Tag: Web Design

How On-Campus Housing Security Is Transforming Thanks to Technology

For many, living on campus during college is an integral part of the university experience. Social engagement and academic sharing by living on campus enable students to enrich this period of higher education. Thanks to on-campus residence, students can access multiple educational extras including seminars, conferences and lectures, libraries, sporting activities, and university clubs. Communal living permits students to form lifelong friendships with peers and form closer relationships with faculty members.

Fortunately, residential technological advancements are not just limited to private residences, apartment complexes, or hotels. Now universities are integrating technological solutions into on-campus dorms to improve comfort, efficiency, and security.

Security is one of the principal concerns for parents when children leave for university. Violent crimes and mass shootings experienced across the nation at schools and on college campuses have shocked and worried families sending sons and daughters off to college.

Access Control for Increased Student Safety

Technological advances now permit the use of fobs, keypads, keycards, and mobile entry credentials. Keyless door locks now eliminate the need for students to carry keys or keycards. Doors can be opened using biometric scans or credentials in a smartphone app. This increases property protection, impedes unauthorized access, and significantly reduces the need to change locks because of lost, stolen, or misplaced keys. 

Access to common areas such as fitness centers, student lounges, study rooms, or pools can be equipped with secure entrance technology facilitating controlled entrance to all areas within on-campus housing facilities.

Technological security access systems also provide several other benefits such as logging who enters and exits a building and facilitating rapid entrance thanks to automation. 

Anomalies such as repeated use of entry credentials can be quickly identified and verified alerting university officials if access credentials have been stolen, cloned, or shared.

Cloud-based access control systems permit remote management from anywhere so that doors can be locked and unlocked at any time from anywhere eliminating the risk of students being locked out and vulnerable. 

Stolen credentials can immediately be disabled so that they cannot be used by bad actors. Credentials granted to service providers and maintenance professionals can be deactivated once tasks have been completed.

Security Video Monitoring

Campus security has always been a priority at educational institutions, but today’s generation of students has grown up in a world where video recording is the norm everywhere. This facilitates the use of video security monitoring within and around dormitory buildings. While privacy does remain a concern, pathways, parking lots, entrances, and exits that are a part of university housing facilities should all benefit from video security surveillance cameras with these areas benefiting from proper lighting. 

Now school video security monitoring systems integrate AI. This permits universities to use automation to monitor potentially suspicious behavior in real-time. Causes for worry can be identified rapidly with alerts sent to security personnel facilitating immediate intervention. Emergency responses become proactive instead of reactive. This greater level of monitoring helps to create a safer environment for students.

University dormitory administrators are also able to identify occupancy rates and times as well as usage patterns. This information can lead to better use of housing resources such as water and electricity increasing efficiency, reducing waste, and saving money.

Security video monitoring systems can integrate biometric facial recognition to improve access control efficiency and increase housing security. These systems can also be programmed to send security alerts informing residential managers and security personnel of a need for immediate intervention should unauthorized entrances be attempted, or suspicious behavior be detected.

Cloud-based video systems can permit security personnel or residential managers to view video feeds from school security camera systems remotely using mobile devices and video analytics can send notifications to security staff and local authorities.

Dorms Are Smarter

Thanks to greater connectivity, the IoT – Internet of Things together with machine learning algorithms and AI are able to collect massive amounts of data and analyze it in real time. Residential managers and building administrators can improve property management and services offered. For example, heating and cooling systems can be better managed thanks to data collection and analysis of energy consumption and occupancy patterns. Smart lighting for increased security can be tailored to meet traffic flow. Automated rapid access controls reduce building entrance time and security procedures are improved thanks to data collection and analysis.

Data collection and analysis through IoT also allows for quicker maintenance and upkeep. Smoke, carbon monoxide, and fire detection sensors can alert authorities and first responders immediately. Heating and cooling systems can signal malfunctions in real time so that repairs can be addressed promptly.

Improved Connectivity

Students require better, faster, and more reliable Wi-Fi connections along with cellular signals. Apart from completing coursework, greater reliability in connectivity also permits students to remain in contact with friends and family members, alleviating parent worries. 

Campus dorms are now boosting connectivity with better networks and routers. Students benefit from stronger signals for personal needs but so do security processes and personnel. Better connectivity permits those responsible for security and safety to benefit from monitoring without interruption and to use remote security solutions such as lockdowns should the need arise.

Alarm Systems

While alarm systems are regularly used for smoke, fire, and carbon monoxide detection, student security does not end with these three threats. Alarm systems can notify students and administrators of unauthorized accesses or break-ins, intrusions, broken glass, gunshots, and dangers in general.

Cloud-based alarm systems send out mobile alerts in real-time and offer the possibility to program automatic lockdowns or evacuations when called for. Internal and external locks can be managed to contain specific threats to a limited area within the dormitory.

All Things Considered 

Security technology now aids administrators and college security personnel in providing a safer environment for university students. Parents can feel better about their children being away at college. Thanks to technological advancements being adopted within university housing, students enjoy a better-quality residential experience. Safety and security are increased allowing students to enjoy their university experience while focusing on their studies.

Featured image by Adrien Olichon on Unsplash

The post How On-Campus Housing Security Is Transforming Thanks to Technology appeared first on noupe.

4 Common Recruitment Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Corporate leaders and hiring managers are being pressed to exhibit tremendous patience, creativity, and determination right now. As of May 2023, the U.S. labor market is experiencing a serious glut of job seekers. According to government statistics, there are more than four million positions than there are available workers. In other words, it’s still very difficult to get people to even apply for advertisements, let alone fill seats.

There are countless reasons for the labor shortage. The Great Resignation (or Migration, as some call it), has certainly affected recruitment efforts. When people know they’re needed, they’re less likely to accept the first job they’re offered. And though mass resignations are expected to drop by the end of 2023, they’re still happening. Another factor has been a change in the way professionals want to work. When Slack conducted a survey on virtual work arrangements, 94% of respondents said they wanted remote options. That’s a hard sell for some companies and in specific careers like healthcare and manufacturing.

Of course, this doesn’t mean you’re without choices if you have openings to fill. You just need to acknowledge your biggest recruitment challenges and then find ways to bypass them. To help you start, consider the following hiring conundrums and how to overcome them.

Challenge #1: You can’t find qualified applicants.

You post on all the same job boards that have worked like a charm before. But your results? Well, they’re not exactly what you want. You keep getting hits from candidates who don’t even have the basic skills or experience you need. That’s a problem, because you can’t wait forever to build out your dream team and start to scale.

The first strategy to take if you’re in this boat is to consider hiring people overseas. As long as the work can be done anywhere by the right person, you’re good to go global. The only potential snag is that you’ll want to plan ahead. Bringing aboard employees from other countries requires a knowledgeable partner’s legal and financial savvy. For example, Oyster offers automated global hiring management assistance for its customers. Join forces with a global employment platform like Oyster and you won’t have to worry about being compliant with foreign regulations and rules. You’ll just get to expand your talent pool while mitigating your risks. 

The second strategy is to try novel recruitment methods. You might want to search for potentially qualified people on LinkedIn and send them a “cold call” note. Or, you could try smaller, niche job sites like those aimed at minority worker groups. Even if you get just a few more hits than usual, you’ll be ahead of where you would have been.

Challenge #2: You lose tons of candidates throughout the interview process.

It’s happened again: You’ve found some amazing applicants who’ve submitted their resumes. As your hiring team looks over all the candidates’ information, you get pretty excited. Why wouldn’t you, when you have so many possibilities? Yet by the time you reach the one-on-one interview stage, most of those candidates have gone elsewhere. The result? You have to start the process over again — and you’ve lost lots of time.

If this challenge sounds far too familiar, you probably have to take a look at your hiring journey. Many corporations have made it very time-consuming to move applicants through the hiring process. They’re not trying to be difficult, of course. They want to make sure they don’t end up with a bad fit. Nevertheless, their hesitation winds up hurting them in the long run because candidates don’t want to wait. According to Indeed, the average after-interview response time from company to interviewee is 24 days. Even if you’re in that sweet spot, consider moving more quickly.

With so many jobs available, high performers will take the best offer they get. Even if you can only shave a few days or a week off your hiring, you could see instant improvement. Be sure not to scale back too much, but do consider where you can tighten everything.

Challenge #3: Applicants don’t have the skill sets you want.

You’ve been advertising some positions for weeks. You’re getting resumes, which is good. However, you’re not getting anyone with all the skill sets you want. Although you’ve made requirements clear in your advertisement, you’re not seeing those requirements reflected in applications. What gives?

The answer may not be one you want to hear, but it’s one you need to consider: Your bar may be too high. In other words, you’re trying to get a unicorn employee. Do unicorn employees exist? Perhaps in some universe, but your chances of seeing one may be lower than you presumed. Consequently, you’re better off looking for someone who can be trained on the skill sets you want.

Think of this as a switch to hiring based on a talent’s potential. You’re seeking someone not with all the qualifications intact but with the characteristics to learn. It’s not a matter of lowering your standards, though. You’ll need to set up a training plan for the person you hire. That’s okay and may actually make you a more appealing prospective employer. More than six out of 10 workers would trade their loyalty for the opportunity to upskill on their company’s dime.

Challenge #4: Diverse candidates just don’t seem to be interested in working at your company.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) have become an important part of the mission of many companies. Yet it’s hard to foster support for DEI initiatives if you’re not hiring people from historically underrepresented populations. If you’ve seen no uptick in the diversity of your candidates, you may need to make some changes.

Initially, look at your job description. Are you using biased language unintentionally? Your advertisements and postings could sound perfectly reasonable to you but be a “turnoff” to diverse candidates. Even using terms like “rockstar” or adding gendered language to your job postings could be having an adverse effect. Now may be the perfect time to review everything you’re posting to spot any unintentionally biased or coded phrasings.

Next, revamp your worker sourcing. Look for untapped candidate pools that focus on Black candidates, Latinx candidates, veterans, LGBTQ+ applicants, and job seekers from other diverse communities. You may even want to consider advertising on specific diverse platforms or to social media groups. Done well, this can boost your application numbers representing more diverse talent backgrounds and abilities.

Recruiting isn’t the easiest task in the world, that’s certain. However, it’s possible to refine your processes so you can fill positions more dependably and with great people.

Image by yanalya on Freepik

The post 4 Common Recruitment Challenges and How to Overcome Them appeared first on noupe.

The Role of Social Media in Building Brand Awareness

Bob: Hey, Rob! What do you do?

Rob: I have a brand of my own. 

Bob: Oh, what’s the name?

Rob: It’s called “X”. 

Bob: Okay, where can I find it?

Rob: Here, at this address. 

Bob: Umm, I meant which social platform…

Moral of the story: If your brand is not on social media, your brand practically doesn’t exist to your audience. 

Besides, Data Reportal said that 75% of web surfers use social media to research brands. 

So, if you are reading this thinking about how to get more inbound sales for your brand – maybe, it’s time to tell your audience that you have a brand.

Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting out, it’s crucial to understand how social media can help you build brand awareness and grow your business.

Wondering how you can do that? 

Well, then, you’re at the right place. We will not only tell you why you should use social media for brand awareness, but you will get a perfect roadmap to do that. 

Let’s dive in!

Why Should You Use Social Media for Brand Awareness?

Brings your brand to the spotlight

There are almost 300,000 new brands issued every year – what are the chances of your brand surviving now? 

Almost, none if it’s out of your audience’s sight. 

But, social media, if implemented with the right strategy, can bring your brand to the spotlight of its ideal audience. 

From vertical videos to scroll-worthy carousels and even some longer text posts and trending hashtags – you get the chance to express your brand voice & reach out to potential customers by just hitting the “Post now” button.

The easiest part? You don’t even have to sit and post each content every day. There are a number of social media automation tools available out there where you can schedule all your months in one go! 

Lets You Connect with a Wider Audience

Remember the heart of Iron Man’s suit (without which he couldn’t function)? 

The scenario is pretty much the same when it comes to your brand. It cannot function without its heart, i.e. its ideal audience.

And when your goal is to build brand awareness – this is even more evident.

On social media, you get to have a real-time conversation with your audience, reply to their comments, and even slide into their DMs (in a non-creepy way, of course!).

When you evolve as a responsive & interactive brand on social media – you can foster trustworthy relationships with your audience, build a community around your brand’s presence & even establish yourself as an authority. 

Builds Your Brand’s Personality

Without a unique personality, your brand is just a name out in the cloud. However, with social media, you can establish a unique brand identity, get creative and even play a little humor. 

It is your brand’s personality that can help you stand out from the crowd and leave a long-lasting impression on your audience’s mind – which will keep them coming back!

Have you seen how Sephora does it?

Source: Instagram

Even though Sephora’s business model is all about beauty and wellness products worldwide – they go steps further in their socials and features tutorials to influencer collaborations and more. 

And guess what? That’s what differentiates Sephora from other brands in the same niché! 

If you still haven’t figured out a personality for your brand or are confused about it – try out social listening tools like Hootsuite to know how your competitors are doing it.

If you’re just starting out and do not want to invest in a premium tool right away, there are many Hootsuite alternatives you can go for – that get the job done without the pocket pinch. 

Reduces revenue investment 

Compared to other paid channels of brand promotions, social media is quite cheaper – and that too, without compromising on the benefits you can reap. 

In fact, there are a number of brands that have built such a great social media presence that they don’t spend a single penny on paid ads or promotions. And are still successfully generating leads!

Not only will you save on your investment budget, but your sales cycle will also be comparatively shorter – because you have already educated & nurtured your audience on your socials. 

Boosts Your Brand Credibility

Okay, you have a brand. So, does the 3 million other founders – how will your audience know if it’s credible?

Well, there are ample harder ways to get it done – let’s talk about the easier one then; which is – promoting user-generated content on your social channel. 

When the mass audience sees your customers giving positive feedback about your brand,- there won’t be any room for second thoughts. The feedback can come in many formats – from vertical shorts to written reviews, and even static before and after images. This is called customer retention marketing which prevents any sort of customer churn.

Your Roadmap to Using Social Media for Building Brand Awareness

Go for Value Over Anything Else

Social media works much like Newton’s third law of motion – “To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction“

You give your audience crap, you get crap back. 

You give value to your audience, you get rewarded with engagement/sales. 

So, create content that doesn’t only resonate with your audience’s pain points – but also ensures they are reaping value from it.

Because your audience will only remember your brand when they get something of value from you.

If you still aren’t sure whether your audience is finding your content engaging enough, try using the best social media analytics tools to track your social media curve. 

Say It With A Compelling Story

Who doesn’t love a good story? So, why not leverage the same for your brand! 

It’s your chance to develop a compelling brand narrative that’s clear, concise & resonates with your ideal audience. 

What’s best – if your brand really has a solid story to tell, like ‘rags to riches’ or something similar. Make sure your audience sees it and knows about it! 

Engage, Engage, Engage

Source: Twitter

It will be an amateur move to consider that your ideal audience is seeing or interacting with your content. 

No matter how great the hashtags are or how aligned the content is, almost half of your audience is not even aware of it. 

So, how do you reach out to all your audience?

Well, that’s where engagement comes in. 

Make a list of your ideal lead profiles and start engaging with them every day – or at least twice every day. 

You can comment on their posts, reply to their stories or slide into their DMs (but not in a creepy way!) – all these will ensure that you always stay at the top of your audience’s mind.

Collaborate with Influencers

If you thought influencer marketing was just for B2C – we are sorry to break your bubble – because B2Bs have a similar share in it. 

And partnering with influencers is a great way to boost your brand’s visibility on social media. 

Go ahead, and find influencers in your industry who have a moderate to huge following and an engaging audience – and collaborate with them to create content that resonates with your audience & promotes your brand.


Now, you get it? 

While other channels like blogs and podcasts still work great for building brand awareness – social media brings you faster in front of your audience. 

And, for your brand to survive the hustle & bustle online and still bring in revenue – there’s no alternative to building brand awareness on social media.

Featured image by Loc Dang

The post The Role of Social Media in Building Brand Awareness appeared first on noupe.

5 Best CRO Tips for B2B SaaS Websites

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) denotes strategies to persuade website visitors to become clients. What influences customers’ shopping behavior? In the world of B2B SaaS, you need to present a product that serves the following primary purposes:

  • enhancing business performance;
  • solving common pain points;
  • increasing sales;
  • reducing costs;
  • providing a team with the needed capabilities that are easy to comprehend.

But even having the best and most useful product doesn’t guarantee conversions. You need to succeed in the challenging CRO process, improving the user experience on the website and removing any barriers on the purchase journey. For example, online store owners follow eCommerce UX design best practices to achieve it. What can a B2B SaaS company do?

A great customer experience begins with understanding the path a potential buyer follows when interacting with a brand. It involves all of the company’s points of contact with a prospect. Ideally, these paths should be well thought through from many perspectives: UX\UI, sales, and marketing, to name a few.

By investing time in conversion rate optimization, a company can pave the optimal way for a potential client to buy more. In this article, you’ll find out what software as a service (SaaS) companies can do to increase their website’s conversions.

1. Analyze Your Landing Pages

B2B clients need more time to convert compared to direct consumers. They avoid impulsive purchases, so having a good landing page with essential information about the product is a must for a B2B SaaS company. These are pages intended to trigger a particular action:

  • subscribing to an email newsletter;
  • signing up for a demo version of the software;
  • opting in for a trial period;
  • buying the tool.

So they should be powerful in marketing terms. Here are some pointers for designing a landing page:

  • Let people sign in with a single click.
  • Use a strong copy, with headlines and subheadings defining your unique value proposition (UVP).
  • Include engaging elements, such as videos, to tell about your product more.
  • Highlight the benefits for a potential business client (not only the features of the product/service).
  • Reduce doubts and increase trust with social proof (testimonials, achievements, awards, partners, etc.).
  • Personalize communication with pronouns and tailored content.
  • Remove the website’s navigation from a landing page to double the conversion rate.

FreshBooks increases the number of conversions by stating the ability to cancel subscriptions and not to insert credit card data. It also displays product ratings and reviews. At the bottom of the page, there is a Frequently Asked Questions section and product benefits for businesses, helping prospects decide.

Screenshot taken on the official FreshBooks website

2. Give an Idea About Your Product with a Short Free Trial

Gaining awareness of your product and stimulating interest in it typically constitutes the first step in lead generation. That’s where the opportunity to test the software becomes of the utmost importance. If you neglect this step, most consumers will skip your product and turn to your competitors. As most SaaS companies provide an opportunity to run the product for free, you need to follow their suit.

In light of this, work on improving visitor-to-free trial/freemium conversions. It includes offering a complete product for a brief period (a trial) or providing a minimal, non-time-limited version of your product (freemium). So customers will need to either pay for the service after a certain period or complete access to all features without any limitations or watermarks.

A case in point is MailChimp, a marketing platform for small businesses. You can utilize the tool for free, but it’s limited to 2,500 monthly emails sent, one user, and some advanced features.

Screenshot taken on the official MailChimp website

People need to understand the tool fast. Ensure a smooth onboarding process. Let consumers complete their tasks and get to grips with the software to encourage them to purchase it for a longer time. The bottom line is that the product should solve customer problems before the end of the trial. That’s where the following tips may help:

  • display the value of the products with the help of metrics and reports;
  • instill a sense of urgency when the trial is coming to an end;
  • follow up with those who don’t subscribe to discover reasons for abandoning the service.

3. Use Clear Calls-to-Action

Suppose you’ve convinced visitors to subscribe or buy. Where should they click to get the desired solution? To encourage visitors to stay on a website and submit a contact form with an inquiry or download a whitepaper, include the CTA to catch their attention immediately. While it may seem obvious, organizing the CTA is a critical step on the CRO list. Take this information into consideration when improving CTAs:

  • These can be links or buttons, leading people to other sales funnel stages. 
  • They may differ in prominence, with the most important being highlighted.
  • As clicking the button denotes conversion, you need to place them front and center on your pages.
  • The wording should be understandable and give clear directions.
  • Generate FOMO by advertising innovative features or limited-time deals.
  • CTAs should be concise, stating the product value in several words.

Look at how DocuSign emphasizes CTAs by increasing their size or spacing them out. This strategy is especially successful as there are minimum elements in the above-the-fold area.

Screenshot taken on the official DocuSign website

4. Cut Down on Your Lead Form Fields

Analyze your website forms. Is all information necessary to initiate the first contact with your company? Stick to the minimal number of fields. Allow users to complete them in a couple of seconds. Ask for the essential information only and make it up to clients whether to insert some details. For example, asterisks above specific fields will denote their importance. You may either hide the rest in accordions, remove them, or leave them without any marks.

Zoho enables prospects to sign up by inserting an email address, password, and country. But there is a quicker path. You can use a Google or Microsoft account to access Zoho CRM.

Screenshot taken on the official Zoho website

The fewer fields you show, the higher your chances of converting people into customers. If it’s necessary to collect such information, try separating forms across several pages. According to statistics, choosing multi-page over single-page forms can increase conversions from 4.53% to 13.85%.

In most cases, successful conversion in B2B SaaS will involve starting a conversation with your sales team, not purchasing. Keeping that in mind, you need to reduce the effort of making an appointment.

5. Practice A/B Testing

What should you pay the most attention to in terms of marketing? Your messages. A\B testing gives a great hand at determining which elements, phrases, and layouts bring back a higher response. As such, using tools such as Visual Website Optimizer and similar, you can test the components on your landing pages to get an insight into customer behavior. These include calls to action, color schemes, texts, and visuals.

Such variation test campaigns allow for splitting your audience and showing them different options. For instance, you can build a hypothesis on the wording used for sign-up forms or even the subject lines of your newsletter send-outs.

As the business grows, you may conduct polls and surveys or analyze heatmaps to gather user feedback on your business. Implement the results on your touchpoints, including the website, app, social media, email, etc. It can involve making minor adjustments like changing the look of your landing pages or adding CTAs that are simpler, clearer, and more effective at boosting conversion rates.

You may find out what works best by comparing the results of gathered data like the number of clicks, downloads, filled-out forms, etc. You can also discover the bottlenecks that need fixing and underperforming solutions to replace. This way, your marketing efforts will bring back a more effective resonance.

By analyzing data of this kind, you can optimize the customer journey map and build stronger relationships with your clients. Not to mention that such an approach saves marketing resources and gets a better return on investment.

Major Takeaways

B2B SaaS companies should start optimizing their websites and solutions for conversions by analyzing customer psychology. What do people seek when inserting specific keywords in search and landing on your page? Leverage website analytics and tools to determine their interests and pain points.

We’ve described several ways to enhance conversion rates and sales, such as:

  • organizing landing pages;
  • adding a free version of the software to evaluate it before buying;
  • improving CTAs, their position, color, wording, and so on;
  • simplifying the registration process;
  • finding the best variant with the help of A/B testing, website analysis, and heat mapping.

Generate high-quality content and ensure website usability. Attract the target audience and solve people’s problems. If you follow these pieces of advice in addition to the CRO best practices, you will get more qualified leads for your B2B SaaS business.

Featured image by Stephen Phillips – Hostreviews.co.uk on Unsplash

The post 5 Best CRO Tips for B2B SaaS Websites appeared first on noupe.

20 Key Influencer Marketing Statistics to Help You Shape Your Strategy in 2023

For many marketers, an influencer marketing strategy is a no-brainer. The others are still deciding on the worth of influencer marketing. 

Both are perfectly right in their own way: After all, the importance of influencer marketing “depends” on the type of industry you’re in and the kind of work you do. 

However, if you’ve never dipped your toe in the world of influencer marketing but are eager to learn more, we’ve got some jaw-dropping statistics that’ll help you shape your strategy in 2023.  

Please note: We’ve only noted the statistics acquired from studies conducted between 2021–2023 to ensure relevancy.

Let’s dive in.  

Key statistics to shape up your influencer strategy 

1. When asked to share a budget, 23% of marketers planned to spend 40% of their marketing budget on influencer marketing, whereas the average majority (25%), planned to dedicate 10–20% of their budget. (Source)

Some marketers leverage AI to cut down costs. There are tools that help to find potential candidates in a short period of time, plus writing tools can help develop guidelines and brand books to make the partnership seamless. 

Tools like Klear, Chat GPT, and specialized writing tools for marketing and sales content, for instance, are some valuable resources marketing teams can leverage to save time and money. However, it is crucial to check for features and specifications in advance to choose the right toolset. For those looking in for tools in the content space, online reviews like this one on Jasper.ai vs. Copy.ai are helpful. 

2. 43% of brands spend less than $10k/year (US Dollars) on influencer marketing. However, there are a few who spend more than $500k. (Source)

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3. Instagram is the most popular channel for influencer marketing, with 87% of marketers and 90% of creators planning to increase their presence there. (Source)

4. According to a 2022 survey (whose respondents were mainly brands and PR and marketing agencies), 54% of the organizations said they worked with up to 10 influencers, and 3% said they worked with 1000+ influencers. (Source)

5. In 2023, brands plan to decrease their spending on the following platforms: Snapchat (73%), Twitter (58%), Pinterest (43%), etc. (Source)

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6. Zara, Shein, and Instagram are the most talked-about brands on Instagram. (Source

This indicates the audiences there place importance on fashion, which means if you’re in the fashion business and you sell products like leather jackets and linen suits, partnerships with creators on Instagram may be an exceptionally good strategy for you. You can get a lot of valuable data for earned media and social media mentions and utilize this data for your HubSpot lead scoring, which will help you get more conversions in the end. 

7. In 2022, brands placed importance on the following metrics when partnering with influencers: engagement rates (32%), social media traffic (19%), and brand mentions (11%). (Source

However, in 2023, the following metrics have the highest level of importance: views, reach, and impressions (49.6%), engagement (25.5%), and conversions/sales (24.9%). (Source)

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8. 61% of brands prefer to work with the same influencers, whereas the remaining 39% prefer working with new influencers. (Source)

9. An average majority (77%) of influencers are female, and 23% of them are male. (Source) You’ll find a breakdown of this statistic by each platform below. 

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10. In 2021 and 2022

  • Mega-influencers charged at least $1,200 (US dollars) per Instagram post, whereas macro-influencers charged anywhere between $185-$2500. (Source)
  • On TikTok, mega-influencers charged an average minimum of $1,034, and macro-influencers charged anywhere between $151-$793. (Source)
  • On YouTube, the former (mega-influencers) charged an average minimum of $2,500, and the latter (macro-influencers) charged between $1105-$16,234, thus making YouTube the platform that requires the highest amount of investment for influencer partnerships. (Source)

If your budget doesn’t allow you to partner with mega or macro influencers, you can try getting your foot in the door with organic posts instead of paid ones. 

For example, if you’re in the pet industry and want to work with a cat influencer, you can offer them free products, such as toys, food, accessories, furniture, and even cat insurance. That might get you noticed (and if your luck has it, you might get a free post out of it too). 

This barter strategy worked so well for Awful Cloth, it got them noticed by influencers Jason Derulo, Bryce Hall, and Charli D’Amelio. 

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If you get a free post or promotion, make sure to highlight it in you social media and website to use it as social proof. Create eye-catching captions to boost sales by leveraging AI writing tools, photo editors and upscale API to ensure high-quality.

11. A 2021 survey said that 53% of respondents believe influencers are the most skilled at promoting beauty products, and 45% of them said they are the most skilled at promoting clothing/accessories. (Source

12. More than 61% of the brands plan to use artificial intelligence or machine learning to identify which influencers to work with. (Source). 

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13. 39% of brands prefer to work with nano-influencers, whereas 30% of them prefer to work with micro-influencers. (Source

14. An influencer collaboration takes approximately 16 days to complete its full lifecycle. (Source)

15. Price per post for any influencer partnership is usually determined by the following formula, “Average engagement x Engagement Rate Price.” 

The average engagement rate cost on YouTube is $0.04, on TikTok is $0.21, on Instagram is $0.56, on Facebook is $2.63, on Pinterest is $5.51, and on Twitter is $37.82. (Source)

Side note: Prices are in US dollars. 

16. Lifestyle, fitness, entertainment, etc., are some of the most profitable niches for influencers. (Source

When you take an average of how much 500,000 influencers charge across various niches on a variety of platforms, these are the figures you’ll get:

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17. In 2022, these were the accounted engagement rates of influencers: Nano-influencers (2.53%), micro-influencers (1.06%), mid-tier influencers (0.91%), macro-influencers (0.86%), and mega-influencers (0.92%). (Source)

18. Between 2022 and 2023, 70% of influencers have increased their rates, 2% have decreased them, and around 28% are keeping them just the same. (Source

19. Men prefer to follow influencers who operate in the gaming, fitness, and food niches. While women prefer to follow influencers who operate in the skincare, fashion, and food niches. (Source)

20. A study that focused on Gen Z and millennials said that these audiences prefer to follow someone who’s authentic, funny, or knowledgeable, as opposed to someone with a large following. (Source)

Learn more about influencer marketing 

Since we’ve only seen the rise of influencer marketing in the past few years, there’s still a lot to learn about the industry’s future and how effective it could be in the long run. 

To keep up with all the trends in influencer marketing, you can regularly follow places like Influencer Marketing Hub, Adweek, and Noupe (as we regularly post advice on improving your brand presence and marketing strategies).

So are you ready to take the leap and invest in influencer marketing? Join the thousands of brands already tapping into this lucrative marketing strategy. You won’t regret it and neither will your bottom line. 

Happy influencing! 

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