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How do you Ensure your Business Runs Smoothly in Turbulent Times?


It’s the word businesses dread because it means layoffs, a decline in sales and profit – and for many, bankruptcy.

However, the world has already weathered a great number of recessions, and businesses have been finding ways to thrive even in the direst conditions. 

That means you can do it too, and this article provides you with actionable ways in which you can ensure your business runs smoothly in turbulent times. 

1. Assess the impact of the crisis on different aspects of your business

The way your business operates, how it generates revenue, who your customers are, and what your products are like determine how you can attract and retain new investors and talent.

If you want an overview of how these things work, an activity map or a flowchart can tell you whether the way you’re currently operating makes it possible for you to meet your business objectives.

However, when the recession hits and when the resources of your consumers get scarce, your business will likely show certain shortcomings when attempting to meet those objectives. 

As it gets increasingly hard to get money out of people’s pockets, you’ll need to adapt and figure out how to address your customers’ problems in a cheap way for them but still profitable for your business. 

How? By figuring out how each aspect of your business is affected by turbulent times. 

To get this sort of insight, you need to talk to your stakeholders. 

Talk to your suppliers. Take a look at how your consumers are behaving – how their needs and the overall market are changing. 

Ask yourself: Where do my products and services fit in now? 

Anticipate the issues that may arise and analyze how the successful business models of your competitors have tackled similar issues in the past. 

Then, borrow from their experience and remain positive. Recessions tend to last up to 12 months, so you just need to keep your head above water for a couple of months. 

2. Consider your payroll

History has shown that recession proof businesses and employment loss are synonymous in people’s minds.

Unstable times often lead to layoffs, which is something that both businesses and their employees fear.

Juggling layoffs, protecting your business from legal liability, fighting the fear of your remaining top employees, and trying to keep them motivated is no easy feat, but someone has to do it.

If you come to a point where you have to lay people off, you want to make sure that the decisions you’re making will keep your business running smoothly until the tough times are behind you. 

The way you can do that? By hiring and keeping the right people.

You need to figure out which employees are confident that you can pull it through and can back it up by getting the job done. Identify those who can handle extra tasks, work in a team, bring hope into the corporate environment, and focus on the bottom line.

Sounds like a lot to ask of very few people? That’s because it is. 

And that means that, if you want to keep top players on your side, you need to keep them motivated.

The best way to find out what motivates your employees is to talk to them, not just when hiring them, but also every now and then once they join the company. It might also be a good idea to interview those who have been laid off to understand what they were dissatisfied with. 

In either case, you can’t go wrong with compensating your employees properly for their work.

While it may be tempting to underpay your staff when the recession hits, it’s always better to make cuts elsewhere and invest in what’s essential – and that’s your human resources. 

(Even if that means taking a pay cut yourself.)

3. Delegate tasks, create functional teams, and develop a sense of belonging in the workplace

Now that you’ve got the right people on your side, you need to get them working on the right tasks.

Task delegation is essential if you want to save resources and have your employees perform efficiently in teams. 

Source: Pixabay

And that’s the other thing – with turbulent times ahead, teams that work well are what will keep you afloat.  

What we mean by that is that having a functioning team, as opposed to one where people aren’t actively collaborating, is what can make or break a business during a recession.


Because if you’ve made layoffs and you’re left with very few people where each of them is handling large chunks of workload – if just one of them leaves, you’re left in a tough position where you can’t quickly replace them and no one else can pick up where they’ve left off.

Having a functional team means providing training to all of them, all while ensuring that they’re sharing skills and knowledge among themselves. 

Just be wary of creating a sense that everyone is replaceable just because anyone in the office can do their job. 

Let your employees know how valuable they are, promote positive relationships between colleagues, and work on creating a sense of belonging in the workplace. 

That’s how you boost the share of ideas, the morale, and that’s how you meet your common objectives.  

4. Have liquid assets to cover your business in emergencies

Think about the predictable, short-term expenses that your business might have. When turbulent times arrive, you want to cover those first.

To ensure that you’ve got the means to handle these expenses, you’ll want to have enough cash on hand.

Get a loan early, before the rates skyrocket. 

Look into short-term financing options, such as invoice factoring, to speed up the payments. 

Secure a line of credit.

If you’ve got savings, tap into them. If you’ve got stock holdings, liquidate them. 

Borrowing money can help your business survive the tough times, but be mindful of the losses you could face if you default on payments. 

5. Cut costs where you can

Turbulent times are the perfect opportunity to take a look at your company’s income statement and identify the recurring expenses that are putting a dent in your budget.

The most important recurring expenses you should focus on are the smaller ones, as they tend to be overlooked when times are good, but can quickly add up.

For example, consider the equipment and office supply costs. 

Ask yourself questions like:

  • Does your office really need a revamp now? 
  • Can the branded products that you use be replaced with generic ones? 
  • Are any of your supplies recyclable?
  • Can you reduce the amount of paper that you use?

Monitor which of the supplies are used the most by your staff and which get wasted. Ask your employees for feedback and suggestions regarding cost control. 

Another area in which you can make cuts is in the supplies used to make your products. 

However, you want to be mindful of the impact these cuts may have on the quality of the finished product, as that is something you want to avoid. 

One thing you could do is to keep the same supplies, but use fewer of them per piece of product. Then, you can sell that product at reduced size or quantity, at the same price. That’s shrinkflation, for you! 

Source: Pixabay

6. Go remote 

While we’re on the topic of cutting recurring expenses, here’s a larger cut that you could make and completely transform your business.

Go remote.

China’s largest travel agency, Ctrip, has managed to reduce office costs by $1,250 annually per employee by introducing telework. 

Remote work, in certain industries, is even seen as a determining factor in employees choosing whether they want to work for a certain company. This shift is most notable in the IT sector.

Still, going fully digital requires quite a few changes in your business model. 

For starters, if you’re a retailer relying on customers who physically visit your stores, you’ll want to set up an e-commerce store with an online order system. 

Then, you’ll want to communicate this change, along with your brand’s values, to your consumer base. This means building a presence online, including on social media platforms. 

You’ll also want to consider the infrastructure of your remote work, to ensure that:

  • Your staff has the necessary equipment, tools, and training to work from home
  • Your key data is secure
  • Your team members can communicate effectively with one another
  • Your company culture remains positive

7. Reconsider your business offer 

Historically, consumers in a recession tend to spend most of their money on essentials while seeking out bargains and cheaper alternatives to branded products.

If you aren’t selling things that people can’t live without, expect to be hit harder by the recession. 

Sure, you could give discounts, but this will only get you so far if people don’t have money to spend on luxuries. 

So, what can you do?

Well, you can adapt. 

And by adapt, we mean to change your business offer. 

Look at that inventory of yours. Look at the supplies used to make your product.

What else can you use them for? How can you repurpose them to make something useful for your customers?

Remember: tough times don’t last forever. If you find a way to help your community survive the tough times, they’ll remember it and reward you with loyalty once the crisis ends. 


When things get hard, it’s important to remain positive. 

Remember that there isn’t just one, but many solutions that can keep your business running. However, if you lose your cool, you’ll blink and miss them.

The post How do you Ensure your Business Runs Smoothly in Turbulent Times? appeared first on noupe.

Proven Reasons Why Domain Name is Important for SEO and Marketing Strategies

Every company needs a domain name for its internet presence. Think about it: a phone number, a street address, and an email address are all part of how your customers find you when they want to contact you. 

What’s the best domain name for your business? 

A domain name has many benefits. It helps with search engine optimization (SEO) and online marketing by giving your website or blog a memorable URL that can be linked across social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. 

A good domain name also increases customer trust in your company because it appears more professional. Plus, it’s easier to remember than an IP address!

SEO and marketing are the new languages of business. But without an effective domain name, it can be really difficult for your website to rank at the top of search engines. 

Creating a memorable domain is crucial to your success. What if your domain name is hard to pronounce? Or what if it has some misspellings? These are just some of the problems that you might encounter when trying to create the perfect domain name for your business.

Domain names are so important for SEO and marketing strategies. It’s a big part of what you need to do to be successful. But why is the domain name so important? How does it work? 

This blog post will answer any questions you may have about domain names and reveal their importance to the success of your business.

What is a Domain Name?

In technical terms, a domain name is a website address, such as or, that uniquely identifies an online location on the World Wide Web.

Simply put, a domain name is like the address of your website. It’s what people type into their browser to get to you. 

You want your website address to be easy for people to remember and find. 

Photo by Sam Battaglieri on Unsplash

A good domain name will help you rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPS) and get more traffic. 

When choosing your domain name, think about what it means for your company and pick something that represents you or your brand well but makes it easy for people to remember where they found you when they decide to visit again later on!

Choosing the perfect domain name is not an easy task. You need to take your brand into account, as well as your customers and what they are looking for. But once you find the perfect name, it will be worth it. 

A good domain name can make or break your online identity, branding, and marketing campaigns.

With these benefits, you must do some research on how to choose a domain name for your business or personal ventures so that you get the best possible results for your marketing strategy.

The Importance of Domain Names

Domain names are important for many different reasons. A domain name can help you rank higher on search engines like Google, Yahoo!, and Bing. 

It can also help you generate more traffic to your website. This is because of the domain name’s direct correlation with keywords.

If you want your website to rank high on search engines, then you must choose your domain name wisely. You want to pick a name that has relevant keywords so people will be able to find you when they search for those topics.

For example, if your business was an online flower shop called “Pretty Petals,” then would be a good domain name because the words “flower” and “shop” are in it. 

Those words are relevant to flowers and florists, which is what this company sells! That means more people will be able to find this website through Google or other search engines.

As for marketing, having a strong domain name helps with conversion rates as customers trust brands with easy-to-remember domains more than they trust brands without them.

The Good Web Presence

With a great domain name comes a great web presence. You owe it to your business and your customers to have a superb web design to justify being on top. 

However, spending all that time and energy picking the right name takes a toll on a business. The best option would be to outsource. Have a custom web design company do a custom web design that you will love. 

Some things you can do on your own, but others, like web design, you should leave to the professionals to make sure your website is the star of the show!

Tips on How to Pick a Domain Name

Keyword domains significantly restrict your options unless you’re launching a new website or altering the domain name to something different for branding purposes. 

The domain name you choose is a permanent part of your organization, and if you make a mistake, you may be unable to expand or change direction if your company evolves.

Choosing a domain name carefully is essential so that you don’t limit yourself excessively. You wouldn’t want to restrict yourself to a single idea.

If you haven’t done keyword research to determine what people are looking for, try to refrain from buying a keyword domain at random, as it might be a complete waste of money. 

Instead, with minimal research, try to incorporate as many keywords as you can in the domain name, making sure not to overdo it. Google likes to penalize keyword stuffing.

However, if you are still unsure how to pick a name, here are some useful guidelines:

  • Keep it short: You want to be able to remember the domain name without needing to type it in again.
  • Make it easy: Make sure your domain name is easy to spell and is not too long (try not to go over ten words).
  • Keep it unique: Don’t use any common words or names in your domain name. This will make your website easier for people to find when they’re searching online.
  • Avoid hyphens: If you need a hyphenated word, try using an underscore (_) instead, or just divide the word into two parts and add them together. For example, “surf_board” becomes “surfboard”

How Does Your Domain Name Affect Your SEO?

If you want your website to rank higher on search engines, then you need to make sure that the domain name is optimized for SEO.

Photo by Myriam Jessier on Unsplash

Understanding the domain name’s basic anatomy and how each portion contributes to SEO is essential. 

Optimizing the root domain – the component of the domain before the extension – is the next step once you’ve selected a respectable registrar and a trustworthy hosting provider.

Start by identifying your most important keywords. Incorporate a relevant term into your domain name if it feels appropriate to do so. The search engines will be able to better associate your business with your specialization if this is done. 

If you want your domain to stand out and be remembered, you should avoid using digits and special characters.

Purchasing a domain name like will help your website rank higher than if you had purchased or This will result in more page views and more traffic coming to your site.

How Does Your Domain Name Affect Marketing Strategies?

Your domain name is important for your marketing and SEO strategies. Domain names affect where customers find you on the web, how customers interact with you on the web, and how customers feel about you and your brand. 

If all of these elements are not working well together, your domain name could be hurting your business more than helping it.

If people are unable to easily find you on the web, they’ll never make it to your site or business even if they wanted to. This would be bad for SEO because fewer people will see your site in search engines. 

If people are having trouble finding your site or interacting with it, they won’t want to visit again later because there was a difficult experience the first time around. 

And finally, if people don’t think well of you or feel good about coming back to visit again later because of your domain name – that’s also not good for business!

Making Use of the Domain Name for Anchor Texts

To improve your search engine optimization efforts, you must build a diverse backlink portfolio of URLs pointing back to your website from other websites. 

Guest posting on other authority sites in your field might help you attain your goal, so consider doing so. 

Having said that, you should bear in mind that having the correct domain name and extension may help you develop rich anchor texts that will genuinely urge people to click on them and visit your website. 

This will also inform Google that you have something truly useful to offer the online public.


A domain name is the web address of your website. It is important because it is what people will type in to get to your site. 

It is vital to make sure you have the correct domain name to help your site rank higher in search engine rankings and be found by more people.

It’s also good to use relevant keywords that people search for in your domain name to help it rank higher in search engines.

You can be as specific as you want or opt to use just the area name and expertise so that you don’t put any constraints on your business as it grows and changes.

The post Proven Reasons Why Domain Name is Important for SEO and Marketing Strategies appeared first on noupe.

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