To attain success in any industry, you need to establish a personal connection with prospects. The same stands true for real estate agents who need to build strong relationships with their current and potential clients to stay in the business. A few years back, the most reliable and easiest way to create those connections was by phone calls or messages. However, most of those calls went unanswered.
Fortunately, with the evolution in marketing strategies, real estate agents now have a more effective and result-driven tool- videos. Over 93% of agents prefer emails to communicate with their customers and promote their properties. However, only one-third of them use real estate video marketing to make their emails powerful and showcase their listings.
Sharing Videos in Emails Is a Good Idea
According to a study, for 97% of marketers, video marketing has increased user understanding of their goods and services. Moreover, 76% of them have agreed that videos surely increase sales by driving more traffic to the website and engaging prospects for longer. Hence, ensuring quality leads and improved sales.
Yes, videos are simple to play, where users just have to click a button and they can enjoy a beautifully-shot clip of listings. But, the primary benefit is that it makes them feel connected to that brand.
No wonder videos can generate 403% more inquiries and compel 85% of homebuyers to buy properties from the agents who share videos of their listings. Email marketing strategy supported by videos can make you stand apart from the crowd by adding a unique element to your promotional campaigns.
Importance of Videos in Real Estate Business
Real estate is a business that purely works on your strengths and video campaigns give you that opportunity. You can showcase the best features of properties and highlight all the details in a video. Moreover, the videos attached to your email signify that you follow the latest marketing trends and are willing to put in your best efforts for your clients.
You can use this clip of a few minutes to influence your prospects’ buying decisions by selling them directly. According to a survey, videos help real estate agents get 81% more replies, convert 68% more leads, and get 56% more referrals. Also, it increases the click-through rates of emails by 96%.
Types of Videos to Include in Email Marketing
An effective video marketing strategy comprises different types of videos that target diverse customers. These videos include:
Listing Video
Create a touring video of the property, highlighting all the features, rooms, amenities, and neighborhood. This is the perfect mode to show off the best listings.
Educational Video
Prospects often face numerous challenges while buying a property. So, you can help them through videos that give them insights into key concepts, answer their queries, and educate them.
Neighborhood Video
Nearby locations and surroundings play a critical part when deciding on a property to buy. Thus, share videos that give a sneak peek into the neighborhood, including restaurants, markets, schools, and community so that prospects know the potential area they are moving into.
Customer Testimonial Video
There is no better way to build a brand image than successful client stories and word-of-mouth referrals. Create real estate listing videos with interviews of your existing clients and share their journeys to convince new customers that you are a reliable and driven real estate agent.
Open House Video
When prospects visit a property, make a video of their reactions and reviews. Also, show each feature of the listing and community to give that exclusive feeling to your leads.
Tips to Improve Your Video Email Marketing Strategy
Here are a few out-of-the-box ideas to ensure successful video marketing for real estate agents.
Mention ‘Video’ in the Subject Line
Video is a powerful marketing strategy and it can generate excellent results when used the right way. A study revealed that 73% of buyers are likely to buy from real estate agents who include video content in their marketing campaigns. Videos are fun to watch and help prospects assess the property before they visit the place. Whether you are targeting renters, landlords, homeowners, or homebuyers, dropping a video in the inbox would grab their attention.
Make sure to add the word ‘video’ to the subject line so prospects know it’s not a random marketing mail. The subject line is the first impression on recipients and it should compel them to check their mail. Moreover, you can inform them via a message to check their email, and once they open the video, it will tick another goal for you.
Answer Frequent Questions from Prospects
Your property video marketing campaign should just aim at promoting your business but also focus on potential buyers and their needs. As an expert in the industry, you must try your best to resolve their doubts, no matter how bizarre or small they sound. You can host a Q&A session every two weeks to answer all the questions of your clients. This will also assure them of your proficiency, honesty, and credibility. Moreover, it will create a platform for you to directly interact with the target customers, educate them, and promote your listings.
You can also mail them Q&A videos to understand if your potential clients prefer such content. This will pave the way for you to build stronger relationships with them.
Create Follow-up Videos
Writing a follow-up email after every client meeting or discussion can be daunting and time-consuming. Hence, it’s time to switch from the traditional method to a modern and efficient one by creating videos. All you have to do is create a friendly video that sounds genuine and builds trust. Once they visit a property, send them the video within the next few days to show you care about their opinion and views. Also, it will assure them that you want them to find their dream home. If you can collect interesting information to personalize the follow-up videos, then this lead-generation real estate marketing technique can work wonders.
Business Analytics
Analytics has become an integral part of every business across all industries. It shows companies who are interested in their emails when they opened their videos, and how did they react to them. So, integrate email analytics into your marketing campaign to get regular market updates. It will help you refine and redesign your marketing activities for better results.
Video marketing is rapidly catching up with other marketing techniques and in no time, it will have an edge over others, especially in the real estate industry. The greatest news is it’s an economical promotional method that can generate excellent results. It provides a platform for you to reach a wider audience, talk about your listings, interact with prospects and answer their queries, and share your success stories.
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