Archive for October, 2011

Lessons From A Review Of JavaScript Code



Before we start, I’d like to pose a question: when was the last time you asked someone to review your code? Reviewing code is possibly the single best technique to improve the overall quality of your solutions, and if you’re not actively taking advantage of it, then you’re missing out on identifying bugs and hearing suggestions that could make your code better.

None of us write 100% bug-free code all of the time, so don’t feel there’s a stigma attached to seeking help. Some of the most experienced developers in our industry, from framework authors to browser developers, regularly request reviews of their code from others; asking whether something could be tweaked should in no way be considered embarrassing. Reviews are a technique like any other and should be used where possible.

Today we’ll look at where to get your code reviewed, how to structure your requests, and what reviewers look for. I was recently asked to review some code for a new JavaScript application, and thought I’d like to share some of my feedback, because it covers some JavaScript fundamentals that are always useful to bear in mind.


Reviewing code goes hand in hand with maintaining strong coding standards. That said, standards don’t usually prevent logical errors or misunderstandings about the quirks of a programming language, whether it’s JavaScript, Ruby, Objective-C or something else. Even the most experienced developers can make these kinds of mistakes, and reviewing code can greatly assist with catching them.

The first reaction most of us have to criticism is to defend ourselves (or our code), and perhaps lash back. While criticism can be slightly demoralizing, think of it as a learning experience that spurs us to do better and to improve ourselves; because in many cases, once we’ve calmed down, it actually does.

Also remember that no one is obliged to provide feedback on your work, and if the comments are indeed constructive, then be grateful for the time spent offering the input.

Reviews enable us to build on the experience of others and to benefit from a second pair of eyes. And at the end of the day, they are an opportunity for us to write better code. Whether we take advantage of them is entirely our choice.

Where Can I Get My Code Reviewed?

Often the most challenging part is actually finding an experienced developer who you trust to do the review. Below are some places where you can request others to review your code (sometimes in other languages, too).

  • JSMentors
    JSMentors is a mailing list that discusses everything to do with JavaScript (including Harmony), and a number of experienced developers are on its review panel (including JD Dalton, Angus Croll and Nicholas Zakas). These mentors might not always be readily available, but they do their best to provide useful, constructive feedback on code that’s been submitted. If you’re looking for assistance with a specific JavaScript framework beyond vanilla JavaScript, the majority of frameworks and libraries have mailing lists or forums that you can post to and that might provide a similar level of assistance.
  • freenode IRC
    Many chat rooms here are dedicated both to discussing the JavaScript language and to requests for help or review. The most popular rooms are obviously named, and #javascript is particularly useful for generic JavaScript requests, while channels such as #jquery and #dojo are better for questions and requests related to particular libraries and frameworks.
  • Code Review (beta)
    You would be forgiven for confusing Code Review with StackOverflow, but it’s actually a very useful, broad-spectrum, subjective tool for getting peer review of code. While on StackOverflow you might ask the question “Why isn’t my code working?,� Code Review is more suited to questions like “Why is my code so ugly?� If you still have any doubt about what it offers, I strongly recommend checking out the FAQs.
  • Twitter
    This might sound odd, but at least half of the code that I submit for review is through social networks. Social networks work best, of course, if your code is open source, but trying them never hurts. The only thing I suggest is to ensure that the developers who you follow and interact with are experienced; a review by a developer with insufficient experience can sometimes be worse than no review at all, so be careful!
  • GitHub +
    We all know that GitHub provides an excellent architecture for reviewing code. It comes with commits, file and line comments, update notifications, an easy way to track forks of gits and repositories, and more. All that’s missing is a way to actually initiate reviews. A tool called attempts to rectify that by giving you a post-commit hook that helps to automate this process, so changes that get posted in the wild have a clear #reviewthis hash tag, and you can tag any users who you wish to review your updates. If many of your colleagues happen to develop in the same language as you do, this set-up can work well for code reviews sourced closer to home. One workflow that works well with this (if you’re working on a team or on a collaborative project) is to perform your own work in a topic branch in a repository and then send through pull requests on that branch. Reviewers would examine the changes and commits and could then make line-by-line and file-by-file comments. You (the developer) would then take this feedback and do a destructive rebase on that topic branch, re-push it, and allow the review cycle to repeat until merging them would be acceptable.

How Should I Structure My Review Requests?

The following are some guidelines (based on experience) on how to structure your requests for code reviews, to increase the chances of them being accepted. You can be more liberal with them if the reviewer is on your team; but if the reviewer is external, then these might save you some time:

  • Isolate what you would like to be reviewed; ensure that it can be easily run, forked and commented; be clear about where you think improvements could be made; and, above all, be patient.
  • Make it as easy as possible for the reviewer to look at, demo and change your code.
  • Don’t submit a ZIP file of your entire website or project; very few people have the time to go through all of this. The only situation in which this would be acceptable is if your code absolutely required local testing.
  • Instead, isolate and reduce what you would like to be reviewed on jsFiddle, on jsbin or in a GitHub gist. This will allow the reviewer to easily fork what you’ve provided and to show changes and comments on what can be improved. If you would prefer a “diffâ€� between your work and any changes they’ve recommended, you might also be interested in PasteBin, which supports this.
  • Similarly, don’t just submit a link to a page and ask them to “View sourceâ€� in order to see what can be improved. On websites with a lot of scripts, this task would be challenging and lowers the chances of a reviewer agreeing to help. No one wants to work to find what you want reviewed.
  • Clearly indicate where you personally feel the implementation could be improved. This will help the reviewer quickly home in on what you’re most interested in having reviewed and will save them time. Many reviewers will still look at other parts of the code you’ve submitted regardless, but at least help them prioritize.
  • Indicate what (if any) research you’ve done into techniques for improving the code. The reviewer might very well suggest the same resources, but if they’re aware that you already know of them, then they might offer alternative suggestions (which is what you want).
  • If English isn’t your first language, there’s no harm in saying so. When other developers inform me of this, I know whether to keep the language in my review technical or simple.
  • Be patient. Some reviews take several days to get back to me, and nothing’s wrong with that. Other developers are usually busy with other projects, and someone who agrees to schedule a look at your work is being kind. Be patient, don’t spam them with reminders, and be understanding if they get delayed. Doing this sometimes pay off, because the reviewer can provide even more detailed feedback when they have more time.

What Should Code Reviews Provide?

Jonathan Betz, a former developer at Google, once said that a code review should ideally address six things:

  1. Correctness
    Does the code do everything it claims?
  2. Complexity
    Does it accomplish its goals in a straightforward way?
  3. Consistency
    Does it achieve its goals consistently?
  4. Maintainability
    Could the code be easily extended by another member of the team with a reasonable level of effort?
  5. Scalability
    Is the code written in such a way that it would work for both 100 users and 10,000? Is it optimized?
  6. Style
    Does the code adhere to a particular style guide (preferably one agreed upon by the team if the project is collaborative)?

While I agree with this list, expanding it into an action guide of what reviewers should practically aim to give developers would be useful. So, reviewers should do the following:

  • Provide clear comments, demonstrate knowledge, and communicate well.
  • Point out the shortfalls in an implementation (without being overly critical).
  • State why a particular approach isn’t recommended, and, if possible, refer to blog posts, gists, specifications, MDN pages and jsPerf tests to back up the statement.
  • Suggest alternative solutions, either in a separate runnable form or integrated in the code via a fork, so that the developer can clearly see what they did wrong.
  • Focus on solutions first, and style second. Suggestions on style can come later in the review, but address the fundamental problem as thoroughly as possible before paying attention to this.
  • Review beyond the scope of what was requested. This is entirely at the reviewer’s discretion, but if I notice issues with other aspects of a developer’s implementation, then I generally try to advise them on how those, too, might be improved. I’ve yet to receive a complaint about this, so I assume it’s not a bad thing.

Collaborative Code Reviews

Although a review by one developer can work well, an alternative approach is to bring more people into the process. This has a few distinct advantages, including reducing the load on individual reviewers and exposing more people to your implementation, which could potentially lead to more suggestions for improvements. It also allows a reviewer’s comments to be screened and corrected if they happen to make a mistake.

To assist the group, you may wish to employ a collaborative tool to allow all reviewers to simultaneously inspect and comment on your code. Luckily, a few decent ones out there are worth checking out:

  • Review Board
    This Web-based tool is available for free under the MIT license. It integrates with Git, CVS, Mercurial, Subversion and a number of other source-control systems. Review Board can be installed on any server running Apache or lighttpd and is free for personal and commercial use.
  • Crucible
    This tool by Australian software company Atlassian is also Web-based. It’s aimed at the enterprise and works best with distributed teams. Crucible facilitates both live review and live commenting and, like Review Board, integrates with a number of source-control tools, including Git and Subversion.
  • Rietveld
    Like the other two, Rietveld also supports collaborative review, but it was actually written by the creator of Python, Guido van Rossum. It is designed to run on Google’s cloud service and benefits from Guido’s experience writing Mondrian, the proprietary app that Google uses internally to review its code.
  • Others
    A number of other options for collaborative code review weren’t created for that purpose. These include CollabEdit (free and Web-based) and, my personal favorite, EtherPad (also free and Web-based).

(Image Source: joelogon)

Lessons From A JavaScript Code Review

On to the review.

A developer recently wrote in, asking me to review their code and provide some useful suggestions on how they might improve it. While I’m certainly not an expert on reviewing code (don’t let the above fool you), here are the problems and solutions that I proposed.

Problem 1

Problem: Functions and objects are passed as arguments to other functions without any type validation.

Feedback: Type validation is an essential step in ensuring that you’re working only with input of a desired type. Without sanitization checks in place, you run the risk of users passing in just about anything (a string, a date, an array, etc.), which could easily break your application if you haven’t developed it defensively. For functions, you should do the following at a minimum:

  1. Test to ensure that arguments being passed actually exist,
  2. Do a typeof check to prevent the app from executing input that is not a valid function at all.
if (callback && typeof callback === "function"){
    /* rest of your logic */
    /* not a valid function */

Unfortunately, a simple typeof check isn’t enough on its own. As Angus Croll points out in his post “Fixing the typeof operator,� you need to be aware of a number of issues with typeof checking if you’re using them for anything other than functions.

For example, typeof null returns object, which is technically incorrect. In fact, when typeof is applied to any object type that isn’t a function, it returns object, not distinguishing between Array, Date, RegEx or whatever else.

The solution is to use Object.prototype.toString to call the underlying internal property of JavaScript objects known as [[Class]], the class property of the object. Unfortunately, specialized built-in objects generally overwrite Object.prototype.toString, but you can force the generic toString function on them:[1,2,3]); //"[object Array]"

You might also find Angus’s function below useful as a more reliable alternative to typeof. Try calling betterTypeOf() against objects, arrays and other types to see what happens.

function betterTypeOf( input ){

Here, parseInt() is being blindly used to parse an integer value of user input, but no base is specified. This can cause issues.

In JavaScript: The Good Parts, Douglas Crockford refers to parseInt() as being dangerous. Although you probably know that passing it a string argument returns an integer, you should also ideally specify a base or radix as the second argument, otherwise it might return unexpected output. Take the following example:

parseInt('20');       // returns what you expect, however…
parseInt('020');      // returns 16
parseInt('000020');   // returns 16
parseInt('020', 10);  // returns 20 as we've specified the base to use

You’d be surprised by how many developers omit the second argument, but it happens quite regularly. Remember that your users (if permitted to freely enter numeric input) won’t necessarily follow standard number conventions (because they’re crazy!). I’ve seen 020, ,20, ;'20 and many other variations used, so do your best to parse as broad a range of inputs as possible. The following tricks to using parseInt() are occasionally better:

Math.floor("020");   // returns 20
Math.floor("0020");  //returns 20
Number("020");  //returns 20
Number("0020"); //returns 20
+"020"; //returns 20

Problem 2

Problem: Checks for browser-specific conditions being met are repeated throughout the code base (for example, feature detection, checks for supported ES5 features, etc.).

Feedback: Ideally, your code base should be as DRY as possible, and there are some elegant solutions to this problem. For example, you might benefit from the load-time configuration pattern here (also called load-time and init-time branching). The basic idea is that you test a condition only once (when the application loads) and then access the result of that test for all subsequent checks. This pattern is commonly found in JavaScript libraries that configure themselves at load time to be optimized for a particular browser.

This pattern could be implemented as follows:

var tools = {
    addMethod: null,
    removeMethod: null

if(/* condition for native support */){
    tools.addMethod = function(/* params */){
        /* method logic */
    /* fallback - eg. for IE */
    tools.addMethod = function(/* */){
        /* method logic */

The example below demonstrates how this can be used to normalize getting an XMLHttpRequest object.

var utils = {
    getXHR: null

    utils.getXHR = function(){
        return new XMLHttpRequest;
}else if(window.ActiveXObject){
    utils.getXHR = function(){
        /* this has been simplified for example sakes */
        return new ActiveXObject(’Microsoft.XMLHTTP’);

For a great example, Stoyan Stefanov applies this to attaching and removing event listeners cross-browser, in his book JavaScript Patterns:

var utils = {
    addListener: null,
    removeListener: null
// the implementation
if (typeof window.addEventListener === ’function’) {
    utils.addListener = function ( el, type, fn ) {
        el.addEventListener(type, fn, false);
    utils.removeListener = function ( el, type, fn ) {
        el.removeEventListener(type, fn, false);
} else if (typeof document.attachEvent === ’function’) { // IE
    utils.addListener = function ( el, type, fn ) {
        el.attachEvent(’on’ + type, fn);
    utils.removeListener = function ( el, type, fn ) {
        el.detachEvent(’on’ + type, fn);
} else { // older browsers
    utils.addListener = function ( el, type, fn ) {
        el[’on’ + type] = fn;
    utils.removeListener = function ( el, type, fn ) {
        el[’on’ + type] = null;

Problem 3

Problem: The native Object.prototype is being extended regularly.

Feedback: Extending native types is generally frowned upon, and few (if any) popular code bases should dare to extend Object.prototype. The reality is that there is not likely a situation in which you absolutely need to extend it in this way. In addition to breaking the object-as-hash tables in JavaScript and increasing the chance of naming collisions, it’s generally considered bad practice, and modifying it should only be a last resort (this is quite different from extending your own custom object properties).

If for some reason you do end up extending the object prototype, ensure that the method doesn’t already exist, and document it so that the rest of the team is aware why it’s necessary. You can use the following code sample as a guide:

if(typeof Object.prototype.myMethod != ’function’){
    Object.prototype.myMethod = function(){

Juriy Zaytsev has a great post on extending native and host objects, which may be of interest.

Problem 4

Problem: Some of the code is heavily blocking the page because it’s either waiting on processes to complete or data to load before executing anything further.

Feedback: Page-blocking makes for a poor user experience, and there are a number of ways to work around it without impairing the application.

One solution is to use “deferred execution� (via promises and futures). The basic idea with promises is that, rather than issuing blocking calls for resources, you immediately return a promise for a future value that will eventually be fulfilled. This rather easily allows you to write non-blocking logic that can be run asynchronously. It is common to introduce callbacks into this equation that execute once the request completes.

I’ve written a relatively comprehensive post on this with Julian Aubourg, if you’re interested in doing this through jQuery, but it can of course be implemented with vanilla JavaScript as well.

Micro-framework Q offers a CommonJS-compatible implementation of promises and futures that is relatively comprehensive and can be used as follows:

/* define a promise-only delay function that resolves when a timeout completes */
function delay(ms) {
    var deferred = Q.defer();
    setTimeout(deferred.resolve, ms);
    return deferred.promise;

/* usage of Q with the 'when' pattern to execute a callback once delay fulfils the promise */
Q.when(delay(500), function () {
        /* do stuff in the callback */

If you’re looking for something more basic that can be read through, then here is Douglas Crockford’s implementation of promises:

function make_promise() {
  var status = ’unresolved’,
      waiting = [],
      dreading = []; 

  function vouch( deed, func ) {
    switch (status) {
    case ’unresolved’:
      (deed === ’fulfilled’ ? waiting : dreading).push(func);
    case deed:

  function resolve( deed, value ) {
    if (status !== ’unresolved’) {
      throw new Error(’The promise has already been resolved:’ + status);
    status = deed;
    outcome = value;
    (deed == ’fulfilled’ ? waiting : dreading).forEach(function (func) {
      try {
      } catch (ignore) {}
    waiting = null;
    dreading = null;

  return {
    when: function ( func ) {
      vouch(’fulfilled’, func);
    fail: function ( func ) {
      vouch(’smashed’, func);
    fulfill: function ( value ) {
      resolve(’fulfilled’, value);
    smash: function ( string ) {
      resolve(’smashed’, string);
    status: function () {
      return status;

Problem 5

Problem: You’re testing for explicit numeric equality of a property using the == operator, but you should probably be using === instead

Feedback: As you may or may not know, the identity == operator in JavaScript is fairly liberal and considers values to be equal even if they’re of completely different types. This is due to the operator forcing a coercion of values into a single type (usually a number) prior to performing any comparison. The === operator will, however, not do this conversion, so if the two values being compared are not of the same type, then === will just return false.

The reason I recommend considering === for more specific type comparison (in this case) is that == is known to have a number of gotchas and is considered to be unreliable by many developers.

You might also be interested to know that in abstractions of the language, such as CoffeeScript, the == operator is completely dropped in favor of === beneath the hood due to the former’s unreliability.

Rather than take my word for it, see the examples below of boolean checks for equality using ==, some of which result in rather unexpected outputs.

3 == "3" // true
3 == "03" // true
3 == "0003" // true
3 == "+3" //true
3 == [3] //true
3 == (true+2) //true
’ \t\r\n ’ == 0 //true
"\t\r\n" == 0 //true
"\t" == 0 // true
"\t\n" == 0 // true
"\t\r" == 0 // true
" " == 0 // true
" \t" == 0 // true
" \ " == 0 // true
" \r\n\ " == 0 //true

The reason that many of the (stranger) results in this list evaluate to true is because JavaScript is a weakly typed language: it applies type coercion wherever possible. If you’re interested in learning more about why some of the expressions above evaluate to true, look at the Annotated ES5 guide, whose explanations are rather fascinating.

Back to the review. If you’re 100% certain that the values being compared cannot be interfered with by the user, then proceed with using the == operator with caution. Just remember that === covers your bases better in the event of an unexpected input.

Problem 6

Problem: An uncached array length is being used in all for loops. This is particularly bad because you’re using it when iterating through an HTMLCollection.

Here’s an example:

for( var i=0; i<myArray.length;i++ ){
    /* do stuff */

Feedback: The problem with this approach (which I still see a number of developers using) is that the array length is unnecessarily re-accessed on each loop’s iteration. This can be very slow, especially when working with HTMLCollections (in which case, caching the length can be anywhere up to 190 times faster than repeatedly accessing it, as Nicholas C. Zakas mentions in his book High-Performance JavaScript). Below are some options for caching the array length.

/* cached outside loop */
var len = myArray.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {

/* cached inside loop */
for ( var i = 0, len = myArray.length; i < len; i++ ) {

/* cached outside loop using while */
var len = myArray.length;
while (len--) {

A jsPerf test that compares the performance benefits of caching the array length inside and outside the loop, using prefix increments, counting down and more is also available, if you would like to study which performs the best.

Problem 7

Problem: jQuery’s $.each() is being used to iterate over objects and arrays, in some cases while for is being used in others.

Feedback: In jQuery, we have two ways to seamlessly iterate over objects and arrays. The generic $.each iterates over both of these types, whereas $.fn.each() iterates over a jQuery object specifically (where standard objects can be wrapped with $() should you wish to use them with the latter). While the lower-level $.each performs better than $.fn.each(), both standard JavaScript for and while loops perform much better than either, as proven by this jsPerf test. Below are some examples of loop alternatives that also perform better:

/* jQuery $.each */
$.each(a, function() {
 e = $(this);

/* classic for loop */
var len = a.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
    //if this must be a jQuery object do..
    e = $(a[i]);
    //otherwise just e = a[i] should suffice

/* reverse for loop */
for ( var i = a.length; i-- ) {
    e = $(a[i]);

/* classic while loop */
var i = a.length;
while (i--) {
    e = $(a[i]);

/* alternative while loop */
var i = a.length - 1;

while ( e = a[i--] ) {

You might find Angus Croll’s post on “Rethinking JavaScript for Loops� an interesting extension to these suggestions.

Given that this is a data-centric application with a potentially large quantity of data in each object or array, you should consider a refactor to use one of these. From a scalability perspective, you want to shave off as many milliseconds as possible from process-heavy routines, because these can build up when hundreds or thousands of elements are on the page.

Problem 8

Problem: JSON strings are being built in-memory using string concatenation.

Feedback: This could be approached in more optimal ways. For example, why not use JSON.stringify(), a method that accepts a JavaScript object and returns its JSON equivalent. Objects can generally be as complex or as deeply nested as you wish, and this will almost certainly result in a simpler, shorter solution.

var myData = {};
myData.dataA = [’a’, ’b’, ’c’, ’d’];
myData.dataB = {
    ’animal’: ’cat’,
    ’color’: ’brown’
myData.dataC = {
    ’vehicles’: [{
        ’type’: ’ford’,
        ’tint’: ’silver’,
        ’year’: ’2015’
    }, {
        ’type’: ’honda’,
        ’tint’: ’black’,
        ’year’: ’2012’
myData.dataD = {
    ’buildings’: [{
        ’houses’: [{
            ’streetName’: ’sycamore close’,
            ’number’: ’252’
        }, {
            ’streetName’: ’slimdon close’,
            ’number’: ’101’
console.log(myData); //object
var jsonData = JSON.stringify(myData);

{"dataA":["a","b","c","d"],"dataB":{"animal":"cat","color":"brown"},"dataC":{"vehicles":[{"type":"ford","tint":"silver","year":"2015"},{"type":"honda","tint":"black","year":"2012"}]},"dataD":{"buildings":[{"houses":[{"streetName":"sycamore close","number":"252"},{"streetName":"slimdon close","number":"101"}]}]}}

As an extra debugging tip, if you would like to pretty-print JSON in your console for easier reading, then the following extra arguments to stringify() will achieve this:

JSON.stringify({ foo: "hello", bar: "world" }, null, 4);

Problem 9

Problem: The namespacing pattern used is technically invalid.

Feedback: While namespacing is implemented correctly across the rest of the application, the initial check for namespace existence is invalid. Here’s what you currently have:

if ( !MyNamespace ) {
  MyNamespace = { };

The problem is that !MyNamespace will throw a ReferenceError, because the MyNamespace variable was never declared. A better pattern would take advantage of boolean conversion with an inner variable declaration, as follows:

if ( !MyNamespace ) {
  var MyNamespace = { };

var myNamespace = myNamespace || {};

// Although a more efficient way of doing this is:
// myNamespace || ( myNamespace = {} );
// jsPerf test:

if ( typeof MyNamespace == ’undefined’ ) {
  var MyNamespace = { };

This could, of course, be done in numerous other ways. If you’re interested in reading about more namespacing patterns (as well as some ideas on namespace extension), I recently wrote “Essential JavaScript Namespacing Patterns.� Juriy Zaytsev also has a pretty comprehensive post on namespacing patterns.


That’s it. Reviewing code is a great way to enforce and maintain quality, correctness and consistency in coding standards at as high a level as possible. I strongly recommend that all developers give them a try in their daily projects, because they’re an excellent learning tool for both the developer and the reviewer. Until next time, try getting your code reviewed, and good luck with the rest of your project!

(al) (il)

© Addy Osmani for Smashing Magazine, 2011.

The Ultimate Collection of Professional Free Fonts


As designers we’re always looking for new fonts to integrate into our designs. Adding new fonts to your library can often help inspire you, giving a fresh feel to your designs. Unfortunately it can be really hard to locate quality free fonts amidst the thousands of mediocre ones.

Luckily we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of professional free fonts to enhance your designs. We’ve left out all the ‘filler’ fonts you find in a lot of roundups, so that every font below is really high quality and applicable.

The Fonts


Muli Ultimate Free Font

Code Pro

Code Pro Ultimate Free Font

Claire Hand

Claire Hand Ultimate Free Font


Knubbel Ultimate Free Font


Rokkitt Ultimate Free Font


Speedway Ultimate Free Font

FF Sero

FF Sero Ultimate Free Font


Anivers Ultimate Free Font

Calluna Sans

Calluna Sans Ultimate Free Font


Geotica Ultimate Free Font


Museo Ultimate Free Font

Museo Sans

Museo Sans Ultimate Free Font

Museo Slab

Museo Sans Ultimate Free Font


Clutchee Ultimate Free Font


Chunk Ultimate Free Font

St Transmission

St Transmission Ultimate Free Font


Delicious Ultimate Free Font

Cube 02

Cube 02 Ultimate Free Font

League Gothic

League Gothic Ultimate Free Font

Deja Rip

Deja Rip Ultimate Free Font


Jura Ultimate Free Font

PT Sans

PT Sans Ultimate Free Font


Melbourne Ultimate Free Font

Bebas Neue

Bebas Neue Ultimate Free Font


Nevis Ultimate Free Font

St Ryde

St Ryde Ultimate Free Font

Maven Pro

Maven Pro Ultimate Free Font


Aller Ultimate Free Font


Colaborate Ultimate Free Font


The Smashing Coffee Mug Photo Contest: Best Entries!



Three weeks ago, we launched a photo contest in which everyone could submit a photo of their favorite coffee mug. For those who have participated, thank you for taking shots of your beloved mugs and sending them to us. We received around 470 mugs from all over the world and only a couple of them could make it onto the poster we’ve created exclusively for our dear fans.

As promised, the most 20 creative and original submissions will be awarded with a printed poster. The ones who have been selected will be contacted via email very soon — if not already! If you’ve followed our submission guidelines, your coffee mug picture has surely made it to our jury. And if you find your coffee mug among the 150 mugs on the poster, you’ll see that your name has been included among the names of all the contributors that made this poster possible. Of course, the owner of each photo owns all the copyrights.

The Smashing Magazine Coffee Mugs Poster

Preview and Download

Below you will find an exclusive version of the poster in PDF format. Format: DIN A1 (594 × 841 mm)

Coffee Mugs: Some of the Best Entries

Valery Agafonova

Christian Lawrence

Daniel Luis Costa

Nina Magradze

Dan Ulichney

Matt Baglia

Fabrizio Pece

Evgeny Volkov

Simon Abrams

Angga Bangun Subur

Chris Chan

Radu Chiroiu

Krisztián Varga

Patrick Wittstock

Ritchie F. Linao

Dan Malarkey

Ha Bui

Melissa Tan

Anthony Brown

Thomas Strobl

Last Click

Tuan Tran

Be Sure To Join In Next Time!

Thanks to all who have participated in this contest. There will be more contests and goodies coming up soon, so be sure to stay tuned!

Yours sincerely,

 —  The Smashing Team

© Smashing Editorial for Smashing Magazine, 2011.

Spooky and Fun Halloween Wallpapers


With Halloween right around the corner, one of the year’s spookiest and most playful seasonal celebrations, we thought it would be somewhat appropriate if we put together a collection of desktop wallpapers for our readers to use to decorate their backgrounds. While some may think that this time of year is all about the horror and the macabre, we thought we would more focus on the lighter, more whimsical side of this holiday. No tricks, just treats.

So we scoured some of the best known wallpaper hubs to source out some wonderful Halloween themed backgrounds that are begging to be downloaded and enjoyed. There are gobs of fun and spooky wallpapers gathered for you below. So take a tour of the offerings and start grabbing any of those that tickle your Halloween fancy.

American Greetings





Wallpaper Stock












CSS Cream






Smashing Magazine






















Rapid Prototyping For Any Device With Foundation



Editor’s note: This article is the second piece in our new series introducing new, useful and freely available tools and techniques presented and released by active members of the Web design community (the first article covered PrefixFree, a new tool be Lea Verou). ZURB are well-known for their wireframing and prototyping tools and in this post they present their recent tool, Foundation, a framework to help you build prototypes and production code that’s truly responsive.

You’ve probably already heard about responsive design, which is website design that responds to the device constraints of the person viewing it. It’s a hot topic right now, and with good reason: alternative devices outsell desktop PCs 4 to 1 already, and within three years more Internet traffic in the US will go through mobile devices than through laptops or desktops.

All of this is forcing a convergence on what Jeremy Keith calls the “one Web�: a single Web that doesn’t care what device you’re on, how you’re viewing content or how you’re interacting with it.

What we found at ZURB was that while the concept of one Web is strong and the need for responsive websites great, the tools to help us quickly build that way just didn’t exist. That’s why we built Foundation, a framework to help you build prototypes and production code that’s truly responsive.

The Problem with Global CSS

For years at ZURB, we used and refined a global CSS file that included a nice 960 grid, typography styles, buttons and other common elements. The trouble with our global CSS was that none of these pieces were written to be used by others, so they required a good deal of ramping up and training, with no great documentation.


Our CSS style guide had a lot of good global elements, but it wasn’t well documented, and it certainly wasn’t ready for other devices.

The bigger problem was that it wasn’t designed to be responsive or mobile-friendly in any way. We were stuck in the same rut that a lot of designers are in: creating a 1000-pixel-wide canvas, putting a 960 grid on it, and calling it a day. Our tools were built to support that workflow. So, we rewrote it into Foundation, a framework for everyone to be able to rapidly prototype in a responsive way.


Foundation is an MIT-licensed framework that includes a nestable arbitrary-width responsive grid; mobile styles, buttons and typography; layout affordances such as tabs and pagination; forms; and useful JavaScript plugins. We wrote or packaged all of these pieces to achieve a few goals:

  1. Quickly train new designers, inside and outside ZURB, to use a common framework;
  2. Rapidly prototype websites for desktops and any mobile device;
  3. Easily customize and complete the prototype to turn it into production code for particular projects or clients.

The first goal can’t be overstated; the value of having a single set of styles and best practices that the team can iterate on as a whole and communicate to our clients is tremendous. We can ramp up new designers much more quickly, build things faster and work together more easily. On one recent project, we even got a volunteer sufficiently up to speed on Foundation that we could collaborate on code — and it took only about 15 minutes.

So, How Does Foundation Work?

The core of Foundation can be summed up in a few points:

  • A 12-column, percentage-based grid with an arbitrary maximum width.
    The grid can be nested and used for quite complex layouts, and it works all the way back to IE 7. The grid reshuffles itself for smaller devices.
  • Image styles that disregard pixels.
    Images in Foundation are scaled by the grid to different widths.
  • UI and layout elements.
    Foundation includes common pieces such as typography and forms, as well as tabs, pagination, N-up grids and more.
  • Mobile visibility classes.Rapidly prototyping is partly about having built-in functionality to tailor the experience.
    Foundation lets you very quickly hide and show elements on desktops, tablets and phones.

We deliberately built Foundation as a starting point, not as a style guide. We’ve included some styles to help you rapidly build something clickable and usable, but not something stylistically complete. Everything in Foundation is meant to be customized, including button styles, form styles (even custom radio, checkbox and select elements), typography, and layout elements such as tabs.

The Grid

A lot of grids are floating around, including some very good ones right here on Smashing Coding. Grid systems have a few issues, though, and we built Foundation to tackle them… well, some of them.


One of the critical pieces of device-agnostic design is having a fluid layout that conforms to the size (and orientation) of the device. Foundation’s grid is completely fluid, with percentage-based widths and margins, and it works all the way back to IE 7 (but not IE 6 — philosophically speaking, acting like IE 6 doesn’t exist makes sense at this point). The HTML markup is pretty simple. Here’s an example of the grid in use, where we nest it for a more complex layout:

<div class="row">
  <div class="eight columns">
	<div class="row">
	  <div class="six columns">
	    <h5>Another Section (.six.columns)</h5>
	  <div class="six columns">
	    <h5>Another Section (.six.columns)</h5>
    <p>Now the nested row has been closed, and we're back to the original eight-column section.</p>

You can check out the above code on this example page.


Here are some of the built-in grid constructs, all of which scale with the browser window.


The second critical piece is for the grid to be able to easily adapt to small devices and their unique constraints. We tackled this in three ways:

  • On small devices (such as phones), the grid simply stacks vertically, with every column running the full width.
  • We’ve also included block-grid classes, which are definitions for ULs that can be two-up through five-up and that remain a grid even on very small devices.
  • And we have mobile visibility classes. These are a group of styles that enable you to quickly try things out by hiding and showing elements on different kinds of devices. You can attach classes like so:
<div class="hide-on-phones">
	<p>This is a paragraph that we don't want to see on small devices.</p>
<div class="show-on-phones">
	<p>This paragraph will be shown only on phones, not on tablets or desktops.</p>

Another interesting use for the classes is to prototype a common mobile consideration: placing mobile navigation at the bottom, as opposed to its more common placement at the top. You could do this:

<nav class="hide-on-phones">
    <li><a href=#>…<a></li>
    <li><a href=#>…<a></li>
    <li><a href=#>…<a></li>
<nav class="show-on-phones">
  <dl class="mobile tabs">
    <dd><a href="#">…</a></dd>
    <dd><a href="#">…</a></dd>
    <dd><a href="#">…</a></dd>


Foundation lets you write code once and show it on different devices easily.


This one is tricky. A very compelling case is to be made that grid systems are by nature not semantic. This is partly true; they’re still descriptive of their function, but they do break the separation of data and display.

We didn’t want to base the Foundation framework on another extension, such as LESS. LESS is a great tool enabling you to use variables, shortcuts and more in your CSS, but we didn’t want to have to rely on it and add another barrier to using Foundation. The recent article we mentioned above actually fixed the data and display issue of grids by using LESS, which is awesome, but Foundation doesn’t fix that. Here’s why…

All of these methods are a stopgap. The replacement technique might come out next month or next year, but really all of these tools will change drastically in the very near future. Tools like LESS help us get a little closer to a very clean solution, but at a higher technology and learning cost. We wanted Foundation to be the fastest way to prototype for all kinds of devices, so we paid a small price for truly separated markup.

Rapid Prototyping Examples

Let’s look at a recent example for which Foundation was used. Every year, we do a 24-hour design marathon for a local non-profit, usually producing new marketing collateral and a new website. This year, we chose Rebekah Children’s Services, a great organization that helps with adoptions and takes care of disadvantaged kids.

This year, we wanted to build a website that was really responsive, and we had very little time to do it. Using just Foundation, we started prototyping the website based on some sketches we had done. In two hours, we managed to build this prototype.


Using Foundation, we built the prototype on the left in two hours (including every screen), and then started modifying it until it became the final website on the right.

It’s not terribly pretty, but it did give us something we could click around in, add copy to and iterate on. In the prototype, we used only a bare minimum of custom styles to more accurately represent the intended visuals.

Once we completed the prototype, we were able to complete the visual design and apply it to the existing Foundation code base to produce the final website. The final website retains all of Foundation’s framework, with the new styles applied on top of it.

How to Further Tailor the Experience

We recently launched an app through which to give traditional design feedback on mockups and websites. It’s called Spur, and it has been great fun for us; not only is it in our wheelhouse (for design feedback), but building a responsive Web app was an awesome opportunity.

Spur has a number of tools and actions, as well as some simple forms and a fairly complex JavaScript- and HTML-loading animation. Adapting all of this to mobile devices could have been really painful, but by starting with Foundation, we cut down on that considerably and prototyped the app quickly.


Spur on a desktop is different than Spur on a mobile device such as an iPhone.

Spur helped us get more comfortable with the constraints of a given device, including screen size, orientation, tap target size and copy. Spur is simpler on smaller devices, but it’s not stripped down. You can still capture a page, view it through the various filters, and share it with someone else.

Rapid Prototyping Is Required Now

The days of creating a blank Photoshop canvas and laying down a 960 grid are over, even if some of us are still working in that shared fantasy world. Mobile devices — or, let’s just say, devices beyond just laptops and desktops — are already prevalent and will only become more ubiquitous.

Don’t build a desktop website that’s pixel-perfect before thinking about other devices; get used to designing for several different sizes, and then quickly prototype your design to get a feel for the flow, function and interaction.

We built Foundation to help us do this faster and to develop better websites and apps for us and our clients. We feel so strongly about the need for this that Foundation is MIT-licensed and completely free to use, forever. If you try it out and have success with it, let us know. We’d love to hear about it, just as we’d love to hear about bugs or issues that you’ve run into.

We’re excited about this watershed moment in Web design (and in connectivity and data availability), and you should be, too: our industry will change more in the next three years than it has in its entire history. We hope this helps.


© ZURB for Smashing Magazine, 2011.

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