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5 Things Customers Expect from Strong Customer Service 

Meeting customers’ expectations is a challenge for any organization. Business can drag down their revenue and waste their resource if they aren’t able to predict customer expectations. Over time, customer expectations keep on changing, exactly the way fashion trends change.

Have you ever thought about whether your organization has been able to meet all your customer’s expectations? Do you know what your customers expect from you? 

Perhaps answers to all these questions will be covered in this post.

In this blog, we will discuss the meaning of customer expectations, their types, and how to ensure customer satisfaction.

What Are Customer Expectations?

In simple terms, customer expectation means “the customer desires or predictions related to any product or service in their mind.” The expectations customers set are usually based on their previous experience, cultural norms, and social influences. It differs from individual to individual.

Before deciding to purchase a product, any individual will gather information regarding the product and gain insights about the product’s quality. The expectation of the customer often decides their decision to purchase the product or service.

The other factor that may highly affect customer purchase decisions is peer groups. For example, If a friend recommends a product, then an individual is more likely to have high expectations of the product.

Several Factors Influence Customer Expectations

There are a multitude of factors influencing customer expectations towards a product or a service. Some of the factors that significantly contribute to developing customer expectations are as follows:

  1. Product or Service Quality

Quality is the core factor in both the product and service sectors. Quality is determined by the product’s performance, durability, design, features included, etc. These quality metrics add value to the product. 

A product needs to have all these quality metrics to satisfy customers. It’s because customers, after analyzing the product or service on various metrics, finally set an expectation and decide to purchase a particular product. 

For example, if you have purchased a new laptop from a particular brand and found it extremely slow, you will never purchase it again from the same brand.

  1. Brand Reputation

Brand reputation is the reputation of the brand in people’s minds, which is generated through past interactions with the brand or through the opinions of others. 

The reputation of a brand is shaped by its consistency over time, its social responsibility, and its ranking in the industry. It is also shaped by the endorsements and partnerships that the brand has developed over time. 

Brands that are known for offering excellent service have better brand reputations than others.

  1. Price

Price plays a significant role in determining the purchasing decision of the individual. Customers have higher expectations for the brands that have higher prices. They expect the brand to have the best quality product with many features and provide a premium feeling overall. 

Likewise, if the competitor offers a lower price for the same product, then the customer expects to have a similar quality for a low price, leading to pressure on businesses. 

The business also implements psychological pricing strategies such as odd pricing (e.g., $1,999) and tiered pricing (e.g., basic,  standard) that develop certain expectations towards the brand.

For example, an expensive BMW car is expected to have better features than an average Hyundai.

  1. Speed of Delivery

Customer expectations on speed delivery depend upon the brand category. Companies that offer customized products are generally perceived to take longer delivery time. 

Similarly, during the festive seasons, the customer expects the speed of delivery time to become slow. Another factor that largely affects the speed of delivery is location. If the location between a customer and delivery units is large, the customer will expect the brand to deliver late.

However, platforms such as Amazon and Alibaba have raised delivery standards by offering faster delivery services, so organizations with similar services are expected to have faster delivery times. 

  1. Value of money

The value of money is mostly created through the level of satisfaction that a product can offer. The higher the price, the higher the perceived value, and vice versa.

Peers’ recommendations and online customer reviews can influence the perception of value. Likewise, customers compare similar products offered by different brands in terms of price and features before deciding which one to buy. 

Top 5 Types of Customer Expectations

Every business goal is to match customer expectations since it determines their sales. Customers have various expectations of brands; among them, some of the identifiable expectations are as follows:

  1. Explicit Expectations

Explicit expectations are the basic expectations that customers have before purchasing a product. Such expectations include aspects such as price, quality, delivery time, and more. These expectations are usually directly communicated and are clear and specific. 

For example, if a customer has to purchase a phone, then they may come to your shop and ask for a phone with specific features and within a certain price range.

  1. Implicit Expectations

Implicit expectations are the assumptions that a customer has about a product or a service based on other brands that sell similar products or services. These expectations are not directly communicated but may be subconscious and will influence customer purchasing behavior. 

For example, a customer always expects a hotel room to be clean and fancy.

  1. Interpersonal Expectations

Interpersonal expectations mean the expectations that a customer has while having interactions between the customer and your team members. These interactions are expected to be friendly, helpful, attentive, professional, and empathic, irrespective of how they occur, either via phone, live chat, or in person.

For example, companies can provide better interpersonal expectations for their prospects by including a creative voicemail greeting on their voicemail messages.

  1. Digital Expectations

These are expectations of the customers they have when interacting with agents through digital platforms such as websites, emails, social media, etc. It also includes engaging and relevant content. Usually, customers expect interaction through these platforms to be user-friendly, seamless, and responsive.

  1. Dynamic Performance Expectations

It refers to the change in the customer’s expectation of a product or service with time. Here, the customer expects your product performance to be more user-friendly, flexible, and adaptable with time to meet the customer’s expectations. 

Likewise, the expectation is also based on evolving the product or service with the emerging market opportunities and challenges.

Customer Expectations to Ensure Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is the outcome of fulfilling customer expectations. Therefore, it is necessary to be aware of the expectations of customers and make strategies accordingly.

Some ways to meet customer expectations are:

  1. Find Out What Your Customers Want

It is a challenging task for brands to recognize the exact expectations of individuals. So, why not ask directly? One can conduct a survey through Google Forms, Jotform Survey Maker or social media to know customer’s needs.

Likewise, they can listen to customer feedback and analyze purchasing patterns, which can bring insights into what customers want.

  1. Determine How Important Each Expectation Is

Since there are a lot of expectations, not all expectations need to be prioritized. You should prioritize them based on their importance. Select the most practical and significant expectation and work on it to bring it into reality to ensure customer satisfaction.

  1. Be Transparent

A transparent business can easily build the trust and confidence of customers. Being transparent means providing clear and true information about products, prices, terms, conditions, and delivery times.  Through transparency, one can develop a positive relationship between the customer and the business, resulting in customer satisfaction.

  1. Provide a Consistent Experience

Consistency helps in meeting customer satisfaction. Customers expect consistent experience in all the services provided by the businesses. A consistent experience develops trust, which will ultimately enhance customer retention.

  1. Handle Complaints Quickly and Politely.

Businesses must handle customer concerns immediately to retain customer satisfaction. You must ensure that you have an efficient and capable staff to handle customers’ complaints in a timely and polite manner. By addressing the complaints responsively, the brand can turn negative experiences into positive ones.


In conclusion, understanding customer expectations is the key to ensuring customer satisfaction. To meet customer satisfaction, businesses must match these five expectations: implicit, explicit, interpersonal, digital, and dynamic performance.

Also, by knowing what customers want, the business can prioritize activities and handle complaints efficiently while being transparent and consistent. 

With the points covered in this post, you can easily turn your customer expectations into reality and ultimately ensure customer satisfaction.

Featured Image by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

The post 5 Things Customers Expect from Strong Customer Service  appeared first on noupe.

10 Tips on How to Sell Your Product or Service Faster and Smarter

Are you a seller and want to sell your products faster and smarter than others? During the process, you might face several challenges while promoting and delivering your products or services to customers.

No wonder selling goods and services is challenging for everyone in today’s competitive market. You have to face various difficulties that include evolving buyer expectations, a changing economic environment, and heavy competition. 

So, to get ahead of your competitors and overcome these obstacles, you have to sell your products faster and smarter, which will lead you to increase your sales and revenues

In this guide, we will briefly explain to you how to sell your product or service faster and smarter.

Tips on How to Sell Your Product or Service Faster and Smarter

Every entrepreneur should know that you have to be one step ahead of your competitors to increase your sales. You have to study the market, examine the products, apply the best marketing strategy, and follow the latest market trends.  

Besides this, here are ten key points that will help you to reach your ideal customers and boost your sales. 

1. Know Your Ideal Customer

Ideal customers are those people who love and enjoy your products or services and share that enthusiasm with the people they know. 

For that reason, it’s important to know about your ideal customers and understand them, who they are, and what they are exactly looking for. It includes understanding the characteristics of your buyers who are most likely to be interested in buying your products or services. 

Furthermore, you have to communicate personally with those who have used your products to get their feedback. You can get a Vanity phone number for your business, it helps to improve customer service and experience. Moreover, customers can easily memorize it and reach out to you.

2. Utilizing the Sales Funnel Model

The Sales Funnel Model is a representation of the customer’s journey, from prospecting to purchase. 

When you utilize this method, it helps you organize your approach to sales and find weak spots in your sales methods. 

Even more, it also tests out possible improvements and better assists with customers. 

Overall, the point of using this method is to reach your business target audience and move them through a series of steps, which eventually results in them becoming your customers.

3. Master the Art of Storytelling

Everyone loves stories, and a good story conveys a good message to people. Storytelling is a powerful tool in the digital era that can increase your product’s value in the world of sales. 

Initially, you have to select your target audience to craft a better and more compelling story to create it effectively. 

Following that, you can create an emotional connection with your prospects and inspire them to become loyal customers. 

After mastering it, you can transform your sales presentation from exhausting to an engaging and compelling experience that resonates with your buyers.

4. Leverage Powerful Content Marketing

Every business owner should be aware of the power of content marketing in this digital world, especially if you’re selling online

This is a powerful tool that can drive your business forward in the digital presence. 

Businesses need to create excellent content about their products or services after understanding customers’ desires. It boosts your brand visibility to more people. 

Also, buyers will get to know more about your products or services closely with the content. Hence, make sure to explain how your products solve the customer’s problem and what the main features are that make you better than others in your content. 

5. Utilize Social Media Ads

Millions of users are active on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram on a daily basis. 

So, it’s easier to promote your products or services using social media ads. You just have to select the target audience that you want to sell your products and place ads on those platforms after paying some cost. 

It is a very simple and effective way to communicate with your prospects and improve your brand value. 

The biggest advantage of doing social media ads is you can even select a specific geographic area. 

6. Motivate Employees

Employees play a vital role in growing the company and creating good brand value among buyers. 

So, keeping the employees motivated increases the work value. It depends on the level of dedication and commitment that the employee gives during the working day. 

Thus, a company should focus on developing a positive work culture to encourage creativity and innovation. 

You have to promote teamwork and collaboration to set clear goals. Remember, motivated employees always give more than an employer expects from them at work. 

7. Invest in Email Marketing

People mainly prefer email over other media for communication. Even more, this is the platform where you’ll reach your mobile users the most. 

A billion users use email, which makes email marketing a powerful tool for a company who are looking for effective advertising strategies to engage with its loyal customers. 

A company can inform its prospects about its latest discounts, deals, new products, and much more through email. 

Additionally, you can make customers aware of the product’s features and their advantages by sending personal mail to them. 

8. Monitor Trends

You always have to follow the latest market trends to know what customers are exactly looking for.

These days, it’s easy to track it using a trend discovery tool that provides a database of trending topics. Furthermore, netizens follow the trend started by the influencers; therefore, you can also track them on social media. 

By looking at market trends, businesses can make decisions based on facts. It helps you to understand where the market is heading. Nowadays businesses have started using phone system for sales teams to simplify communication. It will help you to increase productivity. Even more, it helps you to reduce the risk of going down in the market.

9. Presenting a product benefit

Product benefits are often the main point of selling. In this technique, when you gain knowledge about the customer’s desire, then you can tell how your product will fit their needs. 

10. Offer a free trial or demonstration

Offering a free trial or demonstration helps customers determine if the product is helpful or satisfies their needs or not for them. For instance, when buyers purchase an Apple Vision Pro, they will first try it and buy if the product meets their requirements.

Why is it Important to Have Effective Selling Strategies?

Whether you have a small or big business, everyone has to follow selling strategies that are effective to increase sales. 

This strategy helps you to build a mutually beneficial relationship with customers. It also allows the company to focus on its target customers and communicate with them in relevant ways.  

Even more, effective selling strategies improve team performance to achieve effective targets, higher conversion rates, and increased customer retention rates. 

Some other important of having an effective selling strategy include: 

Enhance Customer Service

An effective sales strategy helps you to interact better with customers and allows you to understand their needs more closely. 

Furthermore, it allows you to be more attentive to customer inquiries and respond instantly to improve customer experience.  

Boost Sales Efficiency 

An excellent sales strategy optimized resources and prioritized the most profitable areas. 

A company can decide which marketing channels bring the best results by analyzing the customer data to adjust the approach for more efficient sales operations for a better return on investment. 

Increase More Revenue

A perfect sales strategy helps you to boost higher conversion rates and generate more revenue. But you have to target the right markets using the resources effectively to increase profits. 


Overall, whether you have a small or big business, everyone has to follow the sales technique to boost their sales and increase their annual growth rate.

You always need to follow the market trends to know what your prospects are really looking for in products and services. Businesses can apply the above eight key points to sell their goods or services faster than others.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What are the 4 basic selling techniques?

The four basic selling techniques are as follows:

  1. Transactional selling
  2. Solution selling
  3. Consultative selling
  4. Provocative selling
  1. What are the 5 steps to sell?

Here are the five steps to follow to sell your products:

  1. Identify your target customer
  2. Find out about buyers’ desire
  3. Provide a solution or present value proposals
  4. Close Sales
  5. Complete the sale and follow up with thank you notes
  1. What is a method of selling?

A method of selling is the method used by a salesperson or sales team that helps to sell products or services more effectively. There are various methods of selling, such as SPIN selling, Inbound selling, Solution selling, and many more. 

The post 10 Tips on How to Sell Your Product or Service Faster and Smarter appeared first on noupe.

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