is perhaps the most tempting theme in the gallery with a beautifully colored and shiny layout:

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One Very Important Thought ( Demo | Download )
Although dark, this theme is certainly very powerful in engaging visitors and readers interest:

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101 ( Demo | Download )
A colorful and visually alluring theme to spice up your Tumblr blog:

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Organ ( Demo | Download )
Another dark background theme with some attention grabbing graphics:

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Letterpress ( Demo | Download )
A simple and neat theme with grey background that gives a very professional look:

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Headline Tumblr Theme ( Demo | Download )
Make your blog appear as a big corporate website with this professionally designed theme:

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Rio Theme ( Demo | Download )
A fresh and funky Tumblr template, narrow tumblog-styled design:

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Modern1 ( Demo | Download )
An elegant and contemporary theme that certainly sanctifies your blog with the rest in the industry:

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Vintage Stripes ( Demo | Download )
A beautiful theme based on retro styles to give your Tumblr blog a vintage look:

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Pink touch 2 ( Demo | Download )
A simply minimalist theme focusing on the content of your post. A perfect choice for the perfectionists:

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Chunky ( Demo | Download )
Make your content appear in chunks so as to better accommodate content, audios, videos, images, etc.:

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Natural Elegance ( Demo | Download )
Demonstrate the simplicity and sophistication of the color black through this beautiful Natural Elegance theme:

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Easy Reader 2 ( Demo | Download )
This theme lives up to its name. This is a nice and easy to read theme that comes with a beautiful contrasted heavy header:

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Mac Envy ( Demo | Download )
Mac Envy is one of the first freely available Tumblr themes, and a perfect Tumblr theme for Mac fanatics:

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Silo ( Demo | Download )
The photographic background of this theme, along with the cool and stylish grid layout is enough to attract visitors towards your blog:

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for.screen ( Demo | Download )
This is one of the most beautiful dark themes in this compilation with some harsh shadows and big icons:

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Penguin Classics Recycled ( Demo | Download )
A beautiful old styled design is being recycled and given a very contemporary look:

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Transparent Theme ( Demo | Download )
This theme comes with a soft background coupled with pleasing and nice transparent frames:

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PhotoBoard ( Demo | Download )
PhotoBoard is a grid layout theme that simply embodies a bulletin board look:

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Futura ( Demo | Download )
The most popular and highly anticipated theme from IKEA to House MD has finally reached Tumblr:

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Dark Paper ( Demo | Download )
You will find some beautiful letterpress effects on the frames along with a dark background:

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Dream Theme ( Demo | Download )
The compulsory flower-patterned burst theme. Beautifully well done:

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Wood Revisited ( Demo | Download )
A nice, simple and eye-catching background, although this theme could use some refinements overall:

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Strange Little Town ( Demo | Download )
A sparkling theme with shiny stars at the top and a spooky town at the bottom:

Tumblrtheme33 in 50+ Beautifully Designed Free Themes and Widgets to Enhance your Tumblr Experience

Coffee Shop ( Demo | Download )
A peaceful and affectionate theme that features an inspired coffee cup design with whimsical froth:

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iBlack ( Demo | Download )
This is an iPhone like theme that features rounded date icons and a rich background:

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Funkytional Sezeen ( Demo | Download )
Another simple and attractive theme with a light colored background and beautiful typography:

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Dainty Fresh ( Demo | Download )
A floral based and very invigorating theme having beautiful flowers in the background:

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Revista ( Demo | Download )
This is a customizable theme so that you can change font, color, background and even images. All four columns are displayed in the form of grids and are extremely easy to work with:

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Tumblr Widgets and Apps

Tumbltape is a widget that easily turns any Tumblr blog into a play-list. It is created with the latest songs on a user’s tumblelog, and the play-list is updated automatically as new songs are uploaded:

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With Hellotxt, you can easily post text, audio, video and photo updates to Tumblr. This update can even be done by way of email, SMS, IM, WAP browser or third-party applications:

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Tumblr Tag Clouds
This is a tag cloud generator for Tumblr. It uses the Tumblr API’s JSON output and jQuery to generate a tag cloud each time your site is accessed:

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Twitter for tumblr
Twitter widget for tumblr allows your stream to show up on your tumblog:

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Create & share funny Comeks messages online or in mobile. Combine your photos with speech bubbles and add-on stickers. Share in: Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter and more:

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This widget is designed as a desktop client that lets you view posts and create new ones right from your desktop. Tumblweed works perfectly well on Windows and Mac, and it also allows photo posts from webcams, clipboards, or drag-and-dropping:

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Rotzy lets you share and broadcast your iPhone photos to Tumblr, Facebook and Twitter. You can easily take and share life’s events with your iPhone:

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This widget allows you to view an iPhone optimized web layout for any Tumblr username:

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This is a free Adobe air application that lets you drag and drop your videos, audios, and images directly to your tumblog:

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Tumblr widget
Makes posting easy and fun. Make regular posts with HTML formatting and spellchecking. Your username and password are saved in between sessions making posting to your tumblr account quick and easy:

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Post To Tumblr
Post To Tumblr is a simple extension that adds easy right-click-post functionality to Chrome:

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Tumblr Dashboard
Access your tumblelog and create new content right from your Chrome toolbar:

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Streampad – Tumblr MP3 Player
If you like listening to music on Tumblogs, you may be interested in this project. Play all the music from everyone you follow on Tumblr:

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Psolenoid lets you link your Tumblr posts to other related posts on other blogs. In this way, it provides reciprocal link exchange that ultimately brings in a new set of visitors to your blogs:

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Automate publishing and sharing of your tumblogs with this web app to 22 other blogging and social networking platforms at the same time. With tarpipe, you can publish your content by emails, IM’s and other apps:

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TumblrStats provides comprehensive information about your tumblog including stats on the number of posts, rate and type of posts, time since last post, etc. All the information is provided in a neatly designed page:

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Tumblr Post
It is a Firefox addon that helps you posting updates, quotes, photos, videos and audios to your Tumblr with a simple drag and drop function. With this addon installed in Firefox, you will no longer be required to save videos and photos to your desktop prior to posting them to your Tumblog:

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