Light painting has always wowed audiences, right from it’s inception in the 1930s. Light painting is a photographic technique, whereby exposures are usually taken at night or in a darkened environment, using a moving light source or by moving the camera.

Light painting can create some truly astonishing outcomes, and because it’s a photographic technique, rather than a digital technique the results often appear very natural. In recent years light painting has grown in popularity as a trend. With easy access to professional camera setups many people are able to experiment with it.

This popularity has resulted in some impressive, and not so impressive pieces being created. Pretty sure you’ve all seen photos online of objects outlined by a shaky light source, or even more popular; hand made ‘light typography’, much of which isn’t very legible, or attractive.

At Noupe we know that you enjoy the highest quality in art and design, and so wanted to present some true masters of light painting. These guys have taken a widespread medium and taken it to the next level. Every image is a true work of art, with a tremendous attention to detail and great photographic talent. We’ve included artist’s with very diverse styles, so you can get a true idea of how varied light painting can be.

Jaw Dropping Light Paintings From the Masters:

Eric Staller’s Light Paintings

What can we say about Eric Stallers work? Well ‘wow’ was the initial reaction after stumbling upon his portfolio. Eric uses light painting to give a magical feeling to ordinary landscapes and cityscapes. Each of his works hint at the complexities in his process, as detailed streams of light flow seamlessly around manmade sculptures and structures.

What is most impressive about Eric’s work is how he doesn’t simply apply streaks of light, but applies them like one would a paintbrush. His light strokes vary in width, density and brightness. Many of his compositions rely on bold, eye-catching structural outlines, mixed with delicate, elegant more subtle lines of light. He takes the ordinary and makes it something truly special.

You certainly should check out Eric’s book ‘OUT OF MY MIND’ at his website.

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Aurora Crowley Light Paintings

Aurora Crowley has a wonderful eye for photography, and uses light paintings to enhance her already superb photography skills. Much of her portfolio is comprised of fashion-type shots, featuring versions of the human form, adorned with luxurious clothing and jewelry.

Rather than simply painting light against a plain or dark background, Aurora uses light to enhance her work, rather than to define it. She frequently uses multi-colored light sources to overlay slick, artistic lines over her models. Light often emphasizes the clothing/jewelry worn by her subjects. For example, in the works below we see light extending the contours of a dress, rising up from a handbag like smoke, branching out from sunglasses like a kaleidoscope or trailing off from a futuristic bracelet. She is a great example of not overdoing an art form, as light painting is often overdone these days.

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Light Art Photography by JanLeonardo Wöllert

JanLeonardo is another wonderful artist who utilizes light painting. He generally focuses on sparse landscapes or barren interiors of buildings. He has a wonderful sense of space and structure in his work, and really feeds off of the surrounding architecture with his light markings.

Due to the sparse nature of his settings, we really get a sense of the light filling the space, and more often than not totally transforming it. Typically Jan avoids isolated light structures, rather preferring his light to spread throughout the setting, totally overwhelming it. In many of his pieces the light structures flow seamlessly through the structures of the background, giving a highly naturalistic feeling, with futuristic undertones.

Due to his photographic expertise Jan is able to create a wonderful harmony between the photography and the light painting, with neither medium detracting from the other.

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Jason D. Page

Jason D. Page is yet another talented light painter. He uses light typically in outdoor landscapes to create a magical, abstract feeling to his work.

Jason has a great sense of space and contour, and his light often flows throughout his chosen landscapes with effortlessness and grace. He frequently uses backgrounds with an almost muted, pastel quality to them, whereby his light painting attracts far more attention. Whilst the light is certainly what grabs us the most, it also enhances the surrounding environments, giving them a surreal glow. A great example of how professionally done light painting can add a special little something extra to a standard setting.

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