Archive for June, 2022

5 Examples of Viral Email Marketing To Grow Your Audience

Viral email marketing is just a small but most compelling part of viral marketing. Since viral content is anything people may want to share across their networks, the term is frequently used in social media contexts. 

It generally means the crowd spreads the news for you. As a result, viral marketing is advertising that expands by “word of mouth” or personal endorsement. Viral email marketing initiatives try to increase exposure and engagement by encouraging readers to forward the email/message or take some other comparable action.

In this post, we will talk about what is viral email marketing & show you 5 examples of successful viral email marketing so you get ideas for your own campaigns. 

What is Viral Email Marketing?

Viral email marketing is a type of email marketing that aims to get emails forwarded widely and swiftly — it can be via forwarding, sharing screenshots on social media, or asking friends to sign up for newsletters.

You can execute a viral email campaign by simply sharing an incredibly lucrative offer to your subscribers & incentivizing them to spread the word about it. It could be a sneak peek at a new service/product launch. Whatever it may be, viral marketing has the potential to be a very effective technique to grow awareness and revenue. 

Examples of Viral Email Marketing

Viral Email Marketing Campaign 1: Buzzfeed

According to studies, the hilarious content is more likely to go viral.

Of course, humor isn’t the only feeling that makes people want to share. The popularity of “false news” nowadays is primarily due to anger-fueled spreading.

We enjoy sharing our feelings with others who share our feelings. As a result, content that elicits an emotive response has social value. It reflects highly on you if you were the one who posted the meme that everyone is talking about.

Buzzfeed has taken what makes its web material so attractive and shareable and dispersed it via email in this example. By delivering their favored content straight to their subscriber’s inboxes, it became successful in keeping them engaged and laughing.

Viral Email Marketing Campaign 2: Mejuri

The majority of us enjoy a good deal and the one more thing we enjoy more than a good deal is the sense of being a part of an exclusive club!

Because it provides practical significance, the aforementioned email from jewelry designer Mejuri became viral. Getting a sneak peek at the sale items can allow you to purchase what you want at a lower price before everyone else.

The second reason why it became viral is that it has a social value or social currency. The concept of “social currency” makes people desire to be someone who benefits others. You value early access to sale items, and some of your friends will undoubtedly value it as well.

Furthermore, the email below provides an incentive to act quickly before the special rate is revealed to the general public.

Viral Email Marketing Campaign 3: Poncho

Since there is a lot of information online going head to head for our attention, you’ll have to always be creative to get past the “scroll on” instinct and into the domain of conscious thought.

Advertisers spend more time brainstorming concepts that they hope will pique the public’s curiosity and are encouraged to share them.

Poncho’s fully customized weather forecast is a terrific example of clever content that actually works in the mail setting. It’s amusing and individualized (as evidenced by the graph above…), and it forces you to give heed.

But why not simply post it on Facebook or other social media sites? Why should you use email?

It’s a matter of faith. Most of our Facebook friends, followers on Twitter, and other social media interactions are loose links. Many people have various perspectives about their email messages. We assume that if a friend or acquaintance takes the time to forward a specific email to us, it must be significant to them and useful to us.

As a result, whereas social shares boost exposure, email has a significant role in increasing conversion; as we all know, trust motivates people to take action.

Viral Email Marketing Campaign 4: Think With Google

If you really want your email subscribers to forward your emails, ask them to do so and simplify the procedure by including social sharing buttons in each email.

A post can easily become viral on the internet as well as in inboxes. Making the facts public is one fantastic approach to accomplish this. For example, you can talk about how many people have bought from you or what kind of results they’ve achieved by buying from you. People are more inclined to copy what everyone else is doing!

Have a look at the template below from Think with Google. It can be shared in a variety of ways:

A strong call to action to learn more about the company’s services. The newsletter can be shared online across various social media sites thanks to prominent social media links.

A link that is specifically designed to change your recipients into subscribers or best customers.

Viral Email Marketing Campaign 5: Wix 50% discount 

The email form Wix includes a timer that indicates for how long the discount will be accessible & it is created for a specific niche.

Viral email marketing tactics require personalization. The more niche-specific a message is, there are great chances that it will be forwarded to others with similar interests. The time ticking clock will let the readers know that this offer will soon be out of their hands.

Even if the readers are not  the one interested they will share it with someone in their circle who they think might find this offer helpful. To make it more attractive, they even list the perks buyers will be getting like free custom domain for a year. 

Bottom Line 

To sum up, viral email marketing enables businesses to effectively sell or tell people about their products by reaching out to customers who would otherwise ignore traditional email marketing campaigns. 

Viral email marketing allows companies to access new markets and perhaps extend their existing customers, all thanks to its expanded reach and ways of attracting the audience. So, all you need is a lucrative offer, a targeted audience, the right time, and a good email template to make your email marketing campaign go viral.

The post 5 Examples of Viral Email Marketing To Grow Your Audience appeared first on noupe.

Medical Website Development and Design: Things to Consider to Create a Jaw-dropping Platform

Healthcare services inevitably go online. Therefore, healthcare establishments are looking for a secure and convenient way to deliver medical care to patients. In this light, medical website development is a beneficial option to invest in. This post will guide you through the mainstream medical web design trends, features to implement, and essential regulatory requirements to consider.

Design Trends in Medical Website Development

Web design trends keep renovating by leaps and bounds, battling for users’ attention. From motion UI to AI-powered chatbots and low-code development, the list goes on and on. However, simplicity and understandability are the core principles of medical website UI/UX design. Thus, instead of focusing on animations and yelling banners, pay attention to user-friendliness.

Responsive web design

People love solutions on the go. Responsive websites mean that the content of your medical platform will squish and release consistently as the device size changes. This will allow patients to interact with your site over smartphones or tablets easily.

Flat design

The flat design remains one of the common approaches when designing digital healthcare solutions. It works with elements that are very streamlined with a focus on clear, minimalist, and laconic design. This way, you get a visually appealing medical platform while simplifying the user path to the point. In addition, it gives your message a better chance to be understood clearly and the right way, which is vital for this type of website since it concerns people’s health.

Bright colors

Clean and clutter-free web design doesn’t mean that your medical site lacks vivid colors. Quite the contrary, using a bright and deep palette is another trend to watch out for in medical website design creation. Moreover, it’s vital to select corporate colors patients will associate your brand with. For instance, light blue colors trigger trust, while green ones indicate serenity and hope.

Huge typography

Large font sizes are not typical for healthcare websites since they’re designed in a more conservative way. However, following this course will allow you to stand your brand out and upstage contestants. For example, you can add a considerable tagline text instead of considering a specialist photo as the central site image.


As I mentioned earlier, conciseness is the heart of medical practice web design development. As a part of this statement line,  motion UI under healthcare site implies using micro animated elements (e.g., hover effects on a link, colorful animated icon) to spark patients’ interest without visual overloading.

Technical Side of Medical Platform Development

Now, let’s see what basic functionality should be integrated to create a patient-centric medical community. It’s highly recommended to start with implementing the MVP (must-have) features. This way, you’ll be able to test the idea validation without investing a tidy sum. Then, after identifying the weak spots of your medical startup (thanks to initial feedback), you can gradually scale up your website by incorporating more engaging and sophisticated functionality.  

Core Features for Medical Platform

Basic information

This feature enables customers to find your clinic location and contact details. Additionally, if your entities are spread geographically, the visitors should be allowed to opt for preferred whereabouts. Moreover, adding a forceful and effective CTA button will significantly contribute to increased leads.

Primary services 

Provide comprehensive information about medical care offered to assist patients in decision-making. If there is some specialized health delivery to focus on, ask your designers to highlight them to stick customers’ attention.

Medical stuff 

Before applying to a particular doctor, people tend to look through multiple sources to retrieve more information. Hence, ensure adding information about healthcare providers, such as specialization, qualification level, experience, education, appointment slots, etc. The more details you include about specialists, the more trustworthy they become for clients. Skipping this point, you risk losing a tidbit of your potential customers.

Appointment scheduling 

The essence of telemedicine website creation is to carry care assistance to patients worldwide at any given time. Hence, the users should be able to calendar the meeting with a specific physician by checking the availability of a required specialist and the appropriate date/time.

Search flow

A well-planned search engine simplifies the “website-patients” interaction and gets customers close to their goal – discovering the desired information. This, in turn, improves clients’ experience resulting in increased business revenue. You can also consider integrating filters that allow patients to quickly retrieve the services according to the parameters entered.

How to Build Medical Website And Succeed

Commonly, to deploy a web project, you need to determine the proper tech stack, including programming languages, frameworks, and 3rd party tools. However, medical app development also implies compliance with different regulatory standards, depending on location and other special conditions. I have outlined the widespread ones.

HIPAA. Applications operating in the US market that deal with managing, recording, and storing PHI data must follow HIPAA legislation. These regulations are made to ensure patients’ EHR protection and confidentiality. For example, to make your platform HIPAA compliant, SSL certificate, encryption, data backup and restore, and other preserves should be considered

PIPEDA. This document is similar to HIPAA with the difference that PIPEDA aims for another market. Healthcare digital solutions designed for the Canadian market must adhere to PIPEDA principles to ensure the privacy of patients’ data stored.

GDPR. It’s another country-specific document. Software solutions performing in the European market must comply with GDPR rules. What matters is that this law encompasses organizations that process clients’ information and the establishments that gather it.

HiTECH. HiTECH principles revolve more around the users’ data security and are justified in the USA. These laws broaden the HIPAA regulations by submitting more contributions to patients. For example, clients can access their medical info, such as lab test results, online or receive prompt notifications concerning unauthorized access to their medical profiles.

CCPA. This regulation guarantees individuals’ data protection in the United States and is akin to GDPR Act. This document is aimed at informing patients about the information gathered, generating reports on the compiled data per clients’ requests, clearing the data requested by patients, and far more.

Summing Up

Medical website development has never been more desirable than nowadays due to the post-pandemic reality and increased demand for quick and convenient medical care. Instead of waiting in long queues to schedule an appointment, people can easily choose the appropriate specialist and book a time slot in a couple of clicks. One of the things you need is to find an experienced web development company that will help you transform your idea into a powerful medical website.

The post Medical Website Development and Design: Things to Consider to Create a Jaw-dropping Platform appeared first on noupe.

How you can grow your small business with WordPress?

WordPress is the most desirable platform. It is widely used by businesses worldwide, all for good reasons like marketing tools, reliability, etc. Almost 42.9% of sites use WordPress


Leading businesses like The Home Depot, and The New York Times use WordPress. In fact, millions of SMEs choose WordPress because of its versatility. 

Top reasons to choose WordPress

  • Custom themes
  • Mobile Responsiveness
  • SEO friendly 
  • Plugins
  • Publish anywhere
  • Open-source 

How you can grow your small business with WordPress?

1. Advertising

Have you seen banner ads while browsing through websites? The website owners needs to give permission to the advertisers to park their content.

The advertisers get benefited from the website’s traffic. While the owners of the website get paid commission for every click on the advertisements. 

So, if you get plenty of traffic on your content then you must try this method. 

You can sign up with popular advertising networks like Amazon Native Ads and Google AdSense. You can use the WordPress plugins like AdSanity, Easy Google AdSense, etc., to manage the efforts. 

2. Hire established WordPress developers

It is a good move to hire WordPress developers for your small business. They can help you add specific functionality and build a unique experience for your users. 

The Hacker News published an article on May 12, 2022. It reported that thousands of WordPress websites were hacked recently. These hacks redirect the visitors to scam websites. 

Even though, WordPress is highly known for its security. Still, you cannot flag the vulnerabilities and malware. You need a partner who can support you with services like WordPress errors, support for WooCommerce, etc. So, hire the credible WordPress team today!!

3. Affiliate Marketing

Affliate marketing can help you to earn commissions on the promoted product. Please note this commission will be attributed for every sale you make. 

In place of ads, you can manage through the links.  This you can include on your website. 

You get the privilege to choose the product you promote. With Amazon Associates Program by your side, you can marvel with the profits.

They will give you customized linking tools. This will allow you to keep track of the purchases. You can use these links in your promotional efforts. 

You can use WordPress plugins like EasyAzon, PrettyLinks, etc. 

4. Online Courses 

This is yet another way to grow your business with WordPress. It mainly covers digital products like in-selling online courses. The main reason why businesses take to the internet is because it offers educational and informational opportunities. 

If you hold a specialization area with a unique perspective, then developing the courses is a promising avenue. 

You must ensure to develop content centered around your topic choice. You can offer the course/ courses to your website visitors.

You can use plugins such as LearnDash and LearnPress to build a good learning management system. 

5. Guest posts

There are plenty of guest posting sites that allow posting the content for free. It is basically for user-generated content. But, can charge for the guest posts.

Please note that you must have enough traffic on your website. Your WordPress website must be large. Then only, it will be considered worth paying for guest posts. But ensure to check the dupliacy of the content before publishing.

6. Podcast

You can simply make your audience fall in love with your brand by using this. You can use WordPress podcasting plugins to develop websites. Over your podcast, you can share the affiliate codes. 

7. Portfolio

Want to entice your potential audience? Build portfolio. Nowadays, people are more advanced. They love to see your past work. So, display your work today!!

If you have not showcased your work, then you are missing a big chunk of profits.

With this superlative platform, you can build your own custom portfolio. You can display your projects, results, case studies, etc. 

8. eCommerce

If you are not one of those who loves to share your traffic profits, you can open an eCommerce storefront. You can make your WordPress website-your shop to offer goods/ products/ services to the customers. 

Whether you sell tap into the drop selling model or sell your creations, WordPress can lend you great support. You can make use of the plugins such as eCommerce store, Shopping Cart, and WooCommerce. These plugins will help you to construct and manage the store. 

9. Facebook tracking plugin

Retargeting is an excellent way to expand your business with WordPress. Even though, it is low-hanging method but it is profitable and affordable. 

Use Official Facebook Pixel plugin for this. 

10. Use SEO plugins

WordPress can by itself solve plenty of SEO issues. 

These plugins can make SEO easy for people who are non-technical. It can help you to analyze the duplicate content. SEO plugin will give you reminders for best content update. It will assists in checking the posts for readability. 

11. Embed a video

You can grow your business well with video marketing. WordPress will allow you to embed the video from Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, etc. It is a good idea to place educational video on your website and blogs. 

You can share the overview about your company on About Us page. 

Similarly, there are plenty of other ways to grow your business, they are:-

  • Choose alluring themes
  • Install messenger button
  • Encourgae social shares
  • Grow the email lists
  • Speed you your website
  • Monitor the analytics
  • Craft custom landing pages
  • Giveaway
  • Test various types of conteact forms
  • Tease the best content

In a conclusion

It is a challenging situation to set up and start a small business for budding owners. With WordPress by your side, you do not have to worry about your business performance. 

Check right WordPress themes that works well with your business domain. Make sure that your website loads faster.

One way or the other you can monetize from your WordPress website. Try experimenting these methods and earn good profits.

So, take all the advantage that WordPress has to offer and flourish in the market.

The post How you can grow your small business with WordPress? appeared first on noupe.

Notion: What Is It and How do you Create a Template there?

Modern people are constantly in a race, trying to match the rhythm of our frenzied lives.  In this cycle of affairs and events, it’s very difficult to concentrate, which leads to stress and lack of coordination. Smart thoughts, which are so important for our work, study, and creativity, as a rule, come suddenly and, most often, at the wrong moment.

For a long time, an ordinary notebook, or a piece of paper helped to not miss great thoughts. But these days, most often a smartphone or computer are at our fingertips! Gadgets allow us not only to save important thoughts but also to arrange them correctly. One of these useful applications is Notion. This article will tell interested users how to apply their own Notion templates.

How to Add Your Own Notion Templates on Windows, Mac, or Chromebook: Simple and Quick Instruction

If you want to add aesthetic Notion templates to your computer, follow the instructions below:

  1. Add a special button to the screen (click on the corresponding symbol on the panel).
  1. Change the name of the button.
  1. Include the elements that you want to use in the future template. Users have the opportunity to add text, checkboxes, markers, headers, and other tools for comfortable use.

Just like that, free Notion templates have been added to your profile. The scope for the personal use of the app is huge. You can use it as a service for taking notes, making a to-do list, keeping a personal diary or a habit tracker, organizing household chores, or keeping a list of goals for the year, and so on.

How to Create a New Template in Notion on an iPhone or Android Device

Using your favorite app from a mobile device is convenient and simple, but creative fans of Notion are out of luck in this case — it’s impossible to create your own templates from gadgets (phone, tablet). However, there are many high-quality templates that can be used for free!

Among them are a variety of options:

  • various kinds of notes (reminders of scheduled meetings, for example)
  • the intended list of books to read
  • plans (schedules of classes, lessons)
  • to-do lists for the day

Despite the lack of ability to work from a phone with your own options, you can experience the full functionality of the application using the built-in free Notion templates.

How to Edit the Content on Your Template Button in Notion

This process is as simple as creating a new template and it’ll be completed in a few minutes if you follow the instructions:

  1. Click on the gear icon.
  1. In the configuration settings, enter the required parameters (you can remove some existing elements there or add your own).

When all the parameters are saved, the changes will take effect on the selected templates.

What Other Actions Can Be Performed with a Template Button?

In fact, a template button is a universal tool. It can be used on one or several different pages. Also, the client can easily delete it altogether if the button is no longer needed. To get access to a wide range of functions, use this instruction:

  1. Swipe the computer mouse pointer over the button and click on the gear icon, which is located to your right. To view the list of functions offered for use, just click on the right mouse button.
  1. Open the comments. To do this, tap on the corresponding button from the list.
  1. The “Copy Link” function will help you copy the links to the button and paste them anywhere else in the template. To connect, just click “Copy link.”
  1. If necessary, the template button can be completely removed. It’s easy to do — there’s a “Delete” button for this. Click on it.

As you can see, there are enough functions to quickly and efficiently solve any issues and create the necessary templates. Users should only give free rein to their inspiration!

How to Generate Nested Content Templates

Nested content is the content that is included in other elements of the template (it can be text or an image, for example). To create this, a user needs:

  1. Come up with your own content that you plan to duplicate later in the template.
  2. Move all the content to the switch list or to the page itself.
  1. Generate a template button and add a list of radio buttons or a separate page to it. This should be included in the segment of the configuration section.

By clicking on the “Close” button, you’ll save the changes and your template will have multifaceted content, which will greatly simplify working with it!

Can Weekly Agendas Be Created Using Notion Templates?

A weekly plan is an important element of a person’s life, allowing you to distribute things and find free time for hobbies, family, and self-care. Notion offers the option to create a weekly to-do list as follows:

  1. Create a new page in the app.
  2. Generate the template you need.
  1. Add a link called “Start a new day” to the “Button Name” field.
  1. Click on the button with the “+” sign. In the template field, include another page.
  1. On a blank page, write “Day/Date.” Fill the page with all the necessary content (calendar, planner, notes).
  1. Go back to the “Agenda for the Week” page.
  1. Click on the “Start a New Day” function bar every morning.

This template and its wide functionality will greatly simplify your day and streamline all your daily activities.

Top 5 Best Notion Templates

Not every user can create an original high-quality template due to different circumstances. That’s why there are special services for such cases. MasterBundles offers customers the Top 5 Best Notion Templates:

  1. Minimalist Weekly Planner — create plans and free up the day for your favorite things simply and quickly!
  2. Meal Planner + Groceries List Generator — a convenient option for anyone who carefully monitors nutrition. Now your entire diet for the day is on your smartphone or computer!
  3. Weekly Planner — a high-quality calendar where you can take notes and make plans every day of the year.
  4. Reader’s Template — bookworms can organize their favorite process and even set goals related to reading.
  5. Weight Tracker — set goals, record your weight, and achieve the desired results conveniently!

This is just a small list of what the service offers. On the site, everyone, even the most demanding client, will find a suitable template!


As a service for working on a team project, Notion will bypass many competitors. This is a great tool for putting things in order in your notes and affairs. We hope this article helped you to understand how to quickly and easily create or install the necessary templates.

The post Notion: What Is It and How do you Create a Template there? appeared first on noupe.

Healthcare Practitioners: 6 Ways to Market Your Business in 2022

The healthcare industry has undergone significant and unexpected changes in the past two years. The pandemic has led to the development of new healthcare administration methods that have long term benefits, and have become a mainstay for many patients.  

If you can flow with the tide of changing patient needs, you will be successful in this new climate and consistently generate new leads. The following short list of healthcare marketing trends in 2022 will bring you up to speed on what potential clients are looking for, so you can provide it.

1. Breath New Life into Old Relationships

Hearing from an old friend is always a delight. That is how you ought to approach your old clients, even if they haven’t heard from your practice in a while. You are, after all, responsible for changing their lives by helping them improve their health.

Leave a message or a note to remind them that you’re still available to provide high-quality care, to help them get the most out of life. Even a birthday or holiday greeting has the potential to jog a client’s memory, reminding them that their health should always be a priority. Let them know that now is the best time to stop putting off those appointments!

You can create scripts for your employees that they can use when sending text messages, voicemails, and emails to old clients. These messages can say something like:

  • “If you missed your scheduled visit, we’d love to welcome you back!”
  • “How many appointments did you miss last year? We’ll help get you back on track.”
  • “That joint pain you’re feeling could be a sign that your chiropractic adjustment is long overdue. Call us for an appointment now.

2. Build New Connections with Google My Business

To attract more foot traffic to your practice, you need to make it easy for new clients to find you. Developing a rich Google My Business (GMB) profile is the first step in making yourself searchable.

GMB helps you to make an instant personal connection with potential clients who are searching the web for physical therapy and similar services. With quality photos from your practice and concise information about your areas of expertise, you can make an impact that beats out the competition within seconds—and seconds are precious on the web.

Make sure your profile has your clinic’s most current and accurate information, to make it easy for Google Maps to locate you when people need directions to your clinic. This will come in handy for all the events you’ll be planning, like health expos, community information sessions, and picnics! These types of “Welcome Back” events are sure to attract new faces, giving you the chance to showcase your expertise and build new relationships.

3. Keep Your Clients Safe When Using Telehealth

The US Department of Health and Human Services has reported that the use  of Telehealth tools has increased by 63 times since the pandemic began. This also means that your patients’ personal data is much more at risk of theft by cyber criminals. 

When you provide Telehealth services, you need to be just as vigilant about HIPAA compliance as you are in your clinic. Your protective measures should extend to include information that is shared via email, in video conferencing, during an online chat, and even over the phone. Use software that encrypts digital data, and be sure your staff understands what information is okay to share in conversation.

4. Be Laser-Focused with Search Engine Optimization

What better way to create a roadmap to your practice than directly answering patient questions? Whether you practice in a region with a high population of older retirees, or an area filled with military veterans who have particular needs around combat injuries, your SEO strategy should target the common healthcare concerns in your area. 

Know which keywords and phrases patients use when they conduct searches online. Then, incorporate their exact questions into your social media content, blogs, and online ads, to highlight patient concerns and point to your services as the solution.

5. Let Clients Know that They Come First

You understand that bedside manner is important whether patients are actually present in your office or receiving help from you across a screen. A high level of care involves understanding that every client is unique, and each has dealt with recent challenges in their own way. Some have cooperated with lockdowns and community restrictions with a sense of extreme caution, while others have rebelled against them in the name of freedom.

As a healthcare practitioner, knowing how to keep every patient informed and healthy is your gift. Understanding and serving a wide range of client perspectives will make your practice stand out. Address these issues in your content and marketing, to let potential clients know that you have compassion and a practical care plan to meet their needs.

6. Let the Pros Help You

No one can go it alone, and these times have taught many of us the value of community. If you need help building your website and creating an effective online marketing plan for your clinic, let the pros help you. Web development experts can help you build your healthcare marketing strategy and generate regular new leads.

The post Healthcare Practitioners: 6 Ways to Market Your Business in 2022 appeared first on noupe.

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